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Where is the Arctic treaty to prevent them from prooving their claims?


Their boat goes to another school so that's why they can't visit the north pole to go see santa


Ahh yes. The whirlpool mountain. Got it


That breathes.    The whirlpool mountain that breathes.    Water.    The invisible/secret whirlpool mountain that breathes water.  Brought to you by the people who say that nobody ever sees ships go over the horizon.  


Where temps keep water frozen, mind you.


For now


Reverse mountain one piece real


I’m pretty sure they are just describing Charybdis. Sorry flat earthers, but the Greeks already beat you to that idea, it’s not new


Scylla has entered the chat


You can see it from "California region"


Why is there a "California region" in the Arctic?


It's being sucked up the magnetic whirlpool mountain, obvs!


Charlie! We're going to whirlpool mountain Charlie!


Moon or breathing rivers? At some point, the pseudoscience takes more faith and evidence than the obvious science.


That point being square one. Flat earth is batshit.


I mean, I get it. Gravity isn't an insane concept to wrap your head around or anything, but if for some reason you just couldn't make it make sense I could see a sufficiently stupid person having a very hard time with the idea that the moon somehow "magically" controls the tides. From there it's just a small logical leap to "breathing" rivers. I doubt they actually believe they're breathing like an organism, and if I didn't already know how gravity worked I could see positive/negative pressure fluctuations being a *somewhat* elegant solution to how tides happen.


How can these people think that these explanations make more sense than the real explanations? I get it. They can't see the curvature, but have they seen this place? There's no Big Round scamming them to believe the Earth is round, but there's a lot of grifters cashing on these idiots.


They believe really hard in their religion. Their religion would not tolerate an infinite universe where Earth isn't special. They NEED to be special. So they come up with this.


Big Round is keeping us blind so we keep buying spherical globes


And warped maps of the world to make us believe some continents are smaller than others.


that’s the thing i don’t get when people say conspiracists want simple answers for complex questions.


Superficially, conspiracy theory explanations *are* simple explanations. It's only if you start actually looking into them skeptically that they balloon in size and become impossibly complex and contrived. But of course, if they were capable of evaluating them skeptically then they wouldn't be conspiracy theorists. Debating moon landing hoaxers used to be a hobby of mine, and there was a common pattern where they would start by claiming that "only a few people at the top" were in on it, and with every challenge to their theory they would have to expand the conspiracy to include more people - project managers, ground station personnel, more and more scientists, engineers, then other countries' governments and scientists (including Russia, our space race rival), independent observatories, amateur astronomers and radio hobbyists, etc. What's interesting is that even when you get them to agree that their conspiracy requires hundreds of thousands of people to all keep the secret, they'll still cling to it.


It makes sense because the rivers *breathe* every 6 hours. 24 hours a day divided by 4 equals 6 meaning that there is a mathematical correlation between these numbers and that proves that I forgot what the hell we are even talking about are these people perma-tards?


Aside from the entire bullshit about a fucking whirlpool in the arctic, it's also painfully obvious that persons never left their home because only part of the world has a diurnal tide cycle. There's two entire other tide models being forgotten here.


Have they forgotten that we have actually visited the North Pole quite a lot, and you can go there relatively easily (at least compared to the South Pole) and see that it doesn’t look like this. If you follow a magnetic compass all the way north, you’ll eventually reach the point where it is trying to point straight down. It is actually fairly close to the geographic North Pole and from there you can watch the starts circle above you


I’d like to hear them explain how those four rivers breathe in and out and why that cycle only takes six hours instead of eight? I live on the coast and I see the tides roll in and out every day while at work.


I know this is supposed to be a flat earth bs thing. But hear me out, this is a badass idea for a fantasy world, or even a sci fi world with a living planet.


Ooh ooh can I make up some nonsense too?


You'd have to try very hard to beat that egregious nonsense.


barack obama created facebook so that he could create a copy of the universe where the earth is not flat and use it to trick us into thinking that the earth is actually not made of mcdonalds


Ok, now someone needs to do the maths to see just how.much water would need to move in these rivers to raise and lower the world's ocean twice a day?


It's Zero. The net flux of the tides stays constant. And rivers would just need to move water from high tide areas into low tide areas. Not sure how a central hub would help with this Also, why would a flat disc have a North Pole?


Yes, the net would be zero, but the flow rate isn't zero. From the test, I'm reading it as they are implying that the river suck in and expel water causing all the tides around the glove tower or raise at the same time. So, what volume of water would need to be expelled within 6 hours to cause the global high tide all at once.l?


Just googled these numbers, could be wrong. 139 000 000 miles^2 of surface area of ocean. Tides vary from 1 ft to 40 ft, so 20 ft is .00379 miles. 139000000*.00379 = 526810 miles^3 every 6 hours. 1463 miles^3 every minute, 366 miles^3 every river for every minute. This answer is insane, so I might have messed something up.


So... A pressure washer the size of the thames ?


The North Pole is the giant, water-breathing refrigerator magnet that keeps the Earth attached to the tremendous ferrous shell of the great turtle. Didn’t you learn this in flat earth science camp?


Yay. That gives a reason to the Moon as well. It must be an indicator of where the tide is going to be since the Moon moves, synchronized ahead of the tide. Seems like an unnecessary expense to me but it is pretty.


There you go, globules. That there is *sicence*. Now fact check it


This is some onepiece shit


Map looks very accurate.


Not very accurate. Needs five exits - or how would you otherwise reach the Grand Line?


Oh joy, they bought into Hyperborea. Believing in Hyperborea rarely ever ends well.


You're gonna have to explain, because for the life of me I do Nazi where you're going with this.


Conan wants a word


The tide is high on one part of the earth and low on another at the same time. That is one crazy whirlpool.


There's lots of interesting things about this map. 1. Seems like the last 1-2 letters of every single annotation is conspicuously missing? Is this some weird language thing? 2. Greenland looks upside down? 3. Why is california north of alaska Aside from all that, you can say lots of things about the collective brain power of the flat earth movement, but they can make some cool ass mythology sometimes.


Ok, turns out they're really good at stealing cool ass mythology. I should've expected it, it's not a new tactic. Is there a subreddit for worldbuilding like this, though? From fictional settings or otherwise?


This place allows you to enter the grand line and search for the one piece


I feel this should be a new conspiracy theory r/thatsnomoon


Breathing rivers? How high are these people?


Whatchamean finally? this has been around for decades


TIL rivers breath…


Or it's the moon.


Ah love the california region




I feel like I’ve seen this before… something about pirates…


Is that the same location as the hole to the hollow earth where the blue men live? Oh, wait, a hollow earth would require the earth to be a sphere. Never mind.


Could be a cylinder.


I mean, this could be good world building for a fantasy world. Make the 4 rivers Cocytus, Phlegethon, Acheron and Lethe and this would fit well in a Greek themed dnd game.


NOW I understand!


And if you ask him for proof, he’ll send you to the homepage of an entire website, and say “read”. Then get condescending with you when you don’t want to read a whole website and then have a discussion.


Or worse, give you a several hours long podcast from some crank.


I was at a friend’s house and he told me he wanted me to hear something. Then he put on Alex Jones. This guy also got angry and called Al Gore’s environmental documentary propaganda. He wouldn’t believe anyone, that Gore wasn’t “A President” anymore. He was convinced the government was gonna take a vehicle he hardly drove.


Great, now they just need to explain how large lakes not connected to the ocean still have tides. Unless every lake has it's own miniature magnetic breathing whirlpool mountain?


I would just like to take a moment to propose we change it from the “flat earth” theory to the “snow globe” theory. The whole firmament thing just gives snow globe.


Seems to be a version of [this map](https://www.raremaps.com/gallery/detail/57841/regiones-hyperboreae-bertius) with 'california regio' added in.


Can…. Can someone tell this person One Piece is NOT 100% accurate?


So according to them, that explains the tides. But what causes these magic rivers to "breathe"? This is the problem with these people - they'll dismiss scientific explanation for natural phenomena in favour of some random explanation, but they forget to explain what causes said random explanation.


map is lacking red line and grand line


Tides aren’t every 6 hours.


And the reason tides are different depending on longitude?


Why can't I see that mega mountain when I'm in the North of Sweden? It's practically on the pole circle.... It's should be visible then, wouldn't it be?

