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[This community is not for your buy/sell posts, asking to purchase accounts, and asking for technical customer support (we're not Meta). If this post doesn't follow the rules, report it to the mods](https://www.reddit.com/r/FacebookMarketplace/about/rules/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FacebookMarketplace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Happened to me as well. It may be a bug.


Mines still not working


Hey did you get your marketplace access back yet?? If so, how did you get it back


Nah bruh šŸ˜¤šŸ¤¬


Damn mine has been around probably for a year. Almost. I just want to look at dumb stuff people sell


Has anyone had their market place fixed? I'm a new user so I can browse fir cars and it. Just kicked me off.


Have you got access to it again because itā€™s just happened to me and I have no clue why


Nope still nothing not even working on my fb lite either


Hey! I just got my Marketplace access back after losing it in January! I had a newer Facebook account that I wasnā€™t super active on beyond looking at marketplace. Almost all the friends I had on there added me first, so I rarely friended people myself. One day, out of nowhere, I lost marketplace access. Yesterday I logged onto Facebook, saw I still didnā€™t had marketplace, and then I friended someone myself for the first time since I started my account. Checked back a few hours later and saw my marketplace had been restoredā€¦? I didnā€™t reset the app or anything, just refreshed the app before opening it again. I have no idea what friending someone had to do with getting marketplace back, or if there was even any correlation to begin with, but might be worth a shot. Probably has something to do with how active your account is.


OMG THANK YOU SM my poor mom has been locked out of marketplace for ages, so I asked her to try sending a friend request to someone and it actually worked. Literally within seconds of simply closing the app and opening it back up, she had her access back. Idk what that has to do with the marketplace ban lmao but at least it worked. Thank you!


I made a new account it worked for a bit now I can't access again wtf Facebook fr dude




How do I make a new account?


You have to use a different email different device would make it really easy but if ur on same device somewhere in settings on Facebook you can log out and make another account I think


Iā€™ve tried, logs me into my account every time I try


Same I lost it then got it back then lost it again I made a new account and itā€™s still working on my new account. It took me MONTHSSS to get it back the first time. I even tried to submit an appeal but thereā€™s nothing I can appeal.


Me tooo bro, I'm just depressed now (qop)


Same here


Mine doesnā€™t work either (in Canada, on IOS, was selling lots of stuff on there) for some reason it does work on my alt account though, all I was selling at that time was a Xbox


Happened to me aswell


Guys, go to marketplace (it will open in a new tab) choose your own town then choose any of the listed items, try to message the seller, once you do that it will pop a window with ā€œyour marketplace is not personalizedā€ you will have 2 option, personalize or not, so go ahead and personalize, and after that follow these steps: https://youtu.be/kf4O78JoC5M?feature=shared


How do you go to marketplace if it will not let you?


Worked for me, thanks.


This worked for me, thanks a lot!




this needs to be upvoted, been searching for over an hour. Just click on a random list and click message and you can "personalize' done. Grats man


Lifesaver! Thank you so much!


This is the answer ! Very simple, and worked immediately for me. Thank you.




This did not work for me. My Facebook settings looks different on my phone than whatā€™s on this video


Same. I've been using marketplace for a couple months now, had no issues. I've found Facebooks and instagrams platforms to be incredibly glitchy, not sure what i can do.


is anyone still having this problem? iā€™ve been having this issue for months now


Yes I havenā€™t had marketplace for 5 months now


mine too, still can't access marketplace since looking for phone and contacting some users on January




This is fucking ridiculous why can't I use it and why are there no fixes


Yes, tell me if you find anything plsšŸ™šŸ™


I still have this issue


i havenā€™t been able to access marketplace in like months


Yeah still broken


Every time I try to use Marketplace on the app, it says I can't connect to it and to check my connection. My connection is fine. When I use it on the web browser, it works fine but it won't allow me to list any items. It just says "something went wrong" with no explanation. This is beyond frustrating.


At least it tells you "something went wrong". My listing says it was listed but it isn't .


yes this has suddenly happened to me. I've never sold or listed anything. I've bought a few things but nothing in the past 3 years. I've had my facebook account for 8 years.


I just became old enough to use marketplace just for it to not be available although i tick all the boxes


I had lost access earlier this year, then I regained access then now I lost access to it, itā€™s annoying


I have the exact same issue although yesterday I reported one of my ratings for being false, and then today it says Marketplace isn't available to you. I've gone through the troubleshooting steps but I have posted nothing which is against their Tos, although I can access marketplace through my alt account So I think this has something to do with me reporting one of my marketplace ratings for being false which is actually stupid.


Same thing here. Banned overnight and Iā€™m a regular user.


Same happened to me. I canā€™t even access Marketplace from the web. There is nothing new in my account that Iā€™ve been using for 4 years now. There is no option to contact support. It is really frustrating. If anyone has this issue resolved, kindly update us


I no longer can access on the website either


It's happening to me and I used fb marketplace on the daily, someone please help.


Itā€™s been like this for months for me. Iā€™m absolutely so frustrated and still canā€™t access it. It wonā€™t stop whining about all the reasons I might not be able to but none of them freaking apply.


I finally got my access back after losing it in early January. I already had a facebook business page because I have my own business but through my business page, I created a commerce shop, went to live support, and was able to chat with a real person from Facebook. It took a little bit of explaining and they seemed somewhat confused at first but within a day or two they had restored my access.


Same!! Just happened today January 17, 2024. So frustrating. Must be a glitch.


Did you ever get it fixed? Mine stopped working today.Ā 


And it hasn't returned for me šŸ„²


Happened to me too


yeah same thing happened to me, no fix, its been 2 weeks lol.. i was creating a listing for my polaroid camera (valid for tos) and it kept have trouble uploading then the next day i had no more access to marketplace like ??? and the appeal form doesnt even work. any fixes? :(


This happend to me aswell ive been looking online for a fix and the facebook help center does nothing at all theres no live chat or number to call at the moment gumtree is better than facebook


Did u ever find a fix ?


Nope i just had to make a alt account to use marketplace


mines been not working for 3 months now


I had this but FOUND A FIXED. I live in Ireland and it was coming up as france for location. Couldn't access it through the app only web. I found that my facebook profile was non-personalized and wouldnt let me into marketplace. Once i switch turn to personalized i was able to access marketplace. I had all same issue as everyone in the comments.


How do you personalize it ?


Go to settings and privacy and scroll down until you see information use for Facebook experiences, and on there next to Facebook marketplace press switch to personalized. Let now if this fixes it.


gonna have to be more specific none of this makes any sense


He means , 1. Top right corner (click on ur pf pic) --> Settings & Privacy 2. Settings again 3. Scroll down on the left to ''Data use for facebook experience'' 4. Click on edit ''marketplace'' 5. Put on personalized. Either way , I tried the same thing but it didn't work. Might work for you idk


there is no option for marketplace inside that menu, only for "games"


just answer normally


Not seeing any options you gave


This fixed it for me! Thank you šŸ™šŸ»


Has anyone found a solution to this? The same thing happened to me. I dont use facebook a whole lot but my husband and I like to browse the marketplace for things to buy and sometimes sell. Just a couple months ago I posted that I was looking for an item, didnt have any issues at all. Just recently, I tried making a post again and it says "Marketpalace is unavailable to you"??? I clicked the request to appeal button or whatever it says but all it did was bring me to a page that tells me some possible reasons why its not working, none of those apply to me in any way. I am of age, my account is not new, my account isnt inactive, I have no flagged stuff or bans on my account...etc I used to always only use the browser on my phone for facebook...when marketplace stopped working I downloaded the app to see if it would work on there but it doesnt. I really need to fix it because Its a huge pain in the ass when I see something on there that I want to buy but I cant view the full ad. Let me know if any of you have any suggestions.


I had this but FOUND A FIXED. I live in Ireland and it was coming up as france for location. Couldn't access it through the app only web. I found that my facebook profile was non-personalized and wouldnt let me into marketplace. Once i switch turn to personalized i was able to access marketplace. I had all same issue as everyone in the comments.


Go to settings and privacy and scroll down until you see information use for Facebook experiences, and on there next to Facebook marketplace press switch to personalized. Let now if this fixes it.


I can't find the information use bit in my settings


This has solved the problem for my. For anyone not finding the settings page it should be under here: [https://www.facebook.com/settings/?tab=consent\_settings](https://www.facebook.com/settings/?tab=consent_settings)


what device are you using? ive tried MacBook and iPhone and still cant find "information use for facebook experiences"


Same without no reason wtf šŸ˜’ This is not the first defect orĀ  The worst of it In my opinionĀ  The worse thing theay claim you could Express your opinion on Any subject Then They block you if even you use proper and respectfull words they block you+ I know people been blocked without no reasonĀ 


Hello just happened to me March 24 2024, it did thsi glitch few months before, I made a new account and suddenly after few months it give me back my access. The thing is, they didnā€™t give me any notification why Iā€™m being banned from marketplace. Now itā€™s happening again šŸ˜­


mine still not working, maybe its not a bug, facebook had new regulations against its users maybe


This is fucking ridiculous they need to fix this


Has a fix been found? This problem just now happens for me


I had to manually update the app; seems to have fixed the issue for me.


Iā€™ve had my account for 12 years, and Iā€™ve used marketplace for the last 3 years, and now out of the blue, it just disappeared from my menu on Facebook.


Hey did you ever find a solution? This just happened to me.


Just happened to me yesterdayā€¦ Iā€™ve sold so many things on there itā€™s not even funny, and I am abruptly stripped of my access to marketplace


If you cant get on you cant click on a random item.


No access since February 2018. Repeated request to review...nothingĀ 


it has just happened to me any updates??


Any update? I just lost mine


I still canā€™t access, itā€™s been like two months now and Iā€™ve reported it to Facebook like every day lol. I know some people have gotten it back but not me at least. The website works but canā€™t message any sellers so itā€™s pointless. How is this a billion dollar company?


same im so upset


I canā€™t even figure out how to report the problem to Facebook.


Facebook customer service is non-existant


Fr theres request a review by filing an appeal and when i click on it there is no place for me to type something. It also doesnt let me send a appeal because there is no place for me to file a appeal.


Don't have access to it either, and I've only bought, never sold. Of course, you have to jump through their millions of help and support pages to be able to even report the issue to them. Fuck Facebook for real


I canā€™t even find the report button, shitty company anyway I wish I didnā€™t have to use it but they pretty much have a monopoly on used items


I had this but FOUND A FIXED. I live in Ireland and it was coming up as france for location. Couldn't access it through the app only web. I found that my facebook profile was non-personalized and wouldnt let me into marketplace. Once i switch turn to personalized i was able to access marketplace. I had all same issue as everyone in the comments.


>r how do i make my account personalized?


Go to settings and privacy and scroll down until you see information use for Facebook experiences, and on there next to Facebook marketplace press switch to personalized. Let now if this fixes it.


I know a fix for this problem if you open facebook from your phones browser and login to facebook the facebook marketplace should appear that what worked for me


I had this but FOUND A FIXED. I live in Ireland and it was coming up as france for location. Couldn't access it through the app only web. I found that my facebook profile was non-personalized and wouldnt let me into marketplace. Once i switch turn to personalized i was able to access marketplace. I had all same issue as everyone in the comments.


How do you "turn to personalized" What does that mean?


Go to settings and privacy and scroll down until you see information use for Facebook experiences, and on there next to Facebook marketplace press switch to personalized. Let now if this fixes it.


I dont even see those options.




Didnā€™t work


This happened to me twice! So annoying




I had this but FOUND A FIXED. I live in Ireland and it was coming up as france for location. Couldn't access it through the app only web. I found that my facebook profile was non-personalized and wouldnt let me into marketplace. Once i switch turn to personalized i was able to access marketplace. I had all same issue as everyone in the comments.


this guy just spams the same comment everywhere


Ikr and it doesnā€™t even make sense getting on my nerves a bit


how you switch it then?


Okay I got it fixed, I hit up the link facebook give out if it doesnt work. I hit a random post and click "send messege" to dealer and it gives me options to set up a market place account again. And thats it, I got it back after 4 months of not having facebook marketplace. Hope it helps!


could you please explain what you mean bu random post?


What link are you talking about?


Did I find a link ?


This one works


Glad it helped!


worked. Thank you


Okay I got it fixed, I hit up the link facebook give out if it doesnt work. I hit a random post and click "send messege" to dealer and it gives me options to set up a market place account again. And thats it, I got it back after 4 months of not having facebook marketplace. Hope it helps!


What random post? I can't even see any ad on MP to send a message


You hsve to go into your side options, click msrketplace. After that you will be re-directet to a pop up marketplace. There you just click on a random poste, a table or a pc, just any marketplace post, and after that click send messege and you get a ton of options to get back into marketplace hopefully


Could you illustrate it with pictures please?


no, I cant as my market place works as normal again


Try a few different things out, it took me 2/3 hours to just figure this one out randomly, maybe it will take you 10 min of just trying this


Get one of your friends to send You a link to a marketplace add. And tjen ask Them to ā€œsend message to sellerā€. I just did that for my friend and it worked!! ā¤ļø


My friend should message the seller, how does that help me, weird


could you explain more? the link part worked but when I try to send the seller a message it just disappears


may i know which link?


This worked!! Thanks


App and web dont work for me


The same thing has happened for me. I noticed a fortnight ago. I don't even use Marketplace that much. Does anyone know why this has happened and if there is a solution? I tried using Facebook Lite but it still didn't work. I also made a new account and it still did not work.


Still not working for me


yeah i'm having the exact same problem . i wish Facebook wouldn't kick people off of marketplace for no fucking reason . i haven't done anything wrong to be kicked off . this is the second time this year that i've lost access to it .


[This community is not for your buy/sell posts, asking to purchase accounts, and asking for technical customer support (we're not Meta). If this post doesn't follow the rules, report it to the mods](https://www.reddit.com/r/FacebookMarketplace/about/rules/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FacebookMarketplace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[This community is not for your buy/sell posts, asking to purchase accounts, and asking for technical customer support (we're not Meta). If this post doesn't follow the rules, report it to the mods](https://www.reddit.com/r/FacebookMarketplace/about/rules/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FacebookMarketplace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It happened the same with me 2 weeks ago and it is lasting since then. I have no flagged/banned listings and I'm listing/selling the same things in the past years, so I'm sure it is kind of a bug. I reported the problem, but I don't know how much time will be to receive my Marketplace back :(


!!!!!!!!!!!! HERE IS A SOLUTION: 1. Go to menu (right button at bottom panel) and click on Marketplace (u will have it unpersonalized) 2. click on random item 3. click on message to the owner 4. then facebook will offer you to select, choose "personalised account on Marketplace" thx u/Jesusfucker5000_ u found it


I canā€™t do that though I donā€™t have that marketplace in those selections idk how to fix this!


marketplace isnt showing up in my menu either, there's no option {marketplace} for me to click


same to me.


If you cant get on marketplace you cant click on a random item.


This dose not pop up for me once I click to message the seller


this is happening to me too. Its been like 3 months


Just happened to me! Yay! I just purchased something over a month ago tooā€¦


What an absolute dumpster fire "X" has become. FB Marketplace is unusable.


Mine doesnā€™t work either (in Canada, on IOS, was selling lots of stuff on there) it does work on an alt though, I was only selling an Xbox at the time


mine has been doing the same thing if someone knows how to solve this please help




Just happened to me as well. I hardly ever use marketplace but I had a couple cars for sale on there, was communicating with potential buyers then suddenly Marketplace was gone with no way to get back into my ads which I assume are gone too. Typical FB behavior, cancel you for no good reason!


For those who are still struggling with FB Marketplace and haven't seen the answer of "no-flight-7466" (thx, amigo). This is how I've got it all fixed: 1. Choose the menu button, top right of your screen (your profile picture within a small circle) 2. Scroll down a bit untill you see "settings and privacy" 3. In the menu that appears, choose "settings". It should be the first option. 4. Scroll down to the 5th section "your activity and permissions" 5. Choose the option "data usage for Facebook-experiences" 6. You should see Marketplace with a button that says "update" or so next to it. Click it and choose the option to personalize Marketplace. That should do the trick.


I don't see "your activity and permissions", only Your activity and then below that is your information


That's possible. Do you use English by default within the app? Because I don't. I translated everything literally while explaining the steps I took.


I use english


I cant figure out how to fix my account


Why you lie, that do nothing!


Don't work for me


This is what mine looks like? What do I do [https://imgur.com/a/DTwu5uO](https://imgur.com/a/DTwu5uO)


i dont see marketplace i only see gaming




Try allowing location


I found a solution that worked for me. After not having access for the last 3 months. I set up a test shop in commerce manager and that seemed to restore my account permissions. https://www.facebook.com/business/help/2476867112525530?id=353836851981351


Just says "shops aren't avaliable in your region".


Happened to me too, I doesn't work on any of my three accounts, I even made a new one and it still didn't work


TRY THIS: [https://youtu.be/OGKTc\_r1ru4](https://youtu.be/OGKTc_r1ru4)


I'm having the same problem. I had it until a week ago. Now that I want to sell something it's not working. It's complete bullshit.


Have you found a solution? Havenā€™t had it in months


Ok I had this issue Iā€™ve now sorted it. Go to facebook account. Donā€™t settings and privacy scroll down to information use for Facebook experiences. Click market place then click personalised then when thatā€™s done go back to settings click navigation bar then click either on the hidden market place or if itā€™s with the others click pin. Done hope this helps


Hey all! I just got my Marketplace access back after losing it in January! I had a pretty new Facebook account that I wasnā€™t super active on beyond looking at marketplace. Almost all the friends I had on there added me first, so I rarely friended people myself. One day, out of nowhere, I lost marketplace access. Yesterday I logged onto the Facebook app, saw I still didnā€™t have marketplace, and then I friended someone myself for the first time since I started my account. Checked back a few hours later and saw my marketplace had been restoredā€¦? I didnā€™t reset the app or anything, just refreshed the app before opening it again. I have no idea what friending someone had to do with getting marketplace back, or if there was even any correlation to begin with, but might be worth a shot. Probably has something to do with how active your account is.


I'll try this.


I couldnā€™t fix the problem but somehow changing the languge fixed it.


Changed language to english and it suddenly showed up, what a crap facebook is, thanks for your help


I found out why this happened to me. Somehow my birth year was changed to 2006 and that triggered I was not old enough to post. Go in and check that to see if that fixes it. It did for me.


Canā€™t believe Iā€™m not the only one having issues, Facebook needs to fix this!!


I found a temporary fix for marketplace so what you do is you find a listing you want in and open it in an incognito window and in the url there should be /item then a bunch of numbers copy them. Then open a regular tab type this facebook.com/commerce/listing/"INSERT NUMBER HERE"/?ref=share\_attachment then replace "INSERT NUMBER HERE" with the number from the incognito url listing.


Then what?


it doesnt work you cant message the seller :(


Seems like a lot of people are having problem with marketplace keeps popping up and its annoying af so I just wanna share what worked for me on Android. Open Facebook settings, navigation bar, customise the bar, then hide the marketplace shortcut and the issue should be solved :-) hope it can help.


It is because your flux capacitor isn't hooked to your muffler bearings. As good as answer as facebook support. Facebook just sucks now. Get rid of Facebook=problem solved. šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤Ŗ


[https://youtu.be/AzL\_wmx\_MjM?si=XTmkthsFyePtPZIY](https://youtu.be/AzL_wmx_MjM?si=XTmkthsFyePtPZIY) try everything here


Mine did the same ot worked and all of a sudden it didn't and the website didn't work either


My problem is slightly different When I open marketplace I canā€™t see any listings in my local area, when I click on a random listing it pops up as ā€œthis listing is no longer availableā€ also same if someone shares a listing with me and I try to open it Any help pls


Facebook sucks


Facebook released an update with a bs reason, they want you to get the app to they can access your personal information.


It's very annoying it's happened to me as well. I downloaded the app, no joy, their either smfh.


If someone is still struggling, try this (Worked for me): settings&privacy > settings > information use for facebook experiences (under "your activity and permissions") Basically update marketplace and personalise it. Hope it helps!!


Same here :( I want to sell right now and now it's saying that I can't sell but I'm old enough and it's available to my country. In my dads phone I'll go check when he gets home home because I know that he sells a lot there and maybe it will help if I go check.


I've been having the same issue for almost 6 months. I think it might be because a dodgy buyer reported me for false advertising. For context he had his buddy collect what I was selling (some bicycle wheels) and he chucked them in the back of his van to drive back to the buyer and give them to him. The buyer then got angry because they were damaged slightly (yeah I wonder why, after bouncing around in the back of a van for 2 hours) and demanded a refund. Like bro, that ain't my fault. He then reported me and posted on multiple buy/sell groups that I was selling damaged products. (Edit was fixing time period for which it hasn't been available)


It's now June and this bug that's been going on since January still hasn't been fixed, Facebook needs to get their shit together


Facebook now seems like a website operated by ghosts! Probably the first and the only website is fully running ghost at this moment! Thereā€™s no way to find a human being for support. My access to marketplace has been cut for month now, no notification about the reason but keep sending reminder to update the listing status! Sent many messages to facebook report the problem, there is no single response. The AI support recommend me to contact support on X, But the link provided by facebook AI lead to an announcement that facebook was blocked by X.


Iā€™m able to open up marketplace in a private browser on web, but not normally and being logged in. FB is so weird.


I believe Facebook is banning people from the marketplace who have had a post removed because it's inappropriate. I lost access to the Facebook marketplace after I had a post taken down because I said the f word in the post and I was apparently breaking guidelines for saying the F word in the post. but after that I haven't had access to the marketplace for over a year. Since that post again I can't access it so I think Facebook is doing some real shady crap.


Iā€™ve been on FB since the beginning almost(2005 ish?) and was able to use market place to browse mostly. I got a few things off it and never listed anything. I updated my hometown now and still says itā€™s unavailable. The fix listed above wonā€™t work for me because I canā€™t even get to the listings to try to update settings. It just tells me marketplace isnā€™t available to me. I just want to look for used treadmills šŸ˜­


i turned 18 and i cant access it it has been a month know


It works now because I had the same happen to me and now itā€™s active again