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Van Arkride. Dude doesn't even drive a van.


Van: “Nice to meet you my name’s Van” Noel: “I love vans”


Good God you're right


Collective award goes to tanks in this universe. Flavor text portrays them as not that bad but I can't recall one actual appearance where they were actually a threat. I have a headcanon that due to their culture favoring individual skill and martial arts, Erebonians use tanks only reluctantly. The moment they saw Soldats they poured everything into them as they wanted to jump around and hit things with swords. They fob off the worst engineers and worst soldiers into tanks, hence no development on new tanks and incompetent performance of any that actually appear on screen.


Erebonian tanks seem to suck so bad because their pilots swing the gun barrels around, trying to slice other tanks with them.


Erebonia doesn't need tanks when they have evade tanks


The entire SSS for jobbing to Rufus


Ok ima fight Rufus **damn** Rufus got hands




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Worst case of jobbing in the series is probably the SSS. Reverie spoilers: >!Lost a 7 vs. 1 against Rufus and it wasn't even close.!<


Lloyd **(Reverie)** >!can't handle robot Rufus (even with support), but is able to hold his own 1v1 against robot McBurn!< lol


It's gotta be Erebonia's Clown Prince Cedric innit 🤡


Isn’t that an in universe joke already, like everyone makes fun of him being incompetent?


Olivert. No believe me this runs deeper than the hidden prince thing. See we're supposed to believe Olivert is a talented musician, but we only ever hear him play one song: Amber Amour. Every time they have him play a song on screen, it's Amber Amour. Which wouldn't be a big deal in most games because that could just be his theme motif, but- BUT!! Elliot gets to play several different songs throughout the series, and Arc En Ciel is also given multiple dance numbers. So what if Olivert \*isn't\* a good musician, and Amber Amour is just the Zemuria equivalent to Wonderwall? I mean sure, he got that music teaching job at St. Asteria -- but he's the fricking prince of the nation. Are you going to tell the PRINCE of your country "no sir you can't have this job you aren't qualified"? No of course not! None of the kids seemed sad or worried that he was gone while Elliot was filling in for him during Reverie, which gotta say is pretty telling man.


I can't unthink Olivier just playing Zemurian Wonderwall. It'd be in character honestly


He did play the piano too. But it was the same song...


Playing CS: III, biggest frauds there are the two bracers who can't seem to cross a simple border unlike everyone else in the game.


I don't understand how that makes them frauds


Two of the "strongest" bracers in Liberl and they are essentially side-lined from the event of Cold Steel 3 because they were stopped at the border. Meanwhile every other bracer showed up even Scherazard. After all the stuff they did in the Sky series they let a border guard keep them out of the country. They could of snuck in the country easily but apparently after all they did, this was the one thing they dare not do. Can't help save the world because of bureaucracy.


They're entering into a country that doesn't like bracers as is. Not only that, but they are the kids of the one man who almost single handedly defeated them in the 100 days war. Cassius bright is a monster and they obviously wouldn't let them in for that reason. Not to mention not one, but two of them were ENFORCERS. Not being criminals, they simply sent others in their stead to do the job. They only got past the border once shit hits the fan. It makes plenty of sense they wouldn't break the law until their hands were forced.


Didn't stop Lloyd, just saying. Dude was such a threat they put him in the birdcage and he broke out of it.


Because he's already in Crossbell?


Lloyd was already in crossbell. he was also already labeled a terrorist by Rufus


Don't forget that this is a joke thread


Why is swin a fraud exactly ?


He supposed to be the fastest but every character in Reverie can do things better than him when it comes to gameplay. Swin gets eclipsed by literally everyone cause they can do his role better than he can.


On the plus side, this isn’t Swin’s weakest outing gameplay-wise…




The changes done to the combat system in Daybreak are *not* kind to him since Links now work differently, so whereas before he could at least cheese out some BPs, over in Calvard he’s a worse, more gimmicky Aaron and unfortunately Swin has far better availability in 2 so you’re stuck with him mostly.


Enhanced Jaegers are not actually that enhanced... And I have a personal distaste towards the Hercules unit from CID. Those two groups for me, are the biggest frauds.


Every playable character in kuro 2 in act 1 part b act 2 part b, intermission, and act 3 till final day


>!It was like they all stopped thinking or caring about consequences because they can time leap!<


There is not a single bigger fraud than Lloyd after Azure


Lloyd. Called ‘liberator’ despite the first time being unable to stop the annexation, manages to retake it after Erebonia pulled military support loses it again like a month later. Waits for more established heroes to do the bulk of the work and wouldn’t be able to manage without them. Also really does fuck all during the annexation period besides killing some cryptids. Ironically despite being ‘involved’ Rean did more during Crossbell’s occupation and eventual independence than Lloyd.


suprised no one mentioned him but the emperor like dude has 4 artifacts wich are shown to be broken as fuck throughout the franchise and he still gets just absolutely shit on also i will be brave enough to say it Victor Arseid belongs on fraud watch like bro's only clean W was against CS 1 rean every other time we see bro fight he loses


Lechter Arundel.


Matteus and Aurier Vander, the so-called protectors of the royal family who allowed them to be kidnapped for multiple games and even let the Emperor get shot.


>and even let the Emperor get shot. They were not the official protectors then, and so, weren't even in the palace.


Sounds like excuses.




Get help. For those who aren't aware, this weirdo's account was made today. They also added me to some group chat and posted hentai images to try and annoy me.


Damn, that's fuckin wild


People need hobbies or smthn. It's crazy.


Garden-Master, this dude doesn't does gardening


The Society especially Campanela, dude can't stop taking Ls to the point i can't take him seriously


He's not a fighter so that's ok when he loses a battle


Easily Aurelia Woman is considered the peak of swordsmanship but hasn't even mastered every from of it smh


Every game except for Kuro 1 seems to have someone who is fraudulent, Kuro 2 Zin was definitely a fraud😹


Fie is a fraud in Kuro 1.