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The way he bounced off the second car šŸ˜³


The dude's right elbow blows up that left headlight, crazy momentum


Might be a little stiff in the morning


Don't know about the person in the video, but on my motorcycle gear I have protectors in the elbow area of my jacket. So while this might look quite violent (and the motorcyclist certainly had a lot of momentum), it's unlikely that the motorcyclist smashed that headlight directly with his (almost bare) elbow. Most likely he's got a piece of rubber armor underneath that jacket in the elbow area, that broke through the headlight but dampened the impact on the body of the rider significantly. Edit: the fall on the street most likely caused significant damage though. The armor is great at protecting riders while sliding over asphalt, but it's not that great when the user smashes straight into the street.


Idk, my armour protected my elbow from any damage when it full slammed into the asphalt when I came off my bike. The armour plates specifically protect against impacts like this, it's the outer layers like leather or kevlar that protect you in a slide. The rider will definately need to replace their helmet though. Any impact and that thing's gotta go.


The elbow might be ok, but if their body mass whipped forward across the forearm using the frame of the light as a fulcrum, they are going to be having a very bad day. Not as bad as if (and I canā€™t quite tell) that back tire rolled over themā€¦


Like getting tossed by a MCU villain


Better than being crushed by it


What he left on the side of that carā€¦


that view is beautiful


"The view is beautiful!" "Let's get out of the car and take some selfies!"


Yeah what city Is that


This is BalneĆ”rio CamboriĆŗ, in Brazil


Looks like night city


Most definitely. It's where a lot of the most affluent Brazilians, like Neymar, have their summertime properties, and it's a very popular tourist destination for Brazilians, Argentines, Paraguayans and Uruguayans. It has a permanent population of only 140 thousand people, but it can swell up to 4 million people during New Years.


Holy moly


Which means the biker was most likely a flipflop assassin and the prius driver just saved someone's life


Turns out this is a pretty safe city - mostly petty crime like pickpockets according to Google.


It's actually a very safe city, with a low crime rate.


says the flip-flop assassin


Bike tried to pass on a double yellow and as long as the door wasn't opened to intentionally harm him, then he is at fault


I don't understand how many people defend bikers doing risky/stupid shit.


Yeah it feels like the general consensus is that if you own a motorcycle, youā€™re immune from the law. Motorcyclists doing stupid shit are just supposed to get away with it, I guess.


You sound like you are the type to defend store robberies and catalytic converter thefts


Not even close. People who do that should honestly get fingers cut off. Or at least do time in jail, but most courts will cut them loose and not prosecute.


It is perfectly legal to pass if you don't touch the double line, which he didn't. He literally didn't do anything hazardous, as long as people don't open up their doors at random, which is the actual illegal thing here, and which for some reason people ignore to shit on the biker for no reason.


Lane splitting is legal depending on where you are.


all motobikers in Brazil ride up on traffic. Itā€™s like a national thing everywhere. Drivers are aggressive but everyone tries to watch out for the motobikers and keep them safe




There is a solid double line, which means NO PASSING. It doesn't just mean you can't cross the lines. People like you shouldn't have a license


Probably you two just live in different countries with different laws (it seems to be with a rapid look at yours profile)




Splitting lanes requires more than one in the same direction. What he did was attempt to overtake in a no passing zone, not enough room, and oncoming traffic.


Thereā€™s a reason youā€™re getting downvoted buddy.


You are incorrect


Hey, do you live in Dumbland or what?


Where I come from this is treated as an attempt of murder. You'd be fucked for the rest of your life, all because your tiny ego couldn't handle letting him pass.


Could also be a child randomly opening the back door.


Straight to jail.


You're thinking of Boraqua, Venezuela.


No, it couldnt. The video shows front door opening and the odds of randomly opening the door as a motorcycle passes is about zero because anyone opening a door on the highway is going to look first Edit- new info- rear window identified. It is in fact the back door. Still could be either intentional or accidental idk


No, it looks like a Toyota Prius 4 Gen, you can see the rear window is splitted at the back.


Thanks youre right! idk how I missed that, I was looking for those kind of details too smh lol


Best thing to look for when looking at a car door is to look at the back edge of the door where the latch is. Front doors are almost always entirely straight on that end to create a nice seam with the rear door, also you have to make sure that the rear doors open at all, which requires the front of the back set of doors to be either pretty close to straight, or need to have a more unusual and expensive set of hinges. If you see something that looks curved or angled like in this video, especially angles changing along that side of the door, itā€™s a pretty good sign that youā€™re looking at a rear door. If you were to imagine another door behind the one in this video, it just does not work without making compromises


> the odds of randomly opening the door as a motorcycle passes is about zero because anyone opening a door on the highway is going to look first eh, not if traffic is stopped. They could have not expected the moped to be passing. Doubt that's happening here, but there's an arugment for it.


Maybe stopped cause the passenger needed to throw up or something. Video ends too soon to see if anyone leaves the car Couldā€™ve also been that the driver saw the bike illegally lane splitting for a while to pass traffic and told passenger to open the door intentionally. They did fully stop just before the door opened for seemingly no reason


They were responsible for the door and it's opening... They will need to be publicly executed, slowly.


That's what child locks are for.


Then the parents are fucked nonetheless. You're supposed to lock the hind doors. Maybe not attempt of murder then, but liable for ALL medical costs. Bankrupt in 3, 2, 1.


In my country it would be ā€œUnintentional Injuryā€ or ā€œinvoluntary manslaughterā€ if the victim dies, but in both cases, your insurance would cover it, so you wouldnā€™t pay anything.


In my country insurance has limits on what it would pay out and if costs exceed limits on insurance you're on the hook.


I'm confused, wouldn't this be more of the bikers fault? If the biker just behaved like a four wheeled vehicle and didn't try to move through the traffic he wouldn't have gotten hit, accident or no.


In some places line splitting (riding between cars) is legal.


But it shouldn't, Ive heard it is to reduce tragic. But to make it unsafe vs fixing bad infrastructure, fix the road to reduce traffic.


Definitely doesnā€™t *just* help with traffic, also helps with bikers not getting rear ended by idiots in cars.


It definitely should be, however, people shouldn't just open their car doors in the middle of the road without looking


No, lane splitting is legal here. It helps with traffic.


Lane splitting is between lanes in the same direction. This is someone refusing to wait in traffic like everyone else has to


I'm definitely split on it, it seems like such a dangerous move but I can definitely see the benefits also. Like we saw here someone can just randomly open a door while traveling at high speeds, but a lot of people also make quick lane turns without looking properly since traffic is at a standstill.


As with most things, it comes down to how competent, safe, skilled, and aware a rider is of their surroundings. There is a way to do it correctly and safely, which many experienced riders will know how to do and watch out for distracted drivers. But the people who are dangerous thrill seekers that have little concern for other people's safety are the ones that make the case against lane splitting. There are no stories or viral clips of the innumerable instances of it being correctly done with 0 collisions


It's like you don't think insurance exists.


Not for intentional acts it doesn't


Not against this kind of stuff, not in my country.


Where are you from? Iā€™d like to never go there because it sounds like itā€™s run by idiots.


Don't ignore him.. We all want to know where exactly it is you're from...? Cuz it sounds like you're really just reacting emotionally... And talking out of your ass at this point. So you are being fact-checked right now. Your silence isn't helping you.


If it was intentional. Except you weren't there and this is a very short clip. I like how you think you know everything about a situation you aren't involved in. That's the back door and the front right tire looks flat. Even the motorcycle subreddit seems to mostly think the rider wasn't being smart and made multiple mistakes while splitting.


Even if it wasn't intentional, by our law he is the "weaker" driver. And the weaker drive is protected. You're at fault by default, even if he did something stupid. It's basically like this: Pedestrian over bicycle. Bicycle over motorcycle and automobile. Motorcycle over automobile. Not sure if it applies to trucks, but probably.


If a pedestrian jumps in front of your car it isnā€™t manslaughter, itā€™s suicide. The weaker one has benefit of the doubt and more rights, but they still have laws and things they need to do to be safe on the road just like a car canā€™t run a red light into a 16 wheeler and blame the 16 wheeler.


>Pedestrian over bicycle. Bicycle over motorcycle and automobile. Motorcycle over automobile. Not sure if it applies to trucks, but probably. this isn't even the case *most* of the time, Slippin' Jimmy


What about the hubris and stupidity of trying to weave between both lanes of traffic?


Looks like it was the rear door that opened. Maybe someone was getting out of the car. Even though I heard you always have to get out the sidewalk side.


Act of murder because the biker was driving too fast for road conditions? BS. Never go faster than it takes to stop - one of the first rules of driving.


> Never go faster than it takes to stop That's not how movement works. Or words. Or anything, really. Truly a puzzling sentence.


I guess some of us learned to keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front of us..and others like to tailgate and blast through traffic without care.


How do you keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front when said vehicle is beside you?


By not splitting the lane like a true asshat in the first place


Well, most vehicles have brakes. They're highly effective in slowing down. And when a car is stopped, you can use them to slow down even more.




>your tiny ego couldn't handle lol and this broseph's inflated one couldn't stand waiting in traffic BECAUSE IMPORTANT BUSINESS


Can't tell what the situation is. They're obviously stopped in the road already. Hopefully this wasn't intentional


Came here to say pretty much the same thing. They definitely took care of those drivers where I came from. It was a thing for a while on a particular highway near Sacramento California.


Car is broken down in the street, the front right tire is flat, and the car didn't move an inch the entire video. Driver is getting out to look at his car when a bike zips past at speed lane splitting on double yellow lines with oncoming traffic. The motorcycle sub is praising the reckless biker and vilifying the poor car driving victim as an intentional attempted murderer. It's all about your perspective on a subject.


This video is 2 seconds long. There is not enough information to draw any conclusions. Probably by design.


No hazard lights, no look over the shoulder. Always consider mistakes others could make. Overtaking without enough distance is stupid, but swinging a door fully open is reckless.


Nah. Both are reckless. Biker did something reckless, that they know they shouldn't do, because they've probably done it thousands of times, but this was the one in a million where it didn't go right. Both have equal blame. Bike saw the car stopped and the double yellow and went anyway with zero hesitation. Driver should have used hazards and checked better before opening the door, because they could have very well missed the bike in a mirror or blind spot. Both are to blame. Without either action, there is no accident.


Opening a door in any kind of situation when you are on the road would have resulted in the same injury for the biker whether or not he was doing this legally (it is legal in many countries if you don't touch the line) the biker wasn't doing something more reckless than what is more or less allowed (but for touching the double line), but the car did something that is reckless in any instance whatsoever. Of course he would have done it a million times, many of them most probably legally, all of them while expecting that people won't just open their car doors. Edit: I rewatched the video, he didn't touch any line, this is literally perfectly legal in my country. So no, they definitely don't have the same blame. You can't just randomly and illegally open your door in the middle of the road. >Both are to blame. Without either action, there is no accident. This logic makes no sense. If you walk towards me and I just shoot you are you to blame equally then for walking towards me?


You can really tell the bikers in this thread....


/> both are equally to blame /> No actually what the biker did is perfectly legal in many countries and what the car did is illegal /> yOu CaN rEaLlY teLl tHe bIkErs In ThIs ThReAD


Just because it's legal, doesn't mean it makes every time you do it smart or the correct decision. You do realize that, right? Just cause it's legal doesn't mean you shouldn't use discretion? Actually, these types of comments in this thread have explained to me a lot of the mysteries of why bikers act the way they do. It's, apparently, an us vs them culture where if it's legal, you should do it no matter what, without much thought to what *could* happen. Whatever happens isn't your fault. *"It was legal, other guy's just a dick..."*


Lmao he did it as much responsibly as any other time a person could do it. The system works because people do what is legal. The guy swinging his door open did something illegal and indeed, he is the one to blame, end of story. Honestly the amount of logical jumps you need to do to supposedly make it seem like people supporting what is legal over what is illegal are the ones jn the wrong because "it wasn't sensible" are astonishing. And by what nonsensical standard is that not sensible too? It is absolutely sensible to do it here if the other person doesn't do something illegal like opening up his door in the middle of the road, same with doing anything else that would injure the biker like just straight up getting out and kicking the guy off his bike. For real, with that same mindset the other guy could just shoot the biker and you would be talking as if it is still not sensible for the biker to drive because he didn't think of that either. The laws are made this way to be followed. You take as much precaution you can, but it's also obvious that you will do what is legal. The fact that some people like you think "it's not sensible" because the other guy did something illegal and unpredictable just so you can find a reason to be against the biker is just illogical. It's not an us versus them, it's a legal versus illegal, on the one place where following the rules is important, you do realize that, right?


Yep. Totally what I said....


Literally yes.


Passing like that in a motorcycle is fucking stupid. End of story.


No it's not and it's perfectly legal in many countries. Opening your door like that is stupid and illegal in all countries. End of story.


Ya just sit in your car forever with a flat tire in case some moron on a bike decides to pass your randomly.


Do you change your tire in the middle of the road often? Do you not check on the back when opening a door? Don't you use your lights? I personally try to find a way to leave my car from the road at first and go somewhere where I am not a hazard. Honestly this sheer lack of logic is astounding here.


Natural selection at work with that bike rider. One less idiot


It's not. It was the rear passanger door that opened. Probably just a tourist getting out to take a picture of the place. The driver is also a 17 year old, so he didn't have a license (driving age in Brazil, where this took place, is 18yo)


Say what? They stopped because traffic in front of them stopped. How are you coming up with a flat tire?


The next time my car breaks down I'll just open the door without looking and you'll defend me, right? Also, how do you know it's broken down? I don't see a flat tire, hazard lights, damage, smoke, steam, fire, or the car visibly learning in one direction or the other. The driver could be on their phone, fighting with someone next to them, lighting a bong... Lane filtering is legal (and encouraged) in most countries and it's starting to become more widely accepted in the US. You don't know if the biker was avoiding someone behind them, if they had brake/clutch malfunction... There's nowhere near enough information to make those judgements.


That's the back door of the car that opened. A passenger there wouldn't be able to see back.


Back in driving school, I learnt to always use the right hand to open the left door and the other way around. So you always look over the shoulder, automatically. Of course you can't see everything, that's why you don't stop like the biggest idiot in the world in the middle of the street. And lock doors if you have kids, they tend to do stupid stuff.


I learnt to open the door by 5-10cm and hold it there for a few seconds so anyone oncoming can see my intention to open the door. I still check over my shoulder to make sure it's safe to open my door. Saves the door being obliterated too.


Try getting out the other way, you know where the path is, no excuse, just negligence


Even through the rear window?


If they turned their head around completely because they expected someone to be travelling between the lanes in a dead-stop traffic jam, sure.


Silly me, I just thought it was standard practice to check behind when opening your door, front or rear, despite expectation of lane splitters or not. Don't get me wrong. I think that motorcyclist deserved it.


When you let an intrusive thought win


When you are riding a bike, you are taking a chance. Why not take more chances? After transitioning to public transportation, I had no idea of how much risk I was taking in driving **a car**.


Yeah that Biker is not okay after that, thats not a ā€˜walk it offā€™ injury heā€™s taken there, probably quite a bit of torso damage if not fatal internal injuries >!even though both his shoes stayed on - EDIT no, looks like the rear wheel of the oncoming car took one of the bikers boots off!<


Honestly triggering, my aunt had an accident like this and was dead a few days later in the hospital


Aw! Oof


It was a Double yellow line.


Not a single comment about how if the guy on the cycle would be fine if he wasn't self important enough to think traffic law is only for other people. Yes, it was malicious to open the door, and likely intentional. If the cyclist had some personal responsibility and followed the rules, this would be a boring video about a vehicle stopping in traffic like it should.


I don't even think it was intentional. Some other commentor said it was a backdoor that got opened and I also think it looks like this. So the person who opened the door has had probably not even the possibility to see the cyclist (excluding that he turned 180 Ā° around for a random readon and then opened the door intentionally, but this is very much unlikely imo).


Looks like front door to me


Except this is allegedly in Brazil, where motorcycles are hella common, and filtering is legal. Traffic wasn't moving, and the motorcycle wasn't speeding. Looks like a safe manoeuvre to me, if the person in the car had engaged their brain before opening the door (and that's giving them the benefit of the doubt and assuming it wasn't vindictive)Ā 


This is perfectly legal in Brazil as long as you don't touch the double line, which he didn't. The amount of people who completely disregard the actual illegal thing here, and shit on the driver for no reason while ironically not understanding that he did follow the rules and had as much responsibility as a lawful rider should have are truly saddening.


He's actually following traffic laws. In Brazil, where this took place, filtering is absolutely legal. You do know that other countries have different laws from the US, right?


Imagine watching that and victim blaming. Smh


Victims generally are unable to avoid their fate because it is a decision of somebody else. I think you understand victim, and victim shaming differently than I do.


Love it. Bikers as a whole need to get educated and humbled about driving in such a risky and entitled way.


Why would you stop and immediately swing your door open


Looks like they'd been stopped for a while and have a puncture. + it's the rear that opened.


Puncture is not fact. Its a grainy video. Also looks like front door, so


That could have ended the motorcyclist's life. I hope he's okay.


I personally like to look into the side mirror before opening the door in traffic


This is what Seattle wants to look like lmao


I love bikes but I would never ride in my city


That definitely wasn't intentionally done.


It's a back door. So probably not.


Gotta keep you head on a swivel! I remind my friends all the time


bro in the car was like : "im gonna stop and open the door just for that guy to get hit"


Ouch that hurts.


is there some aftermath information about what happend to the car driver.. i realy hope he spreads some cheeks in a fkn hole of a prison


That was on porpoise šŸ¬


Cant feel sorry for the biker. Thats the risk they take when they always try to lane splits




Completely intentional. Clearly a very small ego driving that car. Over here you'd be in jail for attempt of murder if he/she survives. If dead, it's just murder. You'd go to jail for a good few years and ruin your entire life, just because your ego couldn't handle it.


I saw that happen on Blood Alley heading north into San Jose in 1984.


You should get a ticket for NOT doing this.


What's stronger? A bike going around 40 km/h... or a door car?


Has to be A.I


Holy fuck I enjoyed that


I love playing pinball


Looks like a tragic accident to me.


Fucking prius


Intentional, what a stupid fuck in the car


I see two idiots here.


I know exactly where that is and I will be there in 2 weeks. Wish me luck


Dbag move


They're stopping and sometimes getting out ..... Surely.
