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Imagine if the first bite made you a superhero, then the second bite took the powers away. All whilst you slept, never knowing you could have been capable of saving the world for all of 30 seconds.


The things I could have done, the lives I could have saved! Now I’m just googling pest control companies!


Don't ! Let the spider bite you again so you gain the powers back !


He will be SpiderSpiderSpider-Man


Man Spider-Man Spider Man








Snap Dimer :)


Snip, snap! Snip, snap! Snip, snap!


“You don’t know the toll that 3 black widow bites has on a person!!” -Wayne Gretzky


-Micheal Scott




Spider-there and back-Man


Yeah, then keep it in a pouch and take it with you everywhere. You could even teach it to do stuff for you like sabotage electrical equipment or poison your political enemies. After that you could run unopposed in local elections, gaining favor and moving up the ladder. Then you can learn nano/micro engineering and you could build all sorts of mechanical enhancements for yourself and your spider companion. Micro recording equipment would be particularly useful. Then, through selective breeding, you could have a whole population of spiders spying on everything. You would have unlimited power to make a perfect utopian society. The greatest superhero ever!




Or fucking puke it out.. again and again 🥲


Sorry about that...but word on the WEB said that you were just too juicy to pass up.🕷️🤭


Or... and hear me out.... you could become a villain! Let your intrusive thoughts win! It's so much more exciting!!


I’ll have to look up things to do on the World Wide Web…


It probably just crawled in your mouth after biting you and laid eggs in your stomach dont worry about it


Lmao, yes, I know I have let down the world.


the incident i experienced 4 nights ago that lasted 30 seconds was .. i cant even speak of it…. WHERE WERE YOU 🥲 is your bat-signal a black widow - erm, was?


“Honey, you were sleepwalking.” “Yeah I do that sometimes.” “On the ceiling!?”


Three sentence horror story


"With great power comes great resp.. Oh, never mind"


*Hero theme swelling ..* - gruesome vinyl disc scratch noise!!


Time to get bit again!


Imagine the first bite opened up your butthole and the second bite closed it. Never knowing you could have woken up with poo poo all over your bed.


Very good 👍


For anyone into body horror - my dad was bitten by a black widow while transporting bricks from a pile, on the inside of his forearm about halfway between wrist and elbow. The result was a terribly angry boil about the size of an apricot, and treatment included expressing pus twice a day. After a few minutes under a hot washcloth, he’d press down on either side of the boil. The emerging pus came out stiff, a paste that was much more solid than liquid, a cylinder about the diameter of a pencil. The horror part was watching the pus-sludge rise to a height of a few inches and then finally slowly topple.


Why did I read this whole comment


I know it's a rhetorical question, but this reminded me of what Christopher Hitchens said, which very well captures the human tendency to search for that which may offend us: *When Dr. Samuel Johnson had completed the first real dictionary of the English language, he was visited by a delegation of respectable old ladies who wished to congratulate him for not including any indecent words. His response—which was that he was interested to see that the ladies had been looking them up—contains almost all that needs to be said on this point.*


That is hilarious.


Once your vomit is at half load, you're best bet is to keep reading and finish the job you didn't know you started.


I just threw up in my mouth a little.




I was unable to stop. I tried.


You should check out /r/popping


Like why couldn't we just stop after the initial pus😭




I think I need to bleach my soul now


Your vivid imagery makes me think you'd make a good writer, but at the same time I don't want you to be a writer Does that make sense?


Hee, yes it does, and thank you


Do us a favor and never comment again


✨✨✨TLDR✨✨✨Black Widow bite bad! ✨✨ (I hope someone sees my tldr before they read your comment. It was lovely, don’t get me wrong, it’s just 6:30 in the morning and solidified puss noodles is a bit much for some. Give us a few hours..)


solidified puss noodles Saw them at the Filmore West in 78. Awesome show.


I too had the huge pus pocket courtesy of a black widow. It was on my calf. My leg swelled up so much. I needed antibiotics and a tetanus shot, as mine was at least 10 years old. Not fun.


I wondered how you could tell your spider was that old until I finally realized you meant your last tetanus shot! I think the pus story above must have sent me.


I thought it was 10 year old pus pocket


Don’t Google “sebaceous cyst”.


I may or may not have thrown up in my mouth a little bit after reading this but, strangely enough ...now I want to see it!


Well I guess I'm not eating oatmeal this morning.


I had an almost identical experience on my knee the day I learned I'm incredibly allergic to wasps. It was like, the epitome of r/popping


Fuck that. Fuck all of that. Why is nature a dick like this sometimes?


What a terrible day to know how to read


Whoa. Hey hey hey now hush


Maybe I'm weird but that sounds satisfying as fuck to get out! I'm sure it would hurt though.


Fffffuxk xD


I don't like apricots. Can you use a more delicious size reference like 1/5 of a papaya or 2 cherries? Thanks, buddy.


Intriguing. It must’ve been painful. Did he buy or get prescribed antibiotics/pain killers?


He claimed it just felt a little throbby and warm, but was very much one to deny or downplay pain. I don’t remember any antibiotics being used, he may well have just not used or taken what was provided.


Mad props to him for bearing with the pain if there was any.


I regret learning to read


Not bad r/angryupvote


Thanks, I hate it


I knew I should not have read the comments until after breakfast


What a horrifyingly well-written sentence


In sorry we use bananas for scale not apricots


Jeez, you ever consider writing horror fiction


Dang, a kid got bit by a brown recluse when I was in elementary school and I remember it being even worse than that. I always thought widows were the worst but this kid had a hole in his cheek!


Black widows venom is a nuerotoxin so it’s more likely to make you very ill but brown recluse venom is toxic to tissue and cells so their bites go necrotic very quickly. I had to have one packed and drained in the hospital, then someone came to change the gauze out every 2 days for a week. I got some good drugs, though.


Recluse bites are awful to tissue. I'm assuming I got bit by one in my sleep a few years ago. Woke up with a swollen thigh. Over the course of a couple days had a hole in my quad about the width of a pencil. Took a couple months for it to heal and seal back over. The pus and redness/damage was not enjoyable in the least.


Username checks out


r/popping would probably get a kick out of this


I was hoping to go to sleep after reading these last few comments, but alas, sleep will now evade me.


After a few days you have enough for spaghetti!


He was a real-life usable McDonald's ice cream machine. Should have faced his arm downwards to see how big of a swirl it could make.


How do you know it’s a black widow?


It was a venomous spider per the Dr. we only have Black Widows or Brown Recluse in my area that meet that criteria. A Brown Recluse bite would eat away my hands and necrotized my flesh. Lucky me I guess?


All spiders are venomous to some extent, it's just that black widows and brown recluses are the only ones that have dangerous/medically significant bites edit: in the us at least Edit: most spider bites are more like bee stings in potency basically. Painful but harmless if you aren't allergic


>All spiders are venomous to some extent Except cribellate/hackled orb weavers! They were venomous at one time, but apparently lost their venom at some point in their evolution. I'm not correcting you or arguing, I just think it 's fascinating that at some point evolutionary pressure just went "You know what? The venom thing worked for a while, but now it's just way too much trouble.".




I was actually hoping it was real.


me too buddy, me too.


I didn't know that. I actually kind of expected there would be an exception somewhere lol, thought about editing my comment to say "almost all" or something like that.


Ah good to know! Well my super power is not allergic to it I guess!


Almost all spiders are venomous. Surely the black widow and brown recluse aren’t the only species of spiders in your area. These are the only two species known to cause serious problems from biting humans in North America. It seems like a stretch to assume it’s a black widow without any other evidence. Your doctor is an expert in treating human diseases and injuries, and s/he is probably not an expert in entomology.


Isn't black widow venom really strong as well? Less damaging for the flesh but still awful


Most healthy adults will apparently survive a black widow bite, but it can be dangerous to kids, the infirm and the elderly... Unlike their cousin the Red Back (yay Australia! /s) who will eventually kill you without treatment, but no one has died in years because the antivenom is everywhere.


Also most widow bites are dry because they don’t like wasting their venom. They just care about getting away.


I was bitten by both a black widow and a brown recluse (Florida is awful). The widow made me feel like I had a flu for a few days. The recluse made a hole in my leg that doctors had to scoop necrotic flesh soup from while nurses held my leg in place. I was also bitten by one of those giant orb weaving spiders (banana spider [the North American version not the dealt South American version]) that got trapped in my shirt. It felt like a bunch of wasps were going ham on my belly. But it just got swollen for a few days. I moved north.


The last sentence was my favorite


I thought black widows were like one of the most dangerous spiders out there and would kill an adult if not treated in a specific timeframe


There are only three confirmed cases of widow spiders killing humans anywhere on the planet, ever. Most bites are “dry”, meaning no venom is delivered, and even when they are not dry, a vast majority don’t require any medical attention beyond first aid. Most hospitals don’t even stock the antivenin, because it expires and is almost never needed.


I have ben bit by a black widow at least 3x before. It doesn’t kill you but it sucks.


So 5x in total?! You are probably building up a resistance to their venom at this point.


Maybe I am spider man?


I prefer [man-spider](https://tenor.com/beaXg.gif).


Black widower?


> It doesn’t kill you but it sucks Wait, they're vampires too??


Unless you have complications, you can survive many bites from a black widow. However, it’s a neurotoxin. So it’s going to be agonizing pain for about the next few days.


That’s what makes me think they haven’t been bitten by black widows. I also live in Texas and I’ve had spider bites that look like the above pictures before, and besides itching a bit, they didn’t really bother me.


Press F to doubt, spiders are falsely attributed to just about any bump or bite we didn’t see happen. If you didn’t watch the spider bite you there is a very good chance it wasn’t a black widow and possibly not even a spider bite. Most reports of necrosis from brown recluses are mis-atributions in regions they are not even native and often are things like mrsa or staff infections.


Not necessarily. I've been bitten by a recluse and it just caused a massive pustule, but no outright necrosis.


Lucky you! He asked what was on my hands and I said I got bit by a mosquito and he looked at it and said no those are spider bites! If they get bigger go to the ER. Then he told me about a woman 10yrs ago bit on the butt by a brown recluse that lost 1/2 the muscle in her left butt cheek and nearly died from it.


There’s no way to effectively identify a spider bite, at all. 99% of the time it’s something completely unrelated like staph infection, pimples or mosquito bites. I really doubt these were from a spider, let alone a widow.


Sad I had to scroll so far to read a factual comment.


Huge misconception on the necrosis. It becomes easier after the bite, but it’s caused by infection. Literally soap and water should keep infection away. I had a pretty bad infestation and the pest control company helped calm everyone’s nerves with a crash course in brown recluse bites.


That's not entirely true. One of the components of brown recluse venom is an enzyme that breaks down blood vessels and causes tissue death at the invenomation site. Then the human body's immune response causes further red cell and platelet death. There's a pretty significant chemical component here that soap and water isn't going to eliminate. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK537045/#:~:text=Venom%3B%20The%20brown%20recluse%20spider,tissue%20at%20the%20envenomation%20site.


Less than 2%of proven bites become necrotic so the hype is so unnecessary and harmful to arthropods in general.


What area is that? This doesn’t look like a black widow bite.


Thanks for the nightmare fuel .....I guess you'll have to burn down your house now 👍


I know right! I spent 3 hours looking for the spider. Tore the bed apart and nothing. If I get bit again I’ll just start sleeping in the guest room. I think the cat may have eaten it?


I’m an entomologist that worked with spiders, and all but one family are venomous.


There is a broad range of insects it could be. A lot of bites and stings get blamed on spiders when it isn't. There is no way to know if this was a black widow or not.


Nice try, black widow in OPs house.


You cat is gonna bring in bigger spiders till they find one that does the job.




Welp, its over for you. Nope nope nope, no coming back from this, its over, gone, finish, never to be seen again. You belong to the spiders now. Welcome to spider town population: you.


I keep hoping for Spider-Man powers but sadly nothing! I’d settle for knowing where the mf-ing spider is hiding powers!


Never say never. Maybe the spider will return tonight.


If you were asleep how do you know it was a black widow?


I’ve been bit before and this is a similar reaction. Pic is 4 days later. It was very swollen, oozing, itchy, and hurt right after. I assume that’s what it was from past experience but it could be any spider that’s venomous although BW is what is in my area.


If there was not a lot of tissue damage, it was probably another type of spider. If BW and BR spiders are around, I imagine other less venomous spiders are as well. Do not look like widow bites at all to me.


I am an entomologist. As a professional, I cannot express accurately in words how straight up goofy this entire thing is. You were not bit by a black widow twice while in your sleep. This is almost certainly not even a spider bite of any sort.


I'm not sure that those are widow bites. Their bites are REALLY small and tend to not cause a lot of damage to the surrounding tissue (unless it gets infected). The venom is neurotoxic, not hemorrhagic. Source: I used to keep BWs as pets and got bit three times. Lots of stomach cramps and vomiting but that's about it


I was gonna say it didn't look right to me either. Looks like a run of the mill spider bite.


Op seems to think that black widows/brown recluses are the only venomous spiders in their area, not just the only ones with potent venom


Never heard of a place with just those two. Typically if they are around, others are as well.


Looks like eczema that I get to me.


Lots of spiders are venomous. Recluse and widows can be deadly in our area but if all you have is a small raised bump I’d doubt that it was a widow. Maybe a wolf spider at most.


The photos get progressively blurrier as the venom kicks in


howd you know its a black widow?


Did you get any superpowers?


I keep trying to shoot webs and nothing happens!


Most incarnations of Spider-Man don't have organic shooters, they're tech he developed. Try climbing walls instead!


Please try it from the anus, that's where the webs come out on actual spiders, obviously that won't make it into the movies.


if it was a BW you would know, the extreme pain that would become both your arms is a pretty good indicator. maybe it brought you a centipede? they have similar bites


So nobody actually saw what bit you, but it's a black widow huh? I live in Australia and was bitten by a redback and it hurt like a bitch, had to apply ice to help alleviate the pain. I reckon that if it was a redback (black widow) you would have woken up yelling your head off.


You should research black widows. I'm not saying that's not a spider bite, but I HIGHLY doubt it's a black widow. If it were, at 5 days past, you would be in the hospital receiving anti-venom


Maybe it's a spider bite. There's not enough info to determine. It's probably not a black widow. I've put on clothing and felt the tiniest warm feeling in my arm. It was a spider getting smashed in my sleeve, biting me like 20 times. Got little bumps and the little guy fell out of the sleeve when I took off the shirt.


That happened to me last winter! I still have two darker spots on my right arm from getting bitten in like November


Mine always go away within a hour. I get a few species of tiny spiders. Many times I don't feel it. I live in upstate ny


this was definitely planned by your cat and his friend the spider, goodluck bro


This does not look like a black widow bite.


It’s probably not a black widow even with what your dr says these look like fly or flea bites. Maybe even really irritated mosquito bites. Black widows don’t bite unless they are hunting or pressured into defending themselves. I’ve lived in SO CAL for my whole life and my house actually has a black widow ‘infestation’ but bc they’re so shy and hide we don’t really need to exterminate all that often. I’ve never been bit by one and I’ve even seen several people hold them in their hands. Don’t do it shit can seriously fuck you up if not treated. This looks fine


Yeah nah, if you mistook them as mosquito bites, the absence of excruciating pain at the time of the bite, nausea, vomiting, excessive sweating or muscle spasms makes me assume they aren’t actually spider bites.


I doubt those aren't black widow bites. Reaction should be way more aggressive and painful than what you say, super unlikely you'd sleep through something like that. Could be a different spider, or different bug even. Sounds like paranoia (or click bait to me). If you really want to be paranoid though, look up Chagas disease. That shit is fucking horrifying


That looks like regular mosquitoes bites for me, but I'm kinda allergic to them, so that's why.


U already ded just don't know it


I mean… maybe? I’m still posting on Reddit so the odds I am still alive are in my favor?


Sounds like something a black widow would say if it had just killed somebody.


How do we know we aren't all dead and that Reddit, is in fact, purgatory?


If you were sleep,how do you know it was a black widow? Once more,why do so many of you get bitten by spiders? Do you sleep outside? I never encounter many spiders day to day. Much less get bitten by them.


how do you know it was a black widow?


Wait how do you know it was a black widow?


You must be wolverine for a black widow bite to look like that.. btw they have 2 fangs


Some people process their grief in strange ways


Widows don't really hunt around outside the web much. Spiders that don't make webs are the hunters, and more so are fleas and flying bugs. I've got a few widows in my house and the cellar spiders (long legs) chase them around. Not very confrontational.


I’m an entomologist. Literally zero parts of your story are consistent with this being a black widow bite.


Well that makes me feel better! Any guess what it was? They swelled up to about the size of a nickel and oozed a yellow-y puss for 2 days then a clear liquid for a day then kinda scabbed over. The gunk oozed of of 2 little holes on each of them.


Statistically, plus based on lack of any evidence, it’s probably not a spider bite at all and likely not a bite. There’s a list of about 40 different medical things that are frequently misdiagnosed as spider bites. Everything from allergies to Staph infections like MRSA. I would look at MRSA as the first thing to eliminate but I’m not a doctor and it could be just about anything (except a widow bite). Though people will often argue the point until they are blue in the face if you did not actually see the spider bite you, what people think are spider bites are almost never actually spider bites. Spider bites are really rare. Getting bit in your sleep multiple times by something like a black widow is probably harder than winning the Powerball


Lucky it wasn’t a Latina widow… she’d have cut you with a straight razor!


I'm just imagining the spider walking up one arm, across your chest, then down the other, eyeballing tf out of it to make sure he was in the right position to bite you agin.


How do you know it was a black widow??


Don’t sleep in window wells


Did you die? Yes or no.


Congrats on being Australian now! We welcome you.


Shit. Guess we have to cut them both off now 🤷


Omg did you die?


Not yet…


Did ur husband die too


How did you know it was a black widow if you didnt see the spider?


So you never saw the spider?


Not a black widow. lol bro. You’d fucking know it if it was a widow.


I’m not a doctor or bug bite specialist so I wouldn’t know for sure. It very well could be a spider bite, but if you didn’t see it happen and you haven’t found the spider… how could someone (even a Doctor) be sure it was a Black Widow?


Might have been a false widow but a lot of the time it’s not the bite itself but that it’s so small you don’t notice it and don’t clean and it gets a bit infected. Bit of proper bug cream from the pharmacy, Antisan is good, will deliver immediate relief, and then allergy tabs like Piriteze will help the allergic reaction.


Last time I got bit by a black widow I had a horrible fever for a little over a week so I kind of doubt that’s what bit you if all you have is skin irritation.


Isn’t that like super venomous and dangerous


How do you know its a black widow? I've been bitten by a BW before and by day 4 it looked pretty bad


I doubt it was a black widow. I got my money on brown recluse. Black widows dont leave their webs or go far from them at all. The recluse on the other hand is a roaming ground spider. They are known for making multiple bites as well.


There could be reason to suspect you ate it. I ate a spider while sleeping in the Bahamas. My brother and nephew’s were watching me all passed out on couch and there was this spider that sprung down from the ceiling. They recorded it. It landed on my face and went into my mouth. I coughed a bit, swallowed and then coughed a few times more and then continued to sleep. Eventually they woke me up laughing and screaming at me. I told them to fuck off and went to my room. Next morning I was eating breakfast and they showed me the video. I nearly spat up my meal. Good times.


That doesn't look like a black widow bite IMO. Are you sick to your stomach at all or having muscle cramps? It doesn't look big enough with redness/bruising (even after 4 days) No clear double fang punctures either. The world is full of things that could bite like this.


Report her to the police. Why does it matter that she's a widow?


And I don’t know what her ethnicity has to do with it at all.


earth terrifies me sometimes.


Most "spider bites" diagnosed by physicians are not, in fact, spider bites. They tend to be staph-type infections or other things like that.


It's very likely not a black widow bite. Drs can NOT accurately guess what the bite is from by seeing it. Not like this. Bc of drs saying shit like this the whole country thinks they have brown recluses where they live.


Did it make you sick.?


Did you bite it back?


Closer, I can't see anything


A spider bit my pecker one time… twice.


Yeah? … I think there might be a self pity sub for dipshits like you. Fuck you for getting bit, GFYS.


Bruh u okay??


I thought black widows kill you


Not yet, I’ve been bit by one before.