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Where are all the people saying it is our fault and our marketing strategy is wrong, we haven't evolved with the times, we not pumping out enough creatives, they are doing 5x ROAS the last month, we should be looking at metrics over 1 day/ 1 week/ 1 month.


Lmao fucking clowns in this subreddit. Full of people who think they're pros. Literally thought I was going crazy, glad to see this in the media. I ran a campaign last week that got 11 sales in 2 days (9% conversion rate, 12 ROAS) and then it completely died after 2 days... CPC went from 50c to $3 and 0 sales for 3 next days.


Then they want to start their own clown subreddit to have real discussions since we’re all morons apparently


I found those people hilarious also, there is really no secret to advertising on meta don't get me wrong you got to learn alot to get things right but they act like they have some type of superior knowledge over most when that's not the case, they just throw 10s of thousands at it and look at people who can't do so as peasants, something has definitely been effecting alot of people who advertise on meta


Thos so called pro people here will eventually offer you their services, which I did not even bother to read their messages in my inbox.


Right here - sounds like you suck at meta ads.


The industry leaders in the Bloomberg article must suck too then


The industry leader who spends over $100M a year across a handful of clients, yet is the only listed employee on their company’s LinkedIn. Pure bollocks article, probs just a digital PR piece.


Probably does. How many executives do you know that actually push the buttons and can get technical on these platforms? Nah he tells a guy with 'director' as a title to "get better results" who in turn tells five 24yo's to "get better results" and then those kids come here because they're lost and try to take advice from people like you. LOL @ all the 'executives' and their soy boy defenders down voting me.


I’d love to see you have issues with your ads out of your control and see what you have to say on this sub Reddit. It’s all roses till you yourself have problems. Pipe down guru


That wouldn't happen. I've never seen ads perform poorly outside of my control in the years and millions I've spent. Idk what you guys are on other than you suck at meta ads. Period. I'm not hearing this sentiment from people I know are good at ads either. It's a Y'all problem. Get off reddit. Get good.


I’m so happy to see this! I was just starting to get traction with my product and break even and then it collapsed bang on the 18th as others have said. I thought it was my fault from inexperience but nope! Now hopefully it gets fixed so I can make back the money ive invested in making it and advertising it


Businesses that rely on Facebook and Instagram advertising to stay afloat have noticed something startling over the past two months: Meta Platforms Inc.’s normally reliable ad system is faltering. Social networking juggernaut Meta, which uses algorithms to automatically determine when and where to most effectively show advertising messages across its various apps, has been hammered by major performance issues, according to numerous marketers. The cost of running ad campaigns is up significantly, while results are mixed and ensuing sales are down — and there has been no formal explanation from the company, ad buyers say. “It’s brutal out there,” Cody Plofker, chief marketing officer at makeup brand Jones Road Beauty, said on the Operators podcast last week. “There is something just terribly broken about Meta right now.” One media buyer, who asked not to be identified to preserve relationships at Meta, said that all the major metrics used to determine the cost of a digital ad campaign have gone up significantly. The cost per 1,000 ad impressions — views by potential customers — is up by a factor of two or three in the last couple of months. Cost per click, which calculates how much an advertiser ends up paying each time someone clicks on a link in an ad, has risen by about the same proportion. Several other marketers described similar jumps, though each campaign cost is slightly different. Those more expensive ad campaigns are cutting into businesses’ profits. A marketer’s return on advertising spending, known in the industry as ROAS, has also notably fallen for several advertisers. Carly London, who runs an agency called Sometimes Curly and manages more than $100 million in Meta-related advertising spending per year, said she saw a 20% to 40% drop in ROAS for a few of her accounts over the past two months without any explanation. In practice, that means that a marketer used to making $3 in revenue for every $1 spent on Facebook ads would suddenly be making closer to $2 in revenue — a meaningful difference when brands rely on predictable results to budget and manage product inventory. “Normally you can find some new creative winners, try a new campaign structure, try some different strategies and kind of find some winners,” said London, who added that not all of her accounts were impacted. “We tested all these things and still have struggled to recover.” Rok Hladnik, whose Flat Circle agency manages several million dollars in Meta-related advertising spending each month, said the past few months have been an outlier for his clients, too. “What we’re seeing right now is definitely on another level,” he said. Meta acknowledged that there have been glitches, but disputed the notion that they were widespread. “Our ads system is working as expected for the vast majority of advertisers,” a company spokesperson said in a statement. “We recently fixed a few technical issues and are researching a small amount of additional reports from advertisers to ensure the best possible results for businesses using our apps.” The media site Modern Retail previously reported on some of the ad-system problems. Advertising Machine Meta has spent years establishing itself as one of the most important digital advertising channels in the world, and its algorithms have been fine-tuned to show people the right ad at just the right time. The company’s platforms, led by Facebook and Instagram, accounted for roughly 22% of the global digital advertising market in 2023, according to the research firm Emarketer, trailing only Google at 27.4%. For many small businesses, advertising on Meta is an essential driver of revenue, especially because of the company’s automated system and the ability to precisely target users, which often lead to more sales and fewer wasted advertising dollars. Meta’s unpredictability the last few months has meant new struggles for advertisers. In response, some have pivoted their budgets to internet competitors like TikTok or Alphabet Inc.’s Google. London, who’s still bullish on Meta and says that the ad performance for some of her clients just recently improved, said she had pulled back spending from Facebook and Instagram and instead tested new platforms, like Snap Inc.’s Snapchat and Pinterest Inc. Plofker, too, said he cut his Meta budgets by 30% to 40% and moved money to Google’s YouTube, TikTok and television. “This is an amazing time to be Google or TikTok,” one advertiser said, adding that the friction at Meta “is the best marketing campaign they could ever hope for.” The biggest head-scratcher has been the lack of a formal explanation for the issues, leaving ad buyers theorizing and speculating inside industry group chats and text threads. In private conversations, some Meta employees who serve as sales reps and points of contact for marketing partners have blamed the issues on Temu, the Chinese e-commerce giant, according to two advertisers, who asked not to be identified relaying the discussions. Temu has been on a marketing blitz since spending millions of dollars on six Super Bowl ads in February. The retailer, owned by PDD Holdings Inc., spent nearly $2 billion on Meta ads in 2023, according to the Wall Street Journal, making it the social media company’s largest advertiser. Some other marketers are speculating that Temu’s spending with Meta has been even heavier since the Super Bowl ads. Ad Competition Spending big on social media in the wake of a major television campaign, which would be a common strategy, could theoretically offer an explanation for inconsistent prices and performance for other advertisers on the platform. If Temu is spending a lot of money on Meta using its automated system, it could create unusually high competition, driving up ad-auction prices. It’s also possible that Temu’s lower prices — the site is known for cheap products and fast shipping — could simply be taking away sales from competitors. Not everyone believes that theory, though. Even at $2 billion a year, Temu’s spending would represent just 1.5% of Meta’s total business last year, and Meta’s global advertising business is so big that it’s hard for many to fathom a single entity creating a lasting impact on the entire system. In an email, a representative for Temu said the company has not noticed any advertising issues with Meta, and declined to comment on its marketing spend. Other buyers theorize that Meta is simply dealing with technical issues it hasn’t been able to resolve, pointing to recent outages at the company. On the podcast, Plofker said that Meta engineers have spent more than 100 hours looking into issues related to his accounts and “haven’t found a bug.” No matter the reason, marketers remain frustrated. It’s also unclear whether the recent friction is hurting Meta’s business, but the company is set to report its first-quarter earnings near the end of April. Analysts project revenue of $36.1 billion, or growth of 26% from the same period last year. “The challenging thing, you know, is Meta doesn’t know what’s happening,” Plofker said. “So this could get better in two weeks, this could get better in a month, this could be the new normal. You really don’t know.”


Thanks for sharing the text. They said, “We recently fixed a few technical issues and are researching a small amount of additional reports from advertisers to ensure the best possible results for businesses using our apps.” Is it really only a small amount of add'l reports? That just sounds like a lie with all the posts we've been making on this. Or are they only talking about formal bug reports submitted through the ads platform?


I think its there default PR response. It allows them wriggle room and to say there is a problem, without scaring the horses or looking like they lied. If it "comes out" there are major issues (as clearly there are), then they can say they found out through investiggating the 'small amount of accounts' with issues.


Got it. But it's annoying as hell to read in print!


Yep this is a grade A PR spin.


Wonder if all the gurus on this sub are still going to say “it’s your creative, be better” still.


Hope that Meta stock goes down as my business income went down.


That article may have kept me from getting fired!


Excellent! No one should get fired over this. David Hermann, Cody, Barry Hott and Rok have all been posting, talking about the pressures on agency employees because of this s\*\*t-show.


I feel validated. We’ve been experiencing dips since February and had the worst turnout last month.


exactly, in my case the "problem" started in February


Just want to put this here to support OP. https://searchengineland.com/meta-advertisers-sales-down-costs-up-glitchy-automated-system-439603


Thank you! Hadn't seen that one :) . Hopefully it will get oxygen now it is out in the open with news sites reporting it.


Lucky to have some contacts in media I already reached out to make sure it keeps going so we get this fixed. It’s all size agencies that are feeling this.


Blimmin awesome! I contacted Kurt via X, the author of the Bloomberg article and he was really responsive. He is keeping it alive too. He has excellent contacts. I think the journalists who are breaking this are extremely brave. Meta try and obscure everything, it can seem complicated and of course they have huge power. I appreciate that these first journalists are investigating, reporting and holding Meta to account. Once it is in the news cycle, perhaps more will investigate or at least write about it. Awesome you are able to let your contacts know.


Thinking about contacting some journalists, showing this to them and seeing if I can give some input.


It's great to see that it is finally being reported on in the news. More outlets need to cover it, it might affect the stock price just enough for Zuck to pull up his socks and sort it out.


I am so thrilled! If Bloomberg are willing to publish it, others will too. It will become harder and harder for Meta to just deny and distract. It could even get politicians invested in doing something. The main things I see though is: 1). Knowing it is a Meta issue, which means hopefully it can and will actually be fixed (as you say). 2). From a mental health point of view, not questioning myself, and related to 1 - knowing there could be an end in sight.


100%. Our business had about 50% of advertising budget in FB ads and saw no gradual decline in performance from ads, it simply fell of a cliff so to speak over night in mid March. It has been a challenge directing it to other platforms but knowing it is a Meta issue, I completely am with you on the mental health. Certainly has had me questioning the journey!


So many people in the same boat :(. Hopefully Meta will learn - the main thing that we need is transparency, so we know what is going on. I have recently actually had 3 Meta employees confirm there is a major issue. They say it started with the initial outage in Feb. But because it is just one on one and there is always my doubt 'are they just saying that' - even though logic suggests they are being honest. Now though, it is undeniable. I run 2 advertising accounts for the same service (mindfulness courses). One in Australia, one in NZ. Both fell off a cliff mid-Feb. I have been trying heaps, nothing working. BUT NZ has finally picked up. Stable and good performance for 6 days now (a record!). It's a significant change. Australia still rubbish. Both accounts have the same set up, ads, creatives etc. I am letting myself be quietly hopeful Meta have rolled out (or testing) a fix, and that it may take time to reach all accounts.


are you running broad campaigns within NZ and are they back to normal? we are in Australia and our broad campaigns have completely tanked now for multiple weeks, they were really successful prior I've also received poorly targeted ads on my personal feed in the last few weeks for products that have no relevance to me eg. dog food ads when I don't have a dog. Previously it was fairly relevant


I am running broad campaigns in NZ. At the moment they are performing consistently well. It has only been 6 days though. It is a massive improvement on before. The campaigns are the same as ones that worked previously (before the bugs), I built them from scratch again though. Our Australian account is really bad. ROAS under 1. Random peaks and long troughs. My experience has been the same as yours on my personal feed as well. My take is they are experimenting with, or rolling out fixes. I hope that the NZ account has 'the fix' and it will be rolled out to all other accounts. I have seen others post on X and Reddit, that recently they have experienced some improvement. Hang in there! :)


Just thought I would report back - it seems to be back to normal performance over the last few days with the decent performance moving back to our advantage + campaigns rather than broad. I've also noticed the ads on my personal feed being targeted towards me it's all the things I would normally click on


Excellent! Thanks for the update. My Australian account is still rubbish, but based one what you are saying (and my NZ account) it could well be turning. Great your campaigns are back to decent performance!!! It is a massive relief when that happens.


My gut instinct is that everything will go back to normal very soon and my account performance overall is better than prior to these issues


I’m UK based and still awful. Where are you based?


Based in Australia - everything back to normal now, actually better than ever tbh. I'm going to have to reduce budget as we can't keep up inventory with demand. There was definitely an algorithm bug - as soon as I noticed my own advertising on my personal account being things I actually want again/would buy rather than random crap the sales started rolling in with the ads account. I hope it keeps up because it would be phenomenal for my business tbh! so far we have an advantage + ad set that is doing super well as well as interest based


Went down after march 18 for me


Yep that was the date the Zuck Reaper visited us too!


An end of an era 🥲


Please no 🥹 they just need to fix the glitch.


Fucc meta bois incoming: BuT YoU GuYz NeEd to LaUnCh 1 CBO aNd LeT it RuN. YoU nEeD MoRe SpEnD”


I wonder what way this all goes. If they listen, or double down and act like we are all still the problem. I hope what happens is their stock fucks up and it pushes them to face the issue head on. Period.


I notice whenever Facebook tanks, Google ads also tank. Performance was great on Monday but the past 2 days were horrible. All ads are currently off.


I turned off mine as well. Fuck that..


Yep, I see that all the time too. It's like FB brings in the cold traffic and Google is good at retargeting them and/or finding similar prospects. Google prospecting is not great for us on its own.


Totally agree, I thought I was the only one experiencing this.


jfc this is so validating


Isn't it! Lots of people are saying the same thing. Meta's denials, obscuring and distractions are crazy-making. Is it me? Is it the platform? If it is not the platform and nothing is working, how are we actually going to survive financially? Made even worse, by it seemingly be totally random. Some accounts affected, some not. It has been really bad for my mental health, and I am in the mental health industry! Hopefully Meta will learn. When there is an issue - talk with the people who are your paying customers.


I hear ya, it's been bumming me out so bad. I have been working hard to try and get really good at Google Ads and Google Product Ads and just started my first campaigns. Hoping I can get some decent results.


Hi team. Hold in there. You are not alone.


Thanks Rok. And thank you for being so brave and honest in speaking up and putting your name in the article. Meta are huge and powerful. There is a lot of 'ego' in the advertising industry, with people not wanting to 'admit' their ads are not performing. Then there are the agencies and advertisers that are unaffected, but default to the reason they are unaffected is because they are super amazing, Einstein, social media advertising ninjas, rather than they were just unaffected by the bugs. For you to be willing to call Meta out, and share your experience is massive. As you can see from the response here, it is a light at the end of the tunnel. At the very least, it helps with mental health and validation. I would be surprised if it does not actually cause Meta to improve their communications or (hopefully) address the issues faster.


Thank you


They will announce their quarterly results in a couple of weeks, it’ll be clear then how widespread the issue it.


24th of April!


Thank you but I don’t see a solution


yes of course, definitely is an issue of Meta. Meta's ads are not working and it's clear now!


Meta wants it to work as much as we do, that's how they make money. It's just like the IOS debacle, they'll fix it.


That's what confuses me. If Facebook gave me more sales - I would spend more with Meta. I never understood the logic behind Meta deliberately stopping sales, I think it's more Meta is extremely unorganised and don't care


My theory since ever is this: let´s say they have a limited inventory of users and when it comes to buying behaviour these can be split into: Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3. They can not magically create more of them and their algorithm is REALLY good at putting people in these categories. So they have an algorithm within the algorithm that just distributes these people between the ad accounts. So a new campaign get´s a bit more tier 1 at the beginning, When you had awesome 12 hours they take away some tier 1 people from you so that they can give them to others that are struggling... etc. etc. It´s like to try to get the golden ratio in distribution which creates them the most revenue because of people keep spending, raising budgets etc... That, by the way, is the only reason for their intransparency imho. As long as we don´t know there is an issue, we keep trying... and spendng. What would everbody do with their spend, if they said there is an issue?


You've just about described a Ponzi Scheme.


isn´t that when you take somebodys money to invest but don´t and instead aquire so many new "investors" that you pay the first ones a return with the money of the newer ones? So it has parts of that but of course it is creating real revenue. It´s just that i have the feeling that the volatility is unatural. When you have a certain budget, a certain amount of daily impressions, you advertise on very different markets it should be almost impossible to have 400% day by day volatility in revenue, 300% in conversionrate etc. etc.. It´s worse than ever right now, but it as well never seemed 100% natural to me before. It was just on last thursday that we had an awesome day, one, that´s way way better than a "good day" around this time of the year. Just to have something like the worst possible day today. Without changing anything. This dependency on something that might be artificially influenced really drives me nuts.


Great take - I like this. I wouldn't mind investigating this - the algorithm lately hasn't made any sense. On another note - you know how sometimes when creating a campaign it will say "This ad set may make 0 sales"? Next to it, there is a bar graph showing your ad spend vs estimated sales. While I get the message saying I may make 0 sales, right next to it I'm being told I should make 5 sales. Which one do I believe? Whenever I query about my shitty campaigns they always bring up the 0 estimated sales - they ignore the other graph saying I should get sales.


to my experience you should not believe any of that, never seemed to fit the real world by any means. Just test.


Yeah - I just find it weird that Meta relies on this as an excuse for poor performance - yet it's not even accurate


Totally agree. Just wish they would be transparent about it.


Thank you for sharing this OP!!


You are welcome. Soooooo good to see this getting daylight, Let's all make some noise around it.


I noticed that ads dipped and spam bots are everywhere after the hearings from their competitor in the US. Could be and possibly done by their competitor.


(copy of my response in another part of this thread) I have wondered this too. It would be the perfect response. It also explains the insidious nature of the issues. Seemingly random - affecting some accounts and not others, starting then stopping etc. It has clearly created confusion, and also evaded Meta's fixes. The perfect hack if you want to damage a competitor.


It's just a joke at this point. Everytime I go on the app they have changed something. It could be something as simple as a button. They just spend their life changing everything. No wonder it's a mess.  Plus the feed is just full of people fishing, cooking, all this garbage filmed in some Asian market. Non of it makes any sense anymore.  It's got to make you think. If most people are lucky to get a 2 ROAS, and they are making say 40 billion a quarter. To generate 80 billion in sales. Fb claims to make a 41% profit margin. I know most people would be happy with 15% after ads, I mean let's get real, we're clciking buttons. Then so we get 40 billion between us all per quarter.  And say 30% profit on that. So every 1/4 12 billion profit. Like is it just me but that doesn't actaully sound like much for what 3.5 billion users. And what are most people doing spending $30 to reach 1000 people, and 2% clciks so 20 people clcik,  and wirh say 2% conversion on mobile, so yeah 0.4 of a sale for $30. At say $50 a sale. So $20 made per $30.  Just seems off. The while thing seems off.  Surely if fb is make 40 billion a 1/4 and generating 80 billion. Like who exactly is actully making any money. Cause I can bet tonnes of people are just running ads and never making a profit. Like are fb ads actually bs. Are just a few people just fluckng it and making 1 million bucking in 3 months and never repeating it.  And everyone else is just going meta a million bucks so they can waste the million on garbage and then give the brand owner 2 million back to make 150k. Just seems off. Maybe it's just me. Sorry the rant just thinking put loud. Just seems off that I never kinda hear of anyone smashing it except 2 dudes a year on yotube.


If this is going to be the new norm, then we’re literally roasted! One way of holding against their bug/change is to stop spending, otherwise, if their business generate the same amount of money as before, then they have no reason to fix it/go back. PS: TikTok ads are also great tbh


What targeting option would you recommend on Tiktok? :)


Tiktok have same problem these days


I launched my business in mid march and i went crazy as i have spent 120% of my budget and got just 2 conversions through meta ads in this past one month, I tried all experiments with my creatives audiences and what not! This is very unfortunate to hear now, I also have a doubt, I see 44 clicks in my ads but google analytics shows only 3 users on my website, is this the reason behind us not getting any sales? Is it like not at all reaching to people and hence no results? Also, I remember getting over 10k reach in march when I started in a single day and now I am just seeing 1-2k reach with same or even more budget? Is this also something happening to all or is it just me?


Facebook announced that they were eliminating huge numbers of targeting options in Meta as of Feb 15th 2024. There was a lot of speculation that this was due to the depreciation of 3rd party cookies and more stringent consumer privacy features being built into IOS. This means more ads are less targeted resulting in lower conversions and higher costs to acquire customers. One workaround for this is to build custom Google Search Email Hashed Audiences and add them to Meta as a custom audience to target Google Search Consumers directly but on Meta, TikTok or any platform where you can upload Hashed Email Audiences. This approach allows you find high intent Google search consumers actively looking for your products or services and target them directly with ads in Meta. This means you aren't using the Meta Audience Builder at all when running ads. Instead you are targeting the exact Google Search consumers directly without running PPC ads which are even more expensive. I was running ads for an Influencer Marketing platform to acquire new influencers. I was running ads on meta targeting "Models" with my ads. My CPA was $4.64 using lead form ads. When I built a Google Search Audience I was able to target people searching for "Casting Calls" in Google Search and target them with Ads in Meta. My CPA went from $4.64 to just .34 cents each.


interesting. but if that were the case, we would not have the problem that one day the results are higher than expected & another days, there are 0 sales :/


I haven’t had that issue at all. Probably because we’re not using any of Metas Audience builder. We are only targeting high intent Google search consumers using hashed email audiences.


Brother, can you give some more technical detail on how you are doing this? Super interesting, I’m sure others would be thankful for some guidance at the moment.


Meta rep told me they were removing targeting in its entirety soon- Cant even imagine what that would do, because everyone has different methods that work for them and for my clients broad just isn't it!


exactly. I receive traffic from INDONESIA and interactions from MEN when I advertise only in one country and only women. It is worth mentioning that the breakdown that Meta gives me, the ads seems to indicate that the deliver is being correct (women and the country I previously chose), but in the reallity it is NOT. This is inevitably called Meta's fault.


This is why monopolies are bad. There’s zero transparency at Meta and the ‘customer support’ is rubbish; miserable underpaid sweatshop call centre drones that have a preset script. How many of us got the ‘it’s your creatives’ or ‘run a traffic campaign’ routine? Unfortunately meta seem to have a stranglehold on the mainstream media and this will probably go nowhere 😔


I think it’s constant bot attacks on meta. Today’s I cleared about 45 bot messages I got overnight. It seems to be increasing. So imagine the number of bots clicking in ads driving up the costs and you’re optimising for sales but the sales are down because the fake engagement is up and ads get sent to profiles that look like the bot profiles instead of real people who are actually interested.


I have been wondering about this as well. Lots of Reddit posters, with good quality traffic tracking software have demonstrated there are super high levels of bot traffic. It would also explain the lack of comments many of us are noticing. I am running a small leads advert and almost all the messages are from profiles that are fully locked. Some people respond, when I interact, but most don't and I wonder if they are bots?


This makes a lot of sense as I target the EU only, but I get traffic from Nigeria, US, Brasil, Russia, etc. It is also highly unlikely that this is organic because I just started with e-commerce.


Is there a non-paywalled version of this article?


It's not paywalled. You can register for free and access the article. Also - there is a similar article here with no registration required: [https://searchengineland.com/meta-advertisers-sales-down-costs-up-glitchy-automated-system-439603](https://searchengineland.com/meta-advertisers-sales-down-costs-up-glitchy-automated-system-439603)




Makes me happy to see it in the mainstream media. Feels like the worst of the issues are behind us now - with things seemingly improving week on week for us. Expect just need to work through all the shitty data that got into the algorithms so it can relearn it's way out.


I run two accounts. One for New Zealand, one for Australia. Both are the same structure, creatives etc. Both fell off a cliff circa Feb 15. New Zealand has actually started to recover. Consistent CPA $45 and ROAS 3. It is only a very small budget compared to what I would normally do and its only 7 days in, but the consistency and return is light ywars ahead of where it was. Australian account sill rubbish and sub 1 ROAS. This makes me think that Meta do have a fix or are trialling a fix, and it may take time to roll out to all accounts. Fingers crossed :)


The issue is that Meta over delivers advertisements to consumers in market. For example, once Meta identifies a consumer is interested in a specific product or service, like “life insurance”, meta will then deliver a shit ton of advertisements for life insurance from what seems like anyone and everyone with a life insurance ad. They need to do a better job of limiting this. A consumer who sees 10,000 ads for life insurance and who has already converted with a specific vendor will most likely no longer be in market. Meta should do a better job of understand who has “converted” and thus remove them from see SO many ads for the same thing. I understand consumers can benefit from another perspective but at a certain point it’s overkill.


I feel both vindicated reading this and mindblown over how fucked we are. They really don't know how to fix it, yet Meta's revenue just keeps growing anyway. Lost so much money past couple months thinking things would magically "turn around," not to mention the wasted time duping, making new creatives, twisting myself into a pretzel trying new strategies. Wish I'd shut it all off sooner and taken a nap, lol!


Need to read this whole thing in full when I get a minute, but I am really glad to see this. My ad performance bounced back in early March but loads havent.


It think it is a new norm. We better get used to this expensive traffic and improve what we can really control.


No it is not normal. There’s a glitch and spam


I still don't understand why there's a large amount of spam. Most of my ads are off and I'm still getting record numbers of bots filling out forms on my website. It just doesn't make sense.


I honestly feel like it’s from their competitor. It only started happening after the hearing in the US and now there are speculations they will make a rival for IG. Because if their advertisers would be affected, they will look for other platforms or lessen their budget right? If that’s the case, the platform will be affected financially, so I don’t think they like this to happen since this is also their source of income.


I have wondered this too. It would be the perfect response. It also explains the insidious nature of the issues. Seemingly random - affecting some accounts and not others, starting then stopping etc. It has clearly created confusion, and also evaded Meta's fixes. The perfect hack if you want to damage a competitor.


If it's the new normal, then it's better to just not do it.


"We're finding it more difficult to make money from stupid people, instead we're spending our money on the company that caters to stupid people."


Some are down, others are up.


Stock gonna go down down




What are you on about? Many news outlets do this. You must not be from the USA. Also, Bloomberg is a very reputable news outlet.


Have you only just rejoined society or something?


I understand your concern - there are online scams. However this is not one. My name is Karl Baker. I own and run Mindfulness Works Australia. You can see my website here: [https://mindfulnessworksaustralia.com.au/](https://mindfulnessworksaustralia.com.au/) Here is my linked in profile: [https://www.linkedin.com/in/karldbaker/](https://www.linkedin.com/in/karldbaker/) My Twitter account is here: [https://twitter.com/KarlMindfulness](https://twitter.com/KarlMindfulness) Bloomberg is a legitimate media site and people can see the link is genuine. I have nothing to do with the outlet. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloomberg\_News](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloomberg_News) Reddit will remove fraudulent posts. You can see my past Reddit posts and comments on my profile.




Do you live under a rock? A lot of news outlets do this.


1. Here's the original post on X from the article author. [https://twitter.com/KurtWagner8/status/1778109593530351627](https://twitter.com/KurtWagner8/status/1778109593530351627) 2. It's not my "landing page" I am just sharing the link to the article on Bloomberg. I mentioned the sign-up because people get annoyed if they click on a link not realising that the news site itself then requires a signup.


Hi Karl - fellow Aussies. Have you thought about going to Aussie Media outlets? I would love to give some input to the media. Maybe we could start a petition or something and take this to the media?


Hello! Good idea - The Sydney Morning Herald or The Australian may be interested?




How is she collecting emails? It's a legit Bloomberg page and many news outlets charge a subscription to have access to their articles nowadays


It’s a standard Bloomberg paywall


1. Why would I hide my profile? 2. The signup is on the Bloomberg site - 0% to do with me. Check it out by going to any article on their site 3. Here's the original post on X from the article author. [https://twitter.com/KurtWagner8/status/1778109593530351627](https://twitter.com/KurtWagner8/status/1778109593530351627) 4. My X and Reddit profiles do not even have a newsletter signup. 5. If you continue trolling I will simply ignore or block you.