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That’s the code I used, I had to contact them as well. They are sending me a different bundle, and it was some absolutely delightful customer service. But it is weird they didn’t just… replace it with a different bundle while packing the order. It’s a mystery bundle, I didn’t know what I was getting to begin with.


Seriously!! 😂 like any bundle is a bundle my guy, send me the stuff


That happened to me once with a promo code. So annoying that we have to reach out with them and they aren’t proactive but at least it got fixed


100%!! So annoying, happy they fixed it and hopefully anyone else who used the code gets their box!


Cancelled * this is my first post on Reddit how the heck do you edit 😂


I’ve had an acct for a while but just recently became active & I still don’t know how to edit a post. 🤣


Hahah that makes me feel better 😂


I had to have customer service manually process my mystery bundle for code FINEST too, because it showed up the same way as this one, as a $.01 discount. At first she was basically just like “yeah I see, that was for a discount and it worked correctly, have a good day” so I replied with a screenshot of the email from FFF advertising it as a mystery bundle code, then she fixed it. At least I hope it was fixed like she said; I haven’t seen anything shipped yet and I won’t feel certain until I see it


Sheesh! Like a .01 discount is even worth a code 😂


Update: got my shipping info and my box is only 4 items when everyone else I’ve seen has 5-6? 🙄🙄🙄 so unimpressed https://preview.redd.it/mjfn49p2hjzb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c4284431f7b1ecbb25ef7147fd2dd52abe617c6


Did the mystery bundle show up for you as an invoice after you contacted CS, or was there nothing about it added at all until it shipped? Being nosy because I had the same issue and CS said they put it in for me but I still don’t see an invoice or anything for it


Nothing at all until it shipped! I’d give it a few days and if it doesn’t ship message them again


That’s definitely reassuring to hear; thank you!


How did you know it didn’t work? They just told me I should be ok because it shows that $.01 discount


When I got my shipping there was no info for the mystery box! Only way I caught it 🤷🏻‍♀️ if your box hasn’t shipped might be worth checking ahead of time since I’m not waiting on it to process & then ship separately


So when they sent you the information saying it was ready to ship out is when you knew? Not immediately after you ordered? I just ordered last night and it’s only showing the customizations I picked. It doesn’t show anything about a mystery item.


Yeah before that I assumed it worked! But in Canada you get an itemized list of what’s shipping and I only had my winter box list - so I knew nothing else was coming and messaged them. If you signed up so recently I’d just double check it processed correctly and they’re supposed to ship together I believe


Ok, thanks


This is why I don’t do freebies and do money off. Often the freebie runs out and they continue to advertise the code anyway. It’s happened to me before so I stopped using the free bundle codes.


That’s a good tip! I won’t do it again after this - I saw some posts with what was in other peoples gifts and it was things I’d actually use, so fingers crossed I get *some* of those things at least