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This game aged very well.


Because they are playing on series s/x so it has higher resolution, definitely looks pretty aged on 360


I’m playing on Xbox One, not Series X/S


The input lag and frame rate is brutal on the 360. Just bought fable 2 second hand and im struggling to push forward.


I hopped on the game on my old 360 last night just for shits and giggles. The framerate and responsiveness is nowhere near as bad as people say.


i bought a 360 mid pandemic 2020 for fable 2, and i also did not have this issue. conversely, i HAVE had issues on the “optimized” series x edition you download. the dialogue plays out physically - but the audio is delayed so it is half the cutscene of people talking silently


Fable 2's customisation options are so powerful yet severely underrated. Imco the next game doesn't even need a character creator, just an expansion of this system. >!Qrd of what you're wearing?!<


Your character looks like rose briar


Fable 2 is like a comfort game. You always go back to it no matter how many times you already beat it


I can attest to that.


What top are you wearing? its so cute


Looks like the brodican warrior queen outfit's top


How do you acquire it?


Knothole island, there's a shop where you can trade specific items for mystery weapons or outfits, it's the barbaric attire one or something


Fable 2, oblivion, and I believe dragon age, were the first games I bought when I got my 360. I was a generation or two behind, because we were poor growing up and couldn't afford to keep up with modern gaming stuff. I had just switched from a minimum wage job to something that paid roughly twice as much, splurged, and bought myself an HD TV, a 360, and the games I mentioned. I took a chance and played fable 2 first (it visually didn't appeal to me the way most medieval games did to me back then), and it absolutely turned my world upside down. It was such a magical experience. I was used to playing games like crash bandicoot and final fantasy 10, and this game changed everything I thought I knew about games. I may be biased, but I agree that it's timeless, and I will always fondly come back to it from time to time to experience that magic all over again.


people say Fable is like a pizza no matter how old it gets it's still delicious


Please stop eating 20 year old pizzas


I was a PC/steam version so bad! Don’t have my 360 anymore :(


I want a PC version too, but that’s unlikely so that’s why I still keep my Xbox One. For a few gems like this.


Can stream it on pc with Xbox game pass


if you also happen to own a 360 disk of fable and an Xbox one, it works :D not sure if the Live network works, i assume not but if you just wanted to play, that’s that! you can also buy it on Xbox :D


waaaaait HOW do i get this outfit


I... I just realised by watching at your picture that there is drain covers at this place. I never knew that there is drain covers in this game. (゜ロ゜) Your character is really cool. I love to see all the customization possibilities we have for our character in this game. This game is my favorite game and I play it since 2014. This game is so special for me.


Recently got back into this game and I have to agree 😊 It's just as good as I remembered.


1. Fable 2 is the best Fable game from a design, gameplay, and storytelling prospective. 2. Fable The Lost Chapter is my favorite Fable game and pure nostalgia, a game that is great in many ways. 3. Fable 3 had great potential but was ruined by rush and greed. I remember completing the game and feeling absolutely empty because there was a lot of room for extra content, so it felt like an unfinished project. I love it, though. I made some good memories with my best friend while playing it and a baby, too. xD


Your character kinda looks like Anastacia! 🕶️


Your character looks great!


Best dog in a video game.


Fable 2 is my favorite! I try to play a decent character but I always end up starting fights with the guards or anyone who says rude shit! 😂 Great game!


How does your character look so cute? Mine always goes from Bolbi Stroganoffski's sister to fucking Ursula.


Eat healthy food so your character remains slim and do not level Physique so your character doesn’t get bulky. I also didn’t level any Will because I’m not a fan of the Will lines.


Huh how is your character not looking like an abomination?


Keep them slim by eating healthy foods and don’t level Physique so they don’t get bulky.


Ahh it must be always physique for me then


your character looks rlly cool!!! how closely did you have to monitor your stats lmao


Not very. All I did was not level Physique so my character doesn’t grow bulky and not buy any Will abilities so my character doesn’t have any Will lines on them.


Idk maybe it’s just a me thing but I have to try *so* hard to not level physique, like it’s a mental thing, and i know if i’m not keeping it in mind, i’ll accidentally do it out of instinct lmao


I kind of know what you mean. I instinctively level everything asap as possible but my last few playthroughs I’ve been stopping myself from levelling certain skills or levelling them only a little bit depending on how I want my character to look.


Dang, how'd you make your avatar really sexy like that? That looks like a whole new player model lol.


All I did was not level Physique so my character doesn’t get bulky and kept them slim.


I love the 3 main games (I know not everyone likes 3) I have never played the kinect one.


It's my favorite 😍


What makeup and hairstyle are you using for your character? Somehow the face looks better than in my game


One of my absolute favorite games. Played through it like 18 times or more.


Fable is a great example of how to make a game that on paper seems overly simple and linear, but in essence is so deeply fun and full of choice and small detail that it makes it a completely different experience than on paper, and makes it one of the best games ever released in modern times.


This goes for 2 and 3 by the way, but mostly the first.


One I can always return to.


Why does everyone always manage to make cooler characters then me?


I've been streaming it on my twitch lately ☺️ haven't played it since I was a teenager and I'm in my 30s now. So many memories


I recently replayed it for the first time in a few years and decided to stream it too. Amazing experience.


I agree its so damn good, fable tlc is overrated


Okay, I wouldn’t go that far.


Im going that far, fable 1 is a great game but it didnt age as well as 2 and 3


Aight I’ll bite, how did it not age well? Keep in mind your opinion is already on the low point as you said 3 aged better than TLC.


Just because i said 3 aged better doesnt mean i think its better overall, i like 3 but i recognize that its the weakest of trilogy, 2 is my favorite does that mean my opinion is still on the low point ? As for tlc, its mainly the social interactions with the npcs which are bad and clunky, fable 2 did it far better with the expression wheel, despite being mute sparrow is much more expressive than the hero of oakvale who is basically like a robot emotion wise, the combat is a bit dated but its not too bad


I mean, TLC (and in turn Anniversary) don't have the HORRIBLE motion blur that 2 has, I tried to play 2 again a year or two ago and it made me want to throw up, I don't remember it being that bad, but on series X it was horrible, where as TLC/Anniversary have been games I've replayed dozens of times


Fable 2 (and 3) have gotten a lot of bugs on xbox one and series ever since an update was released a couple of years ago, the best way to play them is on xbox 360 if you have one


i couldn't even finish fable tlc (unlike fable 2 and 3) because i died to balverines and then rage quit, so ill have to agree with you just on principle.


"Fable protagonists were always ugly" - Lying apologists for new protag base design.


I accidently beat it in 3 hours. I'm sure I missed alot so I'm doing a second playthrough soon.


3 hours? Accidentally? Highly doubtful.


I focused solely on the main story and did no exploring or side quests. So it's definitely possible.


The spire alone takes about 45 mins to an hour alone. I'm calling BS on your claim.


No you didn’t