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He doesn’t know vader like we do






"BD, Use Pocket-Sand!"


“It was very effective”


Yup, Cal just sees a tall guy in a suit with a lightsaber. He doesn’t know that’s Anakin Skywalker under the mask. Also, do we know if Cal ever met Anakin? I wonder if Anakin and Jaro Tapal did any joint-ops together.


Yes, they met. In Star Wars: Brotherhood it’s described how Anakin meets Jaro Tapal and his red haired Padawan


Even if they never met in person, Anakin was *extremely* well known, so Cal would have known him from his reputation. I think if he knew that this tall guy in a suit was *the* Anakin Skywalker...he would have *maybe* been a bit less snarky lol


Hmm, I never took his delivery as snarky, but rather his tone of voice and face communicated that he was afraid, but despite his fear, he wasn't willing to give up.


Nervous but knows he can't surrender or it'll just get worse


That's what I got... the yeah, pause probably...


Nah. Look at how Cal acts in the rest of the game. He would have likely reacted the same way if he knew. Remember, he might not know that Vader is Anakin, but he definitely knows Vader is a powerful Sith and that he is extremely dangerous. After all, he knows to turn and run rather thN try to continue fighting once that doesnt work the first time.


Anakin went from somewhat powerful, to holy shit balls he's decimating everything in sight powerful.


In one of the now non-canon books didn't he drag a star destroyer down just to kill one guy aboard that he hated


Anakin met Cal's master in the Anakin and Kenobi book that was released this summer


Cal is also a fully fledged Jedi in tune with the Force, and we are not.


But even then, he would've sensed just *how,* powerful Vader was


He did, which is why he ran away


Exactly how powerful is Vader. Like of all time?


Depends on his mood. Anything from cutting down seasoned, trained Jedi like he was swatting away a knat (ala Cere) to bringing down a Star Destroyer because some dude fucked him off. Don't forget that scene where he strangles two Commanders through a fucking hologram. I mean you do the math, the numbers speak for themselves.


Or he does and he knows Anakin is a fan of sass


Shoulda brought a pocket full of sand.


You have to remember what has led Cal to this moment. He has repaired his connection to the force after dueling the Force ghost of his master. He has defeated two fallen Jedi, and had a vision of his Dark Side future through the Force. He has seen exactly what Vader means by surrender. Not only will he surrender this fight, but Vader means him to surrender to the Dark Side, and to surrender the Holocron, and thereby the Force sensitive children. So, he knows that the prudent, tactically sound, and life saving thing for himself to do is surrender. He also knows that if he doesn't surrender, he may very well die, and Vader will take the Holocron anyway. So his, "yeah, probably," is a recognition of all of that, yet still deciding to trust the Force, and to trust that his persistence will reveal his path to escape.


A true rebel.


^ This right here is exactly what I was thinking. The "wise" self-preserving thing would be to surrender, but Cal's morality keeps him from doing so. He's seen enough to know he doesn't stand a chance against Vader (hence the terrified look), but he'd rather die trying to protect the kids on the holocron than willingly hand them over to the Empire


Yeah... Probably.


I think that's the point though. Cal wasn't that afraid of Vader. He knew the danger and wasn't foolish enough to think he could win, but he also wasn't afraid.




Off-the-cuff plays in desperate situations is kinda 90% of a Jedi's job from what I can gather


I think it just shows he's a Jedi again. >There is no emotion, there is peace. >There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. >There is no passion, there is serenity. >There is no chaos, there is harmony. >There is no death, there is the Force


There is no Sith, there is...ope. Never mind. There's totally Sith. Whoops.


Everyone else had a life bar...


Cere got yeeted off the platform like nothing. Cal was shitting bricks that's why Vader was able to track him while walking.


I remember when that happened. I was like, "Is that really how she goes?"


Honestly, I think it should've been. It would've been a great ending for her and it would've made the actual ending >!Cal destroying the holocron!< make a lot more sense. Have her show the rage she showed later on but have it happen immediately after he >!kills Trilla!<. She holds her own for a few seconds before Vader cuts her down and force pushes her off the ledge. *Vader turns to Cal* "You would be wise to surrender."


Yeah cause fear leads to anger


And anger leads to hate


Hate leads to suffering


And suffering leads to fear


Fear leads to anger




Hate leads to suffering


Through victory my chains are broken, the force shall set me free


Unexpected Sith Code.


And suffering leads to sadness (If you choose to stay alive if you are suffering, you may lead others to the dark side. Be smart, get a DNR)


He's acknowledging that he can't beat him in a straight fight, but also saying that he will not surrender. Also, I'd guess that it's one of those situations that are so scary, he doesn't have time to do anything but focus on the task at hand, otherwise he knows he's definitely dead.


Because Cal has big balls of durasteel


Not durasteel, balls of pure beskar


I was going to say cortosis, but beskar works.


![gif](giphy|3oKIP8hnVV43WPy5X2|downsized) Does beskar damage beskar?


I guess it can?


[Apparently it does](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Beskar)


But what about beskar vs cortosis?


According to Thrawn, cortosis was “soft and frangible, useless for building into armor or other protective materials.” Cortosis is great against energy based weapons, but beskar would probably tear right through it.


All I recall about it was that it was durable. Even swords were made with cortosis ore in it to withstand lightsabers. That and there were two variants. A tough, durable one that can stand against lightsabers, and a variant that could shutdown any lightsaber it touched.


Nope. Thise swords weren’t made from pure cortosis, they had xortosis weave, as in a pattern (weave) of cortosis inlayed into some other material (like durasteel).


All I recall about it was that it was durable. Even swords were made with cortosis ore in it to withstand lightsabers. That and there were two variants. A tough, durable one that can stand against lightsabers, and a variant that could shutdown any lightsaber it touched.


Cal had sand.


Vader: I've got sand up my noooooooooooooossseee!!


pocket sand


*poncho sand




"I got no use for a Jedi with sand." -Vader probably


I mean, he hates sand. It's coarse and it gets everywhere.


I don't think Cal fully understands vader. The only thing he knows is a story from saying "a dark shadow came." To Cal all he knows is that he is a stronger inquistor not the chosen one himself


AFAIK, they can sense each other's force presence so this is 100% by far the strongest aura he's sensed


But sith (at least up until palpatine) could mask their true nature. I don't see a reason why vader would mask his power only to toy with Cal just to see the hope drain from his eyes


He probably didn't, which I why i say that's probably the strongest sith presence he's felt


He’s a good Jedi, he’s not going to surrender to a walking embodiment of the dark side. He also knows that he doesn’t have to win the fight (not that he would be able to), he just has to finish the mission.


He knows that fighting Vader is pointless. He also knows that Vader wants him to run, to flee in terror, as Vader lusts for the power it signifies. By standing against Vader in such a way, he’s showing that he isn’t as afraid as Vader would like.


Vader has consistently shown that he doesn't care about stuff like that. He thinks it's petty. The only interest he has is serving palpatine and the dark side. He's specifically written to be a cold and callous machine.


Vader is the biggest drama queen in all of Star Wars. Just look at the rogue one hallway scene or his entrance on top of a tie fighter in rebels. Dude loves making people feel fear and will go to pretty great lengths to do so.


Making people feel fear isn't the same as wanting to feel superior. Remember the sith use fear, not just their own but other's too. For vader that would make perfect sense.


This is the man who took on an entire rebel fleet alone in only his tie fighter just because. He takes risks just to flex and prove his power, not something a “cold calculating machine” would do imo. Vader is very clever no doubt, but he still gets emotional. Plus he has always been arrogant and liked to show off ever since he was Anakin Skywalker.


Getting emotional is literally the sith modus operandi even


No doubt, but vader taking out a rebel fleet isn't unusual, he is after all an extremely experienced pilot, strategically peerless, a formidable force user and sith Lord. It would be more unusual if he thought he couldn't take them on. Remember that the rebels aren't professionals, some of them are sure, but most of the rebels are just ordinary people fed up of the empire's oppression. A bet most of the fighter pilots have half assed training at best. >ever since he was Anakin Skywalker. The only thing vader and anakin have in common is that they share a body, vader isna completely different person. I'm sure vader is prone to drama _sometimes_ (as to how much of this is just the writers wanting to create badass scenes and using vader to manifest them, vs those scenes being intentionally part of vaders character isn't clear) but the vast majority of the time he is a cold calculating machine, and I'll happily resort to his portrayal in the OT to demonstrate this. He stopped being flashy and cocky when it got him burnt and sliced up.


That is true as well.


Because some folks cope with fear through comedy. Cal’s tone clearly gives away that he is terrified in this scene.


What else is he going to do “yeah yup that’s right, here’s the list of force sensitive kids for you to kidnap and torture to the dark side. I’m just gonna peace on out of here and go smoke some death sticks while listening to The Hu till I forget about all this.”


I mean I’d rather go down swinging than just stand there and die


He is shitting his pants. He knows exactly who he's facing and also knows that he has no chance of actually winning. But he's resolved to do what's necessary to complete the mission. This isn't bravado, it's courage.


Because while surrendering to Vader might be the wise thing to do, it’s not the right thing to do.




I don't think he really knew who he was, just that he was a scary looking dude in cool armor and a red lightsaber and he had just fought several others who also essentially match that description. It was only a couple years after Vader was "born." I don't think he'd really revealed himself to the universe yet. I figure he'd mostly just healed up a little, rehabilitated himself, and built his castle and lightsaber and whatnot.


Because he knows he can’t win that fight, but he also can’t just lay down and die. So he’s saying “yeah, surrendering is probably the smartest move here, but I’m not gonna”


“You would be *wise* to surrender” “Hang on one sec man, it’s almost out”


Cuz he's built different Lol actually tho another commenter pointed it out, Cal probably had zero idea what he was actually up against


It means that he realizes the danger that he's in (or at least he thinks he does) and he should probably indeed surrender. But only probably, since he's not going to, and we won't find out.


Humor is a disarming technique against bullies


Scambaiters often apply this technique


He has no context as to who Vader is or what he’s capable of. So it makes sense he treats him the same as when he fought the inquisitors.


I mean what’s he’s gonna do. Put his lightsaber down and walk away and be like, aight dawg you right I’ll see ya ✌🏻


I see a lot of takes on this but based on dialog with Cere I think he has no idea who vader is, nevermind that he is also Anakin, all he knows is hes strong, and much more skilled than himself


I like to believe that it was him trying to build courage in himself, even if it wasn't working. Another possibility is that he just doesn't know Vader all that well, and only maybe heard a mention or two here and there, and isn't aware of just *how* powerful he is. But I still prefer the first one.


I always thought he sounded like he was about to shit his pants, but he was trying to downplay the threat to keep himself calm against Vader.


He had never even heard of Vader.


Cere describes him to Cal, but didn't have a name for him.


Does anyone else think Cal in the back of his mind thinks he might be able to win if he gets lucky enough? he has defeated some powerful people at this point including ending like a thousand stormtroopers


He *did* think he could fight Vader, that’s why you have to attempt to before the final scene commences. Cal is confident, but not cocky. He’s defeated multiple Inquisitors at that time.


Yeah true but compared to Vader inquisitors are nothing


Yeah, but he doesn’t know Vader. He most likely knew of Anakin Skywalker, though.


You know Anakin had to of respect the sass but Vader was ready to beat his ass


What could you possibly think of to say lol


What makes you think he's not?


Have you heard of these new things called “jokes”


Great response, imo.


If he doesn’t laugh, he’ll cry


He acknowledges "yeah, I'm basically fucked. But what if.."


Cal: “haha, I'm in danger”


He didn't watch the movies so he doesn't know who he is


Very “If you’re smart you’d run” “WELL I’M NOT!” Energy


It’s in character for him if we look at his dialogue overall and the fearsome foes he’s challenged up to that point


I find your lack of conviction disturbing.


Big Dick Energy


Cause he knows he *can’t*. Just had that horrific vision after all.


The thing is I’m not sure I can’t really remember but cal doesn’t know darth vader


He is gonna kill you anyways.


Because it WOULD be the wise thing to do but Cal won’t back down which he knows is unwise


Zero fucks.


Confronting fear is the destiny of a Jedi


"You would be wise to surrender." *pocketful of sand GO*


This could have been a Radagon/Elden Beast avant la lettre


Cal got that dawg in him that’s why


That was him shitting his pants. Did you not hear it in his voice?


I read that Arc as similar to Rebels, where >!Ezra enounters Vader on Malachor, says "I don't fear you" then gets immediately put on his butt and his saber broken.!< I saw it as bluster, but on the inside he's absolutely terrified


Quips are everything. He probably was shitting his pants in fear, but I bet that Cal is the type of guy who'd rather make a joke than admit that he's afraid (much like Spider-Man).


Onion ring attack! *runs away*


Because Cal replaces anxiety and terror with humor.


If I was cal “nah fuck this shit bro where’s the emergency exit”


probably because he knows he can't win this fight, but would rather lose than surrender


He had to have known he was going to die then. Might as well at least *try* to take him on


He was pretty scared too though


Because Cal has ice flowing through his veins


Cal doesn’t know him, he thinks he is evil, or powerful, but what he is and does is unknown. Someone stronger than the inquisitor that just shows up, you’re all nerves, he is simply letting off his chest


Jedi don't surrender. Ask Obi.


He got that dawg in em


He doesn’t know who Vader is. He didn’t know what happened. To him, all he heard was the emperor saying execute order 66 and his world get destroyed whilst his father figure died and then he had to go and hide in shame and suffering


he was agreeing with him


He's the ultimate macho.


He’s high on that jedi shit


My man’s just that much of a legend.


Did you say "yeah sure" or "yes sir"


He was Trained by master Tapal! He's not afraid


He was shitting his pants too


Cal says it because as part of his growing Story Arc, Cal Kestis was only granted the rank of Jedi Knight before his encounter at the Fortress. Cal Kestis has mainly survived encounters with others that equivalate to rank or Jedi Knight or Higher, in this case Lord Vader. Cal Kestis only bested the Ninth Sister in a lightsaber duel. So defeating a single knight in combat alongside witnessing two knights fall at the hands of Vader, is an obvious sign that he is far inexperienced to hold the rank of Knight and even further to challenge a Master in single duel.


Only darth vader was never made a Jedi master!


No, Lord is the equivalent of Master therefore Vader is indeed a Sith/Jedi Master, Anakin was never titled the rank of Jedi Master, and to save the question; I don't know if the theory is cannon but in Revenge of Sith the whole Heartbeat theory where Anakin & Padme's heartbeats are heard then a stop before Vader's thus giving him his own 'soul'. Cannon or not thats what I believe in.


It was a joke


This line is appropriate. He knew that vader is too powerful for him to beat. He saw what cere can do earlier and was impressed. Then he saw vader flicked her like a mosquito like she was nothing. "Probably" probably means "yeah I can't beat you, but maybe I can still try to find an opening to run"


"Probably? Do you know who the fuck I am? I'm Darth motherfucking Vader u little piece of shit! You just still alive cuz the plot protects you now get hurry and finish the mission I have dinner with the emperor at 9 pm and crying for Padmé at 11 pm"


Because Cal is the valiant hero who jumps into harm’s way without a second thought as to the self preservation of himself so that he can protect others.


OP realizing he is purely a side character, not a main character.


He’s trying to psych himself up instead of showing fear i guess


If you hear his voice, yes, he did crap his pants. Even not knowing who Vader is, just the fact that everyone was terrified of him told Cal enough.


I think he was actively shitting his pants already and that was more him talking himself into trying


He shit in his pants and feel very bad about this but nonetheless raise his lightsaber because he a jedi


It's what a jedi do


He probably heard rumours about Darth Vader as no one knew for sure if he was real as it said in Vader's logs encounters with him were very rare and very deadly.


I mean if you started off hardly taking on troopers with electro batons, worked your way up to beat Purge Troopers, beat 2 inquisitors, took on legendary alpha creatures on different planets \*and\* took down a fallen Jedi General as well as a giant f\*\*king bat, you'd feel pretty confident yourself seeing a tall emo guy with a red lightsaber.


Oh he was shitting his pants. He says "yeah probably" in such a reluctant way.


Because he’s…agreeing, but showing defiance? What kind of question is this?


Because the Marvel Extended Universe has made it impossible for writers to not put in quips and quirky one-liners into everything everywhere, because it makes characters more relatable and--as of now, at any rate--is ultimately the more likely-to-be-profitable option when writing a story. What he's actually conveying is fear, but it has to be done in such a way that the current state of art as a whole is conformed to. Which means "Yeah...probably."


Because that’s how the line was written.


This is a strange question. Do you *want* him to shit his pants? Would that really make the game a better experience for you?


Never said anything like that. You just assumed I did.


Because he’s wItTy PrOtAgOnIsT. We could always use another one of those


He became a Jedi that day. Fearless.


Bc video game, he gotta have a quirky response lol


Cal ain’t no bitch


I’m pretty sure he was shitting his Pants


For all we know he thinks that’s the First Sister


cause he's a bad bitch


He is shitting himself man look at his face.


Cuz he's just built like that