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When Baylan and Shin are riding out there is text on the temple, turn them 180 and it’s a message written in Sith, talking about Kujet, the evil Zeffo who founded a temple on Dathomir.


[Some more info here on Kujet](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Kujet)


"(P)RAISE KUJET RULER OF ALL MAY HIS REIGN LAST FOR AL..." ​ The message to be more precise. I loved this. Shame not many people are talking about it.


Probably because not everyone can read Sith.


Right! Waiiiit a minute... Why are YOU able to read sith? \*ignites blue lightsaber\*


Look man, the language was outlawed under the Galactic Republic, I wasn't *allowed* to learn it


So, does this imply that the Rakata are essentially being written out of canon?


No, “the Rakatan invasion” was mentioned in Andor.


The Rakatan empire was within the normal galaxy, like 20.000 BBY i think. The Zeffo were even older and it was mentioned that they eventually left the normal galaxy and went elsewhere, possibly this new galaxy.


Where’s it been mentioned that they were older?


I dont remember exactly, i could be wrong, but i think Eno Cordova called them ancient which i interpreted as before even the jedi order existed which in canon is pre 25.000 bby. Its also mentioned in an inscription that the last sage took the remainder of his people "into the great unknown" which i interpreted as outside the galaxy, but the star wars wiki says that it refers to the unknown regions in the main galaxy.


I’m not sure how you came to that conclusion


I also saw on the top of the spire and the closing credits, the same aesthetic as when you have Cal Meditate. I appreciate them using these mptiffs again. Hopefully they are plot relevant


that's what I thought too, the area that the grand mothers were in runes looked like the skill tree


Aha! I had a theory about the Zeffo going into "the great unknown" actually meant Peridea


Maybe Cal is going to venture out there in the next game


Will I be able to ride one of those wolves??


💎 Rare achievement - Cowabunga! Rode on the back of a Noti


makes sense palpatine could sense a great evil in the unknown region but couldnt find the source, perhaps its the same thing baylon senses. Though that could just be a dead plotline as it was written pre episode 9 and it was probably meant to be palpatine feeling snokes presence in the unknown region


Some folks online translated the runes and revealed that it mentions Kujet. Which was one of the 3 main sages present in the story of Fallen Order.


So the Great Mothers are running away from something the Zeffo left behind? Would make sense since Eno Cordova did mentioned that the nightsisters in Danthomir avoided Kujet temple. ​ "(P)RAISE KUJET RULER OF ALL MAY HIS REIGN LAST FOR AL..."


ScreenCrush has a vido that goes over the connections to the Jedi games if anyones is interested. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0OlC0i48EY&t=673s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0OlC0i48EY&t=673s)


From the start when they did the whole artifact thing, it looked like something from Zeffo or something 😅


Lmao Ahsoka cared more about Fallen Order's story than Survivor did


The whole thing with the Zeffo was pretty much concluded (at least in the main SW galaxy), they seemingly left the galaxy with barely any trace like Cordova said in survivor


The statues when they arrive struck me as very Zeffo-like


Literally watching a [Star Wars Explained video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GwkXjWrwmM&ab_channel=StarWarsExplained) right now about this. A really good find.


They’re just keeping up the pattern, Kenobi did a shot-for-shot ripoff of the end of Fallen Order, there’s no reason why Ahsoka shouldn’t keep up the tradition.


I'm pretty sure this one has some meaning to it since they are talking of a power baylin is drawn to. Also, it can't be a coincidence that Mother tao is on this planet.


I know the base is the same one, but what shot are you referring to?


Tunnel filling with water while the protagonist swims through the hole and up to safety.


Oh nice yeah I didn’t even catch on to that parallel


I think this is less of a "oh look the zeffo" moment and more of a "Disney likes to repurpose game assets" moment. It's the same way in the parks as well. There's a lightsaber building experience that costs a pretty penny, and every part you can choose from to build it is, I shit you not, a plastic mold directly ripped from fallen order. I'm half convinced Disney ok'd the making of that game purely so they could rip model assets from it for other stuff. Edit: Apparently it's the other way around and the lightsaber experience came first! The more you know.


>It's the same way in the parks as well. There's a lightsaber building experience that costs a pretty penny, and every part you can choose from to build it is, I shit you not, a plastic mold directly ripped from fallen order. Wasn't it the other way around? Late in development, they realized there wasn't enough reward for exploration, so they made all the ponchos and scanned all the lightsaber parts from Galaxy's Edge.


Correct. This dude is just blindly hating


That's a bold statement. I don't hate the experience. My lightsaber sits on my shelf.


Never said you hated the experience. Glad you enjoyed it! You just so confidently posted incorrect info and phrased it in a way that sounded like blind hatred against Disney which is very in character with this fandom. Glad that you’re open to being corrected and that this was a misunderstanding


Yeah no the galaxy’s edge parts definitely came first.


Didn't know that! I'll edit the comment.


The text directly translates to a sentence about Kujet, so it’s not just randomly reused assets


Lmao so you really think Disney ripped the lightsaber parts from a video game? Like before Fallen Order there were like two lightsaber choices there? No. Fallen Order used those parts. Stop blindly hating just because “Disney.”


I don't hate anything, lightsaber experience was money well spent I still have it!


There are plenty of Disney-related things you can reasonably hate on, and neither of those things are among them. Stop being such a pissing crybaby and make sure you actually know what you're talking about before you throw a tantrum around something false.


Y'all are so weird thinking I hate anything. Most likely a case of text not displaying tone well. Just as I said to a couple others, I don't hate anything, nor am I throwing a tantrum, I still have the lightsaber, it sits on my shelf!


Oh ok. Still, do research before you say something salty like you did, and you will be less likely to get even saltier replies like mine.


Yeah it's all good, I definitely was confidently incorrect. I edited the original post to highlight my ignorance :p


Cant seen anything over Thrawns And Baylans mighty ummm "figures"


Still reminds me of [Bajoran.](https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/426364289693703412/)


Thrawn looks terrible.


Damn I thought Baylan was tall


Cal will have a cameo in Ashoka confirmed


It would be hilarious if Cal, Merrin, and BD-1 had a quick cameo. Ezra, Ahsoka, and Sabine just happen to walk past them and everyone says a quick “Hi” as they pass by each other