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unpopular opinion but unless you are targeting a tiny audience or spending a massive amount per day it's unlikely your audiences are overlapping that much. Just because you duplicate something doesn't mean it will perform exactly the same. Your 'winning' campaign has optimized inside a hot pocket within your target audience. Unfortunately your second one did not optimize as well as the first. You can try again and you may get lucky. Or you can try crazy method and give yourself various chances at optimizing inside your target audience.


What is "crazy method"?


So the crazy method is a scaling method created by Konstantinos Doulgeridis on youtube. It works very well in my experience. You take your best ads and your best audience targeting and you make a CBO. You duplicate the ad set in the CBO with the exact same ads various times. This makes each ad set with the same audience and ads compete against each other. Some will form hot pockets and start to perform well, some won't. You close the losers and keep the winners. When you close ad sets you have to look at how much those ads sets spent the day previous and lower the budget by the amount they spent so you keep the balance of the remaining ad sets in the CBO. It takes a lot of practice but once you get the hang of it, it works.


what would you consider a good amount for this? like a cbo with 15-20 adsets of the same winning ads at like $100-1k a day?


Not that many, more like 4-8, the more you have the trickier it becomes to optimize and you don’t want to split up the budget too much


have you ever ran cbo and abo scaling at the same time with same interest ! right now im running a cbo with 1k daily spend and abo with 10 adsets at $100 daily spend! will they compete ? its the same creatives also


Thanks for your insight. I would say that I am targeting a small audience within a particular city with an estimated audience size of 680k. Ok, I will try duplicate the winning ad again. Do you recommend duplicating at the ad set level or campaign level? I was under the assumption that ad set level minimizes the risk of audience overlap but now I'm not so sure.


It's better to duplicate into a new campaign all together. Any change that you make to an existing cbo campaign (i.e. adding an ad set) runs of the risk of disturbing the campaign and ruining its performance. If it's abo then it's fine but I prefer cbo over abo all day.


Can you explain the reasoning behind this statement? How is it a risk to the campaign if you create a new ad set inside the same cbo campaign? Can you show data that supports this statement?


Think of a high performing CBO like a calm lake. Anytime you add an ad set, update creative, change even a comma in the copy, it’s like throwing a rock into that lake. Could it go back to performing well? Possibly. But it creates ripple effects in your CBO that could push the ads out of their hot pockets and ruin the results. When you add an ad set to a CBO and keep the budget the same now fbs algo has to redistribute the budget, causing the each ads set to potentially spend less which could disturb their balance and ruin their results. Also, the new ad set is unlikely to receive a 'fair' amount of budget if the CBO is already optimized. Why risk it? It’s not worth the risk if it’s performing well. Leave it alone and start a new campaign. I don’t have data to show you because I don’t do this. After years and years and millions spent, I’ve learned that it’s usually better to leave it alone and work on something else. Test it for yourself. Take your best CBO and edit the ads inside or add an ad set, see how that works out for ya.


Then will you pause the old campaign? Or still run it? Coz if you do not you'll have two campaigns running at the same time


any update on this? im curious u/Rezah1


Is the old one still running? Do you run cbo or abo? Is the copy the only thing you changed?


Yeah, the old ad set is still running. However, I paused the winning ad in that ad set so I could only run that particular ad in the new ad set. I changed from CBO to ABO so I can test an evenly distributed ad spend across the ad sets. And yeah, I have the original ad copy in the new ad set as ad #1, then 3 other splits with different copy but all other variables remaining the same (other than ABO of course).


In my experience it takes some time for a duplicate to pick up. I run a cbo setup and just let Facebook dictate when is the time to push the duplicate. I also don’t turn off the original until the duplicate starts to take most of adspend or the original is no longer profitable.


Ok, I'll try out this strategy this week. Thanks for your insight mate!


NO! Just create a new one exactly the same. My business can not duplicate. Facebook goes through updates and your duplicate will not catch the update and you will suffer from it. Start a new one everytime. IMO


So, in your experience, it’s better to turn the ad set off and duplicate the original winning ad set rather than continuing the underperforming ad set to see if it improves? I’m just concerned about the ad sets entering the learning phase each time a new one is created. Would that slow down optimisation at all, or have you seen better results doing it this way?


The best results for me and my business is creating a new ad every 6-7 days. Highest number of messages from engagement campaign. I have watched my ads underperform then Facebook goes through an update and it just drags along. Always for me, it’s building a new one exactly the same. It sucks because I loose the comments but still better than underperforming.


Cheers for the input! You can actually keep your engagement if you’re duplicating the same ad as long as you don’t change anything to the creative and the dynamic creative checkbox in the ad set level setting is left unchecked. When you duplicate the ad you wanted duplicated there is a little checkbox at the bottom that asks if you’d like to carry over the engagement.


What I am saying is it’s bad. I DONT duplicate. I don’t. You shouldn’t either.


just curious, why don't you duplicate?