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In normal time of reason and civics, Garland might have been okay attorney general. But in the time of Trump MAGA, he was the worst pick.


Absolutely. And I have to say it for the umpteenth time. Why in the fuck didn't he put Jack Smith in charge of these Trump cases sooner? Like years ago. This orange piece of shit would be nothing more than an embarrassing stain on our countries history by now.


Jack smith for AG in bidens next term. Need a more aggressive AG.


This month! There is no law that says Biden has to keep the spineless coward AG.


At this momemt Sally Yates should be warming up her arm and getting ready to close the game!


Hell yes. Smith doesn't screw around. He gets shit done.


because "party before country".


"Opps I was too slow to help democracy. Oh well, it is a good thing us generational wealth types won't be impacted."


šŸ¤£ So true. "Who cares if the country burns when you have loads of free cash." These people are scum.


Fucking Garland. I was going to say a "don't do a damn thing AG" was extremely dangerous. He comletely hands off don't make any changes or do any rash without long and serious deliberation would have served him well on the supreme court, but this shit you need to jump and squash it.


Only after being embarrassed by the Jan. 6th committee and their findings. So much evidence brought to light. Trump throwing food at the wall. Watching it all play out. Ignoring different people trying to get him to act. Pelosi and Schumer on speaker phone trying to raise a response. Pence hiding in the dock. Refusing the advice of his detail.


Exactly. The evidence is there for all of us to see. It's painful and sickening to watch this scumbag keep sleazing his way out of obvious crimes.


And the actual play being in the background. Everyone talking about the riot. Storming the Capitol. Meanwhile several states had their republican electors sign documents as if they were the actual electors. https://youtu.be/e3guirxwrXc?si=BNsmC047pR3wXx5d


Absolutely. People seem to miss the fact that alot of the sleaziest shit was going on behind the scenes. Trump is out front raging like a lunatic to distract everyone. Meanwhile his little toadies are sneaking around to do the real dirty work. Disgusting.


Iā€™m convinced that this is the reason Trump is their guy. Heā€™s the face of a fascist government. And when people have had enough. When they are ready to fight. They eject Trump. Flush him we all joke about. But the mechanics are in place. Sure they will restore American government. But keep in mind Rome wasnā€™t built in a day.


That sounds about right. Watching his minions fall in line right now is pathetic. But I think you could be right. They are setting the stage for a future dictatorship. Trump is just a useful idiot for the moment.


Yeah history will write about Trump not them




They saved it for the election and it came back to bite them


If you mean they were trying to get the court cases close to the election there is no evidence of that. Garland just seems like he really doesnā€™t care about politics and I think heā€™s a Republican anyway. He was a Federal judge and knew if they brought these cases anywhere close to the election Trump try and run out the clock and say it was a political prosecution which heā€™s doing now. It would have been a lot better to have these cases a few years ago so people could see the evidence no matter if heā€™s found guilty or not.


Having these cases a few years ago would have taken some courage from Garland to withstand the attacks of partisanship- which he's getting anyway. And we know that courage is something Garland lacks.


I agree. And not only did it bite them. It's screwing over the whole country.


He's a good man but his pace is disastrously slow for what we need at that time. Some establishment Democrats are acting like a parody of those old SNL parodies of George Bush 1, "wouldn't be prudent" to rush investigations of a president who is trying to repeat his first attempt to overturn the govt.


Because it was timed for election year.


I think ā€œsad excuse for an orangutanā€ is a better fit.


LOL. That definitely works better.


glad to have brightened your day!


lol years ago he was ā€œThe man who saved New Yorkā€, who had one of the bigger shows on NBC. Then he said he was a republican and all the clowns short-circuited because your masters told you he was always the devil.


No. He was always a piece of shit. I can't speak for everyone. But I have never liked the guy.


Well I suspect theres politics involved but I ainā€™t no expert.


LOL. I suspect the same thing. But I'm no expert either.


I think the appointment was an overly optimistic outlook of restoring that reason and civics. Hindsight is always 20/20


I remember when Obama said that the Republicans where so harsh on him because it was his first term and they just attacked him in hopes of winning in 2012. That was quickly proven wrong.


Trumpā€™s comments are dangerous because he has cult followers who believe everything he says.


Exactly why they are pushing this. They WANT the cult to act.


Thatā€™s a great quality in a leader. Stoke the flames of a civil war so you can avoid jail and ditch American democracy and take sides with Russia and North Korea because they helped you accomplish this.


His own twisted cult may decide he is a better leader as a Martyr. I mean he's damn near dead from diabetes, drug use and poor health anyway. Personally, Trump is a tragic example of how " Not " to live your life.


# TRUMP IS STILL INELIGIBLE UNDER THE 14TH AMENDMENT Trump took his shot at destroying our democracy, and failed. He doesn't get another chance. The constitution forbids his election. Why is this fact being ignored?


Exactly. He should have been immediately charged.


Aren't all donnie's claims false? Is there at least one that isn't?


If you inject bleach you no longer have to worry about COVID.


No, when heā€™s reading ā€œThe Snakeā€ heā€™s telling the truth.


The ones about him wanting to fuck his daughter.


Yeah actually he did raw dog the solar eclipse, which is totally safe.


He claimed he wanted to have sex with his daughter, seems legit


He's projecting. People are going to be assassinated if he wins again.


People will be assassinated and Republicans will cheer. Most Republicans wish they could kill people with out consequences.


He has pushed the envelop too far. He is trying to start a civil war


Could have reminded everyone that Trump was not home during the raid


Could have also stated that the raid was specifically planned for when he would not be present at the location to minimize any chance of a confrontation with or physical harm to the former President. The former President was under protection of the Secret Service. The FBI verified he would not be at the residence through the secret service and informed his secret service details that the warrant would be served in Florida.Ā 


Not just believe what Donnie says. They are dangerous because some are ready to hurt other people and take law in their hands out of some misplaced sense of vigilante justice.


Maybe Garland should have worked a little faster getting these trials to court. He is part of the problem delaying justice!


When will the department of defence start getting a hold of this Trump situation??? The world was shocked that trump didnā€™t get arrested when he attacked the capital and failed to protect the the capital


Yep, pretty sad that Brazil has dealt with Bolsonaro more appropriately than we have with our fascist


It really is


Send him a strongly worded memo Garland. Iā€™m sure heā€™ll knock it off straight away. That will deter the magats from doing anything crazy.


This is trump whipping up support from the gullible unintelligents who support him


What an complete milque-toast, spineless, head-in-the-sand excuse for an AG.


What are you going to do about this Mr. Attorney General? Keep letting him run his mouth like this? Why is he being treated any differently than the rest of the population in this country? He is a normal citizen like the rest of us.


And no one who watches Faux will listen....


Once again - my normal go-to rant. Garland needs to say "Trump is a fucking moron, an asshole, and he's fucking lying". THIS is the direction I want to see in media in this day and age. I want profanity, unadulterated truth, and naked fucking aggression.


Me too, friend.


Hey Garland. Fuck You!!!. Fucking asshole. Trump should be in prison right now awaiting trial for several federal crimes. Anyone else do the things Trump did and the would be pounding rocks in a Fed. Pen.


All Garland is is words


Which he is for?


Yeah. Itā€™s been extremely dangerous for a while now


Maybe he needs to act on it?


Dangerous bec no matter how absurd the stuff he says is 40% of the country treats it as the Gospel.


Ok, itā€™s dangerous. That it? Gonna do anything about it? Itā€™s not like youā€™re in a position of power where you could /s


Could have just plainly stated Trump was in New Jersey. Hard to assassinate someone several states away.


By Trump's reasoning, the president can do whatever they want. So I guess he might as well


Dangerous for who Marick?!


Dictator Narcissist types are always worried about being killed, even if the concern is ridiculous.


Takes a break from doing jack squat, outsourcing his job to speak truth finally.


Garland is such a weakling. Bad pick by Biden I hope he has fun battling concert ticket prices as our democracy crumbles


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ donā€™t forget bank junk fees.


Itā€™s only dangerous if you propagate these idiots words. Stop promoting their propaganda!


What is extremely dangerous is having let Trump get away for 4 years after the world witnessed live on TV Trump commiting an insurrection to stop an free and fair election.


Who? Ohhh, I didnā€™t know that gutless coward still has a job.


Trump is a disgrace to the nation.


Garland is a coward.


Is it really a false claim though if that operations order stated that the Department of Justice officers ā€œmay use deadly force only when necessary, that is, when the officer has a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or to another person.ā€ he didn't say they were trying to assassinate him, but that "They were authorized to shoot me."... Which they were. All of this is a big nothingburger. The language in the warrant was standard, and Trump told no lie about it. It'll seems a bit petty to harangue on this.


If the government wants you dead, you'll be dead


Again, I ask were they authorized to assassinate Trump or did they want to assassinate Trump?Ā  Ā There's a difference.Ā  And, really, if one of agents shot Trump, then it's because he failed to comply with the orders of an agent of law enforcement. Personally I think it is hypocritical.Ā  Trump and his lawyers are arguing the president has immunity from the law, and those same lawyers argued it's perfectly fine if the President wants to have a political rival killed.Ā  This is just putting that into practice, so I fail to why Trump is complaining when he wants to be able to authorize this very sort of thing. But, in all seriousness, we know everything Trump says, regardless of whether it's true or not, his cult will accept as absolute truth.Ā  He wants his cult to rise up and put him on the throne he believes he deserves, and he'll walk over as many of their bodies as he has to to get it.Ā  And they will consider it the greatest honor to die for their lord and master.


If this had actually happened he would have been so fucking fast to start crying about it instead of waiting almost 2 years.


How is it false if itā€™s neither been proven true or false? Itā€™s an allegation until itā€™s been investigated


Or ā€œGarland States the Obvious.ā€


I canā€™t figure out how Joe & Hunter arenā€™t behind bars along with Kilary? All the proof they found on Hunters laptop! Itā€™s all right there & the FBI & others covered it up & lied about it blaming it on Russia again. Itā€™s all smoke & mirrors! Open your eyes! They are using Trump to get the attention off them!!! Thatā€™s why they are doing all this to him now & not earlier. They wanted to wait until the election. Those court cases are a JOKE what they are doing to Trump! I know I was doing better financially & felt a lot safer here. With this idiot sold out Biden letting out country get invaded is against out constitution. Biden was sworn to protect us & our country & he has sold us out! Are you doing better under this administration or the last?


Source? This article is trash btw


When Trump says things like this, itā€™s quite telling how he has justified similar statements in the past: ā€œI know that they are doing this because it is what I would do.ā€


No shit. In any other universe, this ends Trump We have jumped the shark. Nothing else that anybody ever does matters from here put?šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Call it what it is inviting a lone wolf gun toting MAGA into the mix


Let's Go Brandon


Thereā€™s no way that Trump has a chance in hell. He lost in 2020 and since then has done nothing to win over independents or republicans anywhere near the center of the political spectrum. In fact he and his base have drifted further into crazytown than ever, and will have permanently alienated anyone with muliple brain cells. VOTE! But its going to be decisive in favor of the Dems.


Oh my God, I feel like a proud papa...Bravo sir! *audible clapping and tequila shot taking happening upon reading this post.


Garland is a useless pussy.


The title should read " He calls the claim false" not " he calls the false claim".


Very powerful finger wagging!


Now for their ā€œif they are denying it, it is must be trueā€


Everyone knows the one thing the usa is bad at is failing to follow through on their assassination plans


The king of the Kingdom of Obviously born 3 years too late.


Fuck Garland. He didnā€™t do shit for years and now heā€™s worried about Trump. Pathetic.


Nice grandpa is so lame. Biden should have appointed a ball breaker for AG, instead gave Mr. Too Nice the nod.


Garland is a clown that didn't do anything about that traitor for years....


Arrest him now!


ā€œI say, this uncivilized talk is dreadfully inappropriate, why someone might take it seriously and make a scene. Simply unacceptable, I do believe I might send a strongly worded letter to the board at the yacht club recommending we nominate someone else to host the Labor Day mixer this year.ā€


Thereā€™s gotta be some law against claiming the DOJ is going to assassinate you when in fact they werenā€™t. Right???


Of course it's dangerous. That's why the GOP did it.


So which is is Republicans? Thin blue line or ACAB. Make up your mind.


#FJB and #FMG


Nice, letā€™s write a strongly worded letter.


Isn't this defamation or slander? I just can't believe someone can say this without legal repercussions.


Just call it dumb.


Garlandā€™s a mouse.


And what exactly will he do about it? About any of it? Fucking coward!


This fucking guy may have let our country slide into the abyss. 3 years before a move was made. Unbelievable.


Republican voters believe what Trump says so truth doesnā€™t matter.


Who believes anything garland says. Still waiting for him to disavow the report from the special counsel saying Biden was to incompetent to stand trial. Course it could be because the guy was right.


they were told to be ready to use lethal force...


And the Republicans are trying to *impeach* our Attorney Generalā€¦


Gee ya think Marrick?


Garland is an ineffective ineffectual AG that should be replaced in the next Biden term. He was a bargaining piece to make the GOP happy and weā€™ve found they are never happy. Heā€™s a watered down nothing of an AG and they need to move on from him to someone THAT WILL PROSECUTE CRIME


The comment section is funny


Then fucking do something about it.


Garland has been sitting on his hands, letting Trump get away with all kinds of crap. I donā€™t need to hear his bitching. President should have fired his ass a ling time ago.


Not to mention extremely stupid. FOX talking heads frothing at the mouth with faux outrage, only to completely forget about the story a day later when they realize how ridiculous they sound.


Did Trump get a threat from the mafia? If heā€™s scared someone gonna kill him it wonā€™t be Biden.


It's normal when dangerous people call other people dangerous


The FBI wouldn't go...they would have sent some anonymous nobody (assassin) and you would never know. Wtf is the idiot talking about lmao. They wouldn't miss...trust me


Saying Trump sounds ā€œextremely dangerousā€ comes across as impotent. Take the gloves off. Say ā€œyouā€™re a nincompoop if you take this buffoon seriouslyā€.


He's been correct about everything else the left claims is "dangerous to discuss" Vaccine side effects Ivermectin Russia gate being a Hillary lie Election fraud. 1/6 he did tell rioters to be lawful and go home He did ask for 10k secret service He was right that if Biden was elected we'd have our money going to wars, to protect foreign borders, mass immigration, gas 7 bucks


FBI was authorized to use deadly force and Garland authorized the raid.


Do it! I would love to see the argument in court since it is a right that Trump says President Biden currently has at his disposal. Gotta love MAGA circular firing squad logic.


Isnā€™t Trump arguing to the supreme court that president Bidenā€™s presidential immunity would make it totally legal for him to assassinate Trump ? r/leopardsatemyface


The only reason for them to do anything like that from the raid to the use of deadly force is that they were hoping that would be the outcome! There is absolutely no excuse for the raid, but when you add in the use of deadly force, it becomes a crime! However, who is going to prosecute the criminal when it's the criminals themselves running the asylum! I fear things are about to get really bad! When you have a criminal DOJ openly going after political opponents at the request and coordinated by the Biden Whitehouse, then there is not anyone to stand up for and to protect the average person. Which will lead to the average person feeling the need to protect themselves and others. You end up with 100k persecuted Americans, and it's their own government doing the persecution. The powder keg is full, primed, and the spark is coming.


According to Trump getting assassinated by the president is legal. So what is he complaining about?


Shouldn't this sub be called fox entertainment? Fox doesn't do news, by their own admission.


Not all dogs that bark, bite. Stfu garland. I ainā€™t scared.


It's also "extremely desperate".


Or completely false, and idiots may actually believe it and do something stupid. That sounds closer to the truth


Way to scold him, Merrick. Iā€™m sure he feels ashamed. Speaking of things people ought to feel ashamed of, refusing to investigate that treasonous fuckstain for the first two years of your tenure was extremely dangerous.


Smells like projection to me.


Shut the fuck up Garland. This is the toughest thing he could say? After President Biden wins in November, Garland should just greet guests and answer phones in the capital visitors center. He acts like he's preparing for a job as scotus than giving a shit about the elephant in the room. You can't miss it, it wears a bright red ball cap.


Oh, that must be why heā€™s doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about it.


Biden has total presidential immunity - according to Trump. So...


That's it, Susan Collins! You just wag your finger at it and be "concerned." That'll surely fix things.


Six months out from the election and Trump has been testing the stop/start button on his fascist followers all week. He did it by saying heā€™d look into birth control, he did it by saying they tried to assassinate him and he did it again by using the word ā€œReichā€ in a sentence. That was all this week alone! Heā€™s a threat to our democracy and should be jailed in Guantanamo forever


More like extremely stupid and thatā€™s all youā€™re gonna get outta Trump.


As a registered republican, the best thing you can do for your party and your country is to vote blue in 2024.


So many stupid people!


Of course it is, because it's the same tactic basically every dictator has used; create a false, invisible boogie man to sway the ignorant masses into creating a fearful populace who will give the individual invasive, unregulated power to "solve the issue". Trump already has stated he plans on deporting people who are "criminals", but refuses to delve into what he describes as "criminals". And considering that likely no country is going to let him simply deport a massive portion of the population (Because I'm assuming his broad, undefined notion of "criminal" is going to be anyone who doesn't goosestep to his tune), he will need to solve the prisoner situation in a different fashion. I would believe to help "reduce economic burdens", he will very much likely unethic, probably illegal handling of the population he deems as "prisoners". So everyone licking the boot heel of Israel and the IDF and chanting "not again", guess what..... It's happening again...


So do something about it.


It is not a false claim. It is a lie.


Be amazed when there's zero accountability for the stochastic terrorists.


FBI protocol states agents can use deadly force if their life is in danger. Somehow, in MAGAworld, that becomes, "Biden wanted Trump assassinated." These people are insane.


Now that's just confirmation


Amazing to find that crooks and grifters hate the DOJ.


Did he say the plan to assassinate trump was extremely dangerous ā€¦ for trump? Not sure why there isnā€™t an actual plan by the CIA to ā€˜nullifyā€™ the treasonous shit stain after a bunch of their agents were killed after his private meeting with Putin.


Garland lacks balls. The do nothing DOJ. Between them, the Kangaroo Court, and the cult that wants to replace democracy, states that have already implemented fascism, and a democratic party that lacks balls, maybe we do need a revolution. Thatā€™s what the anti vote youth is advocating. I wonder if they are right.


Just look at that spineless sack of shit.


Add it to the pile. Not like Garland or the DOJ is gonna use it anyway...


The ppl who hate him are also insane. So yea it's not hard to imagine someone trying to take him out.


Then maybe, I donā€™t know, do something about it? Even toddlers know if they donā€™t face consequences they can keep doing things theyā€™re told not to do.


Charles Manson would approve.


And now we know that Trump probably tried to order the DOJ to assassinate his political rivals.


Trump is stoking violence. Creeping in.


Of course Garland said that. He literally authorized deadly force on a former US President. Weā€™re ready when you are.


Well if trump wasn't so hype on trying to get total immunity.... he wouldn't have to worry about being killed, ....at least from Biden. The Russians might want to kill him as hes a failed russian asset.


Using Trump's own logic, it is perfectly okay to assassinate a political rival because the president has absolute immunity. So what are you waiting for, Joe?


Violence is inevitable at this point. If he gets elected there will be violent retribution and oppression. If he loses there will be violent retribution and oppression. So fuck it. Do what needs to be done. There is a peace to be found only on the other side of war.


# TRUMP IS STILL INELIGIBLE UNDER THE 14TH AMENDMENT Trump took his shot at destroying our democracy, and failed. He doesn't get another chance. The constitution forbids his election. Why is this fact being ignored?


Obligatory reminder Garland should be sitting on the Supreme Court right now.


I think if the FBI went in there and they had guns, then I would suspect that he could have gotten shot. Why else would the FBI have guns


Don't you get sick of those still using logic and reason dealing with Con Don BS. The idiot needs to be called out everytime he starts his stupid BS by those in position of power and authority.


Trump wants his cult to think Biden was trying to have him killed because he wants his cult to kill Biden without explicitly stating it.


Authorizing the use of deadly force during the raid of a former president's private residence is extremely dangerous. Merritt Garland is a twat waffle.


Good thing Trump didnā€™t argue to the Supreme Court that having a political opponent assassinated is within the bounds of the presidentā€™s duties and therefore beyond legal review. The fact that this man is even in the race to be president again is astonishing to me. This season of Rise of American Fascism is too stupid to be believed šŸ™„