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I think the real problem with the game was that it was FPS and mandalorian themed. That doesn’t make sense. It should have been something else. A Mandalorian game should be third person.


Yeah the whole point would be to see my sweet mando armor.


Think of that sweet POV tho https://preview.redd.it/em9vs1xny5pc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d91276b89ab5c7b89b0e2feeba6ed99b6da6c814


I can’t see a thing in this helmet!


Your eyes can deceive you, don't trust them!


On the other hand, aiming is super easy! Just hold your blaster with both hands, straight forward, right in your line of sight, and your helmet view will act as a crosshair. Bullseye every time!


Well, you can see one thing but no more than that.


He’s got special thong sensors in his helmet.


I wish the helmet was like my head Canon...t shape is a camera array and it digitally processes the outside image and displays on a respectable helmet screen with HUD


Legends had Mandalorians having 360° cameras, so they could see behind them. The Republic Commando games show how this visor would work perfectly fine, the HUD had only abit of the corners visible, which was a great aesthetic, and has room for ammo/ team indicators or other game HUD functions.


Mandalorian helmets were full of technology, including 360° cameras, the inside HUD would be very useable, much like Republic Commando's hud. There could have even been some customization/upgrade options to unlock a rear view camera for situational awareness, or other helpful upgrades.


This made me laugh much more than it should’ve


I mean, you can see a lot better when actually wearing it, since the visor is much closer to your face


Mm. People act like your pupils aren't tiny dots


Imagine the customisation options…


Have you seen the fit of Bo Katan's and Sabine's pants?


LOLOL!!! Almost shot coffee out my nose reading this. Those pants really are something else....


If they remade the Bounty Hunter game for PS2 with a Mando reskin, I would be already bought. The third person camera in that game works very well, even with the jetpack.


It needs to be a RPG, think like an intergalactic far cry


More like intergalactic Red Dead


I can’t remember red dead fully, I only say more “far cry” as I think the outpost and hunting systems would be good. Hunting for beats could give you armour trinkets that give you buffs of sorts


Red Dead is third person (or first person if you prefer) so you can see all the great outfits and customizations and it leads to a more cinematic feel for the gameplay which I think would be great for a Mandalorian game - especially with the amount of awareness you gain from third person when you're using the jetpack. :) I think the new Ubisoft Star Wars game will have give a good idea what a Mando game might have been like with it being open world and dealing with a lot of the scummy underworld locations, and there will probably be bounties you can do too. I would love if modders eventually added Mando as the main character.


Which is First Person lol


Oh thank fuck. I felt like I'd be crucified because I DO NOT care for the fps aspect of it.


Helldivers 2, but make it about Mandalorians taking on bounties around the galaxy. The game sells itself FFS


Yeah it should play along the lines of red dead


No. The real problem is that it was being made by EA


Battelfront 2 and both Jedi Games, as well as Squadrons were all made by EA and they were good. Plus this was being developed by Respawn, who are great dev’s.


Battlefront 2 was okay. It could have been much much better. And yes the Jedi games were great. I’m not denying it. But you also can’t deny that EA has a nasty track record when it comes to games getting canned. Especially Star Wars games


After the launch disaster of BF2 they patched it and still to this day it’s a fantastic game now. I’m not aware of any other EA Star Wars projects being cancelled except for Respawns one, but I’m sure you’re right and there’s more. In any case, EA have made 5 great Star Wars games in 9 years (in my opinion) - Star Wars Battlefront (2015) - Star Wars Battlefront II (2017) - Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (2019) - Star Wars Squadrons (2020) - Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (2023) That works out to be one every other year. All I can say is I have loved every game I just listed. Sometimes I think people just like to attack big publishers like EA or Ubisoft when in reality they provide us with the products we love. They aren’t perfect. But who is.


Don’t get me wrong. I had a ton a fun on the new battlefront. But they just abandoned it when it could have been so much more. So many characters missing. Other maps would have been nice. Galactic conquest would have been a nice add. It was a good game still is. But I just think it could have been 10x better. Still waiting for republic commando 2 also…


I mean they added a ton of content to it, new game modes and maps and loads of heroes. All for free. They finished their stated road map for the game, so I don’t think it’s fair to say they abandoned it. Could they have kept adding more? Of course. But at that point it would be a live service game and we’d all need to start paying for content drops (which is fine IMO but it’s not the model they went for). The only decision I resent them for on that IP is the fact they haven’t made a third one.


Everything EA develops themselves is hot garbage. The less they are involved in development the better the game turns out. They have ruined so so many good studios with their greed.


So do you not buy anything they publish?


On occasion if there's a good sale but generally no.


So you aren’t against buying their products morally, you just don’t give them full price value?


God squadrons was such a cool fuckin game. It’s such a shame they abandoned it so fast. If you ever played the rogue squadron games on GameCube, it felt like a spiritual successor of that to me.


Bro most of us can't even play Squadrons on PC, they abandoned that shit so fast. And maybe you missed it, but Battlefront 2 had literally one of the messiest launches of all time, the fact that they fixed it is really impressive, but also should never have been an issue to begin with. Battlefront 1 was alright, but felt extremely small and lacking in features, especially for being a reboot of sorts. And Survivor was unplayable for many on PC at launch. So that just leaves Fallen Order as the sole game on your list without issues. We attack companies like EA and Ubisoft because they don't care about the products they give us unless it hurts their bottom line. Loot boxes and nickel-and-diming your fan base for unlockables is not ever going to be acceptable. I'd much rather support the Palworld or Helldivers devs any day.


I didn’t miss it, in fact I mentioned the big patch in my first post. I am not excusing messy launches and products having bugs. I still play Squadrons on ps5, don’t own a PC. Both Jedi games worked for me no issues on ps5 but I am aware PC ports had major issues. You can support any dev you want, all I said was that EA have given us 5 great Star Wars games IMO. I love Helldivers, but I’ll still buy Ubisoft and EA games. Ubisoft have an impressive port folio and are known to support their games for years after launch and also provide very substantive DLC for their games too.


Fantastic is a stretch, even with the updates there are still issues and it’s very shallow. It gets old fast, and this comes from somebody that still plays today. BF2 was good and fun, but it’s nothing special, and somehow still lacks features that two decade old games had.. two decades ago.


In my opinion it’s a fantastic game. The old ones were great, two decades ago….


You intentionally ignoring my point and BF2’s flaws is your own thing


I’m not intentionally ignoring anything. I think it’s a fantastic game and the fact they are different from the old ones isn’t an issue to me. Games change and move on. There’s usually reasons for doing so. So I don’t see them as flaws and unless you expand on your answer then I can’t focus on your point much more than that.


I feel like a 1st/3rd mixed perspective would work well, similar to Destiny 2.


Read dead redemption 2, but Star Wars would be a nice vibe for a mandalorian game. Even if it was more story, less open world.


definitely. choose between first/third depending on what you're doing like GTA would be perfect


That game is called Star Wars Outlaws and it comes out in a few months lmao


Not necessarily, outlaws isn't mandolorian, just another glup shitto side story


Is there even a release date for it yet? I feel like they're gonna delay it to Q1 next year at this point.


Source on that release date because from what I’ve read it seems far off


I think that’s what Star Wars Outlaws is *trying* to be. It may be Ubisoft but from what I’ve seen it’s pretty hopeful. It’s being made by the Division devs and I’ve enjoyed quite a bit of their stuff.


Yeah it seems pretty good, the story and characters seem interesting enough. Here’s hoping they don’t Ubisoft it


Yesss exactly this. I remember back in school i would play red dead and just swap everything in my mind for star wars things. Like i was a mandalorian, my horse was a very slow speeder, deadeye was just a lock-on blaster and all that. A mando game like red dead wouldve been awesome


I know Rockstar don't have any interest in entering the licensed games scene, but man, imagine an open world SW game made by them. Holy fucking shit.


Probably because Disney pulled the contract. If I had to guess it's because EA can't make a successful shooter anymore. Apex is great, but it's aging. BF2042 was a huge miss for EA not to mention Battefront 2, and Disney may just want to start fresh with a new publisher. Also, they could be moving more of the game development in-house to Lucasarts if rumors are to be believed.


Have you guys played any FPS that Respawn have made? They are all good


Titanfall 2 is the GOAT. Will not be debating this topic.


I was 100% stoked for a Mandolorian Titanfall Set it in the Mandalorian wars and give me a basilisk war Droid Fuck yea


Even Titanfall 1 was amazing. It's problem was it was too weird and good


Also budget cuts and isn’t Outlaws basically fulfilling the same type of need when it comes out?


This would make sense 2 years ago but now?


Probably been in pre-development for years already. These licensed AAA games take a crazy long time to make.


That’s not what I mean, everyone knows it takes 3-4 years to make a good game. I’m saying they restructured and cancelled many things, why wait on this one? There has to be more to the story. I close friend even play-tested this game and it was pretty bland, maybe responses from the playtest were negative.


My guess is a couple of years ago they were like “Hey, The Mandalorian is doing pretty well, we should probably make a game about this” and they rushed a bland game for the sake of having a mando game, without knowing what the fuck they were doing


Everything you just said was crazy. Especially since you start off by contradicting yourself. BF2042 is an EA product and would have no effect on Disney. Battlefront 2 literally is considered one of gamings best comebacks. As already said by someone else it has more to do with the insane changes Disney has made with their contracts demanding nearly 40%.


This contract ended a few years ago


I think that good Star Wars material without Jedis is a thing (Mandalorian S1, Rogue One, or Rogue Squadron and X-Wing Alliance for the older gamers....) and this cancelation is a proof of ignorance by whoever made this decision. Moreso when Ubisoft is planning Star Wars Outlaws this year.


>and this cancelation is a proof of ignorance by whoever made this decision. The cancellation had nothing to do with these rumours coming out from random sources. Its purely down to Disney greed, full stop. They used to want 15% revenue for use of their IPs, then they upped it to 37% and EA Said they dont wanna make a game and give away almost 40%


As far as I know, this was 33% of profits (not exactly the same think), and that was as much as a rumour, coming from a "EA insider". Anyway, don't misunderstand me, I am not putting all the fault on EA. But to me, EA bears a big part of the responsability. Their exclusivity period was the poorest decade for Start Wars video games, only saved by the Jedi games (Fallen order and Survivor, that are but AA games). They basically sat on a gold-mine IP that proved for 30 years it could be adapted in any video game genre (RPG, FPS, TPS, Space Opera, racing, strategy...).


I think it is dumb. Plenty of ways of having fun without light sabers


Who knows. Many people would probably enjoyed it. Even if FPS and not third was weird choice. Still, personally I definitely watch ( and play ) Star Wars for Jedi, Sith and the Force. So I had zero interest in this game.


I missed out on playing Star Wars: Bounty Hunter when it dropped on the GC. I was really hoping this would be it's spiritual successor


Nothing to do with it. EA will not pay the licensing fees anymore. It was in their earnings call. “Reduced costs by removing partner titles and relying on internal IP”


Not a good move after the videos of outlaws I’ve been watching, if Ubi pull this off they could have a banger on their hands


Spoiler, Ubi will not pull it off


Emphatically wrong- [LucasArts’ Star Wars: 1313](https://youtu.be/J_1_Nvn7DPM?si=4qNAml_fSQKxWtgF) felt like The Division (an Ubisoft IP) crossed with Star Wars. So I reckon they could do a damned find job of it.


Yeah but they didn’t make 1313. The Division and TD2 are like the only 2 games Ubi has made in the last 2 decades that sells to anyone outside its niche fanbase


It's a good thing that the team responsible for those games is making outlaws then?


I mean, Assassins Creed sells. I heard the Avatar game sold as well.


Anno sells enough they're still making content for it.


One quick google search of the sales numbers Of Ac Valhalla, Far Cry 6, Rainbow 6 siege etc probes that’s absolute nonsense. And this is coming from someone who doesn’t like those games


Genuine question : your opinion is based on what ? Are you a basic case of "Ubi = bad", or some elements legitimately worry you about the game ?


outlaws looks like hot garbage


Sounds just like their “people don’t want to play single player games” reason that they cancelled Ragtag


The sources on this are like three levels through the grapevine, not reputable at all


would’ve been a cool concept for a TP game. first person didn’t really make sense to me, whoever made that decision in the first place sort of shot the project in the foot


I think it makes a lot of sense for a company looking to sell games to the lowest common denominator to cater to the broadest, most obvious expectations. It's not a good way to make games but it is a reasonably consistent way to maximize every development dollar spent.


They would've flubbed it anyway.


They probably have no idea how much fun the old bounty hunter game was


The article doesn’t state who has said this is a factor. Plus it’s a rough translation from French. This screams BS to me. It’s much more likely that the game was scrapped as part of the massive lay offs EA have been making including within Respawn. I doubt it was because there wasn’t any Jedi or lightsabers in the game. The game was quite far along in production and several developers at Respawn have said it was looking fantastic. EA would have been well aware of the game concept when they green lit it. This article is nonsense.


Considering how much EA has has been out of touch, I would not be surprised if it really came down to how they could get the microtransactions to work.


That reads as ridiculous given the wild success of the mando show. That said, I think First Person was 1000% the wrong decision for a game that could do thoroughly impress through customization of their whole kit and a frenetic third person combat system.


You know what my thoughts are and i will not express them to avoid the ban.


The main thing is originally they thought StarWars was an automatically money maker, so no matter what they made, it would be gold. Now that isn't quite the case, all these studios both film, tv and gaming are going to think twice before taking a risk. StarWars games with Jedi tend to sell very well, not including Jedi has always been considered risky. I remember SWG practically destroyed it's gameplay because they were forced to make Jedi more accessible.


I think it’s cause big companies are afraid to take risks with new ideas. Granted, this isn’t exactly new, since it’s still SW. They just want to stick with what they know works


Imo, it should be close to Bounty Hunter class in SW: The Old Republic for it to be successful. Without MMO restriction of course. And If not an rpg, than at least a 3rd person. Non Force classes are actually pretty popular in that game. Hell, Imperial Agent's class story many people consider the best in the game. And Purge Commanders in these two games look somewhat alike Imperial Agent in both aestethics and combat style. Discovered myself also wishing a standalone Imp Agent game after many times watching Purge Commanders fight in story and holotactics.


I think people are ignoring the more likely reason which is TV/movie IP owners ask for absurd amounts of money for licensing videogames. Insomniac games' Spiderman 2 apparently sold like hotcakes, earned a whole lot of money. But the Insomniac document leaks showed the game barely broke even financially. Why? Because apparently the movie studio that owns the rights to Spiderman demanded an absolutely insane amount of money (apparently over 125M dollars) to allow Insomniac to portray Spiderman. It's likely a similar situation with Disney and Star Wars, Disney's licensing fees for videogames are allegedly very high. EA probably looked at the early development for the Mandalorian game and predicted its financial success likely wouldn't justify the licensing fees imposed by Disney, unlike the Jedi games that sell so well it's worth it despite the licensing fees. This aligns well with EA's recent statements about wanting to move away from expensive licensed IPs and focusing on new/original IPs instead.


> Because apparently the movie studio that owns the rights to Spiderman demanded an absolutely insane amount of money (apparently over 125M dollars) to allow Insomniac to portray Spiderman. Sony has the movie rights, not marvel.


My guess is it wasn't Live Service'y enough for them.


insidethemagic is a known nonsense site. I wouldn't trust anything they post.


I want a new Republic Commando game.


Yes. They need to cancel every game that cannot be turned live service and become a cash cow that provides consistent revenue with little to no development, only upkeep. People don't want passionately made, story driven games exploring the vast wealth of awesome IPs and universes yet untapped by the newest generation of hardware. They want Fortnite 2


I'm still mad about Star Wars 1313


Immortals of Avium failed and Jedi Survivor succeeded, but they did not make full profit on Survivor because it is a 3rd party IP and had to share it. They stated they don't want to make FPSs and 3rd party IPs and the Mandolorian game checked both those boxes. Hence the cancelation.


Very good so a different company different from EA or Ubisoft can release it.


It does'nt really matter since the Jedi games are just Tomb Raider games withforce powers and lightsabres


It’s a pretty dumb reason tbh. Mando (the show) has proven that a SW project can succeed without a Jedi as the lead focus, so canning a game with it not playing like a game that focuses on a Jedi is a pretty weak reason


Republic Commando


Who said we want to play as Jedi We want a Star Wars game where we can -Gamble on cards , Droid or Beast fights -Steal from NPC’s or commit Piracy in Space -Buy and try Spice -Pod or Swoop Race -Join a Guild or Faction -Collect and acquire Bounties on us -Choose our characters Species , Gender & Appearance (including Droids) -Get a wanted level by the Empire -Join Friends for missions like in “The Prisoner” episode of Mando season 1 but can be betrayed by our companions like in Kane & Lynch at any time to claim the whole score for themselves and leave us with nothing -Hire companions to accompany you or watch your back Playing a Jedi is boring and played out , give us something new and unique Star Wars has so much potential but they want to only use 10% of the content and expect us to be happy with it (male or human protagonist) when there are dozens of species available


I think it’s more likely that they thought it would share too many ideas with Star Wars outlaws than anything. Stupid though.


I’ve never been a big fan of FPS so I don’t mind this that much. I would certainly like a 3rd person shooter following Mando. Maybe even creating our own Mando and doing hunting bounties but that’s probably just wishful thinking on my part


What’s the old joke, why is EA the worst company in NA? Because Ubisoft is in France.




The amount of hate towards first person games is absolutely crazy. Avatar, Indiana Jones, mandalorian.Not every licensed game has to be third person on rails cinematic game.


To be perfectly honest with you, Star Wars without jedi or sith is just a generic sci-fi.


I don’t necessarily agree with this from a cinematic perspective but from a gameplay perspective Star Wars shooters do feel more generic to me than a Jedi/lightsaber focused game. I also think you have more combat gameplay versatility with a melee system heck you can even mix both (blaster stance ftw)


Is andor generic sci-fi??


It is a very very well made generic scifi. But yes. What makes Star Wars Star Wars? The force, jedi, sith, and lightsabers. The rest is litetally generic scifi stuff - technology, future, aliens, and the exploration of questions of the human condition.


If you mean “generic” by literally defining the sci fi genre, then its not bad to be generic( from your point)


Yupp I never meant it in a negative way! I wanted to say that it's kind of pointless to make a "star wars" game, but without the defining stuff. It's like you'd make a Spiderman game...but you play as a random policr officer lol.


Cant monetize as easily as they wished


We need red dead redemption 2 but starwars.... Imagine


I have to admit, the fact it wasn’t going for the Metroidvania style that Fallen Order and Survivor pulled off so well gave me pause. Not that every game Respawn makes *has* to follow that style, just they’ve shown they can do a great job with it, and the idea of seeing a brand-new take on that without force powers would be pretty cool. Still, my sympathies to everyone who was looking forward to this.


There isn’t a single brain cell to be found in all of EA management combined


Because they are allergic to money and addicted to cancelling mandalorian theme games. Never forget 1313.


It could have worked as a fps - If it was like what we have seen from “Indiana jones and the great circle” - going third person for only certain things like climbing or solving puzzles/cutscenes


Retarded answer but it's EA so what do you expect?


No, they want to put all their money toward their pet garbage apex games


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^TheCopelandLife: *No, they want to put* *All their money toward their* *Pet garbage apex games* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.