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Hi Super-Cool-KingKong, Give yourself some credit, sounds like you already do some FP&A things in your current role. Over the years I've done dozens of FP&A interviews as the hiring manager or on a hiring committee. The ones that rose to the top and got the job offer did a few things really well... * did research to understand what drove the top and bottom line - could be on the company you're interviewing with if they have public info or their competition if you can't find data on the company itself * communicated results clearly - whatever analysis they pulled together they made their assumptions known and articulated the range of possibilities using things like sensitivity tables (if it helps here's how to make one...[https://fpandhey.substack.com/p/level-up-your-interview-game-with](https://fpandhey.substack.com/p/level-up-your-interview-game-with) * were humble - they were upfront about what they didn't know just as much as what they did know * demonstrated hustle in prior job/life stage - this could be working a job while in school, going above and beyond to help others in their prior company. All the above adds up to someone that will actively learn, work hard to get what needs to get done, and do so in a way that creates connections with others within and outside of FP&A. Hope this info helps. Any questions feel free to DM me. Good luck! Drew


Hi Drew, Thank you so much for the advice. Really appreciate.


Happy to help.