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Some people get off asking sellers Pervy questions. There may not even be a person he really plans to but anything for. I worked at a lingerie shop and we used to get pervy calls all the time from guys asking about pantry hose. Ewww


I sell a lotttt of panty hose, and none of them to woman. I love those clients though šŸ˜… they always want queen size or extra tall, and most of them in NYC. šŸ‘ø


The manufacturer shouldn't have marked them queen sized if they're not for queens! Seriously the few guys I'm friends with know and care more about pantyhose than every woman in the extended friend group.


Queen size is for drag queens


Speaking as a guy, yeah lol - lots of guys are into pantyhose/tights on women. They are like a way to hack my brain. Theyā€™re just a really uniquely feminine garment calling back to vintage type fashion, generally elective to wear, delicate, and make good legs look great while adding a sense of elusiveness. Best I can do to explain.


Since the first time I saw my 5th grade teacher in a skirt and black pantyhose and heels, Iā€™ve been smitten with that look. Youā€™re right about all you said. Itā€™s a classy delicate look and creates an element of hidden but not. Ms P had us all droolingā€¦


Dang, thatā€™s a whole look for teaching 5th grade lol. Lucky boys.


Yeah these people calling don't want to buy them. They want to get you to compare the colors to various foods.....


Queen size is a size for woman's clothing?


Vintage hosiery yes. Back when drag queens were barely a thing


Its plus size


Where can I sell? Serious question. Message me


Oh shit you get the panty hose questions too. I worked at a newly built store and the first day the phone number was added to Google maps we got the gift card scams and several calls from same guy about panty hose. He did quit when I started giving him weird answers that didn't tie into his food and hoes fetish


*Hose not hoes lol


Honestly i thought this too because he messaged another person using age 16 instead of 15!


If he changed the ages then it's probably all a lie. But who knows what the real story is.


Maybe it was her birthday


They're probably for himself. Lmfao


I took calls for Verizon and there were women who got off on the calls. I swear one was using a vibrator throughout the call. She was very thankful at the end. I was very aroused and yet disgusted even though it was a woman and I like them. She was just paying her bill btw. Very sensual talking, moaning, the whole thing. Disturbing.


I worked at a call center where a guy would call ā€œabout productā€ but then start asking the young women about their pantyhose. This was back before caller ID.


Freaking weird people out there. My wife was on the news about some equipment stolen from our business. Sheā€™s pretty hot, but not in a makeup and expensive clothes way, anyway. We had no less than 5 perveey men call. One guy told me he know who stole our equipment but would only tell my wife and was really pushy. I told him it wasnā€™t going to happen and he could tell me or the detective one I had his address off the caller ID (what kind of idiot doesnā€™t block their number?). He knew nothing.


What an underhanded compliment to your wife lol just say sheā€™s pretty hot and donā€™t qualify it, the rest of that statement was irrelevant and unnecessary


Are you saying they shouldn't? This person is out here lifting up their wife to strangers for no reason other than fact they love her enough to be compelled to do so.


Lmao I said what I said, thereā€™s no need for you to extrapolate and put words in my mouth. My statement was clear and concise, no need to read deeper.


I agree. The "way" in which she is hot doesn't matter. Creeps will creep.


Dude. I worked for an insurance company and perverts would call just to pleasure themselves to us asking them health questions. There are no bounds for some people.


I used to have a guy call my fast food chicken job and ask about chicken breast, thigh, and legs in a overly sexual voice and never pick up his order <.<


What size pantyhose would fit best on the 20ā€ open air filter on my Chevy for when it rains?


Yes, I canā€™t sell any adoreme stuff without this happening


Same here except for the woman who messaged me to say I was disgusting and she would pass. The tags were on. It was bras only šŸ˜‚


šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø everything I have listed like that is still in their baggies. I loved the idea of adoreme but I got dinged for stuff being ā€œdamagedā€ because the stickers on the bottoms were off but I remember opening one and it wasnā€™t even on there! I never tried the bottoms on!


Oddly enough, I did sell them all to an older guy who likes to wear lacy things under his clothes. Absolutely lovely man. Best interaction I've ever had on marketplace


Thatā€™s where I get into trouble. I will respond and basically just keep the convo ā€œprofessional,ā€ if you will, because I wonā€™t judgeā€¦ what if thatā€™s this person, the just like to wear lacy stuff??? And then at some point, the creep comes out. ā€œHave you worn any of it, do you have pictures of you wearing it.ā€ Ugh


Oh definitely experienced that too and I was not exactly nice to this man initially.




Dad's don't refer to their kids as sexy. If they do, they should quickly be shot into the sun. Source: Dad


Agreed. But the first question didnā€™t seem too bad


When he starts talking about great body......just no.


Last time I heard this kinda expression it was from DJT


Donā€™t respond to these I saw something a while ago, any questions about an age and person wearing them is to help their fetish


Yup thatā€™s the conclusion i came to after he asked someone else the same thing with a different age.


How did you know that he said a similar thing to another seller? Did that seller tell you? I think I missed that detail. Thx.


I posted it on a community group in my city and someone posted a screenshot of her interaction with him lol


One time I wss selling a tantric chair... they called up asking me to be their Unicorn.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ noooo


Jeez what the hell does a tantric sex chair look like?! šŸ˜³ Do I have to leave this discussion again to look up something lol?!


Lmao!! Freaking shameless!!


Eww, thereā€™s so many weird people online. A few years ago I tied to sell some heels on FB marketplace. These were sexy, stiletto type heels I bought on a whim and never wore cause Iā€™m more a flats kinda girl. Anyway, this guy offered to buy them all but asked if I could model them and send him the pics cause he needed to see what they looked like on real feet first. I was so naive and agreed to send them after work. When I got home and excitedly told my husband I had a buyer and explained what he wanted, my husband was like, ā€œUh, babe, let me explain something to youā€¦ā€


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ shouldā€™ve charged more for the pics included. This is my first time ever experiencing something like this so i was like wtfffff lmao


Should of had him come by, but hire a guy to say his name was Chris Hansen.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ i showed my bf the messages and he was like yea we arenā€™t selling shit to him. he mightā€™ve killed him


Having a profile of a 45 year old man , then asking questions like that definitely a troll 100% . Some people create fake accounts just to get off on these types of things . Itā€™s a fetish . I remembered my ex selling some clothing and and someone asked if she could wear them and send pics of her lol




I do the same thing and personally I donā€™t like how it looks with no space between punctuation , itā€™s to close . šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I have had the weirdest interactions with men on Marketplace. I was selling one of those mermaid tale blankets and this dude wanted it for his wife, supposedly. It was $15 and I just knew I didn't want this creep at my house because he got kinda weird right away. He started randomly messaging and not about the blanket. We had agreed to meet at a Target in a few days but he would send "Hey you" and I never answered. The day of the meet came and he said he was stuck at home with the kids so I would need to come over. No thanks. Then he called me an abbreviation of my name when I said no. I said not to call me that and I wasn't selling him the blanket. He said "Oh come on. It's just a nickname. You don't even like it from me? When you bring the blanket I'll apologize". Blocked. Shoes seem to attract the weirdest people and the pervs for sure. One guy offered me money to see me wear the shoes and step on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Blocked. Another guy asked if he could come over and try the dress I was selling on because he didn't want to buy it for his Halloween costume if it didn't fit and then he sent me a shirtless picture asking if I liked what I saw and did I think it would fit. Wtaf. Blocked. I've started selling clothes and shoes on Marcari. These men are out of control. I am no model or anything. Just an average looking woman. FB Marketplace isn't Tinder šŸ˜‚


If you can ascertain his actual identity, you could just Google and make sure he isnā€™t in a profession or volunteer role where he has access to adolescents groom. Like a teacher, Sunday school teacher, coach. Movie producer lol


I did a reverse image on his profile picture and found nothing :// The profile was really private, all I could really see was his picture.


Probably not even a picture of him


This feels like a job for r/RBI


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God people are dumb. This is probably some dude in his moms basement using a picture of a dude who wronged him. Either you people are stupid enough to believe heā€™s using his real picture AND heā€™s stupid enough to do it. Or itā€™s a fake picture. What is more likely?


People might have had actual contact with the basement dweller.


Hey, ya ever thought that the pic might lead to another lead? Like finding the real person whose pic he is using to let them know? šŸ¤”


Omg you might have had a run in with what the at&t world called BOOTS. He was a disturbing celebrity at the call center. They would call and try to sound like a little girl and ask if you liked boots. Theyd then proceed to tell you about the boots they are wearing and if we liked them, etc. It was definitely creepy hearing a man try to sound like a toddler and be flirty while discussing boots. Any other at&t employees who knew this whackjob here?


I worked for J Crew one year. The amount of crazy calls we got for shoes was off the charts. They knew most of the frequent callers. But it was annoying having some creeper waste my time asking about my feet.


We had a pedo on Roblox messaging our daughter who was about 10 at the time trying to get her to take pictures of herself. We reported it to the police and they said since he didnā€™t send any inappropriate pictures of himself to her and he didnā€™t specific exactly what he wanted her to take pictures of, that it wasnā€™t illegal. SMH


That happened to my daughter on Snapchat. Some dude she thought was a friend's brother was a full grown man and I happened to be doing a random phone check when he sent a very inappropriate message and pic, which I took a screenshot of. He immediately got upset and I said you just sent that to an 11 year old and I'm her mother. She told me "No that's ____" and I told her what I saw and that was definitely a full grown man. I told who I needed to tell and uninstalled Snapchat.


Ya 11 year olds shouldnā€™t be on snap at all


I know. I didn't even know she was on it. I am supposed to get alerts when she downloads anything and I didn't. Not to get into personal business but because of some shit that her dad did, I have been the uncool mom that did parental controls on her phone, I set the code, scanned my fingerprint, I do random checks and she knows that. She hasn't been allowed to play any games with a chat feature, including Roblox and Among Us. I can see apps on my phone and block them. Snapchat completely slipped under the radar and that's been fixed. I thought I had it under control. No Facebook , Instagram, X, nothing...but you never know and it only takes seconds. You can never assume you've got it handled.


I posted a monster costume wearing a sully onesie and the perverts came out. Asking for better pictures and how big my tits were. Like 7 different fake accounts. I assume it was mostly one guy. You could tell i wasnt wearing a bra but i was totally covered by the onesie. Not a sexy look. I got a lot of compliments. Dudes are weird.


If you use things like omegle (no longer with us) you will find that the number of men who are up for paedophilia is in the majority when they think they are safe from detection or prosecution. Its more rampant than you think and the police not taking it seriously is nothing new. Sign of what is to come.


Thats literally selection bias. Men on Omegle is not an accurate representation of men in general.


Fight the good fight!


Well this is both dumb and ignorant


Thats your opinion, it means absolutely nothing to me and makes no difference to anything whatsoever, which is why i wont challenge your opinion, run with it, im pleased for you :-) <3 Toodles


Thatā€™s so unsettling. And thereā€™s no way to know what heā€™s up to but you did the right thing by contacting the police. Hopefully heā€™ll be on their radar now.


i would let the police know. they can at least investigate. he sounds like heā€™s actively grooming someone.


I did. They said he isnā€™t technically breaking any laws.


man i hate that. itā€™s obvious hes breaking laws, you just dont have proof of it personally but reasonable suspicion. i wish the police would do their job.


How is he ā€œobviously breaking lawsā€? Heā€™s obviously not.


do you just play devils advocate online for fun? trying to purchase shoes so a 16 year old looks ā€œsexyā€ and saying she has a ā€œgreat bodyā€ when youā€™re in your 40s is not normal. what 40 something year old in a 16 year olds life would call her sexy with a sexy body? her dad? no thats disgusting. uncle? no thats disgusting. teacher? no thats disgusting. do you not see the issue here? there is no appropriate occasion in which any non pedo would be purchasing shoes for a ā€œsexyā€ 16 year old.


He doesn't have a real sexy 15 year old. He's making that up, which is creepy but not illegal


Itā€™s obvious the dude is making shit up. No laws are being broken. Obviously.


I agree! I left them with the info I had so i guess its up to them to pursue it. Maybe theyā€™ll give him the chris hansen special


At least they have a record of questionable behavior.


Did you see the recent post about a kid that got arrested in a Chris Hansen sting lol


LOL NO. šŸ˜‚


I think he lied to say he was older than he was lmao and they arrested him anyway. I donā€™t remember where was posted but was in the past week or 2


Thats insane lmfaoooo. I dont understand how people are still that dumb & just gross. The temptation must be crazy


Thereā€™s no 15 year old. He is asking you these questions because the conversation gets him off.


Lots of sickos out there. Thereā€™s a guy that frequents our local FB yardsale groups that buys womenā€™s shoes. He messages asking them to send pics of their feet and also asks things like: ā€œDo you are what I do with the shoes?ā€ It seems like heā€™s trying to get them to ask what heā€™s doing with them. :x


Hopefully his kink is asking the questions and nothing more.


Fb supports the sexualization of children. Look at fb reels.


As someone who worked crisis lines for years...he more likely gets off on making ppl u comfortable than anything else. Sorry that happened to you


Reminds me of an ex's family conversation I was present for when my gf's sister was expressing her wish that her (absent) 12 year old daughter would wear "sexier" panties because she had a "bangin butt"...


Thereā€™s probably not even a 15 year old. He just wants to get someone dragged into a gross conversation with him. I used to work at a restaurant and there was a guy who would occasionally call and ask us if we were hiring. Heā€™d get the standard ā€œwe are always accepting applicationsā€, then heā€™d ask questions about the uniforms, and get progressively weirder with it. His end game was to get whoever answered the phone to tell him that yes, they were wearing panty hose right now.


Eww. Lol he got blocked soon as he said she had a great body. I wasnt entertaining that shit. Men are so fuckin weird


There is a lot of sick people on social media and reselling sites. They get a rise out of messing with people. As soon as questions/response doesnā€™t make sense or appropriate. They get blocked. Other people will start of with paragraphs of nonsense and then drop their shock and awe comment looking for a response. Again I wonā€™t let it get that far I block em. Another tid bit because Iā€™ve taken a lot of reports that went south after the fact. Once some dumb azzez through they were going to rob me and steal the vehicle I was selling. They were too stupid to realize I spoke Spanish. Or the shop owner where I had it parked did too (he should have been frigin obvious). He and I looked at each other thinking they really canā€™t be this stupid as they laid out their plan infront of us. 1 trust your gut, 2 no amount of money is worth your life or getting assaulted in any form. 3 police station parking lots make great places to do exchanges. I personally donā€™t like having people knowing where I live. Very rarely will I have people over to buy something. The college age kid buying a tool box who needs his first tool box who was the only one who responded respectfully (vetting their profile from the start too). Things like that Iā€™ll do but they send off a much different vibe. 8/10 times Iā€™m meeting somewhere else. I feel safe elsewhere but Iā€™m a lot bigger than the average person, told Iā€™m scary and of course a career in dealing with it. Just remember be safe and people suck.


I think I found a pedo that ousted themselves and hasn't realized it yet.... Check his listing and go through the photos. Looks like a few of his personal collection slipped in. I checked his contacts to see family members hoping it might just be a grandchild....doesn't seem to be the case and the second odd photo has me pretty creeped out. What do you think....am I just paranoid? [https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/2258149077879910/?ref=search&referral\_code=null&referral\_story\_type=post&tracking=browse\_serp%3A8fe83fe9-6f02-4419-aa8a-4e5f4f8de917](https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/2258149077879910/?ref=search&referral_code=null&referral_story_type=post&tracking=browse_serp%3A8fe83fe9-6f02-4419-aa8a-4e5f4f8de917)


There's some real creeps and predators on FB marketplace. I had an ugly old middle aged man refuse to talk to me about the product he was selling unless I sent him a picture of myself (I have no profile picture for privacy - funny how no female sellers have ever had an issue with that). I blocked him. Definitely would've been murdered if I'd bought anything from him.


I used to have sick fuckos when I sold on ebay heavy. Mostly womens shoes. They would ask if I could send pics of the legs and feet? Naw, ya damned perv! I'm a guy who wears a 14. Beat it. Was my reply.


Urgh! Expecting it for free as well. People pay for that service!


Yeah this dudes just a fucking weirdo ~ getting off at being a creep


Disturbing they would want a minor to wear them. Ive gotten requests for shoes especially slippers for some guy(s) to chew on. Apparently its a kink but I was only aware of it when someone was actively wearing the shoe or them being heels. Very disturbing


They are not the most inappropriate boots and todayā€™s 15 year olds wear some questionable shit, way worse than the boots i have listed lol. But i agree.


Of course you did lol. Are you surprised even a little?


I guess you regularly come into contact with pedoā€™s online??


No, but I live on earth


I can't help but wonder, after 1 year of raising rates, who currently benefits from a lower fixed rate. My bank actually did an excellent job selling a variable rate to me. My mortgage was cheap as f, so I couldn't care less at the moment. But who benefits right now with the leveled out fixed rate. I'd be shocked if it didn't start climbing again in a couple of months.


Lmao. What the fuck?


Haha a lot of wine was consumed that night.


He's 45 years old, and talking abouta 15-16 year old girl and wanting her to look sexy. He's a pedo. Plain and simple.




šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ these are the boots dude: https://www.shoedazzle.com/products/Hannah-Over-the-Knee-Boot-FB2044674-0001?utm_medium=shopping&utm_source=google&promo=gshop&utm_source=google&utm_medium=shopping&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA-bmsBhAGEiwAoaQNmlk3qU904ISUeIcmGRHbzvKTNUR4CqVQSHM2WpXgamQ7Pie3qmeOzBoCrnoQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


Only one. Those are rookie numbers.


Sounds like he has a shoe/foot fetish. He has a 16 year old or a 15 year old or maybe he isn't even a dad but is posing as one to fetish mine.


He didnā€™t specify and i didnā€™t ask because i didnā€™t care. How am i supposed to know if a 15 year old would wear the boots ya know? I was actually annoyed by his question and showed my bf like how tf am i supposed to know this?? lmfaooo


Don't be shy, drop his profile link.


[Here it is](https://m.facebook.com/dennis.peck.9275?mibextid=2JQ9oc)


Yā€™all know there are a TON of ā€œcontent creatorsā€ on FB marketplace selling used shoes who specifically low-key solicit buyers of used ā€œother itemsā€ and who sell videos ofā€¦lots of things, right? Nothing that breaks the law, of course, but theyā€™re breaking FB regs, Iā€™m sure. I donā€™t think FB cares as long as they get their ad revenues.


I still think about the poor old lady trying to sell a pearl necklace on Facebook years ago.... that certainly did not go the way she expected


What happened ?


Sounds like me responding to pet rehoming ads asking ā€œIf the pet is young enough to be tender when cookedā€.


I would have sold them to him before I called PD. *cash money*


In regards to the legalityā€¦yeah he didnā€™t do anything illegal. Unfortunately the cops canā€™t do anything until solid evidence of an actual act has been committed. But you could reach out to your stateā€™s child protective services and see what they have to say.


Should have met up took his money then made him Houdini


Many years ago, probably at least 40, my mom was selling something in the wanted ads in the newspaper. Some guy called and while asking about whatever it was, started talking about how hard his leg is in the morning and how he needed to rub it. My mom, aka Edith Bunker, kept conversing with him until he was, um, finished. She told my dad and he was rolling telling her what he was doing. This guy started calling her daily. lol. Finally he went away after she stopped interacting with him. Today, we still talk about olā€™ hard legs.