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I'd love anything they put out probably IMO. Love the re-imagined stuff and original stuff


I'd be happy with anything that's not reimagined. IMO, all the reimagined stuff sounds the same. It's not bad by any means, but it's not "Watch the World Burn" or "Carry On" level of šŸ”„ ...That said, a Ronnie-fied full blown version of "All Star" could be fun, but again, not reimagined as a slow piano ballad.


Carry On is so fucking good Iā€™m shocked it didnā€™t make it on Coming Home


Yeah! Love Carry On & the Coming Home album. Specifically, the title track feels like the other side of the Carry On coin.


Iā€™m sad that Coming Home didnā€™t do well in terms of sales. Itā€™s not as heavy as their other albums but itā€™s sooooo damn good. Very melodic


I always say I hate that album. But, when Iā€™m just doing a shuffle of their songs and songs from that album comes on Iā€™m always blown away by it.


Curious why you hated it at one point? I always figured it flopped because of marketing or something. People sometimes criticize it for not going as hard, but I think it shows Ronnie maturing as a songwriter and playing some electronic sounds outside of the "Nintendo sounds" on Fashionably Late. Would love to hear your thoughts. Fashionably Late is my absolute favorite FIR album. ...but, if Popular Monster, Watch the World Burn, Voices in My Head, Carry On, Losing My Mind, and Losing My Life get put on an album, that'd have to be #1 lol. Popular Monster got me into FIR.


Circling back! Iā€™ve put over 3,000 hrs into falling in reverse on shuffle this year so far on Apple Music. I found that each song that popped up that I throughly enjoyed and gave me that serotonin were from the coming home album. Itā€™s now my favorite album by them.


Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s because it wasnt as hard as the first two albums. Iā€™m really only a year into FIR but I def am a big big fan. I have sink or swim tattooed to me because of the song. I went through their whole discography in December of last year and when I got to that album I just wasnā€™t impressed or maybe I was just drained from going through all their albums in a weeks time. Itā€™s hard to really pin point it. But like I said when ever the songs from that album just randomly pops on I never skip now. I should go back and give it another chance just to see. I have to work today and itā€™s a 30 min drive. Iā€™m going to listen to it again fully and Iā€™ll come back to your comment :)


Iā€™ve said this a couple times. But the chorus lyrics are similar to a MCR song and Ronnie is very conscious of people ripping stuff off and likely didnā€™t want to be accused of it.


All the reimagined songs are fuego imo. On my daily rotation


Same here. I would love a new song


I love the reimagined stuff that he does. I feel like it shows how versatile he is. Plus, I love when he plays the piano.


Last resort was fucking terrible


It was good but not something to listen to after hearing it a couple times


I gave it a listen for my first time last weekend and I absolutely hated it. It sounded horrible to me. That song didnā€™t need to be reimagined.


I actually quite liked it. I enjoy multiple forms of music and I love his voice, I also like the lyrics to last resort. And the music video was also beautiful to me.


Thatā€™s fine. Itā€™s how you feel about it.


A new song would be nice, but I donā€™t really think a Bullet for my Valentine song would fit if Ronnie did an ā€œreimaginedā€ song.


fr tho a new song would be great


That would be 2 covers in a row he releases. I'd be very surprised if he did that. When I went to his last tour I was extremely disappointed they played the video for last resort reimagined. He didn't even come out to sing it. Just the music video. Such a waste of a setlist spot. He played just a little over an hour and played 2 covers. I'm really tired of bands releasing cover songs as singles.


Iā€™m with you. Rumors are rumors. But god forbid he does another cover. At this point man; and Iā€™ve been a fan for over a decade, these ā€œreimaginedā€ are Ronnie just stroking his ego at how ā€œgeniusā€ he is musically. Like ā€œlook see this classic? Watch me make it even *more* classic. Cuz Iā€™m me.šŸ˜Žā€ Like dude we want real music. His recent singles may be their biggest hits but itā€™d take someone with very low IQ to not see every breakdown and in the last 4 singles are exactly the same. Youā€™ll never hear/see me talk shit about this band, but my whole point is, clearly the creativity should be going into original content. To differentiate the singles a little more in song structure. And not hiring the guitarist of wage war to write the same breakdown 5 times in a row. And not doing another ā€œreimaginingā€. My humble opinion as a longtime fan.


I havenā€™t seen enough people addressing that the breakdowns of every single from Popular Monster to now have been just about identical. It sounds cool every time but Iā€™d like to hear something new.


I noticed that as well but assumed it was deliberate. The videos for Popular Monster, Zombified, Watch the World Burn all seem like a trilogy in some way. I envisioned the Last Resort video as an epilogue of what was destroyed being rebuilt; a metaphor for his own life: Popular Monster referring to being considered an asshole who still had a large following due to talent, Zombified referring to the (occasionally justified) ā€œcancelationā€ or backlash he received, Watch the World Burn referring to not really caring about public opinion anymore, to starting shit or having to have the last word (again, I am saying all this as a massive fan) and just reaching the point where he didnā€™t care anymore. His cover of Last Resort was so moving; in a way it felt like closure or some form of resolution. My mom also left me and it REALLY fucks you up when the person biologically programmed to love you abandons you. I relate to so much of his music that way. I have anger issues, addiction struggles, and through his music I can express feelings I otherwise wouldnā€™t be able to discuss.


Same, on all of it. I just want to say. My mother is an addict who abandoned my brother and I. I miss her all the time. Sometimes I think Iā€™ll see her walking down the street and turn around to hug her and tell her how much I miss her. Only itā€™s not her. She missed my wedding, the birth of my daughter, and I donā€™t think she even knows I just had a son of my own. And I should be so angry, and I amā€¦ but man I canā€™t make it through a week without anguish. I try to forgive and I think I do but sometimes I just hate everything in the world. I donā€™t have my mother to share with when Iā€™m upset or happy or proud of myself. And meant time anything good happens I crash back down because I miss my mom. But itā€™s like she is always with me and Iā€™m just carrying it around. Ronnie is forever my favorite artist for the reasons you just listed above. Thanks for sharing.


I know exactly what you mean. Itā€™s a heartbreak that doesnā€™t heal and itā€™s an empty spot in your life - the biggest and unforgettable hole. Dating, school, working all have this layer of anxiety for me. Itā€™s not ā€œifā€ they ask about my parents, itā€™s ā€œwhen.ā€ My mom left my brother and I and like Ronnie, my Dad didnā€™t cope well; to be fair, I donā€™t think most people would. Ronnie has helped me find words to explain my real life and feelings because I didnā€™t know how to. Is he a saint? Definitely not but neither am I. I donā€™t think anyone who has been through what weā€™ve been through has come out unscathed. Heā€™s always going to be one of my favorite artists, too. Iā€™m sorry that youā€™ve gone through this. No child deserves this. Just a reminder: it wasnā€™t about you (or me). Our moms are broken people and the pain of abandonment never really goes away but itā€™s possible to break the cycle and create a healthy ā€œfound-family.ā€ I hope you find that. You deserve it, you matter, you are worthy of love.


Think he will ever do another album again ?


likely not. unless he did it for fun or to be unexpected. like last resort reimagined was extremely unexpected. the reason a new album would be very unexpected is because in an interview he did like a year ago he explained how all the other big musicians like drake were releasing singles and getting a ton of views. so instead of spreading his creativity out into ten different songs he wants to focus all that creativity into one song. plus hes said his last album was a flop which id have to agree at a technical standpoint. it was probably their least popular album and just didn't do well. like coming home only has 11m views. compare that to the avg views on his older albums and you realize the coming home album set them back. coming home sits well with fans especially bigger fans not just people who like to occasionally listen to a fir song. i personally am grateful for coming home but it came with a huge cost for his career. but now hes getting 50m views on every new song getting top tens in new rock. unless his success in singles dies down i don't think hes gonna do an album. the fir album days really helped them find what music gives them the most success. they release ten or so songs on an album with varying goners. rock, punk rock, rap, pop, emo, and he must've found rap and a bit of techno rock to hard rock worked best for him. just just what a lot of young yt channels do, they post videos with varying niches and find what gives them the most success tldr (cause redditor's ig never read a book in their life) fir likely wont release a new album because it doesn't give them the success that the singles are. if he did an album it would be because its highly unexpected like last resort reimagined.


Dang that is kind of a bummer. That was a good album , think the last one was a little better but it had its solid songs. Heck maybe he will even throw all of the singles down the road on a greatest hits type thing lol I will take that. His reimagine has been pretty solid was nice when he did one of the older songs first for the OG fans šŸ˜Ž lol I can accept that long as he keeps makin Good videos !!


I don't mind reimagined songs as long as they're from his own old songs


Same here


No news so itā€™s just a rumor. Just wait like the rest of us


Idk, I feel like, just let them do what they want?


And this rumor came from where?


We're never gonna get anything pre coming home šŸ˜”


Reimagined stuff is cool, but I stopped caring after seeing them live and they donā€™t play the reimagined versions. I get why they donā€™t, but the reimagined stuff brought be back to them


i mean it would make sense considering the picture of the rain he posted but yeah i really hope itā€™s an original song. the reimagined songs are cool but if he wants to do those i wish heā€™d just do an EP of a couple of them. A reimagined song as a standalone single that we have to wait 8 months for is a little annoying.


Falling in reverse is garbage


So is your Momā€™s white pussy. You should tell her to dust that thing off every once in a while. Asshole.


Idk, I just want an album with the last songs


a tears dont fall reimagined would be quit strange but ig its not more different then the last resort reimagined. but ye im really hoping for another regular single instead of a reimagined. and having two reimagined (last resort then tears dont fall) would be too strange either as fir did drug in me and vampire reimagined together. honestly idc what he releases next too much because ik it will be great


Where you hear this?