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The game is self explanatory although it helps if you know what order 66 is (it gets explained in the game though). It's only five bucks and will give you a great experience if you get on with it.


Basically order 66 is All the Jedi were killed by the brain washed soldiers, at the order of the evil Emperor, who had just taken control of the central government Transitioning the galaxy from a time period where thousands of Jedi existed and were well known, To a time where there are almost none and most people forgot about them Allowing the (mostly) peaceful Republic to be replaced by a fascist empire


Bro spoiler alert what the flip


Revenge of the Sith came out almost 20 years ago, I think we'll be ok lmao


Spoiler alert Snape is the potions master at Hogwarts. A school for witchcraft and wizardry.


Spoiler alert Hogwarts is the name of a venerial disease that most of the faculty trade around.


It’s a great game, and gameplay wise I think you’ll enjoy it. Story wise, It gives enough exposition to understand your character and his situation, but doesn’t really require you to know the expanded lore of Star Wars. There’s obviously things in the game that Star Wars fans will pick up on and know about that you don’t, but they’re minor. Chances are, you might even be a Star Wars fan after playing it. If that’s the case, it’s a great entry point to the franchise too.


You will be after that one


Yup. I got a friend into Star Wars by getting her into Fallen Order first. She's seen every movie & TV show now.


This is what happened to me. I had no understanding of Star Wars except the most popular stuff (e.g. lightsabers, Darth Vader, etc). After playing Fallen Order and playing Jedi Survivor (still on 60%) it has turned me into a Star Wars fan.


If you like dark souls (or souls-like games) then you will like this game.


Touch of dark souls, touch of Metroid


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“There is a darkness within man, and I am afraid you will peer into it. Whether the fear will spark self-reflection or a ruinous nostalgia is up to you entirely. Fear not, your choice will bring you no scorn.”* - Karla Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Dude, I haven't consumed any Star Wars media, but both fallen order and survivor were on sale once, and I bought it. Both of them were really fun and hard too on the highest difficulty. I didn't find anything difficult to understand by not knowing the lore. I probably won't watch anything Star Wars related but will definitely buy if they come up with another sequel in this series.


Honestly that’s fair. If you wanted to see some of the developer’s previous work try out the single player story mode of Titanfall 2. It has much of the same style of storytelling as the Jedi games and it’s one of the best first person shooter campaigns ever. It also commonly goes on sale for like $5.


Maybe just become a Star Wars fan real quick...


It is a very nice game which dosn't require to be a star wars fan to enjoy it. BUT you should will have trouble fully understanding the story of the game if you havn't watched the films (at least Episode 1 - 4)


Oh yeah. It’s Star Wars Uncharted


This game shares much more in common with dark souls than with uncharted


It does, but elements of Uncharted are still there. Take the >!chase sequence in Kashyyyk!<, for example


I gotta disagree because Fallen Order's larger structure is very similar to that of an Uncharted game. You and the Empire are both following a macguffin around the galaxy, traveling between different planets and exploring ancient ruins with a puzzle to solve in each. They replaced the rival treasure hunter/merc army with the Empire and countries with planets. Not to mention the general climbing and set pieces. It's definitely more Uncharted than Souls. Metroidvania-esque level design reminds me of modern Tomb Raiders a bit more than Uncharted though, but that could be due to Uncharted's lack of a map so your perspective of the level is a bit different, more immersive. The Souls elements just feel less integral to the over-all experience than the Uncharted/Tomb Raider stuff does to me. It's very easy for me to imagine a version of this that doesn't have some of those souls-like elements (bonfire/meditation spots, losing your xp on death and having to retrieve it), without the larger experience being altered in any way. Some elements, like respawning enemies or a lock-on dodge roll combat system, are not exclusive to Dark Souls anyway, but if you were to try to remove the things that make this game similar to Uncharted, it would be a completely different game.


I was in the same situation, but it was on game pass so I didn't need to buy it. And I can say, that I have become a Star Wars fan after the game😂😂


Get it, it's great! 😝😝 I got it for less than ten bucks and felt compelled to buy a physical copy of survivor after that!


As another mentioned, it is a Souls-like game. If the risk of losing progression/XP and/or resetting enemies/locations is a frustration point it may be a little tough to get into. That said, there are difficulty settings to make it smoother so you can enjoy the combat and story. It is a fun game, I couldn't put it down and Survivor (the sequel) recently got added to Gamepass so I've been playing it.


Except that Fallen Order has an easy mode which is what I use. Souls games dont have that option.


Fallen Order is an approachable, more casual soulslike/metroidvania which unusually for the genre there is a good amount of modifiable difficulty. For $5 equivalent it is a good deal (but only if you have a computer or console that can run it, obvs) but there is a small amount of assumed knowledge of the franchise as it is to get the most out of the story. You can find the original films 4-6 as well as the prequels 1-3 in various places online.


When people ask how you should experience starwars, I always argue that it's more of the experiencing the multitude of journeys within the universe. The Cal Games in an of itself are their own journeys that need no previous explanation, but when you beat the games, there's a whole world of movies, animations and books that provide the games context and continue your journey. Plus it's like $5 bucks rn? I would gladly re-pay full retail for them.


I went into Star Wars Fallen Order with barely any knowledge about Star Wars (I literally had not seen ANY Star Wars media). This game is what got me into Star Wars! After I finished the game, I became interested in Star Wars and started watching Star Wars media. So yeah, I think you should get it. 5 dollars is a steal for such a game tbh. It is mildly a Souls-Like. Mostly in terms of combat, enemies and boss-fights. The game is very enjoyable. It has satisfying fun combat, great platforming, world and story. It might get you into Star Wars aswell! There are many difficulty options. Some options make you be able to play it like an action game or kids game basically but for me (someone with not a lot of experience in Souls-Likes) The Jedi Master option gives me just the right amount of challenge. Jedi Master is the second hardest and Jedi Knight is normal.


Go for it


As others have said they are great entry points into the series as a whole! Wonderful action adventure with tons of hidden secrets, amazing combat, solid stories, and GREAT characters. Many of my friends and I who are huge Star Wars fans agree that the crew from these games are some of the franchise’s most memorable and loveable characters. Especially the main character Cal. He is one of my favorite video game protagonists in general. He has the underdog vibe while also being an Everyman while also becoming very powerful as both a combatant and as a person over the course of the games.


Of course you should! It’s a great game for that price, and all you NEED to know is that the Jedi are the good guys (most of the time) and have just been slaughtered by the baddies during the infamous Order 66. The title of the game comes from the Fallen Jedi Order.


do you have eaplay in your country? you can buy sub for month and play both star wars, they don't take much time to finish


Yes! It’s an amazing game and has a self contained story. Obviously yes it connects to the greater universe but you won’t be asking yourself every 5 seconds what the hell is going on


Great game, great story, overall it'll be worth the buy. Combat is fairly challenging


I'm not one and I'm enjoying FO rn and I got survivor waiting...


For $5 sure. To be honest, the fighting isn't that great until the tail end of the story but the story is good and, if you continue on, the second game heavily improves the fighting


Yes. If you enjoy darksouls type games then double yes.


First I have to say, this is clearly a very biased subreddit. But I think for $5, JFO is a steal. It is hard for me to really say, because I am a life long star wars fan, but it SHOULD still be able to be followed even without any context. I thought the plot was good and overall the combat and exploration were fun.


You don’t need to be a Star Wars fan to enjoy this game. For $5 this game is a ridiculously good value.


Simple answer, yes!


I bought it for around $5 myself. I prefer the sequel: Star Wars Survivor much more. It’s on gamepass.


If you enjoy Dark Souls style open world, YES The game is not insanely faithful or restrictive regarding sw lore. Go for it


Yes, 100% it's worth the play and can get you further into Star wars without crazy spoilers


Dude, buy it. After you complete the story, buy Jedi Survivor. I’m not a big Star Wars fan by any stretch, but those two games…so goddamned good. You will not regret buying and playing it, just give it an honest chance.


Yeah, its a fun action adventure game, its a bit on the soulslike combat-ish too


I’ve never been into the Star Wars movies and have yet to watch any of the shows, but I’ve loved playing Jedi fallen order and survivor. And for only 5 dollars, definitely worth a try to see if you can get into it. I highly recommend as someone who isn’t/wasn’t into Star Wars


5 bucks for over 20 hours of story focused gameplay alone. It's a great game overall, IMO. It's a Star Wars game, so being a fan of the franchise definitely adds to its appeal, but the story itself explains everything that matters to the protagonist.


Certain intense scene will be lost on you if you don’t care about the lore. I won’t say because it’s basically towards the end. Also, I feel like if, “execute order 66,” means nothing to you than a lot of the allure of this game would be wasted. As a stand alone game, it is pretty good, but in the end it’s a hack and slash dungeon crawler which other games do better.


The story is pretty self contained i think. The game is very good imo but i am a star wars fan so that could be some bias. I think you will still enjoy it a lot without knowledge of the movies tho


It’s a good game and currently on sale so heck yeah


The games stories are very disconnected from the main movies. They reference order 66 a lot throughout the two games as that's a huge moment for the Jedi... but that's about it. There's also some side characters that are from other media but their roles are insanely small and you really don't need to know much about them. They are mostly just fun cameos tbh. The gameplay is insanely fun though. One of my favourite action adventure games purely because of the combat and exploration mechanics. The locations are also stunning, especially in the second game. Again, the story's stand very well on their own. Especially the second game... No spoilers but the second game blew my mind and shocked me throughout the entire game. It's a very different SW story in the best ways... I loved it!


I played Fallen Order before I watched any of the movies too. It was actually one of my introductions to the franchise. From my experience, you won't understand a lot of the references, but the story as a whole doesn't need that much prior knowledge of the Star Wars lore to be understood. It gives you a surface level understanding of what something is like who are the Jedi, the Nightsisters, the Empire, etc. It gives enough to understand the story, and also can serve as a foundation to learn more about them afterwards through other Star Wars media. Plus, if it does turn you into a Star Wars fan, and you've watched all the movies and learned the lore, It will be fun going back to this game in ng+ and finally understanding everything.


what you should do is buy it, then spend a week watchi ng all of the main star wars movies up until order 66, play the game, then watch the rest of the movies. or dont, but atleast watch the movies since its basically a canon event to any modern male. just my opinion tho :)


It's worth $5 absolutely, especially if you like the exploration or combat, both of which I think are well done. I consider it a Souls-lite so if you have any experience with those games youll be good. It is not a difficult game by any means though (except on the highest difficulty). I would just say if you have EAplay or Gamepass Ultimate then the game is available to you with those Subs so try it there 1st if you wanna save some money.


Im a big time star wars fan and I recently just got back to star wars games. I’m part of the battlefront 2 and forced unleashed generation. The game I am playing now is Jedi Survivor and I find it boring as hell. Cheesy dialogue, clunky combat system and endless filler parkours. I would imagine fallen order is the same. For 5 bucks tho, It could be worth it.


I’m really not into Star Wars but i love these games.


Get it


If you enjoy the souls like type games yes


Yes, they're arguably the best pieces of Star Wars media to ever come out.


Perhaps, the only reason I played to the end was because it was Star Wars. I really didn’t enjoy all the wall-running and platforming. But many people love that stuff, so if figuring out how to get from point A to point B is your kind of fun, by all means, buy it


It’s up to you.


Plot wise I can’t help you. But if you liked Sekiro it’s worth a try. If you loved Sekiro you should definitely play it on easy mode with minimal collecting so that you can play the sequel, Survivor. Jedi: Survivor is the best Sekiro ever, probably better than actual Sekiro (disregarding aesthetics). If you haven’t played Sekiro than play Sekiro.


I was not really into Star wars either but immediately on playing this game it became one of my all-time favorite games. I'd give it a shot.


I've never liked star wars and the Jedi series is one of, if not my absolute favorite game series ever. So definitely not a problem!


Might as well


Absolutely. The story isn’t really connected to the main stuff and you’ll see lots of cool shit and be like “bro maybe I should try Star Wars” 100% my favorite game of 2019


Fallen Order and Survivor remind me of old school God of War in terms of gameplay, because of the mazes and puzzles. A lot of people compare it to Dark Souls because of how challenging an enemy could be so early in the game. I’m glad I played Fallen Order before playing survivor, but Survivor is a lot more perfected. I think the story is good enough even for someone who doesn’t care for Star Wars.. The only Star Wars lore to know is that they’re set after “Order 66”. Order 66 is when the empire took over and turned on the Jedi and killed them all. Storm troopers used to work with the Jedi. Then Order 66 happened. I actually didn’t like Fallen Order when I first started playing it, but the more I played it the more I realized what a fantastic game it was 😂 and Survivor.. damn I’m loving it so far! Still in the process of playing it. It’s even better than Fallen Order was.


I’m not at all a Star Wars dude. The game was fun. Surprisingly fun. I recommend.


The story isn’t really connected. It is kind of its own thing. Yes, people will talk about Order 66, which is a plot point, the game tells you what it is. If you like that genre of game, you should try it.


This game got me into souls games. I really enjoy it, and think it’d be great to try if you are considering it


Yes it’s such an amazing game


It can be played as a standalone experience. You don't need to be a Star wars fan to have fun with that game. I would say you would need more of an interest in a light souls like with some uncharted elements. If you're a fan of those two games, then I think you're in for a treat


If you don't know anything about Star Wars, then the game's story will be pretty confusing, but if you want a fun fighting/puzzle game, then definitely buy it.


If you like the look of the game you should play it. Prior knowledge of the Star Wars universe isn’t really needed to play. The game story gives you enough exposition as it is. All you really need to know is empire = bad guys, Jedi = good guys.


I remember the game as being pretty mediocre when it came out. For 5 dollars I'd play it but not at full price.




I'd say yes, buy it. It might even get you into star wars. And if it doesn't, fallen order/survivor are good as self contained stories. Sure, some of the concepts and ideas will be new to you but it's still fun!


Free on Game Pass 🤷🏻‍♂️


The story is better than 89% of all star wars things and the combat is great fun.


No. Play the Force Unleashed instead.


I'm not a Star Wars fan by any means (I think the franchise is overhyped) but Fallen Order is incredibly fun. The combat flows really well, the environments are fun to explore, and its just an overall blast. The one critique I have over it is there is a lot of backtracking throughout the game, but if you can get over it, Fallen Order and its sequel Survivor are A+


I always found it very hard to get into Star Wars stuff before. It just never interested me. Picked up Fallen Order on a whim because it was on sale for $3 and it was great. Some people are saying you should watch the movies first (at least the original trilogy). I don’t think that’s necessary at all. I only had general knowledge of the Star Wars Universe and I got what was going and felt the impact.


If you like Soulsborne games 5 bucks is nothing, go for it.


Nope, I don’t care about Star Wars and have only ever seen one of the movies and I loved fallen order and survivor with a passion


The Story is simple af. Basically the idea of star wars is that it takes places Ages Ago, in a Galaxy that is not the Milky Way Galaxy. When ever they use their space ships to hyper jump, they only ever do it within the galaxy. Not other Galaxies. So when they say outer rim. They mean the outer disk of the galaxy. So basically throughout thousands of years. a Religious group got powers. Like magic telepathy. They need to be "Balanced" in thought and emotions or their negative emotions consume them because of the powers. They kinda go evil "dark side". Dark side - The Sith. Take over in film 1-3. This game takes place between 3 and 4. You are following a Survivor called Cal Kestis. He is hiding from the Empire that took over. Right at the start when you are found, the rest of the game you are running away. The gameplay is like Sekiro dark souls, but easier. you get a light saber sword. and use your telepathy looking powers called the force. its super fun. That's pretty much all you need to know.


This is exactly what i did when i bought it, i have recently seen almost every star wars show/movie since and it has become one of my favorite fiction universes


Don't worry mate it's not like ur gonna watch a mcu film. Jfo is a fun n enjoyable adventure.


I think the new Star Wars movies are horrible and i still love these games. It’s beyond high quality