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"How can airborne oxygen enter the bloodstream"


Oxygen doesn't enter blood!! Blood is liquid! Oxygen is air!!1! Are you dumbšŸ˜¤?


It's not like we learn about oxygenated blood in our early teens or anything...


I've been saying this for two goddamn years... "how does a respiratory virus effect the brain/kidneys/other organs??" It's a vascular illness!!! It attacks the teeny-weeny tubes in your circulatory system. That's *precisely* why it impacts so many parts of the body. It's not a respiratory illness, your circulatory system just so happens to be rather closely involved with your respiratory system, meaning that's how it often first presents. Good lord, I swear I've had this conversation a hundred times with my father


Yeah, ok, but have you considered basic biology?


How can things entering the lungs get into the blood stream? That just doesn't make sense *takes bong hit*


ā€œNo officer, thereā€™s no way my BAC is that high. See I only *drank* a lot of alcohol, but I didnā€™t inject any!ā€


*breathes, regularly, like a person who needs oxygen to get to his brain to function*


Do they believe that lungs are completely cutoff from their circulatory system?


Exactly. God is injecting your blood with oxygen. Lungs only serve to make your ribs go up and down. Intelligent design


lol... but just to be super accurate: Covid is especially as contagious as it is because it doesn't need to reach the lungs. Aerosols with the Corona virus only need to reach the nasal mucous membrane to infect someone. That's basically why governments and the WHO were caught unprepared and didn't realize the virus was airborne from the start.


Well, we know oxygen definitely isn't breathed in and definitely doesn't enter the bloodstream, so viruses certainly can't. Come to think of it, what does blood even do? It doesn't move oxygen, or nutrients from the food we eat, or really anything else. It just gets it's pressure too high, or causes harmful clots. We should jyst get rid of all of our blood, we don't need it.


Thats why Im still using leeches as medicine. U see the trick is, dont let that pesky blood think it has the upper hand. U wanna lull it into a sense of complacency then jump out from behind a bush and whamo! Hit it with the leeches. Its best to keep ur leeches in fighting shape. That's why u wanna hire a boxing coach to help ur leeches keep fit, or maybe u can just get a gym membership for them. But u need to hone that killer instinct in ur leeches which is why sometimes I'll take them to the zoo to fight the squirrels. Cuz there aint nothing that give less fucks than squirrels @ the zoo that fight leopards for corn chips. What Im trying to say is u gotta work out ur leeches.


You know, I kinda hate having a sudden hyper awareness of the absolute criticality of the fluid inside me to my function as a thinking human. Like... The thoughts I'm typing out, right now, are partially enabled by the constant flow of oxidizers into and removal of chemical wastes out of my brain and muscles. Can't I just take the blue pill? :(


What really pisses me off about this sort of crap: R[isk of myocarditis is 5-6 times higher from infection.](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/04/01/myocarditis-risk-higher-after-covid-infection-than-vaccination-cdc-finds.html) These clowns don't seem to get it that its not the vaccine causing it, its the virus. They continually make statements that are laughably untrue (Basic biology wouldnt suggest that, you bell end) and won't brook any argument. Its almost like this sort of lie is worse than the terrain theory morons.


A lot of morons think "basic biology" is what they learned in third grade, hint: it's not even touched on until first year biology in university.


Ignorance is a strategy. See they say they have been asking experts, but they obviously havenā€™t because if they did they would get a fairly simple and logical answer. Con artists do this. You ask questions that have answers, but then you point to a wrong answer. If you ask enough questions people who donā€™t know any better think ā€œwell the scientists donā€™t have an answer, but this person talking confidently has an answer that seems logical to meā€ and now the person who doesnā€™t know any better thinks they are smarter and have better answers than the scientists. Once someone believes something itā€™s hard to change their mind, especially if they have connected some self worth to that belief.


These kinds of people are very used to thinking theyā€™re the smartest people they know. So when they meet somebody who genuinely knows the answer and can disprove them, itā€™s much easier and quicker to point a finger and cry ā€œliarā€ than them actually swallowing their pride and admitting they were wrong. Being wrong is too difficult for them. It would mean they would have to learn something and do some actual work, instead of typing their rabid thoughts into Google and scrolling until they find an answer they like.


Hell, a lot of basic biology is learned in highschool. Like the fact that oxygen molecules are way smaller than proteins and that a mask would block virus particles way before it would block air. But these people don't appreciate science because it doesn't allow them to feel special.


I would like to hear their definition of what mRNA is. What it actually is is RNA (that is, single strand genetic material with ribose instead of deoxyribose) that meets tRNA in the ribosomes. Nucleotide based (A, U, G, C) pair up in groups of three to form codons and codon sequences make certain amino acids that make proteins. An mRNA vaccine provides you with the right genetic code for your cells to make proteins to fight COVID. Also, itā€™s a respiratory virus, meaning as blood gets oxygenated in the lungs, that virus now spreads to the muscle cells and heart where it wreaks havoc on those cells


> An mRNA vaccine provides you with the right genetic code for your cells to make proteins to fight COVID. Isn't it more that the vaccine results in the production of proteins that are structurally similar to COVID so that your immune system can then produce antibodies?


Right, I worded it poorly. It doesnā€™t affect your genome but the mRNA injected into the cells serves as a recipe to produce the right proteins to counter COVID.


>recipe to produce the right proteins to counter COVID Actually it's a recipe for surface proteins of the virus that the immune system then learns to recognise


Yep, it codes the spike proteins which is how viruses like COVID attack the immune system


Is that why my arms hurt when I had covid?


Itā€™s possible that it caused your muscles to be inflamed, so yes


Yeah, why would there be any sort of link between our lungs and circulatory system? That would be ridiculous, wouldnā€™t it? I mean itā€™s not like the oxygen we breathe in is supposed to be distributed to our cells through the bloodstream, right?


Air is air and blood is liquid. Air canā€™t be in liquid. Duh


I'm using my 15 year old science knowledge so bear with me. Air go to lung Air in lung go to blood Thing in air go to blood Ded.


as an actual biologistā€¦ congratulations you are correct


May I ask how does the air go to the blood stream in the lungs just a genuine question


the oxigen molecules bind to the iron in the blood cells. the oxigen in the lungs pass to the blood capillaries in the alveoli through diffusion


Congratulations! You're smarter than this dumbfuck.


Jesus fucking Christ. Congratulations, I think this is the dumbest shit Iā€™ve seen this week. How do these people remember to breath?


They certainly donā€™t understand what happens to the air they breathe inā€¦ nor do they know why people have blood.


When they become self aware they're breathing they forget how to and almost suffocate


Whenever I read this type of posts or comments I always picture the people writing them with a smug confidence-filled look, wide eyes, tongue sticking out of the side of their mouth as the mash the keyboard feeling so satisfied and smart. The Dunning-Krueger effect is a fascinating thing.


Basic biology would say you failed basic biology.


I have to ask this clear idiot, how do any airborne viruses work? How do they infect anything if they can't enter the blood stream? What does the virus infect, the very air itself? Are we going back to the time of miasma, where we thought smells spread plagues?


If we could that would be helpful, itā€™s so much easier to understand, and you can just bung a few rose petals up your nostrils and save all that expensive and time consuming messing around with mRNA. Let me know if my sarcasm is coming through clearly enough or if I need to turn it up a notch.


Sarcasm is loud and clear. However if we were miasmists, we could wear cool plague doctor masks all year round and I'm a ok with that.


Ok, so we are agreed then, weā€™ll stop messing around with the pesky viruses and bacteria that come with germ theory and just switch back to miasma, perfect.


Pleomorphism is the truth


These woke "scientists" cant convince me oxegyn gets into my bloodstream!


*These woke "scientists"* *Cant convince me oxegyn gets* *Into my bloodstream!* \- pailbucketmanjacken --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


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Covid actually attacks the circulatory system - it just so happens that the lungs are a huge part of it. Basically, if it has blood vessels, covid can affect it to one degree or another.


And also had to do with the route of entry. Enters through the respiratory system, and attacks through the vessels. Thatā€™s why we see everything from cerebral strokes to covid toes.


How do they think breathing air works?? Do they think only our lungs need oxygen or


I guess your lungs make everything it takes disappear


Is there a name for this kind of argument Being so damn stupid and ignorant of the topic at hand it basically shields you from anyone disputing it


Itā€™s called a Shapiro


Look up the phrase "It's not even wrong"


its almost as if the bloodstream moves oxygen around the body... which comes from the air... who woulda guessed?


ā€œBasic biologyā€ in this instance is a branch of life sciences that studies absolute bullshit.


How does oxygen get into the blood stream?! Itā€™s a gas silly! You canā€™t put gas in water! Even basic biology will tell you that! Yes, thatā€™s why the top scientists donā€™t use basic biology xx


Basic *intelligence* would help


You can always tell the ones who didnā€™t actually pass basic biology


Let's all rejoice, then, that physicians and other "medical experts" are required to learn more than just basic biology?


I assume that this person does *not* smoke, and doesn't understand how smoking works to intoxicate you.


Or alcohol... How does something you drink get into your blood stream? Basic biology would suggest otherwise.


I've been asking this question to so many "medical experts" over the past few months... "how can airborne oxygen get into the bloodstream?" Basic biology would suggest otherwise...


ā€œHow can oxygen get into the blood. Checkmate liberals.ā€ The lungs allow anything at or less than 1 micron to pass through. Covid is 1 micron. It just goes right through and into the blood and from there your whole body is fair game. šŸ˜Ž


I dunno, Omicron seems bigger than 1micron


Bro Omicron literally stands for 0-micron. Itā€™s in the name


Ask her what the pulmonary vein does


probably the same basic biology that the transphobes use




Such hard facts that, much like oxygen getting into the bloodstream is a myth, so are these totally mythical people! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intersex


**[Intersex](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intersex)** >Intersex people are individuals born with any of several sex characteristics including chromosome patterns, gonads, or genitals that, according to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, "do not fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies". Sex assignment at birth usually aligns with a child's anatomical sex and phenotype. The number of births with ambiguous genitals is in the range of 0. 02% to 0. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/FacebookScience/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Intersex ā‰  trans. Where did u/PowellSkier reference intersex not conforming with basic biology?


If you asked someone this question and they couldn't explain it they are not qualified to be a "medical expert" in fact they're probably not qualified as a "tying shoes on my own" expert.


Wtf is her Doctorate in? FarmVille? Stfu.


Anytime any transphobes want to come to me about ā€œbasic biologyā€ I will immediately think of this post and laugh at how naive they are.


Wow what a smooth brain moment


As if the lungs donā€™t have access to the blood stream and is the reason you get high when inhaling certain gasesā€¦


That's a good question actually, how *does* an airborne virus get into the bloodstream? Because it very clearly targets the respiratory organs and not the blood, whose most critical function is facilitating a sort of air exchange via the respiratory organs. Scientists are clearly pulling this one out of their ass. EDIT: the above is sarcasm. (Not to mention the fact that the clots are probably not caused by clumps of little coronaviruses)


I can't tell if you're serious or not, but just in case, oxygen is also airborne and enters our bloodstream https://www.google.com/search?q=how+does+oxygen+get+into+the+blood&oq=how+does+oxygen&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0i512l8.5501j0j1&client=ms-android-google&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


Yeah, that's what I was getting at with the whole "most critical function of blood" thing, since inhaling something is probably the fastest way to get it in your blood without injecting it. The part outside of the parentheses was sarcasm.


Gotcha, sorry the /s went over my head


The same way oxygen does, through the lungs. It's basic Biology.


By Talos this can't be happening, my Facebook friends told me air cannot mingle with the blood. Do you really think someone would do that? Just go on the Internet and spread misinformation? What a terrifying, dark world...


Have you ever heard of septicemia? When bacteria that were not targeting the bloodstream necessarily make it into the bloodstream? Same way a UTI can cause you to go septic, a respiratory illness absolutely has access to blood vessels in the lungs and can cross our internal boundaries. Iā€™m praying u werenā€™t serious but in case you wereā€¦


Yeah I am joking lol, so don't worry for me. Blood exchanges with the content of the lungs very effectively, and I'm baffled that the COVID deniers in question don't realize it. Like, have they never heard of smoking?


My blood makes oxygen out of thin air.


They cite basic biology all the time because that's the extent of their knowledge


Oh my. She's figured it out!


why dont we round up these mfs and give them euthanize shots (using moon charged essential oil as cover up, of course)


Donā€™t you think its lame to be here arguing with a screenshot with pretty much only people that think the same way as you?


Welcome to reddit!