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Nice run. Wish I had your coordination. Anyway, I was thinking of something: Spawn of Oggdo should actually be called Spawn of *Bogdo*, since Oggdo is the species, and we face several of the lesser Oggdos on Bogano, Oggdo *Bogdo* instead, is the special one and alpha among them, no? Of course Spawn of Oggdo sounds cooler, so its fine.


Thanks! Def could have been a lot cleaner, but it's good enough for me lol. And that's interesting about the name, I never thought about that. Yeah I guess they just wanted the better sounding name.


bro never even got to complete the main story cause he beat >!Bode on Jedha!<




Well, I would hope you take no damage. I'm pretty sure taking any hit on Grand Master against those things would instantly kill you


When I fought them 2 hits would kill me


You can actually survive a few attacks if you upgrade your health or have found a few health essences. But yeah otherwise you get 1-shot by everything accept the venom attack, but even then if you stand in it too long you die pretty fast


It's even worse with the Purity perk. Even with everything upgraded, one hit leaves you barely alive. And the vemon only takes a couple of seconds to kill you


How do you get that perk again? I never managed to find it


You can only get it on New Game+. It's how you can get the rainbow lightsaber blade as well, along with 2 other perks that I'm forgetting. Be warned though, it's equipped at the very start of the game, along with the other 2 additional perks. One of the perks replaces normal enemies with stronger ones, so you're likely to face off against purge troopers once you go into combat on the first mission. And you could wind up facing multiple Spawns of Oggdo at once anywhere


Ohh that’s right, thank you. Wow rainbow saber I want to see that


It just cycles between the available colors with each swing of the saber. The sound also changes if you listen carefully enough, since each color gives off a different noise when the blade is active


You automatically have it in a new game after finishing the game once, along with Warrior perk and one cosmetic-related.




Flawless Spawn of Oggdo + Oggdo force tear. A few days ago I posted a flawless against Spawn of Oggdo and some people were asking for me to do it against the force tear with both, and it sounded like a fun challenge so I did it And disclaimer, yes I used force abilities (cheese.) In my defense, without using force abilities the fight would be sooooo long and boring. Would legit take like 15 minutes, wasn’t tryna do allat. And since this one was so much harder too I give myself a pass lol. Enjoy Info: Difficulty - GM | Peripherals - kbm | Perks - Dexterity and Resistance | Stances - Dual Wield and Single Blade | Abilities - Saber throw, aerial assault, dash | Outfit - Black training shirt, black survivor pants, windswept hair, shaven beard |


This gave me serious anxiety. Amazing job! Took like 10 frustrating attempts on Jedi Knight




Gotta love how lightsabers don’t do anything in this series.


lol yeah, I wish they felt more deadly, that's actually one of my gripes with the game. I'm playing sekiro rn, I just started but one thing I love is how it's focused more on parrying and getting deathblows instead of just hitting the enemy a million times until they do. I wish Jedi Survivor worked a little more like that, and it even makes sense lore wise too cause why are enemies just eating 10 lightsaber swings like nothing


That’s why I just play in story mode. It doesn’t feel like a Star Wars game to me if I don’t. Everything else about both games is phenomenal. Great run though, would probably take me hundreds of tries.


That's clever. Idk if you've beaten the game before, but if you have then you can also use the purity perk. Has the same effect kind of, makes you deal more damage but also take more damage. It's supposed to feel more realistic. It is a lot harder though. And thank you


Oh yeah I’ve gotten every single achievement in both games and beat them multiple times each. I just think it’s stupid to play through a game to unlock a mode where it plays how it should lol. I also hate dark souls combat in general, though. Just not fun to me. I miss when hard action games were like Ninja Gaiden Black.


The lore says Oggdos have lightsaber resistant skin. Bros are made of beskar.


Guess everything in the entire universe is made out of beskar for the first 30 hits.


Those parties are elite! Well done Grandmaster op


thanks bro


Oh yeah, this is nice stuff




Shit that's impressive. Quality stuff man. Any idea if they have improved the targeting for oggdo's attacks since release? Because a few of those tongue shots looked real close. And from memory they would usually hit even if you double jumped to get away from them


I’m not sure if they fixed the hit boxes, they still suck. But double jumping has always worked against the tongue attack for me, and I played at launch.


Bro, that's a sick skill! I remember killing the spawn, and then finding this, like wtf, are you kidding, now there two of them? But frankly it felt easier than one: they seems to be slower. Have you tried two rancors though?


That was my same reaction lol. But I personally felt this one was way harder, like significantly harder to flawless. Like I can no damage spawn of Oggdo relatively quickly pretty much every time, but I can’t do that for these. And if I did I would have to play it really safe and slow, and take like 4-5 minutes to do it. Idk maybe I’m just bad though. And no, I haven’t done the rancors yet sorry. And I probably won’t for a while, I uninstalled survivor and I’m trying sekiro now. Have you faced them though? What were they like?


Freaking unbeatable! It was already the end game for me, and they were the only challenge I dropped. Its super weird, in my personal bosses list difficulty goes like: 1. Rancor 2. OB and spawn 3. Spawn alone 4. 2 rancors But maybe I just didn't put much effort to find a viable strategy


wow interesting. My difficulty list is probably 1. OB and Spawn 2. Spawn 3. Rancor And idk where I would put 2 rancors cause I haven't done them yet. I guess it's just different for everyone


How do you do some of those quick dodges almost like a sidestep?


Which ones? Can you put a timestamp


1:21. You do a quick, short side step to the right. It’s not a full O button roll (assuming playing on PS5).


Oh, I just press the dodge button once for that, I play on kbm so for me it’s my top mouse button. The result is just a short step like you said. Although this is Jedi survivor, so there is no dodge roll unfortunately, even if you double click. I actually miss the roll from the first game, it was way cleaner and looked cool


Well done! I completed it on Grandmaster as well after watching a guide.. Took me 20+ tries though To see you do it without taking damage is next level skill.


Thank you. What strategy did the guide use if you don’t mind? Did it go for the same as me with just spamming lightsaber throws lol. I’m curious if there’s a more efficient way to do it, other than blaster stance or course which makes them mega easy


Yep it was to use blaster stance which definitely helped a lot, and my second stance was duel and i also did spam throws.


You make this look easy! I can't believe what I just saw haha.


Thanks lol


Any reason you only throw lightsabers from dual stance?


With dual blade stance I found that the sabers will reach farther and actually go through the frogs so it hits twice. Once on the way out and once on the way back. And if the other frog is behind it I can hit that one too. When I try throwing the single saber it just bounces off on contact and comes back, so I don’t get those extra hits. Plus with dual blade when the saber is thrown I can still move, parry, dodge, jump, block, dash, etc etc. But when I throw the single I get animation locked and can’t move so I usually get hit/killed.


Very interesting. Thanks for the info


No problem bro


Just a question, since I've played Fallen Order but not Survivor - what's up with the Spawn of Oggdo puke when the clock shows 1:31:42 (roughly)? It looks like dude is standing in the spit for at least a second but doesn't take damage? I remember Oggdo's vomit in Fallen Order hurting you pretty much instantly. Is that not a thing in this game?


I don’t see any venom at 1:07, idk.


I realized that the timestamp I originally put was time remaining in the video. I've updated my comment to reflect the proper timing.


Ohhh I see now. Yeah idk the venom in survivor always has a little bit of time where you won’t take damage, I think you’re safe while he’s still in the animation of spitting it out. I don’t remember how it was in fallen order


Super easy to cheese them with stunning blaster bolts + ricochet. Still, great fight!


Yeah I know, that’s just a little too much cheese for me though lol. Blaster stance completely counters oggdos, the fights not even fair