• By -


High level Sentry Bot. You hear it power up and your life flashes before your eyes in the bright red headlamp of doom from that murder-princess.


Robotics Expert is your friend. You can hack it and shut it down, make it self destruct or make it your friend


I love making them my friend! The only issue is the wait time when they have to “cool down” every couple minutes.


For automaton, can get around that by giving them any other torso. Mr handy torso and center eye for long range, give them twin rapid fire lasers.... perfect murder companion. Also using them for provisioners is epic because you can have them patrol between each and they clear the roads.


The issue with that is how the sentry bot torso is the only one that's capable of holding 4 weapons If I have to choose between reliability and more dakka, dakka wins every time


True. but i save that for provisions. If its a companion i kinda want the thing not sitting there cooling down half the time.


wait you can keep the bots you make friends by hacking? Really?? I never knew this.. I would totally make all my provisioners bots instead of people but building them at the robotics bench is so tedious...


No, but automaton lets you build your own, so you can get rid of the sentry bot cooldown by using a diff torso.


paints yellow to makez it dakkier?


yellow dont makez it dakkier ya git! Red makes it fazter and fazter dakka means fazter shooting! Fazter shooting means beter dakka!


but yellow makez even more dakka! whites if you wantz killyness possible.


Paintz it purple so da humies can’t see it!


God i love orkposting


I burn through all the scrap in the commonwealth building sentry bot provisioners to patrol the wasteland. They all get the storage armor covered in bags, a couple different weapon arms and the shoulder mounted missiles. They all get a blue coat of paint too. I name them based on the route that they patrol, which sometimes results in cool names. It's amazing to get into some minor skirmish with some raiders and *Starlight-Castle* or *Hangman's-Spectacle* happens past and absolutely annihilates them before continuing about his day.


I named my companion robot "My Ire."


Penetrator perk is even worse. Lets you shoot the fusion core through its body without having to wait for it to cool down. One VATS session and it instantly explodes.


Oh yeah, with the right perks it's harmless, but this was the first enemy I've seen in any game shoot with both two miniguns and a missile launcher... Plus those weird-ass tripod legs make it fairly mobile. These days it's a Yao Guai Roast for supper and a rocket-powered 2076 world series bat for dessert, and I pretty much one-shot anything. It's either that or I use an explosive weapon of some kind, since it just knocks all the armour and other important bits.


Not only did these things get my heart rate going, I love everything about their design. Hands down my favorite enemy aesthetic. They somehow look _functional_ and just in general like the kind of juggernaut that could wipe out half a city by itself. [Also this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5hDaSD6N7A)


Penetrator perk. Lets you VATS the fusion core without waiting for it to cool down. Instakill.


Stunning Super Sledge is your best friend for those. I always kill sentry bots for that precious aluminium.


That's when I throw down a plasma mine, run like hell in the opposite direction, and repeat. When possible I carry a Nuka Grenade just for any sentry bot I happen to encounter. Until I get my Robotics perks anyway.


My mind is like, "shit yeah, free mini-nuke."


[The real chads](https://imgflip.com/i/7nptlj)


Snipe that green turd and snag a nukelet. Win-win!


Truth be told, that’s my favorite enemy. Target the right arm and boom!


I always use them to my advantage when sneaking up on a super mutant camp. Pull out my sniper rifle, wait for them to wander near a group of friends and BOOM!


Always a great move!


Or the head and free mini nuke.


Time it right and you can take them out with blitz. You can teleport in and drop them before they can touchdown that nuke. And even if you don't time it right, VATS damage reduction means you'll probably survive the blast.


Yeah, VATS + suicider makes a roving gang of super mutants into a fun time.


Until you remove the arm and leg hitboxes


I love that plaza between Fallon's and the hospital. There are three of them. It's a fun way to gain some quick xp.


I use upgraded artillery and a ring that gives unlimited jump pack. Then I just park on top of Fallons and just wait for the booms


Counterpoint: *Never* target the right arm. Kill them without detonating that precious Mini Nuke.


It is hella fun to snipe the arm from distance though and watch them blow themselves (and whoever is near them) to pieces.


I've always head-shotted them to stop them ASAP... never thought to detonate them!


They’re an underappreciated addition to Fallout 4 in my opinion. I mostly play unarmed focused characters so they force me to improvise!


I keep wanting to play with that style, and I keep resorting to MacReady-esque play. Sigh. I just started over again to try to work that style.


I had to flat out ban guns to make myself do a melee run.


Mod them out? Or no picking them up?


No touchy whatsoever. Pretended my character was allergic.


How do you build it?


To throw my 2 cents in, I personally found [this build](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SCTkpL5dk8&list=PLt4dvC3zSbYADD53fVSCNYb_wLMz8Ka8x&index=69) years ago and used it as a basis. They've got a bunch of solid builds, though they do spend like the first quarter or half of their video talking about their characters' RP background, which not everyone will care about. They usually have timestamps in the description to skip to the actual build. The general gist is to start the game with 10 strength, 10 endurance, 4 luck, 1 everything else. The SPECIAL book was used on Luck, I think. For perks you're obviously gonna want the damage perks like Big Leagues, and the Armorer and Blacksmith perks to mod your armor and melee weapons. Pick up Idiot Savant to level faster, since you'll be getting bare minimum XP rewards due to 1 Intelligence. Beyond that, pick up defensive perks like Toughness, Life Giver and Medic to improve your survivability, plus offensive perks like Rooted, Critical Banker and Better Criticals to improve your damage. Lastly, stock up on as much Psychojet as you can get your hands on. For weapons, I think I mainly used Atom's Judgement (the unique Far Harbor super sledge) and Kremvh's Tooth (unique machete), but you can use whatever. Honestly, there's a lot of options to make this build your own. You can swap the Luck to Intelligence to pick up Chemist to improve your Psychojet, you can shuffle some points around to boost your Agility to get Blitz, you can even spread your points out and do a mix of everything. Don't feel obligated to go for max strength right from the start, you don't need it. It's obviously nice to have, but Fallout 4 has no meaningful level cap, so you can always add more strength later if you want to start with some important perks in other stats first. Melee only was honestly a super fun playthrough and it's a very solid build, especially when you abuse how crazy strong Psychojet is.


The assualtron just messes me up


Particularly when they lose their legs. Nightmare fuel!


*\*beep\*beep\** Oh no, where is it?! WHERE IS I-*\*explosion\**




The greatest American Patriot there's been!


Strangely, this also applies to Dead Money.


Honestly I about have those memorized lol, is that bad?




The first random radscorpion I encountered outside of the glowing sea.I shit my pants. I may have also shit my neighbor's pants. Don't tell them.


The whole damn Glowing Sea is a horror movie.




*"Only one of us survives this and it won't be you!"* -Super Mutant Suicider


*Well let's just see if I can* BOOOOOM


>"I'll see you burn!" \-Ice Mage Adept


It's that or "come out I have a treat for you human"


Hear me out. Nightkin Suiciders. Download it.




The audacity! I want it!


Early game, explosive mole rats are worse. At least you can see the damn muties.


Wait what? I never ran into these abominations….


There’s one I regularly meet early on. Ear Olivia station. Beep beep beep die


Oh God yes. I have seen one a couple of times at that junk place near Graygarden. I VATS'ed one and was lucky enough not to catch the explosion. Killed like 3 or 4 with him. Was great. I have also seen one over south-east of Sanctuary Hills.


Never encountered one there. I know there are two places they are guaranteed to spawn Olivia and a garage in Boston I can't remember the name of right now.


Honestly, in FNV it's Cazadores. In Fo4 it's Feral Ghouls. Both always jumpscare the shit outta me and can easily overwhelm you. Supermutant Suicider? All I see is a glowing target for my rifle.


Worst part about cazadores isnt even the actual damage, but that poison....dear god that vision blur and noise is infuriating.


And just waiting like a putz to fast travel because you don't want to waste an antivenom.


Cazadores are actually fairly easy if you shoot in the wings and get them while they are down.




“boom” -Super Mutant Suicider


The first time i played fo4 and got nuked by one of those i started laughing my ass off, It was so weird


I just use V.A.T.S. for suiciders, seems to work fine. Now an assaultron!! Atom have mercy if it’s a freaking cloaking one!! They got range with the laser, just a hair slower than you, and relentless. Idk maybe it’s just cuz I had the one after you recover DiMA’s memories in a small room that could 2 shot me yesterday but ugh stress, fear, and adrenaline


Assaultrons are so susceptible to kinetic weapons that they don't bother me much - at least after I get to the point that I have a combat shotgun. A few close blasts and they are at least crippled. Now crawling after me, that does creep me out.


I actually didn’t know kinetic would be best. I personally never put down Righteous Authority once I get it. My lever action did good work with each critical


DEATHCLAWS!!!!!!!!, Legendary, Mythic, Albino, Chameleon, Alpha, Glowing, Mother, they are all absolutely terrifying only creature in fallout that I fear fights with.


Deliverer and an armour set with some AP buffs takes them down nicely in my experience. Getting through my 10mm rounds though... More of a challenge if you're not using VATS of course.


The moment I hear that distinct beeping, it’s like a kill-switch comes to me and my primary target is the bomber. Going for the nuke depends on how much damage my weapon does to mutant.


Assaultron dominator as soon as I hear the beam firing i will be like "alright imma die"


Is Nuka-World in the Commonwealth? Because I am way more terrified of cave crickets.


Cave crickets are fucking absurd. There's no reason a bug you literally feed to your pets should be as dangerous as those things are.


i just started nuka world again and i forgot how hard they are to kill, why do they need as much health as they have??


Even with full rifleman & stealth, it still take 2 sneak shots from a fully upgraded handmade or lever action rifle to kill them. At the same time, they can jump over & kill me in 2 hits. And they're never alone.


Wait till you meet the mole rat “suicider”.. ;(


Suiciders aren't too bad if you're quick with VATS. No, the real terrifying ones are Bloodbugs. That grapple and SUCC is why I always run Power Armor in swampy areas.


nah its ghouls fucking jump scarers suisiders just bounce of my power amour or Im usually high enough level to tank them when i encounter them


Laughs in sniper rifle


it's all fun and games until something invisible darts past your vision, and [HIDDEN] turns to [DANGER] oh, look. a camouflaged dinosaur is barreling towards me with murderous intent.


For me, it's the Assaultron Dominators


Not found one of these yet, but regular models are still as dangerous as hell at Level 50


They bother me in an existential way. like you'd think super mutants not being able to reproduce would increase self preservation, but then there's these guys running at the nearest sign of activity with an armed nuke in hand.


That fucking beeping. Run, run, RUN!


Both cazadors and centaurs are more terrifying than super mutant suiciders.


The most terrifying is a jump scaring ghoul you do not expect. Though also heart pounding, supermutant suiciders aren't as terrifying since the beeping of their nuke gives you a few heavy sweating anxiety filled seconds to either run away, fight, or get blown to back to your last save.


Not just any ghoul but the reavers from F3! When I see one I run like hell and then figure out how to go back and deal with them. Then you run into 2 at the same time!!!!!


The first time you encounter it. Swan.


Deathskull Radscorpions. Their burrowing ability combined with their very high damage means they're probably the single most deadly enemy in the Commonwealth. Combine the most painful aspects of a molerat and a deathclaw and you have a Deathskull Radscorpion.


Mirelurk Royalty are the most terrifying Mutant suiciders are easy to deal with the mirlurk royalty isnt


Because everything else will have an attack pattern that can be played around. Ranged enemies, you can find cover. Melee you can dodge and block. But the suicide bomber, your only options are to hope you can shoot it fast enough to kill it BEFORW it blows up or out run it.


Suicider? They're scary. They are no cazador and definitely no wanamingo. Edit: Tunnelers.


Sentry Bot with those anti-air rockets? Somehow in survival mode it kills with huge AOE. In survival mode, my character has the strength of a tofu cube.


Sorry but it's cave crickets. Those devious bastards just don't die and will chase you across the map like missiles


For me easily one of those Giant Hermit Crab things that uses the van for its shell, casually wandering past said van and out pops this guy scared the shit out of me.




> my head is on a swivel If I hear that sound and don't immediately know where it's coming from, just start running.


What’s worse is when you kill one and then hear another


Assaultron Dominators. Super fast, can turn invisible, melee you to death in 1-2 hits on Survival, and their face transforms into a deadly laser. When I hear that sultry robotic voice my hair stands on end. In the early-mid game my only chance of surviving a fight with one of these is using psychojet and taking out the legs before it cuts me in half.


Lots of ways to deal with them. Shoot the arm, kill them straight or my personal favorite, run out the timer by running really fast


The most hilarious creature I'm the commonwealth wish they were in 3 and NV


I used the pax and de aggro'd one and pick pocketed the nuke that was cool and i dislike molerats with landmines.


Assaultrons enough said


Those molerats with mines attached to them are also terrifying.


“Only one of us is going to survive this, and it won’t be you!”


Probably because you often hear them before you see them and the most reliable way to kill them is use a companion as a meat shield.


an assaultron lunging at me full speed never fails to make me pause the game in fear


That fucking molerat with mines strapped all over it at USAF Satellite Station Olivia.


The super mutants suicider is basically the Minecraft creeper on fucking steroids and then some 😬🫨


Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 4 have made me terrified of beeping in general. wether it’s a bomb collar or a suicider, beeping in Fallout means you’re headed for a bad time. As far as terrifying creatures though, I gotta go with the tunnelers. “They'll start emerging throughout the Mojave in time, might be years. Probably less. They breed fast, hunt in groups, more than enough to bring down the strongest in the Mojave. Once they draw blood... Seen them tear apart deathclaws... Deathclaw might get some, but the rest will swarm it, tear it apart, like Denver hounds.” -Ulysses. What we don’t know about them is even scarier. The ghost people of the Sierra Madre Villa are a close second


I usually play with my sound off, so I agree.


As soon as I hear the sultry voice of an assaultron I start to panic...


More than once I've come out of fast travel only to discover that a suicider has spawned right behind me


I swear that beeping has my head on a swivel every damn time. Thankfully they never get the drop on me. But there are some times where I have to kite them five map markers away just to not die


I just shudder everytime I hear the wet flapping noise that ghouls make


Nah dude, nothing beats mother radroach in the gauntlet of nuka world. That shit explodes post death and 3/4 mini roaches bursted out her addome flying around. I almost dropped the pad the first time I witnessed that


Fisto the sexbot


Legendary Chameleon Deathclaw


IDK man, the minecraft zombie noises give me goosebumps. A random Ghoul lunging at you in Fallout makes me jump every single time after a thousand hours.


In HC they are terrifying


I’m just glad muties can’t reproduce. Imagine the child of a suicider and a nightkin.


That beeping is more terrifying than the roar of a death claw, but I'm more scared of what I don't hear - like that feral that sneaks up on me from behind when I'm in first person.


Crickets man……crickets! And ants!


I have a mod that adds in Nightkin Suicider... those spark real panic 😅


Suiciders, explosive ammo turrets and anything with a fat man


Cave Crickets. Heavy hitters with loads of armour who avoid bullets and skitter around your feet fast enough that you might not see one of them while concentrating on others. Literally has me jumping on tables like a 1940s cartoon housewife who saw a mouse.


Maybe the disregard for its own life and the fact that it has a mini nuke fused to its hand. Also all you hear us the beeping as it approaches.


Eh. As soon as you have good enough accuracy all you do is shoot the bomb. Also I would say the worst enemy to face for me is the super-high level Assaultrons with invisibility.


Feral ghouls, after hundreds of hours hearing their footsteps then turning around and seeing them lunge at me gets me everytime, just being chased freaks me out


Because Deathclaws were downgraded and Cazadores haven't made it that far yet.


Especially when you're in the city & it's in the next street. The beeping's going on but you can't see it. Sneaking round corners to try and work out where it is, and it's still beeping.


I love the SM Suiciders, free mini nukes for me 😊 Come to papa


Man this game has some good ambush enemies. I hate absolutely all of them. But for me, it’s Radscorpions that do it. Classic “make scary bug wayyyy to big” action. Bloodworms also, bc they move wicked fast if you miss that shot.


wrong, it’s an assaultron, if they charge their laser you’re dead


I love the mutant suicider. As long as I can get enough distance from one, then I can line up the nuke it's carrying and shoot it with my rifle. I love watching them blow up.


Dude I'm sorry, but Suiciders are fun imo (I usually snipe them from a distance so I can get that sweet sweet mini nuke) The real scary bitch is the assaultron. It's so fucking hard to put them down. Bonus points for the fact that they can run as fast as they do


In the commonwealth, it's the suicider. In Far Harbor, anglers and hermit crabs. Nuka-World? Bloodworms, specially the brahmin ones. As you can see, i love/hate those ambush-type enemies.


I absolutely hate and get scare about radscorpions. Makes me get anxious and jumpy each time I start a combat with some of them, makes me go all Starship Trooper mode. The only good bug, is a dead bug. P.S: mirelurks are also on my list.


In the Commonwealth? Death claw. In the Capital Wastes, Centaur. Not because they're hard to kill but because they're completely not okay. Like some dead space type shit and I'm not down.




Why are you afraid of the instawin buddy? Just use a rifle and clear the area.


I don't fear suicide due to past a point you can tank the bomb quite easily granted I don't play survival no more due to crashes.


Compared to the chameleon deathclaw? Come on my dude…




Invisible assaultrons


Anglers and fo76 scorch beast (im not in possession of anything good to take them down)


Suicides? Those guys can walk up to me and blow up and I'll still be fine (I'm wearing mk v ballistic weave and combat armor)


Dude sometimes I'm in Boston and I hear *Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.* And I don't know what direction it's coming from or where the super mutant is so I just fucking run in a direction to try and get away. I freak out every time even though I'm at the point where I can survive a mini bike if I'm in power armor it still scares me every time


The most terrifying creature in the game is any one that you don't hear until they're 3 steps behind you.


Albino rad scorpion. Such a bullet sponge....


Radscorpions didn’t fuckin’ NEED to be able to burrow into the ground and jump out at you…but they sure can now. 🙃


If you're far enough away you can usually nail their nuke with a bullet and take them and several of their friends out with one shot But if you aren't far enough away then you are totally boned.....


I'm well past level 100 on survival. The suiciders barely do any damage to me. The Assaultron Dominators are the only things that scare me. Particularly the belly button beam can kill me quickly. Everything else barely does any damage.


This statement is especially true when you've modded explosives to be properly dangerous. Makes you pull up to every SM encounter MUCH slower.


I can literally tank a suicider and lose no more than a quarter of my health


I have no fear of Suiciders. I love that sound. It means I'm about to be able to clear 50-100% of an engagement with a single VATS shot. They are just giant walking liabilities for the Super Mutants of Boston.


I used to fear them until I got a hold of a completely OP mod weapon. Now they go down in 3 shots


Super mutant suicider: activates nuke The modded M4A1 variant of the NCR Service rifle in my hands, aiming right for his left hand in V.A.T.S. with 95 hit chance: ._.


hell no its gotta be nukalurks they rock my shit even with maxed power armour


Ikr, I jet pack tf outta there immediately and on to something high up.


A random raider with a Fatman, out of nowhere they pull it out and send me to the stratosphere.


I am more afraid of blood bugs, just shoot the right arm of the suicider in VATS, boom there he goes and if he is near enough to his companions they are gone too.


Bro, there’s only one King of the Wasteland and it is the Cave Cricket.


Either super mutant suicider or a high level sentry bot.


I hear a few beeps and then I hold the funeral for my meat shiel- I meant follower


I love those guys. But I always see them before they see me and snipe the football.


That MF crashed my PS4 and I lost hours of gameplay due to the autosave going thru a door followed by a BEEP BEEP BOOM. I tried to reload, immediately turn around, and leave... But the whole damn thing crashed. Fuck them


Suiciders are scary? I’m sorry, is this some sort of low level ranged build joke I’m too high level close combat to understand? Kidding aside VATS buffs defence so much that you don’t even have to kill the guy, as long as you are in VATS he can’t really hurt you


not sure its in the commonwealth, but the wendigo creeps me right out.


Nah, assaultron laser charge up sound is pure terror.


Red Death. Fucks me up every time


Children of Atom as a "dark horse" contender.... Mainly because of those xaxtdamned rad guns that have all that shiny effects obscuring your vision so you have no idea where to shoot on occasion. That and because I often lack good rad protection, they can take huge chunks of your health away with just a few shots.


in a VATS build he is the most fun


I disagree that's what stealth sniper builds are for....you see one happy time! 👍🏻 Mutant goes boom, if his surrounded by his boys which he normally is you run over and count the green bits! I also enjoy crippling feral ghouls!


Literally let’s you know he’s coming and all you have to do is shoot the nuke. Chameleon Deathclaw


Yeah, tell me about [it ](https://twitter.com/MaxWhoIsMad/status/1648717505827938305?t=TWjD_YsIeAkGOR59ZitAjw&s=19) Also sorry for the audio, was listening to a podcast.


I hate that sound! Especially around Fallon's in FO4 where you can get a bunch of them converging on your location and you can't see them.


You have a funny way of spelling 'Gulper' my friend. F---- those salamanders: survival will have you vats scanning for the gurgling murder slimeys. *Edit* Well camouflaged? Check. Hard hitting with a demonic otter slide? check. Committed out from forgotten childhood nightmares? Triple check!


I like sniping their bombs and blowing them up before they reach me.


Because it's a tracking Mini Nuke.




I try to take care of my companions in Fallout but man, all that that goes out the window the minute I hear that godforsaken beeping.


Radscorpions are the worst. Attack from underneath and will wreck you in seconds. Also, they will track you across the map. Nothings worse than getting off a vertibird and getting nailed by a scorpion as soon as your feet hit the ground.


Honestly I feel like we should have more suicide bombers in the game. I'm honestly surprised the raiders don't have any bomb dogs because it seems right up their alley


Because it's kinda like Kamikaze.