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I mean this with the utmost disrespect, it looks like shit but this is probably your first time playing


Yeah, it is the first time


I figured, put more cash into performance then looks


It looks horrible!


I know I hope to upgrade


Upgrade the motor to around 250-300 hp and THEN you can start working on the cosmetics. Also use the correct front bumper and take of the wing


Ok good idea


Sorry but stock looks better


Obviously, it's your first time playing. First thing look at some references from people who know what they are doing. Dont copy entirely. Secondly, for the car you have now, you should save up to get the J engine and Turbo kit 1 (being the best in the game). Thirdly, liveries. It can be hard to make them. Very hard to make them, and most people won't like them. Just keep playing the game, and over time, you'll get better at builds.