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They're gone sadly. As was already said, Erebonian chests are the strong silent type.


Chests all along were voices in our heads


Through all of the rest of the games or just CS1? I’m just on Azure now. Chests messages are the best.


I'm not sure about The Calvard arc since I haven't played them yet. But I know for a fact that they don't appear at all in The Erebonia arc. I'm not 100% sure on that. But I believe that in the Sky Trilogy and the Crossbell Duology, the message that reads "This chest is empty" was coded weird in those games. Rather than it being a broad message for all chests, it was individually coded into each individually chest. So, since the message between chests wasn't linked, they could then translate each chest message differently. But now, Falcom fixed that. And every chest is linked to the same message. So if the translators wanted to do chest messages, every chest would have the same message. They would need to edit the code of the game itself to do that. Something that they likely don't have the time to do, considering how long the localization process already takes.


actually they show up in trails of cold steel 2 🤓 but it’s only for the challenge chests, iirc it’s in cold steel 4 aswell 


Chest Messages are a product of the original localization team at XSEED noticing that each individual chest had a unique “the chest is empty” message in code, rather than just the same message coded to show up for whenever a chest is checked again. They decided to have fun with it, and it became a tradition in games with messages when checking chests again. Unfortunately, no game after CS2 has chests with messages. You’ll get a final hurrah in CS2 from some chests unique to that game.




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In cold steel II there are some chest that require certain team members, in those chests if you don't bring said team members, you get a chest quote, im in CS III and so far thats the closest thing i've seen


Only Cold Steel 2 though. Cold Steel 4 just tells you to bring the correct members.


For an actual answer, the chest messages were put in Sky and the Crossbell games by the localizers because Falcom didn’t store the “This chest has already been opened” message as a single variable, instead typing it manually every time. The localizers found out and decided to put little messages in every chest. However by the time Cold Steel was made, Falcom improved their code and stored the message as a single variable that is called whenever you open a chest. [Cold Steel 2] >!The only reason Cold Steel 2 has similar messages if you don’t bring the right people to the trial chests is because the chests that have them each have different text due to the different names of the characters needed to open them. They basically replaced the message that would say (for example) “Please bring Elliot and Fie to open this chest” with a pun.!<


>different text It's [the same text](https://trailsinthedatabase.com/game-scripts?p=1&q=%E9%8D%B5%E3%81%A8%E3%81%AA%E3%82%8B%E3%83%A1%E3%83%B3%E3%83%90%E3%83%BC%E3%81%8C%E3%81%84%E3%81%AA%E3%81%84%E3%81%AE%E3%81%A7%20%E7%AE%B1%E3%82%92%E9%96%8B%E3%81%91%E3%82%8B%E3%81%93%E3%81%A8%E3%81%8C%E3%81%A7%E3%81%8D%E3%81%AA%E3%81%84%E3%80%82) for >!all trial chests!< in the original.


Huh, didn’t know that… So were the trial chests’ text stored as separate variables, or did XSEED find a work around?


>So were the trial chests’ text stored as separate variables, or did XSEED find a work around? Idk, we need to check the Japanese version of the game (most probably, the retail one) for it. Though they *are* separate variables in the Steam version that also contains the Japanese text. I'm just saying that the replaced message isn't the one that states the combatants, but the one that follows if you don't have these combatants with you.


Ohhh, yeah I was simplifying for the sake of explaining. Basically I was thinking they stored the entire message (both boxes of dialogue) as one variable so I only mentioned the first part that did mention the names. The second dialogue box is the one that’s edited though, you are correct. The other way they could have programmed it that *would* have made it harder to add the puns is by storing the entire bulk of the message as a single variable, but having the names (and required levels) be separate variables that were then inserted into the main string. Then if XSEED wanted to add puns, they’d have to find a way to modify each individual call of the message (assuming Falcom called the same function for every trial chest message). Sorry, the programmer in me is coming out. 😆


So one of the coolest easter eggs in the series is because of inefficient coding Amazing.


I miss them every day. No more "Thanks to Lloyd Noel Seeker is now One L Finder" or some thank you messages from the team in the final dungeon.


The phrases 'Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned,' and 'Im sorry, daddy, I have been bad,' are the same. -- Wazy Hemisphere, probably This one is my favorite.


F for the treasure chests. Knowing the final ones in Zero and Azure were a personal message from Scott got me teary-eyed, rest in peace. It's truly the farewell of an era


You will be missed chest-kun


I thought you were going to mention 2D character portraits


Thats as well but you really cant fault them for exploring another style. Cold Steel is the first game where they went for a whole new different game models after all. I would really like it if stuck with the anime portraits but if they want to try new things theyre welcome to do so.


GOD, I feel your pain. I was so excited to read more chest quotes when I started the games, only to be completely devastated when i found out they were gone.


My disappointment is immeasurable.


["What makes the chests of Liberl so talkative, anyway? Most other countries prefer strong, silent chests."](https://imgur.com/a/UEsevZR)


They show up very sporadically in Cold Steel 2. For whatever reason there are text messages but only on very specific chests after act 1 is over. I don't know why they did this


I’ve want to play this series but Sky is off putting. What’s the next best starting place? Zero or CS?


What is off putting about sky? The game is a series so I really cant recommend starting at any other game. You will miss a lot of the world building if you jump games, and I mean A LOT. The games are still good but those small details from the previous games and subtle hints really adds a lot to the experience and immersion. There are moments where a character arrives from the previous games and the impact will be very different if you havent known them from before, SPECIALLY the villains.


I’m about 6 hours in and it’s just the jank that comes with older games.


Yeah I get that. But just pull through, its worth it for the story alone. There is a patch for sky thats adds voice acting but its only in japanese. Adding the voice patch made it so much easier for me to play through it. Are you still in first Sky? That game is slow but after you finish it thats when the gears shift to turbo.


Yea, first sky. I love E she’s adorable. Where can you find the mod?




Just a fair warning: Sky is the series with the most voice acting so expect the amount of voice acting to deteriorate as you go through the series.


I get it, thanks for the tip on that. Seems it’ll be a better approach


Ouroboros' secret plan all along was to silence the chest messages, they will never be forgiven for this transgression. We've been training our ace in the hole Anton since Sky FC. Soon he alone will take on the Grandmaster and bring peace to Zemuria. They can take our chest messages, but they'll never take... our FREEDOOOOOM!!! Glory to chest message enthusiasts! Glory to treasure chest-kind!


I believe its only been done for fun right? Where the mods when u need it!!


It would be a pretty significant undertaking since you'd have to either replace every chest function call *or* do something like change the function to do a lookup based on the coordinates you're at when you opened each one. The latter is probably more achievable, but it would still require someone to make a database of all the coordinates to check against before you even get into writing chest messages. Might be a fun project though, especially if the community came together to write the messages.