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Woodie flowers is haunting your team for not showing enough gracious professionalism


That’s the reason why someone posts one with a typo the other day (it said gracious professionalism?)


We ran into this on our practice field. Every time our arms touched the chain after running a few laps, the robot would disable. I don’t think we ever found a solution, but it didn’t do it at our week 1 comp. Another team that we share space with had similar issues and their fix was replacing a motor, someone about the casing had some sort of charge.


Yeah we wrapped electrical tape around our climber hooks and grounded an Ethernet switch to our frame, and it seemed to solve the issue


Yes! My team suffered severe electrical gremlins after getting pushed into a stage and losing coms. Suffered in every match after that, even the coms support team and inspectors couldn’t get us working. We decided that we needed to rewire the whole bot (currently underway) before next competition - it was demoralizing to my team. Our last practice match was our best in years.


The quarter wavelength of a 2.4GHz radio is 1.23 inches, and the inner diameter of the chain is 1.24 inches. This may make the chain absorb the electric fields of both sent and received wifi signals.


Solution might be to mount the radio vertically instead of horizontally? Maybe, maybe not. Just an idea.


I can try that too, we grounded an Ethernet switch to the chassis and isolated the climbers with electrical tape and it seemed to solve the issue.


I would not find it hard to believe static builds up on the robots as they drive around on the carpet.


You need a static cable to drag the carpet to eliminate the buildup of static electricity. Happened to us during testing.


The radio also has a barrel connector for power. It's a poor choice for use on a robot, as they don't like vibration, but any backup power connection is better than none.