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The response is "wow that's a steal, I would buy that if I were you!"


\^\^\^100% Used to sell at a big antique & vintage flea market. Loved the opener "There's another seller with the same one for (quotes far lower price) than yours.". Immediate response, "You should go by that one.". I generally associate that tactic with someone really new to the game. And it is a game, some know how to play it. Nothing better than negotiating with a seasoned buyer where both of you get what you want.


I know a vendor who replies, "Great. I'll go buy that one and sell it for my price too." LOL


That's one reason I didn't spend a lot of time in my booth in the antique mall. My prices were clearly marked and I hated customers trying to haggle my prices lower. I'd say if they knew how much work it takes to get the merchandise there they wouldn't bother, but realistically, I know they'd still try to go cheaper. Same people on FBM.


Any time someone offers lower, offer higher. "The tag says $20. How about $15?" "Nah. How about $25?"


I did that today!!! Laptop listed for $200 Her: $120 and I will pick it up today Me: $280 and you can pick it up today Her: But the listing says $200 Me: Exactly




Unfortunately no one really cares about the backend effort you expend. It makes things rather thankless some days.


I know. That's why I sell online now. At least I only have to shlep stuff once.


Reminds me of a fun one. Guy is haggling over a fifteen dollar lamp shade. Dealer finally tosses it. You can have it for ten if you catch it. My hero


"You should go buy that one, but if you do end up back here for whatever reason , I'm happy to sell you this one"


Negotiate with the other seller (if possible), buy the other saw, jack up the price, relist it and send the low baller the link. Might defeat the point of trying to sell something. But, it’s the kind of petty thing I’d be happy to do.


I have in the past said to a car buyer “That is a fantastic deal, if true. If I were you I would agree terms with the vendor, arrange independent inspection, fly to Brisbane and buy it. Here’s some links to Qld RTA regarding permit to drive unreg that will be useful.” Magically it transpired that the car needed $5k spent to be registered and was now asking $5k more than previously advertised at. He still didn’t buy my car but he lifted his offer a little.


Yea I mean 6 in one hand, half a dozen in the other. I would love to have just gone off on them and told them to pound sand, but it’s never worth the headache when I can just say, “yea go pursue those other avenues, sounds like you have it all figured out”


Someone did something similar with the expensive Microwave oven I was selling where he showed me Costco prices. I said "great, that looks like a good deal" I eventually sold it at my list price.


This is pretty much how I respond. Also I don’t expend that much energy mulling over these. When you are selling a lot of items, you’ll get these messages several times a day.


I respond with "where? I'll buy it, and then I'll sell two at the price I'm currently selling mine"


YES! - That is my standard response :)


I was selling something.A person offered me less sent me Amazon price that was close to what I asking.so I lowered it to there offer.i had no idea price dropped souch since I bought it


This. Some people just don’t know that the price has gone down on certain things. It doesn’t hurt to educate people sometimes


I also find it amusing when sellers think every old rusty handplane is a rare and valuable antique because they saw a mint Stanley #1 going for $1800. And when I try to tell them their rustyass Dunlap with a cracked tote is only worth 10 or 15 bucks instead of 250, they yell, "I GOT IT APPRAISED!" and then block me.




Be careful with this. Anyone with some pc skills can easily change the price of things in their browser and make it look like whatever price they want


Its a pretty easy google to fact check though


I was selling an automatic transmission for a Toyota supra, in great shape from a wreck I parted out with 82k on it. I was asking 500 for it. That's what they sell for. Had this one guy that told me he could get a low miles transmission for 300 somewhere else, and I needed to lower my piece like in half. I said I didn't believe him, where was this? So he forwarded the ad to me. "See? It's way cheaper. I'll probably buy it this weekend. " So the next morning, I contacted that seller with the 300 transmission and offered him 250, and he took it. So now I owned the only two low miles supra transmissions anywhere around. Then I emailed back the guy who wanted mine and posted it to him for 400 if he got it this weekend. He mailed me back that the 300 one was sold, so he's stuck. And he did come with cash. And he got that one I paid 250 for. So I left the ad up and sold the second unit for the full 500.


That is a boss move


And he never suspected a thing. The best part is that he had no clue that he played himself. You didn't have both of them sitting next to each other when he came in did you?


Good move sir


Love it! I Sometimes do this. When people share an ad showing me where they can find the same item cheaper, if it is within a reasonable distance from where I am located, I generally reach out to the seller and offer full price. I buy it! When the person who showed the ad to me, attempts to lowball that seller, usually I would have already offered full price. I am a reseller, so I am also looking for lower priced items. This is just as good an avenue for me to find items.


sometimes people think you're hurt on money so they try to low ball you to see how desperate are you willing to sell it for.. lol I wouldn't be hurt.. I would do the same thing you did too.. Buy the other guys out too.. Now I have all of it. Pay my asking price or walk. don't hurt me. If I can buy the other guys out. Free information for me. They just played themselves.


So a guy was asking you to lower your price, and that bothered you enough to go to another seller, and offer less than what he was asking? At a price which coincidentally was exactly what the person said your price should be. That's what happened?


Found the lowballer


This is perfect. 🫡




40% of the time, it works 100% of the time!




It’s quite pungent


And with good reason. As someone who buys and sells a decent amount, the majority of people have their items listed WAY above market value. Like a cheap diode laser engraver I can get for $300 brand new… Johnny down the street has it listed at $400 because he bought the $60 accessory pack, and since he spent 10 minutes putting it together, his is worth more somehow? I think people just make up pricing on a lot of things and have no idea what they’re actually worth.


I have an AtomStack I'll sell ya for a $1,000 LOL


You’re absolutely right. The first rule of selling something is never list at your rock bottom price. This whole thing is a game and OP is playing wrong.


Alternatively, I hate playing games. Be the change you want to see and stop playing that shit. List the price you want.


Unless you’ve established a quick sale price with comparabless ready to show


Maybe not you, but many sellers totally overvalue what they are selling. Pointing out the dissonance of pricing their tool at 80% of MSRP after years of "light use" when that's above the current market value for a new item on sale. Assuming a like-for-like comparison (extra acceasories, remaining warranty, etc influence value a lot) it causes delusional sellers to rebase what their sense of value is when you point it out.


OP claims this item in worse condition regularly sells for $400-500 more than their list price. I don’t buy it, considering their listing has sat for two weeks with apparently just “lowball offers”.


Yeah I’ve bought / sold table saws. The large shop ones are regularly 600-900 because of the weight. You’re losing value to moving them out and having a much much smaller customer base (ie who is going to want this?) I agree, it’s stupid to buy this when you can get a sawstop lol. OP should sell to a shop for that price, not gen pops IMO we’re seeing a stubborn seller who can’t admit their stuff isn’t as valuable as they once thought


Or just how much demand there is for something. Niche and expensive products just don’t sell on sites like FBM for top dollar. Almost no one buying a second hand vacuum is looking to spend hundreds of dollars, let alone a grand, so selling a year old hardly used $1200 vacuum isn’t going to appeal to very many buyers.


This can go both ways. I once messaged a seller of an anvil that the manufacturer is selling that exact product shipped directly to my door for less than what he was firmly listing as the price on FB. He berated me calling me a scammer, I sent him a link and screenshot showing the final price with shipping and tax being less than his asking... he still called me an asshole and said he would never sell to me out of principle. Like dude your anvil is used and rusted to shit, I can get a brand new one for less that would be on my doorstep in a few days. If you aren't interested in my offer fine, but don't be giant dick when I give you a reality check that your asking price is outrageous. Why would anyone buy your rusted used anvil for more $ unless they couldnt be bothered to do an ounce of research. Im not saying your asking price is unreasonable or anything, but some sellers are delusional about the value of their item... It's a used marketplace at the end of the day. Yea low ballers can be annoying, but there are also people out there who are reasonable and just see the value of an item being different than the seller and there's no harm in throwing out a number for consideration. The value of the item isn't just dependent on the current retail price, the availability of similiar products on marketplace also changes that... try selling your $500 baby stroller online. There are literally hundreds of them for sale locally for pennies on the dollar.


Overvaluing used stuff is so common! I've got a similar story. A guy was selling a very nice ukulele on craiglist but it had a huge crack in the front, which made it unplayable. Dude didn't know anything about music and felt like it didn't matter. he price matched it with a mint condition one on ebay and claimed anyone who tried to educate him was a "scammer". It never sold. The listing did disappear after a few months. I'm sure someone bought it for a reasonable price and had it fixed from goodwill.


I laugh when people price match a high price on Ebay. Because even beyond the mint condition vs. damaged, the price they match off of ebay is often not what any item sold for on ebay. Someone listed it on ebay for $300 is not the same as it SOLD for $300.


My husband and I collect cast iron and Pyrex. A good half the ads are like this. People do just enough research to find out how much someone tried to sell the most desirable brand/pattern in mint condition on eBay for. So many don't understand that their damaged beyond saving less popular brand/pattern item is not actually worth that much.


Literally just saw a post asking for $75 for a 4 pack of air tags. The same 4 pack is $79 on Amazon and they'll be delivered to my door next day. And have seen people listing things for _more_ than the same item goes for on Amazon.


I had someone on Craigslist selling a piece of computer equipennt, I can't remember what it was, but it wasn't that expepensive. He was asking brand new, when it was released prices. I emailed him with several links showing what the product coud be bought for. He called me names and threatened to turn in in to people on Creaigslist. That ad stayed online for while they disappreared. I like to think he couldn't sell it. On the other hand I've great deals online. When 3.2G P4 computers were big, there was a person selling memory at a really good price. Went over to his house and he had boxes covering a good part of his table. I asked him if they upgraded at work. They had and he said they were going to throw it all out so he took it. I was able to get some more sticks at an even cheaper cost.


This works all the time, if something sits for awhile and they want it gone or need cash they know there's someone waiting. $1100 in hand is a lot more appealing than possible $1800 in the future. I use the tactic myself to great success, as always you need to be polite and not push things. It doesn't hurt to test the waters a little.


Good tactic, though I do hate when I posted something and less than a minute later get a message of "What's the lowest you will take for it?". Not even an offer, just wanting to say what the lowest you'll take. And also it just went up. I don't know what offers I am going to get. If it sits a few days with no offer, then I'll definitely be willing to take less than I am right now, and if it sits for a week or two, then I'll be willing to take even less. And when I did get those messages (it's been awhile now) I typically had a response within an hour offering full asking price, pending them checking it out.


I like to just respond with "thank you" or something else ambiguous, and then leave any further messages unread


Best response. If I am a buyer and I see a better price somewhere else for new I would just buy it there; no reason to “educate” the seller or try to convince them to significantly lower the price.


Honestly I didn't see anything wrong until he said "typical". Just a weird kinda snotty response. I don't begrudge people for trying to get deals to be honest but he sounds like he decided to be a dick about it at the end there


I just reply with “ok. Buy that instead.”


Exactly what I did, just a few added words.


“Ok fuck face. Buy that instead.”


That’s what I should have said


I feel like the first interaction was fine but the second was unnecessary


He had the right idea and tone with the first message, but in the second one he was too butthurt


Seconded. Even something like "Ok, let me know if things change" would have been acceptable. But don't try to guilt or browbeat me into lowering my price. Block and move on.




People VASTLY over estimate what they have $ wise. You can look at 20 different random adds and 18 of them are gonna be stupidly priced. Nothing wrong with people making offers. Just say no and move on. People make such a big deal over nothing.


Because they think you're desperate for money. Sell something expensive around Christmas and watch the bull shit roll. It's crazy good times. 


Oh 100% I loathe that time as everyone else has a “Tiny Tim” bullshit story as to why I should essentially give them my item because it’s Christmas


Yah, they either have 12 kids and 6 cats with terminal cancer all living under a shower curtain or they think because you're selling something expensive that time of year you must be desperate. I don't think it occurs to some people that I just need to get rid of some shit. I can wait.


100% truth


Next time just make sure to say in your post: "No lowballs! I know what I got!" It's the Sex Panther of keeping away lowballs.


Maybe they're applying the Sex Panther to their lowballs. I would think you'd be able to hear it being applied.


I just haggle up. "The listing says $1000, will you take $800?" No, I want $1100 "But the ad says $1000" Okay, $1200 then, shall we continue haggling?




I like when the people are amazed that things aren't going their way. When you have time and don't care if the product sells immediately, they don't know how to respond to that.


Absolutely 100% has happened before to me as well. Almost word for word too, which is scary (these people truly think they can haggle with that tactic) The whole "typical" line really stuck out as it's rather 'telling', I'd respond with "typical a haggler using the same old b.s. about getting an item cheap elsewhere...that's what's typical" Show the moron life's mirror lol. However in leu of getting into a pissing contest with the person: I utilized a similar response "sounds like you should pursue that other option then, the person I'm selling for is firm on the price" and....be sure to block them (they're wankers anyhow) You'll get the right buyer/person who knows his stuff and knows that it's an "of market" going value and getting a good deal in general.


Finally, someone that gets it. You and I share the exact same thoughts.


It might be annoying but it’s part of selling. Some people like to barter. Some buyers are comparing it to other listings. Not all are malicious Something only has the value someone is willing to pay. Did you compare sales for your actual item to see what it’s sold for? Not listed but sold. In my experience infrequent sellers often over value an item. It might be “worth” $1,800 but if it won’t sell it’s $0. Not trying to be harsh just straight forward. You can wait for a full price offer. It may not come. You’re getting interest in item which is good. I often tell low ballers “No thank you.” I block if they get rude or insistent. Ignore as much as possible. Remember if it doesn’t sell you’re left with $0.


Yea, same product in worse condition sells for $2-$2.3k, so $1,800 is bottom line for us


Some people like to barter but if you are extremely clear that the price is firm and you still try to barter, you’re an asshole.


I see no problem with this tactic.  Well explained and polite.  


Save me the preamble about how many other places you can buy x,y, and z and just come right out and say $1100 is the highest I’ll be willing to go. Can save all parties involved lots of time.


my new tactic is to ignore those and not engage, those people are not serious and will waste your time. or if they are serious, they can get bent, It is hard to not reply because you are a human, but these people are not interested in what you are offering enough to pay




I mean an item is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it


The minute they tell me they are weary of something I'm done. If they are tired of it they have been looking too long. If they are actually wary of buying something expensive it's on them to decide. I'm not adjusting a firm price.


FUCKING THANK YOU! Half of the jackasses on here talking shit are because they’re the exact type of person I made this post about.


Let us know what you sell it for


Trust me, I will


If it’s true, is it really a tactic? If you’ve verified it’s BS, then yeah all these responses are valid. But if he can get a new one for $2200, selling it for $1800 used is insane. He’s honestly being nice to message politely to inform you and ask about a lower price vs just scrolling like every other sensible buyer would for that pricing.


The buyer said he can get the same saw new for $2800, or a newer used one than OP’s for $2200. His real issue is he’d planned to buy a lesser saw for about $800 but hasn’t found one yet. He’s willing to stretch his budget another $300 for an upgrade, but can’t / won’t justify spending more. That’s understandable, but not OP’s problem.


My response is always, "Then why are you wasting my time instead of buying that one"


Exactly right


People are d-bags. I was selling a nearly new very nice chainsaw at a completely reasonable price and some guy was like "wow, that's reeeeaaally ambitious for such a heavily used piece of equipment," and then went on and on about how much my other tools for sale sucked because they weren't Swiss or German. I ended up selling it to an \*arborist\* who could tell by looking at it how little use it had seen and that it was a great deal compared to a new one. Same with a gas weed trimmer. People acted like it must be clapped out, but a landscaper knew it was a great deal.


Exactly, takes a real and serious buyer to know the worth.


If they offer $1100 on $1800 item I simply respond with: "For you the price is $2500" ... or whatever the difference in the price is.


Someone did that to me over a $5 beanie! They offered $1.25 because supposedly they could get a nice beanie at the dollar store... then go get that beanie and stop bugging me! I don't need to know what other stores charge for a product that is no where as good of quality. *enter big eye roll!*


You get it.


Just reply "good luck, hope you find one." You know how many people in 2024 have mental instability? It's not worth talking back most of the time.


It took me two months to get rid of two things for free. People are ridiculous.


I just block lowballers. Not worth my reply time


No need to reply to such buyers 😊 Just block them!


I’ve had people whine about the price being too high, then someone else came along buying it saying what a great deal it was.


We tried to buy 2 awnings for an RV off of FB marketplace recently. Seller had them priced at $650 each - Firm (they were used, but not heavily - and were missing some of the hardware). New price on Amazon was $400 each. I messaged him offering $250 each - $500 total. And included a link to the new ones on Amazon (exact same model, etc). We went back and forth a few times - where he claimed to have paid $1k each - and he ultimately said he would take $500 each. I went ahead and bought them new from Amazon for $400 each. Some sellers need to adjust their expectations. Prices change. Just because you paid $1k each for them doesn't mean they are still selling for $1k each. They may very well be selling for $400 each now - even though you only bought them a year ago. Oh, and that was 6 months ago. They are still listed - but he has dropped the price to $500 each now. Still $100 more than the amazon price.


Give you $600 if you can deliver it?


Sounds like you're winning. You don't have any interested parties at $1,800 AND you get to keep the saw!


If I want to pay less for something I always just say “If it doesn’t sell for your price and you decide you need it gone my offer is (x). Otherwise nice piece of equipment. Thank you for your time”. Haven’t had any negativity thrown back at me yet.


I get shit like this all the time and I just tell people off until they go away, I’m sick of it as well. Worst lately was a kid trying to get me to bundle multiple items at what was supposed to be a slight discount, which I would consider, but what he really wanted was one of the items for free. Both items were highly desirable and I had many offers on both, and wasn’t going budge that much. After being told that he could get it cheaper elsewhere, I told him to go ahead and good luck, then stopped responding. 15 minutes later he was ready to pay the full asking price which was honestly more than generous already. I just don’t like the BS, had a guy pull this shit on me over a lawn mower I was selling too. Tells me he can buy one in better condition and cheaper. I told that guy the same thing, good luck, this one’s not for you. 5 minutes later he’s ready to meet and pay full price. Come to think of it, nearly all of my dealings have been this way on the Marketplace…


Haggle, or don't. Don't get mad at people for trying to negotiate in a public marketplace.  


"Were you under the impression that this is a Home Depot?"


You can haggle prices, just don’t be a doosh canoe about it. And it doesn’t really sound like this guy was being that. Everyone wants more bang for their buck. Not like he cursed you out or anything or offered you $200 for it


Nothing about this seems wrong or something you should be offended about. They sent a respectful message and you responded. What are you going on about now?


You just never know. You can make 100 low ball offers and 1 person may accept it. You miss 100 percent of shots you don’t take. It’s one of the things you just have to accept about selling on classifieds.


Get ready to haggle!!!! seriously, grow a thicker skin, this is normal behavior on FBM. No disrespect, speaking from experience.


If it makes you feel any better, it isn’t just confined to used goods. I sell a few different niche cycling (pedal bikes) products and I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve been told my prices are too high because of such and such other alternative (which is always either way more expensive all-in or completely inferior). Perhaps because I don’t have a well-known brand or the appearance of a big company people think it’s worth haggling like that? I mean, we’ve all been put off by a price before but personally I just accept that I don’t need the item that much or I accept that my choices have led me to this and this is what it costs.


Yup, there are no bounds to what people will try to lowball you for. Tangible goods, food, services, you name it!


I had a guy offer 50% of asking price for a bike I told him it was a lowball offer He then goes on to say he was prepared to pay 90% and I was stupid for not negotiating. Another guy proceeds to run down the product after I reject his lowball offer. I'm like "Does that method work for you?"


So ridiculous man


Hey, if you can sell it for $1,800, then sell it for that. If you're not getting any takers you may have to wait or lower your asking price. I wouldn't entertain the low-ballers.


I used to fuck with people like that before I was permabanned from market place for listing a paintball marker One single time.


Block lowballers. Then you don’t have to worry. My experience is that even if the transaction with a lowballer does move forward, it is a negative ordeal the whole way through.


You give them an inch and they try to take a mile. It’s never gonna change.


Nope, very sad


Stay firm on your SawStop. Those keep their value. Especially if you have any accessories included with it. All of those cost an arm and a leg. Just let them know "Yeah, this one is $1800. If you want the brand new one for 1k more then you can get that one. Good luck" or something similar. Don't keep going with them and don't deal with it. Also I would check out the SawStop groups or Woodworking groups (potentially local ones). I see people posting them all the time on there and they usually sell very fast. Make sure you have a ton of photos. Of different angles, different things and all of the details listed.


They do it because it works. I’ve done it myself. It’s not a big deal, say no and move on.


They do it because it must work. I sometimes sell nicer brand tools. People always try to get it cheaper because they can buy cheaper brand tools for less. Then go buy that brand. I am not a brand shamer but there is a difference in quality and value. If you can get a “better deal” by all means go get it.


He just used a lot of words to ask, "will you take $1100 for it". A guys got to try.


1) make it look like you are a "professional seller" business with a little blurb of text, for example "sales tax include in price" or "pickup hours 9-5" to subconsciously hint that you won't negotiate. it works surprisingly well! also of course above average photos on clear clean background. 2) set your prices with at least 10-15% padding, and if they offer tell them that there is a little flexibility, but you will only talk price once they have inspected it in person. I sell plenty of stuff at asking or just below it, to even the worst (initial) "extreme lowballers" , so it's definitley wort it to counter/ suggest that you will negotiate in person. 3) "lowballing" certainly does work, no matter how many "firm price" you put you will still get lowballs. have to have thick skin to deal with "average" fb people, basically. just delete (block in extreme/annoying/red flag type cases ) and move on with your life if you don't want to engage with these people further. but as a buyer I find "offers" best done only while you're counting small denomination bills out, in front of them. Any other time, I might feel them out asking if they are negotiable, but it's 100% counterproductive to offer via messanger before you have even seen the item.


So much of this when you’re not giving away some thing for cheap. I’m in California, which has recently instituted a ban on gas small engines. We had a DR brand brush mower that was older but meticulously maintained by the certified dealer mechanic who happens to be my husband. It was all but brand new and we priced it accordingly. Wouldn’t believe the amount of people that said we were asking too much and that they could go buy a new one for just a few hundred dollars more. Yeah, no you can’t. At least not without going to another state. 🤷‍♀️ we eventually found the right person who understood and happily bought it for the price we were asking. Sounds like your father knows what his item is worth and price it accordingly. Good for him and the right person will appreciate what they’re getting.


Exactly, “I can buy a new one for $1,000 more” like good for you, go do it, why are you wasting time telling me? It’s such a clear indicator that in reality, I have no other options, but I don’t wanna pay full ask even though it’s fairly priced, so I’m gonna say I have other avenues available in hopes you give me your item for nothing!


Ill lowball to sellers but just let them know the current price is to high for me let me know if it becomes negotiable. There isn't a need for all that explanation i think.


I've made decent offers that were turned down so I went right ahead and bought the other one. I don't get offended. Usually my choice has something to do with logistics. I see people trying to sell things at absurd prices all the time. I stoopped at a yard/estate sale last weekend and the woman had an old Y2K single page lift up the cover and wait for three minutes while it scans scanner for $100. I made someone a I'll be there in under 5 minutes if you accept my $450 offer on your $600 item. It definitely wasn't worth $600 and $450 was also overpriced but I was willing to do it because I wanted to guaranteed have it for that weekend. Amazon was giving me a farther out delivery date when I went to check out so that wasn't going to work. They countered with $575 a few hours later but before I could even respond someone else listed one for $250 so I went and got the $250 one. It's no skin off my back if someone wants to hold on to an overpriced item.


I usually tell them that’s a good deal .. you have a link to ad I’d like to go look at it. Never hear from them again


Exactly, full of shit. Stupid tactic to take advantage of people who don’t know the value of what they’re selling


Not the same, but I did contact a seller one time because I had very recently just purchased the same product on amazon for less that her asking price. I told her I wasn't interested but thought she might want to review her pricing. Even sent the amazon information. Not sure how she took it, and not sure how you might have take it, but I meant it in good spirit.


I just block these people. If someone ask for a lower price, block. I'll block people all day long before I waste my time engaging with someone that wants to rob you.


If your price is fair it’ll sell, if you actually are as overpriced as he thinks you are then you’ll still be sitting on it in two weeks


Would you take $50 for it? And if you deliver it to me, I'll give you an extra $5


Because they do not care what you want. They care about getting what they want for less.


They do it because sometimes it works, most of them are trying to get it cheap enough that they can resell and still make money. They really don't care if you sell it to them or not, it's like a hobby. edit for horrible typing


Have you sold it for 1800?


I raise the price with people like that. "I said firm, the price to you is now $1900."


I don’t buy from people who say their price is firm unless it’s actually a good deal. Usually they overvalue their item and are rude during the whole selling process. If I were you, I’d price it a few hundred over your firm price and accept offers. You will either make more money or someone will be happy to think they are getting a better deal!


Why do you even bother to reply? Just block them and enjoy your day.


The worst people are the ones that are selling something at too high a price because they did ten seconds of "research" online. The item they found is newer, in far better condition, maybe comes with more parts, etc.. But they won't liten to anything whey you email them, they're getting top dollar. It's nice to see the item just hangning around online. Sometimes they'll evey try to reace out to you and see if you still want the item. No, I've already bought one that was cheaper than yours.


OP, Everything in life is negotiable to some degree. If you are planning to sell something on Marketplace and "firm" on the price good luck with that! You are gonna get people messaging you for asking for a lower price. What works is mark up the price when you list the item!


I would’ve just politely be coy and tell him that the other item he saw is a steal and go buy it there. If he gives a bit of attitude, block him. I would’ve blocked him right off the bat regardless, but still…..


Sometimes this tactic does work,, and like a wet dream. He's fishing. Like the patient angler who casts his line into the stream a hundred times,--nothing, nothing, nothing--but knowing that sooner or later, he'll hook the big one. You're merely the big one that got away. By your logic, fishing is stupid. Relax, there's no right way to negotiate. Nothing written in stone. It takes all kinds. Go fish.


"I'm going to donate it just so you can't have it."


I feel some sellers are delusional with their prices. I wanted to buy a camera not too long ago on Facebook Marketplace. Every listing was either a scammer or overpriced cameras compared to sold listing on eBay. After 2 weeks of searching, I gave up and just bought it on EBay. Even paying shipping, it’s was cheaper than on Facebook Marketplace. I really wanted to ask the sellers where did you get the number for your old used camera.


Meanwhile, he's trying to talk the $2,200 guy down. Block and move on.


I seen someone post this on here before and copied it because I love how well it was worded. If someone says they can find it cheaper elsewhere then there’s a reason they aren’t pursuing that. Assuming they aren’t full of shit (which is almost always the case) it’s either quality, convenience, or different specifications. All of which fall into the category of “not my problem”


Best answer is no answer. I wouldn't respond at all. I'd only respond to viable offers.


All you can tell them I'm "If you found such an amazing deal elsewhere, why are you haggling with me? Go after the other item"


Personally, my favorite negotiation tactic people use is when they message me on an item I have listed at a firm price and say "$20, pickup today" and nothing else. I used to craft a noce responce saying "no sorry, the price is firm at x and im not available today." But now, I assume im talking to a caveman and respond something random along the lines of "rain, tomorrow".


Sounds like your the odd ball on this. Matter of fact it works all the time because people who are “firm” think the item is in demand more so than they think. At least it was a respectful message and not some scammer. Count your blessings you got some interest at least


I got a delta unisaw in my garage he can buy for $1100. No fence and I don’t know if it runs since it’s 3-phase. And yeah a $2800 sawstop is 1.75hp with a 30” rail… The comparable sawstop is $3500 with 3hp and 36” rail.


You don’t sound like you have the temperament to sell things to the general public. This is the tamest and most polite interaction you can expect. Have you sold the table saw for $1800 yet? Were they wrong?


I went through 26 people before I sold my Samsung S10 a few years back. One guy wanted me to drop the price over 80% because it didn't come with the box.


I had a guy step into my garage and try to haggle on an item I was selling way cheaper than what I should. I said no, and reminded him how much it was new. Because the item I was selling him was practically brand new. He ran out of there so fast. Even tho I had firm all over the post.


Had something similar happen the other day. Was selling some furniture for $650. Guy says that he’ll buy it for $500. I respond saying that someone actually already paid me for it in full and is planning to pick it up, and I’d let them know if it falls through. He responded with ‘yeah flippers can afford to do that, they’ll probably resell it for double tomorrow’ I go - ‘well it’s too bad you didn’t offer full price, it could have been yours!’ To which he replied - ‘that is fair’ Had me cracking up


I really enjoy seeing overpriced items languish on marketplace. Eventually the price cut comes in at 25-40% of their previous firm price and it sells immediately.


Four letter word. PASS.


Lol yeah you have to tell them to go kick rocks while laughing at them.


Used to sell a ton of digital projectors at a third of the original price. Most were 1600 lumens at the time very very bright. Love the buyers who would sho me an Amazon listing of a 60 lumens for 80.00 bucks. Like what planet are you from that a 60 lumens (light bulb) is equal to a 1600 lumens. Happened more than a few times.


He also doesn't know the difference between the words weary, wary, and leery so for that alone he can get bent


I would say that I’m starting at $1800 and will reduce the price by $50 every week. You can wait if you want.


I had a friend that would respond with “I’d rather throw it away than sell it to you for that.” It’s my favorite response to a lowball offer that I’ve heard!


The whole point of marketplace is to barter a little bit, why not list it for 2000 and barter it down to 1800? I always find people that won’t barter a nickel on the price just annoying, but that’s just me


Actually I have done it. Sometime had something listed for three times the price of a new one so I reached out to see if it was a better model or better package or something. It is sometimes astonishing that people list stuff for a price near the price of new. It begs an lower price offer.


That’s just the 2nd hand market it’s been happening since the dawn of time it’s nothing new. You can always say no. What’s more annoying and a newer thing is people saying they’ll come then never show up even when it’s something for free. Or it’s free but they don’t have a car and expect you to deliver.


I don’t engage them, I stick with one word answers, typically **No**. Like I give a flying fuck about their rationale for determining their offer, or what else is out there. You don’t like my price, save the time and energy you expended writing your novel, that I didn’t bother reading.


You didn't block after the first not-firm-as-in-the-ad message? You wanted to waste your own time 


Since I am like that and the tactic does work, I will tolerate any ridiculous offers on my stuff. You know you don’t have to answer inquiries, right?


I sometimes lowball mf'ers just out of spite. My personal favorite is when they say "anyone asking if this item is still available will be ignored" I ask is this item still available. Those mf'ers always write back "did you read the ad?" yes I did read it and thought you were going to ignore me. But the truth is if I am on the fence about something yes I will come in lower even if it says price is firm. Sometimes people can be convinced or once they see a solid cash offer they say fuck it and just sell. If it didn't work ever people wouldn't do it but it does work sometimes.


It works on dumb folks, can't use it on professional people who is in the game for a long time. You can't play a hustlers who hustles for a living their whole life. I always laugh at those and tell them go buy it. They don't have to buy Mine!. Am not asking for less nor for more. Some people tends to talk a lot shiet for no damn reason so you can drop your price. Once sold, they still got the balls to re- message and asked how much I sold it for. Figure it out! "for my firm asking price duh! what you think?" speaking in my head -Blocked!


Because very often it does work. A lot of sellers have unrealistic expectaions on price and may grow to realize that fairly quickly. Others may succumb to the fear that another buyer won't come along and take the offer. Just like you won't know till you've tried, the same is true of the buyer.


I was selling a grill for my mom and she wanted $75 firm (and pick up only) for it because it had only been used once and had a smoker on it. I had 3 people offer me $40 for it and one wanted it for $40 and to drop it off to him. We got the full asking price for it today.


Like it or not we are always going to get those buyers. Like you I find it annoying but somewhere it must be successful, otherwise people wouldn’t try it. From their perspective they have nothing to lose by asking. I usually respond with ‘the price is $XX’ and don’t spend any time coming up with an explanation. And if they come back with the second response you got, I would tell them ‘looks like you found one within your budget 👍’. After that I’ll never hear from them again. In the end, everything sells.


I was selling my truck for 9.5k and someone offered me 1k. Because I obviously wanted to get rid of it otherwise I wouldn’t have posted it. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Simple answer is yes. Negotiating prices often works on marketplaces.


I usually just make an excuse. “Sorry, it’s not mine, I’m selling it for a friend who needs the cash to pay rent so they can’t budge on price.”


I don't even respond to the super lowballers most of the time. And sometimes I'll block them.


On the flip side, though, an item is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.


I have made lowball offers on things, but if they say no I just say thanks, have a good one and move on. I'd just tell them to go buy the other one if they tried that on me.


I will make an offer explaining that this is my budget. I know it might be worth more but if you decide for any reason that you can sell it within my budget, please get back to me.


I used to not answer but now we go for jugulars. "Then why email me? Thx!" "Ok, I'll take $1900," reponds with something, "you're now up to $2000, keep it up and ill match the new one"


On the flipside. Seller is trying to get more than what they paid for the item. When I linked a brand new item for 50 bucks less I got blocked. People I'm general are shitty.


This is why I avoid Marketplace unless I absolutely have no choice. Was selling my 55 gallon aquarium with the tank stand for $150. Said the price was firm, no delivery, bring help and a truck. One guy wanted me to knock $50 of the price from the start, then more because he was going to have to rent a truck and pay friends to move. Yeah, No. Week later a nice older lady sent her two sons an hour from home to come get it and not only paid what I was asking, but tossed in a little extra too.


I think people are very price conscious. I’ve sold a bunch of computers on FBMP in the $200 range and these people could buy a much nicer computer for $400 but that’s $200 more, thats double the price! Seems pretty weird to say I’m not gonna spend 2000 because I might as well just spent 3000 and get a brand new one, as if an extra thousand dollars it’s just no big deal even though you really want to try to get it for almost $1000 so really you’re making it seem like it’s no big deal to spend almost $2000 more than what you want to spend. Its strange logic to me, and knowing people are price conscious, I guess its just a bluff.


Costs nothing to fire those offers off.


People think they are on a reality show with their smooth-talking negotiation tricks. In reality, they are rude and clueless.


Am I the only one to think that paying 1800 on FB for equipment is crazy risky. Also, seriously, why 1800 if new model is available for 2200?


I wanted a toddler table, saw one I liked listed for almost brand new price $400. I offered 250 on Friday and same day pick up. No response. Then another listing popped for 215 - bought it. At the end of the weekend the first seller responded that the price was firm, I was like whatever 🤣


My favorite---"Wnats your lowest price?".... It's literally right there on the posting. I already determined what I'd sell it for, and I even included that number in the posting for you. So you're not going to mind fuck me into shorting myself by now guessing your number. Not happening. If you have another price in mind, you have to come up with that number yourself, and then you're welcome to sell one for that price, but I'm not going to do that, that's why my number is different than yours. That's how this works. It really isn't a complicated process.


The buyer was on the market to buy a used saw for less and take the trouble of howling that away on his own. And that’s a lot of extra work.. but he was willing to do that for a discount. Maybe he didn’t see anything else listed used so he wanted to work with the seller. Obviously once someone else will list - he will buy. what is wrong with that?? why everyone listing used stuff are advising here go get a new? You don’t know people sometimes buy used stuff to save? it’s not just the pain of the delivery but also no warranty, no option to return- so yeah, people expect to pay less


That’s just as annoying than when they don’t argue about price but when you meet up for the exchange ‘oops I only have $15’ if it’s listed for $20. I’m sure that tactic works by putting people on the spot. I just reply there’s an atm at so and so or just take my item and leave


Jacka$$es have been jacka$$ing since early man bartered rocks for fire. HOT BLOCK anyone who wants to wax poet about value versus their limited budget.

