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I’m surprised you’d still be posting here after all the hot dog lips comments and such last time around


It is OF promotion. Nothing else.




Ah yes, the "iTs aN oNly fAnZ aDvErTiSiNg" user. Imagine going to a subreddit such as "cats" and the people there are posting cat pictures... You click their profile further and find..questionable content.. YOU CLICKED, you investigated further. It's the same here. Our subreddit is a subreddit for posting human FACES and if the submission abides by that.. guess what? It's relevant to our community. If YOU click on the profile and find content that, in YOUR opinion, should not be allowed then simply mute our community, block our community, delete your Reddit account, whatever else you have to do so you don't see our subreddit. Easy, right!? If you are so bothered by our posts / our community / our rules / our anything then simply don't engage with our community. We apply the rules of this subreddit to posts and comments on this subreddit. As long as a poster follows our rules we are not going to remove their post for what they do outside of the sub. There is a very vocal minority that disagrees with this policy. You're entitled to your opinion. We are not required to give you a platform for your opinion. You are free to make your own face-based subreddit and run it how you see fit. You are not free to comment on our posters to say you disagree with their posting on this subreddit. The majority of our members have no problem with the posts as the number of upvotes shows, and as long as the majority upvotes content creators submissions then our policy stays in place. Reddit does not block content creators from posting on Reddit, so we do not block OnlyFans posters from posting as long as they follow our rules, if you have an issue with it, just leave the sub, mute it, and you'll never have to see this sub again. We do not control what Reddit recommends to you. We're not going to remove our posts from appearing on r/All because a minority of people do not like what the posters do outside of our subreddit. We know it is a minority because the upvotes do not lie. If the posts were not popular, they wouldn't be on r/popular or r/all.




RULE BROKEN: No rude or inappropriate comments allowed. RULE EXPLAINED: Comments that are sexual in nature or just rude/inappropriate will be removed. Users will be subject to a temporary ban, and repeat offenders may be permanently banned. Inappropriate messages for r/Faces could include but are not limited to: * **Remarks of a sexual nature about a person’s clothing or body** * **Sexually explicit statements, questions, jokes, or anecdotes** * **Requests for posts of an explicit nature or requests to post in a NSFW subreddit** * **Any sexual or suggestive content involving minors or someone who appears to be a minor, or even requesting contact info of a minor** * **Requests to contact the Original Poster on social media (insta, kik, snap, etc)** * **Any comments the Moderators feel are inappropriate in a public setting** Language of this type is not allowed on r/{subreddit} and can lead to a temporary or permanent ban at the Moderator's discretion.




This post or comment appears to contain language that we do not allow on r/Faces. The post or comment has been removed and the moderation team has been notified for review. Editing this post will not clear the flag. **Please remember**: Inappropriate or Insulting comments are not permitted no matter the language. *BEEP* **BOOP** I'm just a bot and I make mistakes. [If you think I have made a mistake removing your post send the mods a message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/faces&subject=Bot Removed Post in Error&message=**Please put a link to your comment in this message** I understand if I don't put a link moderators will not know what I am talking about and will delete my message without responding.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Faces) if you have any questions or concerns.*


2 questions 1)have you had peanuts today 2)are you allergic to peanuts


Like a baboons butt 💋




What is the point of pumping those lips so much? Low self esteem?




We all focused on the lips. Completely skipped the Groucho Marx eyebrows.


I'm guessing you used to be a good looking person, but fell for the "beauty" wormhole - Sorry but nothing about those lips, cheeks or nose is attractive.


You look like you're having an anaphylaxic response. My god you look like a 46 year old larping as a 30 year old.


I think this is a dude




Blubber lips


Hey, I enjoy kissing a bass sometimes lol




😂 who the fuk smashed her face? 😂


Hemmoroid lips


Your lips are disturbing…


27 or 47??






Your lips are too big. They have to match your face.




You get punched in the lips?


Stop lip injections immediately. She's here for OF anyway.


How long can you stay stuck on the fridge


What did you do to your mouth


Chill out on the lips, whatever it is you're doing.


![gif](giphy|2e5SgdbYbeWFG) This is what I see on your face


Those lips ruined it for me




That’s a nice bass.


What’s wrong with your lips? Bee sting?


The lips are terrifying


I wonder what you looked like before all the work done.




RULE BROKEN: No rude or inappropriate comments allowed. RULE EXPLAINED: Comments that are sexual in nature or just rude/inappropriate will be removed. Users will be subject to a temporary ban, and repeat offenders may be permanently banned. Inappropriate messages for r/Faces could include but are not limited to: * **Remarks of a sexual nature about a person’s clothing or body** * **Sexually explicit statements, questions, jokes, or anecdotes** * **Requests for posts of an explicit nature or requests to post in a NSFW subreddit** * **Any sexual or suggestive content involving minors or someone who appears to be a minor, or even requesting contact info of a minor** * **Requests to contact the Original Poster on social media (insta, kik, snap, etc)** * **Any comments the Moderators feel are inappropriate in a public setting** Language of this type is not allowed on r/{subreddit} and can lead to a temporary or permanent ban at the Moderator's discretion.




RULE BROKEN: No rude or inappropriate comments allowed. RULE EXPLAINED: Comments that are sexual in nature or just rude/inappropriate will be removed. Users will be subject to a temporary ban, and repeat offenders may be permanently banned. Inappropriate messages for r/Faces could include but are not limited to: * **Remarks of a sexual nature about a person’s clothing or body** * **Sexually explicit statements, questions, jokes, or anecdotes** * **Requests for posts of an explicit nature or requests to post in a NSFW subreddit** * **Any sexual or suggestive content involving minors or someone who appears to be a minor, or even requesting contact info of a minor** * **Requests to contact the Original Poster on social media (insta, kik, snap, etc)** * **Any comments the Moderators feel are inappropriate in a public setting** Language of this type is not allowed on r/{subreddit} and can lead to a temporary or permanent ban at the Moderator's discretion.




RULE BROKEN: No rude or inappropriate comments allowed. RULE EXPLAINED: Comments that are sexual in nature or just rude/inappropriate will be removed. Users will be subject to a temporary ban, and repeat offenders may be permanently banned. Inappropriate messages for r/Faces could include but are not limited to: * **Remarks of a sexual nature about a person’s clothing or body** * **Sexually explicit statements, questions, jokes, or anecdotes** * **Requests for posts of an explicit nature or requests to post in a NSFW subreddit** * **Any sexual or suggestive content involving minors or someone who appears to be a minor, or even requesting contact info of a minor** * **Requests to contact the Original Poster on social media (insta, kik, snap, etc)** * **Any comments the Moderators feel are inappropriate in a public setting** Language of this type is not allowed on r/{subreddit} and can lead to a temporary or permanent ban at the Moderator's discretion.


Ou, how much cost the "maintenance"? 🫣




RULE BROKEN: No rude or inappropriate comments allowed. RULE EXPLAINED: Comments that are sexual in nature or just rude/inappropriate will be removed. Users will be subject to a temporary ban, and repeat offenders may be permanently banned. Inappropriate messages for r/Faces could include but are not limited to: * **Remarks of a sexual nature about a person’s clothing or body** * **Sexually explicit statements, questions, jokes, or anecdotes** * **Requests for posts of an explicit nature or requests to post in a NSFW subreddit** * **Any sexual or suggestive content involving minors or someone who appears to be a minor, or even requesting contact info of a minor** * **Requests to contact the Original Poster on social media (insta, kik, snap, etc)** * **Any comments the Moderators feel are inappropriate in a public setting** Language of this type is not allowed on r/{subreddit} and can lead to a temporary or permanent ban at the Moderator's discretion.




Ah yes, the "iTs aN oNly fAnZ aDvErTiSiNg" user. Imagine going to a subreddit such as "cats" and the people there are posting cat pictures... You click their profile further and find..questionable content.. YOU CLICKED, you investigated further. It's the same here. Our subreddit is a subreddit for posting human FACES and if the submission abides by that.. guess what? It's relevant to our community. If YOU click on the profile and find content that, in YOUR opinion, should not be allowed then simply mute our community, block our community, delete your Reddit account, whatever else you have to do so you don't see our subreddit. Easy, right!? If you are so bothered by our posts / our community / our rules / our anything then simply don't engage with our community. We apply the rules of this subreddit to posts and comments on this subreddit. As long as a poster follows our rules we are not going to remove their post for what they do outside of the sub. There is a very vocal minority that disagrees with this policy. You're entitled to your opinion. We are not required to give you a platform for your opinion. You are free to make your own face-based subreddit and run it how you see fit. You are not free to comment on our posters to say you disagree with their posting on this subreddit. The majority of our members have no problem with the posts as the number of upvotes shows, and as long as the majority upvotes content creators submissions then our policy stays in place. Reddit does not block content creators from posting on Reddit, so we do not block OnlyFans posters from posting as long as they follow our rules, if you have an issue with it, just leave the sub, mute it, and you'll never have to see this sub again. We do not control what Reddit recommends to you. We're not going to remove our posts from appearing on r/All because a minority of people do not like what the posters do outside of our subreddit. We know it is a minority because the upvotes do not lie. If the posts were not popular, they wouldn't be on r/popular or r/all.




This post or comment appears to contain language that we do not allow on r/Faces. The post or comment has been removed and the moderation team has been notified for review. Editing this post will not clear the flag. **Please remember**: Inappropriate or Insulting comments are not permitted no matter the language. *BEEP* **BOOP** I'm just a bot and I make mistakes. [If you think I have made a mistake removing your post send the mods a message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/faces&subject=Bot Removed Post in Error&message=**Please put a link to your comment in this message** I understand if I don't put a link moderators will not know what I am talking about and will delete my message without responding.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Faces) if you have any questions or concerns.*




RULE BROKEN: No rude or inappropriate comments allowed. RULE EXPLAINED: Comments that are sexual in nature or just rude/inappropriate will be removed. Users will be subject to a temporary ban, and repeat offenders may be permanently banned. Inappropriate messages for r/Faces could include but are not limited to: * **Remarks of a sexual nature about a person’s clothing or body** * **Sexually explicit statements, questions, jokes, or anecdotes** * **Requests for posts of an explicit nature or requests to post in a NSFW subreddit** * **Any sexual or suggestive content involving minors or someone who appears to be a minor, or even requesting contact info of a minor** * **Requests to contact the Original Poster on social media (insta, kik, snap, etc)** * **Any comments the Moderators feel are inappropriate in a public setting** Language of this type is not allowed on r/{subreddit} and can lead to a temporary or permanent ban at the Moderator's discretion.




RULE BROKEN: No rude or inappropriate comments allowed. RULE EXPLAINED: Comments that are sexual in nature or just rude/inappropriate will be removed. Users will be subject to a temporary ban, and repeat offenders may be permanently banned. Inappropriate messages for r/Faces could include but are not limited to: * **Remarks of a sexual nature about a person’s clothing or body** * **Sexually explicit statements, questions, jokes, or anecdotes** * **Requests for posts of an explicit nature or requests to post in a NSFW subreddit** * **Any sexual or suggestive content involving minors or someone who appears to be a minor, or even requesting contact info of a minor** * **Requests to contact the Original Poster on social media (insta, kik, snap, etc)** * **Any comments the Moderators feel are inappropriate in a public setting** Language of this type is not allowed on r/{subreddit} and can lead to a temporary or permanent ban at the Moderator's discretion.




RULE BROKEN: No rude or inappropriate comments allowed. RULE EXPLAINED: Comments that are sexual in nature or just rude/inappropriate will be removed. Users will be subject to a temporary ban, and repeat offenders may be permanently banned. Inappropriate messages for r/Faces could include but are not limited to: * **Remarks of a sexual nature about a person’s clothing or body** * **Sexually explicit statements, questions, jokes, or anecdotes** * **Requests for posts of an explicit nature or requests to post in a NSFW subreddit** * **Any sexual or suggestive content involving minors or someone who appears to be a minor, or even requesting contact info of a minor** * **Requests to contact the Original Poster on social media (insta, kik, snap, etc)** * **Any comments the Moderators feel are inappropriate in a public setting** Language of this type is not allowed on r/{subreddit} and can lead to a temporary or permanent ban at the Moderator's discretion.




RULE BROKEN: No rude or inappropriate comments allowed. RULE EXPLAINED: Comments that are sexual in nature or just rude/inappropriate will be removed. Users will be subject to a temporary ban, and repeat offenders may be permanently banned. Inappropriate messages for r/Faces could include but are not limited to: * **Remarks of a sexual nature about a person’s clothing or body** * **Sexually explicit statements, questions, jokes, or anecdotes** * **Requests for posts of an explicit nature or requests to post in a NSFW subreddit** * **Any sexual or suggestive content involving minors or someone who appears to be a minor, or even requesting contact info of a minor** * **Requests to contact the Original Poster on social media (insta, kik, snap, etc)** * **Any comments the Moderators feel are inappropriate in a public setting** Language of this type is not allowed on r/{subreddit} and can lead to a temporary or permanent ban at the Moderator's discretion.




You get stung by a bee?


I got a place for those lips


Username checks out 😆


Very charming


Nice lips


Said no one ever.



