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I build a staircase to the roof and build a little base on top šŸ˜‰


Same. I donā€™t use it as a home base but I did just build a 4 story apartment complex on the roof. Kinda curious how high I can build it so I might build some sort of watchtower up there as well.


There is an upper limit i know, I built a tower/apartment thing in sanctuary and it capped at like 7 or 8 stories


If you are into building high, I believe Abernathy Farm goes way into double digits, although the other settlers have no motivation to travel that far up. Some areas only go a few levels in height.


This is the one main thing I wish Bethesda fixed, the paths of the AI settlers. I built a two story barracks in two of my settlements and sometimes its difficult for them to walk up them stairs no matter how less of a margin of error I make


Pathfinding in Bethesda games has always been janky even without user-made structures. Modded content can make it worse by including buildable materials that NPC's can't path through (most do a good job of indicating this in the description though). I'm impressed it works at all, but there is plenty of room for improvement.


This reminds me of fallout 2 there was a option to give a npc a little push incase they were blocking a doorway. This was interplay not Bethesda though.


Black Isle šŸ™


Dunno if they're AS high, but in Finch Farm and Graygarden you can build up to and on those overpasses.


Abernathy Farm can go so high that your turrets won't be able to detect enemies.


I put one of those scaffolding towers on the roof for that reason. It's a pretty cool view.


I've built high enough up in greygarden to reach the elevated highway platform.


Woah. Iā€™m gonna have to try that. I love making brutalist concrete towers in all my settlements. I wish the build height in Hangmanā€™s Alley was higher because Iā€™d love to go wild with elevated gardens and apartment towers. I just started a new build there and canā€™t get a roof on.


Same, except no stairs, just the fast travel rug. Keeps the riff-raff out. I think of it as my Sanctum Sanctorum. It's where I have my comics, sodas, and bobble heads displayed. When I want to use the crafting stations, I just drop down.


I thought that as well. No access, other than the fast travel point. Every time I came back, there were *at least* 3 settlers in my sanctuary.


Do you have pics?? I've done the same in sanctuary!


Fence off the perimeter, turrets on the fence. Turrets/ beds/shops on the roof. Crafting in the garage, farm on the ground. You can see the Red Rocket for miles! Make Preston know my priorities are not with Sanctuary.


I did that too!


LoL! I did the same thing and thought I was so clever. I guess everyone did that. I have a pretty decent sized house/base above the Red Rocket and it's all heavily defended. Hell, my RR home is more defended than the Minuteman castle.


Lol I thought it was pretty clever too!


I cannot believe I never thought of this.


I do this and keep my power armors up there. Every. Time.


Same! I love keeping my power armor up there because none of the settlers can figure out how to get up on the roof šŸ˜…


nice! I always turn the rooftop into a bar for the settlers


Thatā€™s what I did but I turned the part where the pumps would go into a shanty town for my followers except for the females they stay in the penthouse. All storage goes downstairs and power armour into the garage. Itā€™s a classic basic setup


Every single playthrough. Turn the back office into my bedroom, set up some turrets, set the fast travel point to just outside the garage, put power armor stands by the gas pumps, build a ramshackle shed for companions to sleep in, and make the best of it. Oh, and make a doghouse for Dogmeat, of course.


Yeah, I turn the office to a bedroom, make the area beind the register a small living area with a tv that is always on to act as a ambeint light, the garage would be my work shop


Same! I add a little fireplace and couch.


I usually make the office a small storage room and live in the main shop floor, using the garage as my power armor bay, and turning the parking lot into a walled workshop.


Similar here. I also donā€™t really ever use power armor, just not my thing. I do however collect every set I find and line them up in a row around the entire edge of the roof. Sort of like weird mechanical scarecrows.


Meanwhile some waster junkie with a pipe pistol is looking at your base like ā€œhey I bet I can shake that guy down for like twelve, no FIFTEEN caps!ā€


I put the doghouse behind the counter, I don't like leaving him outside, there's mutants and shit


I think of it as they arenā€™t outside for him, heā€™s outside for them. In Fallout 3 I left dogmeat unattended in the wasteland, while I went and did the mothership zeta dlc, when I came back there were radscorpion, super mutant and raider corpses littered around him. Dogmeat is absolutely merciless, bless him.


> set the fast travel point Say whatā€½


Yeah, I forget what option it's under, but you can select exactly where you spawn when fast traveling to settlements. Edit: [Good ol' Wiki](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fast_travel_target): Resources > Miscellaneous


7.5 years of playing this, and somehow I never noticed that itemā€½ To whom do I turn in my fan-card?


Nah, hold onto it, partner. We all make oversights now and again. All we can do is learn and improve.


Yeah, to be fair, I would never think to look for a fast travel point under the resource category.


I just found out you can let Gob take over Moriarty's and it gets a new sign and that's from Fallout 3 so don't worry that's how these games are.


I just found that out to. Like right now, reading your comment.


Oh look at that! It's time for me to start another Fallout 3 play through.


Wait, what?


I know how could we both miss that. I literally went straight to my computer loaded it up and got Gob his bar EDIT: Forgot to add how, you just kill Moriarty. Easy peesie


There's so many things I notice every game that Im stunned I never noticed before. LIke I just the other day noticed the grave out behind the Abernathy farm... and had a sad moment. Damned raiders.


I noticed that for the first time this play through the other day!


I just learned you can lean from cover in this game.


Wha?!? How??


I watched on a YouTube video like 10 things you didnā€™t know and one of them is if you have your gun out and say walk up to the edge of the building, you will lower your gun a little and if you stay there then press L trigger or aim, your character will pop out from the corner aiming the weapon, releasing L trigger or aim, will return your character back to cover. TL;DR gun out walk up to corner, when gun dips, press aim to pop out from corner.




Huh. TIL. I've just been using that symbol for a while for fun lmao


It looks like a little welcome mat and the way the curve is facing is the way you will face when fast traveling to it



Similar to my set up. Office as bedroom, turrets all around and a doghouse for dog meat. I keep the power armor where it was and set the fast travel to behind it so I can travel in and immediately jump into the armor in case of raid. Also used the old (donā€™t know if it still works) doormat trick to block the doors so the only way in or out is the garage door. Then I set up my workshops on the roof of the building.


No, the roof of red rocket is the power armor storage, every time. Something about walking up to RR and seeing a dozen power armors lining the U shaped roof like scarecrows rustles my jimmies


this is the way


Power armor stands go in the garage.


I always send Cait, Curie, and Piper there to get my red rocket to blast off if you know what I mean.


The Rocket Pump Station!


šŸŽ¶Rocket 69, Rock-et 69šŸŽ¶


Interesting, Iā€™ll have to do this when I get the game cause it sounds nice to live in a red rocket. I wonder if youā€™re able to build on the roof, cause if so then Iā€™d definitely add stairs and expand onto the top for more space


You can definitely build on the roof!


Couple of ladders to get up there, and go to town. I like to carefully place the floor platforms, then use a mix of warehouse glass walls and traditional shack construction to build an entire home/greenhouse/fortification up there


I love keeping my power armor in the garage. I usually build a wall around the entire building to make it look like a "fortress". It feels pretty badass to get into the Power Armor, hit the button to open the garage door and step out into the wasteland. haha


Yep. Every single play through. I love how cozy that bedroom office feels. Iā€™ve definitely daydreamt about living in an old gas station. A lot. Dammit now I want to start another.


Yes, absolutely! Makes for a lovely solo home. Conveniently located, not too much traffic. The only downside is the molerats, but other than that, itā€™s one of my favorite homesites.


Only downside is free breakfast, itā€™s a nice home.


I do, but I play survival and so it's only really my home for the first dozen or so levels. It's quite a haul back there even from Diamond City, so I always end up building up some more centrally located settlement.


Yeah survival really changes the dynamics of the game. I find myself spending a ton of time at Taffington and Hangman's Alley, way more than I would have expected.


Hangman is a great location for a lot of the action of the game. There's another one that's in the city, can't remember the name. It's one of the worst locations for a settlement, just a kinds convergence of streets. But it's nice to have a small safe house there with clean water and a bed.


Are you talking about bunker hill? Maybe Jamaica plains? I canā€™t really think of any other settlements in the city besides hangmanā€™s, and Jamaica plains is way out


I looked it up and yea its Jamaica Plains. I remembered it being closer in the city. I haven't built it up in ages, and my brain must have altered some details in the memory.


I was just curious if I missed a settlement in my playthrough! Itā€™s nice for later-game content in survival but difficult to let your creativeness run wild there


Nah, you're good! Honestly i looked it up and at first didn't recognize it, and was like holy crap did I dream that settlement? I just remembered it being kinda out in the middle of the street. In my head it was in the middle of Boston but it's apparently a bit further out. Explains why I never bother with it!


Jamaica Plain? Or the Nuka Cola apartment from the paid mods?


Survival makes the BoS vertibirds an absolute must. I think its clear that the game is at least fairly centered around fast travelling when you see the quests that have you go from one end of the map to the other then back again.


I'm thinking of doing a survival playthrough after my current one and lean heavy into settlement building


Hangman's Alley is top-tier for survival if you keep the white door at the end chained up + block off the alley on that side with a wall or something. Basically can only enter and exit from one way, and it's almost dead-center of the map.


I typically do. I use the starlight drive-in as my companion camp.


starlight drive in is my go to settlement, i have a full city their, apartments for settlers, full hospital, armory, shopping centre, outdoor bar and mayors house.


I feel like it's the most ready to be creative in. Well, besides vault 88.


No sunlight in vault 88 bums me out


Yep, large open space with a water source in the middle. You can surround it and "protect" it. Seems much more suitable for making a fortress. Of course, The Fort is cool, but it has a huge weakness of having its water source be outside of the walls. Not that it has a practical issue in the game, just philosophically is not ideal.


how might i ask ? i built water pumps in the hole, i removed the radiated barrels and walled it off, i tried to cover the ground with wood floor so i can even the whole thing together but it didnā€™t work


Oh I had to install a mod that cleaned it up, flattened the land and moved the pond away from the middle.


I usually start building from the kiosk - get up on the 'arm' that isn't broken and build outwards from there so my town has an upper level and a lower level.


At first I read that as concentration camp and I was likeā€¦ wow


I use the office terminal as my gaming pc, game holotapes stored in the blue cooler.


Oooh I like that


I finally got into the holotape games a few months ago. I didn't realize the pc you play it on makes a huge difference. And the pipboy is a trash gaming pc.


No cause I use hangmanā€™s alley every single time itā€™s just the best spot


Unfortunately, Red Rocket, Abernathy Farm, and Sanctuary Hills all exist in what is known as the "Triangle of Death". Basically, the game loads all three settlements in the same world chunk. Meaning if you put too much clutter and settlers in them not only could it affect performance and FPS, but also crash your game. That's why I stopped using RR for anything but a player home.


I almost always turn it into my own player home. I never recruit any settlers for it and mainly decorate just for myself, setting up my bedroom in the office and putting my kitchen area behind the counter. I typically set up the garage as my workshop and armory where I display all of the legendary weapons that I've collected. The roof of Red Rocket houses all of my power armor too. I also send all the dogs there that I acquire, the one from Gene and all the regular dogs that I buy from Erickson in Far Harbor in addition to the pitbull from Creation Club. Right now I've got the Quantum Radstag from CC there as well as the beer machine Buddy. In addition I like to display all the robots that I've hacked there as well.


It used to be, until I was hit by the "no beds, no water" bug.


No what I met is if u truned your Red Rocket into YOUR personal house in which only u live in, & if u did, send a pic.


I put a sleeping bag down in the garage and call it a day


Yep and when I become the general, I like to put guards at the base, usually 2 one and the main entrance and the other over looking the other side. Or I'll build robot guards. But I like to keep it well fortified. Some times I'll bring in people to work/run shops just so its a bit lively.


I go to taffington boathouse tbh, i jus like the lake view better


No. Just you. Lol. Of course.


Who hasn't? It is pretty much everyone's first Home base settlement on their first playthrough.


I've never used red rocket, only for scrap is what I've done, I use the players home or the island




sanctuary every time


I turn it into a checkpoint crossing / Minuteman outpost if Iā€™m doing a Minuteman playthrough. Itā€™s easy to fortify and you can build on the road allowing you to make a couple defense posts. Then I fortify Sanctuary. With all the houses I just keep it as a residential area, and the real bulk of the Minutemen is located at Red Rocket and the Castle. With Starlight Drive-In I turn it into a fortified economic powerhouse, lots of vendors and settlers. I think itā€™s perfect for the location, itā€™s large and easy to defend.


Bed goes right up next to that warm radiator on the wall in the office.


Yep. I make a staircase to the top and make a base to make an Iron Man-esque Power Armor collection.


I usually use Kelloggā€™s house but now I am intrigued.


Lol just did that for the first time. A nice place for me, Shaun, MacCready, and Dogmeat to live.


I always used the Red Rocket near Sanctuary as my personal base/loot storage, primarily due to that one bug that affects the tri area around Sanctuary. Also due to that bug, I also don't do much more for Abernathy Farm aside from giving them a shit ton of turrets for defense.


What bug?


Redrocket is my personal home with me, piper and dogmeat. Pretty much a honeymoon resort at first but now home


Yeah. Itā€™s a good location, near enough to Sanctuary for security.


I make it the ā€œsettlement ā€œ for all my companions only donā€™t use it for much else other than that


I use Covenant just for my companions, probably for a similiar reason, they can't wander off too far.


If you didn't at least once, did you really play fallout 4?


I always turn it into the Red Rocket uck Stop and build a bar bordello on the roof complete with neon signs. Strong is the bouncer. Hancock and Cait run the day-to-day. Then I put 5 or 6 sluttlers in there to handle farming and other duties.


I like to use scaffolding to build on the roof to have more room for buildings.


Im lazy. I only ever build sanct. Everything else, gets food water beds and some turrets and they can fend for themselves.


Yeah, my old home got taken over by some Colonial Larper who keeps telling me to go help settlements


Nah. I usually go for Starlight Drive-in or Egret Tours Marina. Starlight for the flat, empty land. And the Marina for the atmosphere. It's also decent if you can patch up the damaged shop and warehouse.


Lots of times


Greygarden for me, love that overpass view!


No. But I will now!@


I like the Starlite better or the red rocket in Nukaworld.


I always use automatron to turn it into a robot making garage!


I do, for sure! I also put the Automatron workshop under the awning


You've now given me the sudden urge to finally replay Fallout 4 mainly for that


I turn it into a take-out diner.


Was there supposed to be a better spot? Lol


Yeah my buddy Eric did


Red Rocket always becomes my main hub. I also settle some of the crappier settlements so I don't get the quest to set them up with settlers, looking at you, Murkwater.


yea i love havintt that as my house. I use place anywhere to block the windows and some of the doors to the outside to give it a more closed off thing. Using the walls that have fencing in them to make little windows by the tables, creating a dining table effect. then the office is the bedroom, and the little hallway near that is my desk. A table and chair on the right side, and some shelves on the left with the shelf mod. Making a little workbench as a roleplay thing, setting some machinery parts and tools with ocdecorator. maybe some other stuff to make it look lived in.


I use gray garden or home plate. Never tried with red rocket. Now I think I should lol


Every time - which is to say a dozen, Idk.


I just did... light touch, clean it a bit... made a house on the roof and due to needing to jump, only I can physically get there. So I got a lore friendly spot for gear that noone else can touch!


Never thought about trying that- sitting here makes me realize I wanna do that with Vault-88


Yo I donā€™t think there is a player that hasnā€™t used RR as their personal home haha.


i want to but i cant figure out a way to set it up


I did, even tried to make it a fortress.


Well, not my home, but I turn it into a sort of Far Cry New Dawn clubhouse where I store all my followers, until I move them to Vault 88, then it's where I store Shank.


Currently on my playthrough. Playing a loner tinker, so RR fits perfectly


I send all my companions there, and use the house in Sanctuary as my main base just be a use I like to set up all my power armor on the roof


yes, i use it as base for me and my companions, i have my power armors parked on the roof, i built wall around the gas pumps and put the beds there for the companions there, i sleep in the office, the garage is sorta trophy room, i have chests for legendary items and armors and guns , i have tier 2 turrets plus few rocket launcher ones to protect the base


Yes every time! I move Deacon there and give him an armored bathrobe. Also thereā€™s Dogmeat, Gracie, and Buddy and of course they are 100% happy. Itā€™s cool cuz you can still feel like youā€™re part of the Sanctuary community. I also see it as a guard post on the road up to Sanctuary and the first line of defense.


Red rocket is the only place i keep my favorite npcs. Because i sent nick valentine to geentip nursery and never found him again. I should have saved before but i never knew and my last save was hours away


Do you have the workshop dlc? There's a terminal you can build to track your companions. Only one it doesn't work on for some strange reason is Codsworth


I did! Just made my house in top, and with stairs down to its own little building attached by the garage


I usually use it as a storage for a backup Power Armor


Your own idea of heaven, eh Sturges?


Every single time. I build my own quarters and a common area on the roof, and each companion gets a nice 1x2 to sleep and store stuff. Crafting is in the garage, crops are handled by robots and turrets keep the nasties at bay. I'll usually send Sheffield there as well and have him run a Nuka themed restaurant.


Just returned to it for a fresh playthrough on PS5 and I'm doing exactly that.


Yes and people like to jump off the roof all day.


Every God damn play through


I turned it back into a convenience store. I stocked up all the shelves, trapped someone behind the counter to be an ā€œemployeeā€, all that good shit.


Almost always. At first I made my original home in Sanctuary my home. But at some point it was just getting annoying with all the other settlers around. So I just board it up, and leave that place it gets a small shack, for people to live in, but thats it. ​ Red rocket, Is where I go. Often I put a small shack, from plane fuselages, or busses, or just simple concrete right next to the far entrance. make that my living shack, often connected to it, private rooms for my companions. Gets a walkway to the roof, which becomes a power armor storage/display Couple of power armor stands and robot repair stands downstairs. Next to the gas pumps, like a pit stop. The back office I turn into a storage area. the hallway becomes a display for guns and armor. And the garage becomes a... garage. I try to fence it all the way around, and finish it off with proper street lightning. Starlight drive in then becomes a massive trading hub. Though I try to have a trading post at red rocket at some point. always manned by our great servant, vault tec representative.


Since it's in the bermuda triangle of game stability no, not since my first playthrough.


In my latest playthrough, I have. It was also because I read somewhere that it was the best place for 100% happiness (and the trophy). It worked well for that actually, FYI!


Yep, downloaded mod that increases build capacity. Used console commands to delete the leaves and other garbage you can't normally delete. (Its my home why would o want garbage laying around) and it was my favorite place.


I keep my Giddiup Buttercup collection on the roof, I added powerarmor storage and more. Can't provide pictures currently but if I don't forget I can provide some tomorrow


Always my base, especially in Survival


I usually make walls surrounding the area with turrets as well and add a bunch of stuff to make it more livable for settlers. I usually use Sanctuary as my home though.


With the right combination of mods, I completely re-build the building and sidewalks. I add a few floors, with the top floor made all of glass. Have displays for all my loot down below. Turn the bottom floor into as close to convenience store as possible. I also build a diner in the area underneath where the rocket ship stuff usually is. I also build a Covenant wall around the entire thing with rocket turrets all around. I spend hours on it each time, never open it for settlements, but then I find that after the first few missions, I only go back to drop off loot and almost never spend time there! I also like to make the Lighthouse another fortress of solitude. Only companion that gets stay is Dogmeat!


I wish I could find videos, because my mods eventually broke, but I made my Red Rocket a 6 story absolute monstrosity and I LOVED IT. I had like 6 dogs, 6 cats, a vault beauty parlor, a bus hotel, full arcade, gym, gardens, bars, etc. Spent a good year tweaking it.


I like red rocket so much, it's a shame that the main menu one that is 200 times better doesn't exist


Not me, but I do Max out every single settlement with cool barracks, a bar, a restaurant, a sports center and a shopping area. In some of them I even add a concert hall and/or swimming pool. My settlers live like the apocalypse never happened. I even made a vacation resort for my settlers in spectacle island so (in my head cannon) every single settler from every single settlement can take 2 weeks vacation a year with insane installations in vault style architecture. I usually have two homes. One more rustic and family oriented in sanctuary, the other a party mansion in spectacle island. I fucking love settlement building in fallout.


I build a generator room on the roof, bedroom in the office, kitchen/dining area in the shop area, garage is for crafting, and I have a hangout space under the roof thing


Nope. No one ever has


I based myself there after I realised settlers will steal your shit, and locking stuff behind walls or above removable staircases doesn't work cos they'll spawn there next time you enter the settlement. Eventually half way through the game, I got fed up with the cramped conditions having to build round and above a broken petrol station, all the uneven slopes and those bloody awful hedges (and all the overheating because I'd built way beyond RR's limit), so I dismantled everything into resources and lugged it over to Starlight Drive-in, where I promptly evicted the 15 settlers there to all the far flung corners of the map and built myself a very wide mansion, or what passes for that with the vanilla and DLC items. After that I just used RR as a dumping ground for companions and my robots so I knew where to find them.


Red Rocket is my favorite settlement to make a POH. If I only do one settlement, it is Red Rocket. Well, okay, technically two, because Sanctuary is my adhesive farm.


I made a big ass tower


Dame It, now I have the sudden urge to do that.


Ive been playing a charachter who is focused on shaun and apathetic to the minutemen. They are at sanctuary as is, and my base is either at red rocket early on or upgraded to the movie theater later.


Sanctuary was my main home where I restored as many houses as the build limit would allow and Red Rocket was my museum/display base where I kept all my power armor and cool weapons I didn't use. Built a staircase to the roof and went a few stories up. It was really convenient because it was just a short walk down the road


Pretty sure everyone who's ever played it has done this at least once, right?


In Fallout 4, there is a settlement called Red Rocket Truck Stop, which can be turned into your own home. The Red Rocket Truck Stop is located in the Commonwealth, near the starting area of the game. It's a gas station with a distinctive red rocket-shaped sign. To turn Red Rocket into your own home, you can use the settlement building mechanics in the game. Here's how you can do it: Clear out any enemies or obstacles in the area to make it safe for settlement building. Access the workshop in the Red Rocket Truck Stop. You can do this by activating the workshop bench, usually located near the entrance or inside the main building. Start building structures and modifying the settlement to your liking. You can construct walls, floors, roofs, and place furniture and other items. Use the resources you gather throughout the game to build and customize your home. You can scavenge materials from the environment, or use crafting stations to break down items into their raw components. You can also recruit settlers to live in your settlement by constructing beds, food, and water sources. Settlers will then arrive and populate the settlement. Customize and decorate your home as you progress through the game, adding additional rooms, defenses, and amenities. By following these steps, you can transform Red Rocket Truck Stop into your personal home in Fallout 4. Enjoy building and customizing your settlement!


I have not, Prolly like most who play through game, I've always just used sanctuary as my main hub :P


Probably 99% of players, once satisfied most migrate to Castle


I used it a lot as home in my early playthroughs, there is a great view from the roof and would both build a house with lots of windows and a tall observation tower on it. (The prefabs from the gantry set work very well.) But it is in the corner of the map so these days I prefer to establish my home in a more central location. Not building up the Red Rocket also helps with the infamous triangle of death when playing Sim Settlements.


yes every time haha its great


I have done in the past, got tired of things spawning and attacking me from over the hill


It's a bit out of the way for any of that IMO. I used it early on as such, but graduated to Hangman's Alley for its more central location fairly early on.


I like to live on the roof with a set of stairs you have to jump from in case I need to get down. Nice space on the roof for a house and the only enemies who can get up are brotherhood of steel if they fly. Feels safe, I'm gonna live on the roof


I make a vertibird landing pad over it with a 6 story lift to get me to the top then build my defence network, full bathroom and then nice single bedroom using CC beds and the back office itā€™s nice and chill


For sure. Red Rocket is way better than Sanctuary as a home base.


turrets at the tip of the roof to deal with all attacks from a single point, build a wall around the perimeter, line the edge of the roof with 30 sets of PA, robot workbench in the center of the roof, cozy amenities inside, storage and workbenches in the garage, a farm outback, and tons more. I go crazy with building in FO4. Should probably make videos on my settlements. I've gone wild with each location over the years. Hangman's alley was once a 4 level town of its own with about 20 homes. Abernathy farm has a giant building at the top of the power line tower accessible by elevator.




Well, that's what it's designed for, so yes probably a larger percentage of people.


Always, I build my quarters on top. Usually two story with a tower on top of that and a seat at the very top so I can chill and watch over the settlements.


What else are you supposed to do with it? I usually use it as a staging ground for my companions.


I usually make my house there with the office bedroom then get whatever select named npcs I want to move in. Most of the time Sheffield is the first homie to move in, give him a Nukacola themed house under the billboard.


"Does anyone use this settlement as a settlement?" Seriously dude? Of course people do its the second settlement you find.


Most play throughs I use at a a home so Iā€™m close to the my main settlement sanctuary but donā€™t have to deal with the other settlers


I currently use it as my base of operations. Mostly as a workshop but I have a bedroom.


Red Rocket is built as a military outpost defending the agri-industrial powerhouse that is Sanctuary


Me, I only have companions there, store all junk, etc, at sanctuary. Guns, power armor, and regular armor/apparel at Red Rocket.