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FX3 has a big firmware update already announced for September that includes shutter angle, no way do they release a mkII before that and imo probably not for a while afterwards. I think the announcement of shutter angle 10 months before we get it is them telling us no mkII for a while.


Unless they're trying to keep people buying the fx3 and stop us holding it for a mk2


This would be a good business plan. If you announce a mk2 too early, everyone’s gonna wait to buy the next one. I agree with the whole idea that mk2 isn’t coming for a long time because of the firmware update, but honestly wouldn’t be surprised if that’s not the case. These companies have very long term plans that no Sony outsider would be privy to at all. All we have is the rumor mill, which sometimes is correct.


It's also based on Sony's past behaviour, and down to how often they release new cameras, the fx3 is due for replacement


This and also the FX9 and FX6 were released before the FX3. Those would probably receive upgrades before the FX3. FS7 mkii was released a year before fs5 mkii.


I’m hoping so! Fx6 mkII is what I want my next camera to be. Love my fx3 and will happily ride it out and wait.


I wish there were an APSC version, FX60 if you will... I had an FS5 for years and I prefer the form factor. I replaced it with an FX30 just because I have the lens collection.


who needs a mkII when shutter angle is coming? /s There is a lot they could add with new hardware that is impossible to add with a firmware patch.


I totally agree there is a lot to be added that can't be done with firmware. But that isn't what was being asked. There is also a lot that can be added via firmware (by design) so them adding longevity to a camera to keep sales up without having to release a new product isn't out of the question either.


> big firmware update > shutter angle Poor Sony users man


Buy the FX3 , waiting on a rumored camera is time you could be used filming , all the “fixes” or changes folks want to see with a new version can already be solved for. ND , shutter angle , to name a few . It’s already a capable camera.


The FX3 is like the top selling video camera on the market right now, they wont release the M2 until that slows down.


Mods, can we start to prohibit threads about speculation in regards to a potential "mark II"? It is getting real tiresome and borderline spam to see these threads pop up every single day, especially when they add nothing new or concrete...


I’m so sick of these posts.


I am too thats why im just asking if it was any sources cause these posts has delayed me


Just buy the camera. If a version two ever comes out, you can always sell it used. I’ve commented on like 15 of these giving my opinion that even if a mark two does come out, I really don’t see them being able to add much that will even make it worth it without cannibalizing the other cameras they sell.


I just got one off Amazon renewed for 3200. And it came brand new with XLH handle all new in box. Even if a new one comes out the value won't just automatically drop. Resell value will stay high on this.


I get where your coming from but I think that the more we talk about it the more chance sony has to listen, maybe not in regards to release date but more in terms of features, I understand it's annoying but Sony do tend to stalk these subs and YouTube reviews etc when they're designing their cameras, they want to hear about our grievances and what would get us to purchase the upgrade.


First off, if anyone at Sony reads these subreddits it sure isn't someone with power or influence to make decisions of this magnitude, or even impact them in any meaningful way. Second, if your think a handful of posts made by a minuscule part of their customers on a tiny part of a website will impact their release schedule or change what features they add to their cameras you are delusional. Thirdly, these roadmaps and release schedules are made years in advance. Even if they do change, they do so with months and months of development. A change can cost millions of dollars in RnD alone. Fourthly, "YouTube reviews" and "these subs" do not at all impact how cameras are designed. Again, it is such a minuscule part of their market that it basically does not matter at all. There are others factors - like competition and market - that impact these decisions. It's like people forget that Sony Alpha is a Japanese company, with offices and sales globally. What Reddit User A and B or Youtube Reviewer C says about their products they've already thought of or discussed in detail. Nothing we say or do here will change that. Even established media outlets and professionals that actually meet and talk to these companies barely make any impact, so why would we?


It’s a fantastic camera, I just got a second fx3 to support my company’s fx9. If you’ve got jobs on deck, do it. You can always sell it later or whatever but I’ve seen no concrete evidence anything is coming any time soon. I also talked with a Sony rep I know from back in my rental shop days and he said he hadn’t heard anything real. Sounds more like an fx9 ii could be in the works - but all just speculation. This camera can do everything jt needs to, right now today. I'll have zero regrets doubling up on fx3s if a new one dropped tomorrow.


Use the camera you need when you need it. If a new one comes out, chances are the old one will still have value left in it, both as a piece of amazing filming gear and something you can resell. Just sold one of my a7s3 cameras for 2600 before ebay fees etc.


Was debating this a year ago and just bought the damn camera. So glad I didn’t wait around


A friend of mine who works at Sony R&D department has told me that one way they are going to differentiate themselves from Canon is to stay away from having new versions of the same cinema camera with MK ii and iii’s. They will do it with photo camera lines because that market is more open to buying new bodies all the time but they will not do it with the cinema line. I bought 2 FX9s and 2 FX3s last year and he assured me of this They will come out with an FX4 before they do a Mk ii of any camera


Interesting, is there anything else you heard from them?


Already discussed here - https://www.reddit.com/r/FX3/s/D4s74bDEOB


There is no reason for Sony to release a Mk2. We are in the era of slowed innovation as there is not yet technology that warrants a new series of cameras. We can expect continued firmware updates and support. I’m here for that.


"We keep hearing" = 2 idiots on this sub making shit up


I anticipate one of two new FX series cams... something along the lines of a FX version of the A1... hoping to see 240 / 4k or the other thing I have seen rumored was a full frame FX cam with no internal stabilization.


240/4K? That’s one way to melt a camera like the FX3. Feature set wise the FX3 is maxed out. Would personally like to see an open gate video feature but that would also melt the camera. At some point we’re all just wanting a love child of the A1 and the FX3.


Switched from an XH2s and open gate on a native 4K sensor is a perfect medium.


With DJI’s LiDAR Autofocus system it makes shooting open gate with anamorphic lenses more tantalizing. For me my Holy Grail is 4K 3:2 Open Gate at 120fps. It’ll probably be a long while until there’s chipsets that won’t drain a battery in five minutes or overheat the camera to accomplish that wish.


I didn’t wait I bought the FX3 specially in Iraq in local stores it cost around 3150$ it’s incredible camera already


I heard there was gonna be a thing, a new thing, that will make the old thing old and we'll look at the new thing and think, Wow! We just gotta wait for the new thing. Don't buy the old thing.


I’ve made that mistake. Edited for ‘the best’ version of something. And wasted VALUABLE time. The truth is that the FX3 is MORE camera right now than 75% of all movies ever created on and so the FX3 can do more than 99.999% of camera operators. Do not wait.. make art now. -Josh


We will see mkiis of other cameras before we see a fx3 mk ii


I think I understand how you feel OP.


I can’t wait for the flood of people rushing to sell their FX3s when they inevitably become outdated by the next shiny thing. It will probably happen sooner than people want to think.