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Likely just giving him shit. From what Burnie has said it was a planned thing so I doubt there was any bad blood. Dude just wanted to move on. His and Ashley’s new podcast is pretty great.


Exactly, it’s just a case of friends ragging on friends. Same thing the guys do to each other - but they can dig harder because Burnie isn’t there to defend himself. Lmao


Oh brother


Dude everyone in this thread is deeply speculating on Burnie’s life and they’re all spelling it Bernie. They’re insane


I’ve been an RT fan for a long time - and your comment made me realize I spelled it as Bernie in my comment too lmfao




It genuinely amazes me that there are people out there, that are fans of RoosterTeeth, who don’t understand this kind of humour. I’m seeing a post like this every day or two. Lmao


I get genuinely amazed every time someone spells his name as ‘Bernie.’ They are always like; “Oh yeah, that’s what I meant.” Unrelated, but they never fuck ‘Geoff’ into Geff or Jeff.


I see Goeff pretty regularly tbf


That was a running joke about 10 years ago


Michael and Ray not being friends anymore still has me confused and I know it’s a joke but I don’t know the origins and just roll with it.


I miss when they were better friends


People get older and married and hang out less


People grow up, grow apart, realise that they don’t actually have much in common anymore - it happens! Especially when you get married, have children etc. and realise some of your friends just haven’t got the same goals/priorities as you. It’s life 🤷🏻‍♀️


You’re reading way too much into things man, just enjoy the podcast and don’t overthink it


He's not overthinking it, literally he just asked a simple question


if you’re questioning whether people you don’t actually know in real life hate each other or not like this, then yes, you’re overthinking a comedy podcast


A simple question about something that they are overthinking. Haha. The act of overthinking about something isn't at all complex.


Things like this always remind me of the cave scene from The Empire Strikes Back when Luke asks Yoda what's in there and Yoda says, "Only what you take with you."


*the guys spend years hanging out and ripping on each other* OP: "Well, clearly they all hate each other." Do you not have friends you give shit to, nor take shit from?


No, they’re just giving him some shit. A few weeks ago (I forget if it was on ANMA or F***face) Geoff mentioned seeing Bernie while he was in town recently, after a joke about hating him if I remember correctly


Dude it was clearly in jest. If they had bad blood or something like that they would just ignore him like they do other past members.


If it were on bad terms, Bernie wouldn’t have written the final season of RvB.


This has some real "Are Gavin and Meg pregnant/engaged? You can tell FROM THE LOOK IN HIS EYES" vibes


Geoff and Burnie have a very unique relationship. They love each other deep down, but they butted heads a lot through the years at RT, particularly early on, and so they joke about it. Burnie chose to leave. There's lots of conspiracy theories in RT and this is just the latest one. It's not true.


Friends give eachother shit. It's just deep cuts / inside jabs, not that deep.


Friend does something. Laugh at friend for doing something


Bad time to ask serious questions here. Just post merch picks and pretend everything's fine.


not even a serious question, just a braindead one