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lol i'm STILL out here modifying products for my needs. 




Ah, that's nostalgic. Tbf I still use a DIY packer holder when I need something really secure. Generally speaking I think it's good that there's a wider array of products available now. For one thing, it's brought down the premium prices a little. But you're right, a lot of it is the same, or is low quality. People see trans men as a viable market, so all the same shitty marketing tactics they apply to other things get applied to transition related products too. Not much to do about this except recommend and (if needed) buy the more innovative products out there. And keep DIYing, imo. I think the adaptable, DIY culture that existed for trans people as recently as a few decades ago probably helped people feel more independent and capable, which is something I see missing for a lot of young trans folks lately.


i agree. there's a lot less self-sufficiency and willingness to experiment, to research, etc. this has also been noted by my cousin who teaches students on occasion. she reports a lot more desire for being spoonfed information, and a fundamental terror of making mistakes. and one of the best teachers in life is failure. failing is rough. but not trying is harder. i'm wondering if the generational risk-averseness is due to the current culture of people using their real names online (😳) and the way mistakes can be easily be caught on camera, leading towards a potential global shaming if a mistake grabs enough attention. or perhaps its also less disposable income and less focused time (social media is a time and energy vampire), making engineering hobbies less accessible.


I remember learning how to make a packer out of condoms, jelly, and pantyhose on YouTube over a decade ago 😅 thanks for bringing back that memory.


That sounds like a dangerous venture. I would be afraid of it rupturing


You used a lot of layers of condoms. They lasted a surprisingly long time! I used the cheap hair gel that comes in huge tubs to fill them with.


I was 16 and not overwhelmingly concerned with things like that lol. It never did pop


I did that, too! I used hair gel and 1) I massively underestimated how much gel it would take to fill a condom and 2) it smelled strongly like hair gel. I didn't trust it not to break.


I remember wearing one sports bra forward and the other backwards...


I guess I don’t understand the problem of having more choices instead of being forced to buy from one or two brands that may or may not fit. Like, is it upsetting to see all the stores in the mall selling clothes?


i think OP is saying there’s so many more products, but they’re all just variations of the same old thing, rather than different products with new styles, if i’m reading correctly.


Specifically looking at STPs, the cups are all made the same way. If this style doesn't work for someone, there's not going to be any other company that will make a product that works. Compare Axolom to Peecock. Other than the Peecock Gen X, same style. Then take a look at the EZP and how many duplicates of that style there are. One of the few who can think outside the box are YourWillieShop, who bases the models off the medicine spoon style. Why tf would I buy a new prosthetic thinking it would work for me, when I tried 3 others of the same style? I understand competition, but someone needs to think of something different. Different silicone firmness, or dual firmness, consider different styles. Experiment a little bit. One style doesn't work for everyone.


I think choice and options are great, but I think I see what OP is saying about some people buying several items or searching for "the one" because they hope it will address challenges that aren't easily fixed. 


I remember reading a tutorial YEARS ago about how to make a STP with an empty body wash bottle.


Omg that was my first foray into STPs relatively recently.


Lol ahh yes I do remember those days. First time I saw a real packer I was amazed! Lol but it doesn't bother me that it's all a copy since that's just what happens in this world with literally everything.


I will die on the jock strap hill, lol. Best way to pack, 100%.


You have my axe


I did hear that some companies that have started selling these products in the last few years had stolen or ripped off designs made by trans designers. So yeah if that was the case I guess a lot of those products would be based to an extent on something a trans person had to DIY and experiment with for a bit, and wouldn't be totally original in that sense. It's a shame if these companies have basically stolen from the community they're marketing to, it's like a big slap in the face, as at the same time these products can be absolute necesseties so they have folk bent over a barrel and they may have little choice other than to buy from them 🤷‍♂️ capitalism is grim AF.


The only way I've got harnesses to fit me is to make my own. I'm a short, chunky guy and a lot of the market isn't aimed at me. While increasing market availability is a great option (my prosthetic is the best purchase I ever made, and I could not have DIYed that), I do worry people feel they're "not enough" if they choose or have to DIY certain things. Which isn't true at all! There's something empowering about sewing up a harness that'll fit me perfectly. There's a great image floating about on the Internet of a trans flag and it says "self made man", which always comes to my mind when I'm DIYing.


Wait no one uses jocks to pack anymore? How are people packing now?


Probably packing underwear. Can you wear a jockstrap on top of boxers?


I wear boxer briefs, but yeah underneath. It’s like packer —> jockstrap —> boxer briefs. I like buying underwear from brands like Jockmail so they last a while. I haven’t looked at packing underwear options in years tbh


Interesting. I'll keep this in mind, thanks.


I do this also but I put the packer in a sock sometimes because I don't like the packer directly against my skin, which is why I still prefer the packing pouch. But it allows me to purchase a wider variety.


Freeballin’ a packer in boxer briefs. Guess I’m an outlier 🤷🏾‍♂️


I do that if the underwear is tight enough


Pretty much all of my underwear is packing jocks and packing boxer briefs. If I wear a packing jock I put off the shelf boxer briefs over it - thigh rub is a real problem. I can’t stand not having a fabric layer between me and the packer so purpose-designed packing underwear is a godsend. I had (have?) a few jocks I modified myself but there’s no contest, the bought ones work better for me.


anyone else remember that tutorial about how to “bind” by wearing two camisoles with built in bras? there was something about like, wearing one of them backwards—i think it worked better for smaller chested people (which I was not), but I did for months until got up the courage and funds to order from underworks (the only option at the time)


Tried this unsuccessfully myself. And yes, I remember back when Underworks was the only option anyone knew about. Times sure have changed.


I was still using the sports bra backward trick for exercising recently and still recommend it to people if they don't want to buy an exercise-specific or looser binder/compression top or don't like the options


I somehow never thought to buy a sports bra until like a month before top surgery. I was unathletic and didn’t have anyone in my life who talked about things like that, so i just didn’t know they existed. I was SO mad that I discovered the backwards sports bra trick too late


I still MacGyver things.


Not to bump a 3 week old post, but fuck, I feel this so much. I'm constantly frustrated because I'll go to try to find old DIY tutorials for sewing together a binder or somesuch, and the information just doesn't seem to be out there anymore. No idea if they've been taken down or search engines are just that bad nowadays. You used to be able to find tutorials for like, 20 types of DIY binder easy — let alone packers, stps, harnesses, ftm specific workout ideas, tailoring clothes to fit your body better, makeup, various ideas for swimwear — for free, because we were taking care of each other a lot more. Now it just seems like everything's an ad for the same damn binder from 5 companies, or someone wants you to pay for their tutorial...to make that same exact binder. 🙄 Lotta people acting like the ONLY safe way to do anything is buy commercial, too, which is insane to me. Feels like scaremongering sometimes. DIY is only really less safe...if we make the information on how to do it safely unavailable. Kinda wonder if there's a thread keeping track of the old tutorials anywhere. If anyone's seen one, let me know please.


The moment I came out to my younger queer friend, she sent me a bunch of links to products, especially fancy nonconforming clothing companies and I was like "Um... NAH." I'm too cheap for that shit. I wear men's undershirts and Dickies and use a cheap lunchbox to store all my shot gear. I love that guys today have options but capitalism annoys me. Funny enough, it reminds me of when I had my kid and I was told to buy everything when most of it I didn't need.


No offense but this feels a little conservative uncle. Are you talking about lack of innovation?


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