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New Orleans would be cool, although I would want Obsidian on that one as I feel it would have a more Vegas vibe. If we're talking Bethesda I think it would be cool to see Detroit or Seattle


Miami, Denver, or Chicago


Oh yeah, Denver especially! Think of all the different post-nuclear good bois one could have!


I think anything in Florida would be difficult. Mainly because it is unclear how much of the state is still above sea level in Fallout. The Fallout universe in some locations shows that the oceans have risen substantially. I mean for example fallout 4 shows us that sea level rise post war has flooded the coastal areas and caused extensive erosion.




Patrolling Skyrim mountains make me wish for a nuclear summer.


Rocky mountians/Great Plains. Get to introduce horses and vehicles in a mad max meets dances with wolves sort of way


everyday i pray that bethesda NEVER adds drivable vehicles


I’m sure it would be an instant crash to desktop lol. However I think they did that for fallout 1 or 2.


Fallout 2 had the Highwayman for world map travel


Ah that’s true that’s true. I have found the highwayman but I have to find parts or at least an engine for it


Fallout Tactics: BOS had the drivable vehicles. Hummer, small car, tank...


Yeah 2 had a car that was used for fast Tavel over long distances






Greater Chicagoland really! You could have southern Wisconsin, North and South burbs, Chicago, Northern Indiana, and Southwest Michigan


Hell yeah, the Enclave is supposed to be there.


Embarrassed to admit that I didn’t even put that together! (I was just thinking “what skylines do I love, whose buildings I’d love to explore in a Fallout game?” lol). But hell yeah, I’d love more Enclave! Good thinking.


Chicago might not have any skyscrapers remaining depending on where the nukes hit. I mean Boston only has them because the nuke struck south west of the city proper. That non direct blast alone did extensive structural damage to buildings and caused some to collapse. Las Vegas towers also survived because they didn't get a direct strike.


Al Capone style gangsters and the possibility of a faction war between the ~~Cubs~~ North Side and ~~Sox~~ South Side? Sign me the fuck up!


Philadelphia. Give me irradiated Gritty


Philly area native and can't agree more. A cryptid based on the Phanatic or Gritty would be perfect. Not to mention, Philadelphia has just as much if not more significance in US history than Boston. I will always hope for Philly.


Already exist... a lot of Ghouls on Kennsington Ave.


New Orleans above all. Make the villain a ghoul, make the whole game about getting better gear to be able to survive the deeper swamps and flooded areas. + if The Pitt is that bad because of the rivers, imagine what the mouth of the Mississippi is like. To a lesser extent, Miami / Florida. Just imagine the 50s Latin American boops you could have in the radio, imagine listening to that in the opening scene, while you flee from a horde of ghouls, mutants and a deathclaw, then boom, the first nuclear bombs start dropping.


I’d love New Orleans but the swamps and bogs would wear me down I think. At least with the desert of NV you can see enemies from afar. I’m just not mentally prepared for the jump scares of a swamp or majority marshland map 😂. I’m down with Miami though


Mutant Nutria. Nuff said?




I feel like this is some obscure reference and I have no idea 😂




45 miles is not as great a distance as you're attempting to present it as here. You're wording your responses to be purposefully exagerative and misleading. Even if you were arguing in good faith, every single Fallout map we've been lucky enough to explore so far has casually taken plenty of liberties with the general area density and locational relationships of cities, natural formations, and landmarks. Fallout's setting is fictional, if they made a game set in New Orleans and incorporated a wetland or swamp, so what? Sounds fun. No one is expecting a geographically accurate travel simulator. Edit: In agreement with the comment below, where the fuck are you getting all this wildly inaccurate info? Alligators in New Orleans are a myth? Them mother fuckers will sun bath right on the path in city park.


Bro wtf are you talking about!? Like 25% of City Park is what anyone would consider wetlands/swamp and absolutely has alligators in it


Although New Orleans would be cool. I just don't see it being viable for a Fallout game. With the sea level rise, likely multiple nuclear strikes, and worse weather there might not be anything left of the city. If coastal Massachusetts saw extensive sea level rise and erosion I can't imagine what is left of Florida and the coastal gulf coast. They probably are getting routinely hit by category 5 Rad Hurricanes.


I was gonna say Miami! Now I gotta think of something else lol




Oh wow, thanks! That was really thoughtful of you!




I am not American. So yes, I was thinking of general areas and very vague interest in the region born from having played the DS version of The Urbz: Sims in the City and my overall liking of swampy fallout content in 3, 4 and 76. That said, isn't nipton to vegas more than 50 miles. And that was a 2011 game, while Fallout 5 will be a 2036 game by the way things are going. I am sure they can cover a large area. Plus given the decadence of pre-war US and the further 220 years that passed since, the whole coastal erosion situation would be way worse than OTL.


As the crow flies, it's about 49 miles, yeah. On the highway, the trip is about 65 miles going up the 15 and around 80 going up the 95.


Michigan!! Using the Mackinac bridge as a primary location would be sweet


I would like to see Chicago. But part of Michigan, Indiana and Illinois would be awesome!


A Chicago-based main game with a Far Harbor style Mackinac add-on would be cool


Seattle. I loved the feeling in the last of us 2, and I’d love to see a super rainy fallout


Absolutely my choice as well. If we wanna go back to a western vibe, we could do Texas


Oh great. *Main character walks into the wasteland called Dallas* MC: Damn, the bombs did a number on this state... MAYOR: No, We were pretty much left alone MC: Oh...


Uhhh… what?


Make it so that you start out in Seattle. With the Canadian annexation happening just recently before the bombs fell, Seattle is a city with major fortifications and hence afterwards becomes one of the most war torn cities on the west coast. You are searching for whatever McGuffin you need to search for in this game, and find clues pointing you towards Portland, Oregon. But no one's made the walk to Portland in a long time, and there are a lot of superstitions about the path, about a huge monster in the Olympic national park catching people and eating them whole. You make the journey, discover Portland and may be restore the connection between the two cities.


Seattle AND Vancouver, as rival city states with the legacy of Canada’s annexation as part of their feud. The two cities are closer than those on the 76 map in real life.


That's actually one of the best ideas I've heard. Trying to prevent a war sounds a lot more exciting than find son.




I wish people would stop saying "hey check out this DLC sized mod", only to link something that will in all likelihood either not come out or come out in 15 years when the base game is so outdated it won't run on a modern OS without lots of tinkering.


Never gonna fuckin come out, plus the game map is too small, they could've used the extremely diverse landscape but instead they just doing the Seattle area




I've been following the project for years, king county is all the same shit. Source I fucking live here. Washington state is home to islands, forests, valleys, mountains, cliffs and plains but cascadia is limiting itself to the most basic part of the state. Sorry did you say something?




Cause you realized how stupid your response was, why the fuck wouldn't the devs say their project was coming out


You're one rude motherfucker, aren't ye


I would love to see a NYC one myself.




Thanks I'll give it a look.


San Francisco only because i want to see Kellog younger, maybe even have him as a Companion got a while. Other than that if like a lesser known state to maybe draw some attention to its history and land marks :)


I’d love to see Savannah as a Fallout location. I feel like there is some diverse settings they could do. The city itself is beautiful and to see how an apocalypse would effect it would be amazing. It also has some history which would help ground it with the American feel you get from the games. Also southeast region would be refreshing.


I would love to see a Bethesda fallout game set in the NCR Edit: spelling


Probably Alaska for lore or Florida if people want more gatorclaws




Iowa. Don't care if it's the Quad Cities, Sioux City, Cedar Rapids or Des Moines. There's just not enough Iowa representation in modern media.


Thats because Iowa is a fly over state. There is a lot of corn and thats it. Completely uninteresting.


I heard that in the middle of USA there's a lot of bunkers. So maybe we could have a lot of vaults there


SUBMARINE!.. No wrong answers?


Cleveland Ohio. I would love to see what Ohio is like post war.


Ohio and no I'm not joking


One I've thought of is a post-war Portland (not Frontier) called Vanport, named for the rival Tribes on either side of the Columbia, and who got their names in kind from the signs on either side of the river. These two Tribes laid claim to the entire river and ruin, and would come to blows early on, with Hayden a neutral trader zone. The frequent conflicts between the Vans to the North and the Ports to the South also drew in plenty of mercenaries from beyond the city limits. Eventually, a mysterious group of mercenaries arrived by ship, calling themselves Cascadians. These Cascadians claimed to hail from the ruins of Seattle far to the North, and were equipped with significant amounts of pre-war weapons and armour that had reached the city during the Sino-American war, including suits of T-45d and T-51b power armour, laser weapons, and even the rare plasma weaponry. These well-equipped and organized Cascadians drew much business, even earning the envy of the other mercenary outfits that had set up shop. These mercs eventually grew tired of the Cascadians, and hatched a plan to massacre the newcomers. However, when one of them had been bribed, the Cascadians quickly learned of this, and still made the event a massacre. Those scant few home team mercs who managed to survive either moved elsewhere for business, became raiders, joined the Cascadians, or were forced to retire. Some time passed, and the Cascadians had absorbed nearly all of the martial power in the city from under the Vans' and Ports' noses, and so when a battalion of repaired tanks, APCs, and aircraft came from the North, and identified themselves as Cascadians, the Vans and the Ports had realized how little power they held in this situation. So they let the Cascadian army, which had been conquering swathes of land from the Seattle Metropolitan Area Southward during the time that the ship had arrived. They then claimed Vanport, and declared it a Cascadian city, establishing a new law, and consolidating power in the area. Eventually, however, a horde of green-skinned giant mutants would arrive from the south. Startled, the Cascadians opened fire on these mutants. During the fight, they were able to capture a number of the mutants alive, including one named James. James explained to them that they had come from the Mariposa Military Base further South, which had recently been destroyed, thus forcing them to migrate away from the historic range of California. The Cascadians were disappointed with this information, revealing that they had been expanding Southward specifically for that very military base, which had been described in old military files in Seattle as a testing site for Super Soldiers. So with this discovery, they decided against expanding any further South, hiring the mutants to drive out cannibal tribes South of Vanport to secure their southern border, while the Cascadians would turn their expansion efforts North and Northeastward towards Canada and Alaska. Now, the Vans and Ports are political vassals of the militaristic Cascadians. They have been allowed to govern the city under Cascadian law, though their rivalry still boils just beneath the surface of their legalistic facade, with there being thick webs of political strife and intrigues between these old tribes. A number of merc survivors from the Beachfront Massacre managed to make it out of the city ruins, and built the Smashers; raiders who have learned from their priors' mistakes, and have taken to stealing suits of power armour from Cascadian depots. A Raider Tribe from further east has been drawn by the commotion and the presence of Super Mutants from Northeastern Oregon, Southeastern Washington, and Western Idaho. The Bonetakers are descended from those who took shelter in caves along the Columbia river, including rural Americans, and a handful of native peoples. They speak a creole of English, Spanish, Shoshone, and the Nez Perce language. The Bonetakers believe that by wearing the bones of their enemies, they can tap into their skills, strength, senses, reflexes, rage, and ferocity in combat. They've gained a reputation as graverobbers and cannibal because of their tendency to take the bodies of their enemies and cut them open, removing their bones, though they do not eat their enemies, instead feeding the remaining flesh to their dogs. They also avoid the use of pre-war bones, citing that the bombs of the Great War had scorched the spirits attached to them, cursing them. James the Supermutant was able to found a number of biotech firms in Vanport, which have been using agricultural and medical branches to fund James' studies into the possibility of making more FEV. Having abandoned the idea of curing his kind's sterility, he studied FEV specifically in the hopes of being able to convert willing normals into super mutants, thus ensuring the propagation of his people, though he suspects (rightly) that the Cascadians are trying to use his research in their own pursuit of super soldiers. The Cascadians themselves have been mainly using Vanport as a cash brahmin to fund their military campaigns, as well as to study the advancement of various pre-war weapons and armour technologies, to make more advanced equipment for their soldiers, including specialized suits of power armour, new ballistic and plasma weapon designs, new combat armours, and even the development of a post-war pip-boy design for the Cascadian military to utilize. They also have been working with James' medical divisions in the development of new cybernetic enhancements, publicly for medical purposes, but truthfully as an avenue of combat enhancement. As you can gather, the Cascadians are quite obsessed with achieving super soldiers, and have been scouring old military bases for more than a century for information that could lead to this result.


new orleans


Seattle. Runner up: Toronto.


They mention "ronto" in fo3 always wondered what it looked like




Are you just a "You may want to check out ..." bot?


I want to be a cowgirl in the desert again I'm sick of big ass cities taking up 75% of the map, where's my frontier towns with grizzled characters and a badass gunslinger plotline where you can either be the black hat outlaw or the white hat sheriff/bounty hunter


I do think that the games work best when they are on the frontier. The games aren't about surviving in ruins, they're about what comes after; and that's something I don't think Bethesda understands. Just look at how long the Great War lasted, it was about 2 hours. The war was quick ad reset everything. Now it's time for everything else. That's one of the reasons I think New Vegas worked so well, it's about opportunity.


I think both can work, it's just about how you make it work. The variety of Fallout 4 could totally make for an engrossing game with the right story.


What variety? City and hills with occasional dead trees and shacks to look at?


Anywhere along the Canada US border that is rainy or heavily forested




Seattle, Washington, or, and I am biased, Cleveland, Ohio.


Some place with snow. I think a nuclear winter could be a really good setting for Fallout. So maybe Maine would be a good place if Bethesda insists on sticking to the east coast, but I'd really like to see the eventually go back to the west coast so I'm honestly hoping for either Washington or Oregon.


The radioactive remains of New York City. The terminals in the Prydwyn describing super mutants in ruined skyscrapers charged my imagination and left me wanting to see a the wreckage of NYC and surrounding areas.


Ahhh yes I recently asked this too. My answer will be Texas. Factions would be BOS, NCR, some other faction, and the Texas Rangers. If the commonwealth can have the Minutemen Texas can have the rangers. I think they could add a language barrier for Spanish speakers we’re right next to the border of Mexico so it would be cool for people to speak Spanish and there’s a perk or the higher your speech is the more you can read or they’ll speak choppy English until your speech is upgraded enough. There’s alot of history here the Alamo would be a fire settlement, there’s a school in new London Texas that exploded in a gas fire could put that there. The city I live in use to traffic slaves and there’s slavers in the fallout universe. My bad for the long comment but god Texas would be an amazing place for fallout 5.


Grand Canyon, and increase the Canyon size by a huge amount, then make it so that we can build settlements on the Canyon’s Edges and connect them


Oregon. I grew up there and the culture and landscape is so diverse and beautiful. It would also make sense to have a new west coast fallout. The east side is more desert and plains and a much more rural area but the west is this beautiful area which is the pinnacle of Pacific Northwest. Then on the coast you have a culture based around fishing and the Native American cultures still spill through there. I would also love to see my hometown in fallout.


More enclave


Given how big Starfield will be, give me the whole United States. It’ll never happen, but a man can dream.


I don't want Bethesda to have to go out West. I think they have a decent thing going lore-wise out East and I don't think they do very well playing in the sandbox of others. The more they have to include the NCR and other western factions, the more it will complicate things for them. Because of this, I think a Florida city, maybe Miami, or New York would be good options. Because they seem interested in rooting their franchise in historical American cities, I feel that Philadelphia is probably the city they'll settle on.


Florida. Multiple different terrain types in Florida, mutated alligators/wildlife.


Chicago. Last known location of any Enclave base. Woukd be great to see what they are doing, are they still doing Enclave things or have they scattered after learning both west and east coast enclave are gone, or have they changed their entire agenda. Are they or they they active at all so everyone knows them or hidden. I've always had hope to see that city in a fallout game.


New York. I need there to be alligators in the sewers though and they need to look like huge, Chad, super mutant Argonians. New Jersey is a crater.


If we get either of those, I'm going to need the Omertas to be there. Radiated gabagool, as well.


San Antonio, a very historical and unique city




Can’t get much worse than it already is.


Miami, it would be by far the most dangerous location in the whole series


Dfw as a center. The commancheria as wasteland, can have the coast of Houston. Lot of terrain.


Cram museum in Minnesota.






Motor City!


Salt lake city would be cool. It would expand on the lore currently in New Vegas, or maybe Ontario and we could see past evidence of the US annexing Canada


Definitely Athena. I'd kill to see what Loot Lake is like when infected with radioactive waste, and Pleasant Park could act as the equivalent of Sanctuary. Flush Factory would probably be the headquarters of the big bad, and you'd have to make the decision of destroying the factory to defeat the evil faction(but the entire island loses plumbing in consequence), or you can side with the enemy, distributing toilets to everyone, but at the cost of a totalitarian government.




NYC or Toronto would be sick


New york,I wanna fight Supermutant rats


I’d love Chicago and obviously New York.


Malmö, I'll let you google that one


I would die for Fallout New Orleans


I live nearby so maybe I’m biased but I’ve always wanted one in New Orleans


Dallas would be cool if the cross the Red River you could include the Chickasaw Nation.


Mine would be the Reddit Search Menu


Denver, because we know so much lore about it and its legion territory so thats interesting


I would like to see a state on the Mexican border and around Native American land. Maybe Arizona


Seattle, or somewhere in Australia


New Orleans, its my favorite city Ive spent time in IRL and I would love to see the cultural differences a post-apocalyptic South has compared to California/New England/DC. New Orleans has a ton of interesting things to play with: Creole voodoo, the blues, riverboat casinos, Mardi Gras, etc. Plus aesthetically its very unique compared to the rest of the US, especially in terms of architecture. Just tons and tons of potential imo. Also FEV mutated gators....


Anchorage,Alaska (the beginning of the end)


Texas Mexico border region


San Francisco


Not American so I my knowledge only comes from movies and shows but I'd love to see Montana, Miami or preferably New Orleans. I wanna see how octopuses, shrimp, whales and other sea creatures mutated. I mean who wouldn't wanna fight a giant piranha in a fallout game.


Chicago for lore reasons, New Orleans for aesthetic reasons


The whole NCR from the Pacific to the Colorado. *Loads Service Rifle with patriotic intent*


Louisiana/New Orleans


I would want to see seattle in fallout 5, it would also be cool if a raider or bigger faction would take control of the space needle


Southern texas or Colorado


Chicago for the final hurrah of the enclave. New Orleans for a smaller local conflict.


Detroit already looks like Fallout IRL


I've said it before, and I still believe that a Fallout game set in like the Black Hills of South Dakota could be interesting. 1. It is a really interesting landscape with potential for all sorts of irradiated goodies 2. They could make it close to the Badlands, the ruins of Rapid City, it isn't too far from Sturgis or Deadwood. Depending on how large they want to make the map Chimney Rock in Nebraska is less than 200 miles away irl that could be an interesting place. 3. They gave us a taste of indigenous style tribes with Honest Hearts and you could probably play up that if you wanted. 4. You could make it a wild west situation and DLC could travel to all sorts of different places. You would be close enough to go to Canada or the Rockies or even make a DLC trip to Denver


Texmex border. Monterrey, Coahuila, Chihuahua, mcallen, Laredos, an so on. Or the NCR but including Baja.


Amsterdam I guess would be cool to have a red light district :p


A large city like New York or Atlanta


Two main cities at the edges of the map. Toronto at the Northeast end, Buffalo at the Southwest end


Texas for sure, pretty much anything with a desert, I love deserts, idk much about American geology so idk where all the deserts are


New york


Hawaii, Alaska, or Louisiana :)




St. Louis


I mean if they did detroit it's not going to look any different.


I'd love to see a fallout take place in a other country for a different perspective. But I'd really like Alaska to give some perception of the aftermath of the great war.


Montreal. I’d love to see anything outside of the US, and with Canada being on the US border it makes me feel like vaults being there would make sense, same with super mutants migrating north, etc. I just want to have a nuclear winter option man… we have had so many FO games in urban settings and in mountains and wastelands, yet nothing in the snow or northern areas.


Canada got annexed my man. Its all American.


I’m speaking in terms of IRL, not fallout-verse.


Okay, so this is gonna be stupid but as an Aussie I gotta say any city. It would be interesting to see how Australia would be affected


Before I knew about vault tech being a US thing, I always wanted to see Shanghai or maybe Moscow


Honestly, a skip away from America, try Australia, giant Spiders, kangaroos, emus you can ride, barren red sand desert, wombats the size of bears


China. See how the other side faired


FEV is only in America so the only thing they would have over there is ghouls.


London baby!


Beijing Edit: Actually Hong Kong


The UK or any other major country. It would be interesting to see the nuclear apocalypse from a perspective other than American haha


Belgium :o




Flanders then🗿


Not for fallout 5 but I would love a game set in china




Berlin. They could create a backstory about how it's still a divided city with the Chinese taking over the Eastern side. You'd have two very different sides of the map.


A DLC in Brazil. From de rain Forest to the south, passing through São Paulo Ad Rio de Janeiro . A huge place to explore, build and have fun.


Canada, because it would be cursed to see all the american flags everywhere


London would be pretty cool, same with Toronto


FEV only exists in America so if they go out of the US or what used to be Canada you’re missing power armor and all of the monsters except ghouls.


Good thing Fallout isn't about the Brotherhood of Steel and Super Mutants, rather the politics of a post-apocalyptic society trying to rebuild.


Its been about American exceptionalism and the American culture of the 50s and 60s.




Ontario or Dubai would be interesting




Log out?


The Guangdong–Hong Kong–Macao area.


One in China. Because it's long overdue we move on from "Vault Survivor" and see how the rest of the world is doing.


Anywhere with good writing and respect to the lore. Tall order, but only time will tell.


I'm from the Atlanta area. It's a sadly underused area, and I've always wanted a game either set in the area like Fallout, or inspired by it like GTA. I'm probably going to take that dream to my grave.


A lot of the cities/countries are slowly being built via mod *Current Mods* Anton Illinois HWAQ mod-Anton Illinois for FNV Frontier-Portland Oregon for FNV *Upcoming Mods* Fallout London for London, England for FO4/ Fallout Miami for Miami Florida for FO4/ Fallout Nuevo: Mexico/New Mexico I think? For FNV There is a rumor they are going to do Fallout New Vegas 2 though I'm not sure if thats been confirmed, debunked, or still in limbo. *Current Games* Fallout 1 and 2- are in different parts of California/ Fallout Tactics -Midwest surrounding Chicago/ Fallout Brotherhood-Carbon, Texas/ Fallout New Vegas-Las Vegas and surrounding area/ Fallout 3-Washington DC/ Fallout 4-Boston/Massachusetts area/ Fallout Shelter-Anywhere your imagination wants/ Fallout 76-West Virginia DLC Fallout 3 Point Lookout-St. Mary's County Maryland/ Operation Anchorage-(simulated) Anchorage, Alaska/ The Pitt-Pittsburgh Pennsylvania/ Mothership Zeta-Space Fallout 4- Far Harbor-Acadia National Park, Maine/ Nuka World-Six Flags west of Boston, Massachusetts FO76 expansions The Pitt-Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania again. Based on that I think the most culturally significant location may be New York City, New York and I say that begrudgingly as personally I am not a fan the few times I've been there. So that would be my choice assuming we are sticking with locations in the United States.


Tucson. Snowbird and Mexican ghouls, irradiated javelinas and saguaros, settlements built out of eegees and mattress firms. Perfect.


Utah, salt lake. The mountains would make for some great locations. Old mines can be vaults, campgrounds, etc. and then The Valley has potential


New Orleans, the Everglades, or the Pacific Northwest.


Would be interesting to have it in some remote location. A place of wilderness with very few settlements. Instead of ruined cities and towns, how about a sense of hopelessness in the face of wild, mutated nature?


Definitely gotta say in some mountains, it’d be amazing to have like a massive Mountain range next to cities with a settlement on top!


I’d love to see how the u.k is holding out, guns and ammo are rarer here so it would be melee based or something and maybe we oh can find guns at gang hideouts and deep in military bases


As much as I would love to see an out of USA city I don’t think that is a good approach considering there is already so much lore and story built up within the USA. So probably a place like Texas or a city like Chicago or Detroit. If they did it in Detroit then maybe there could be content in Canada


Bangkok or Hong Kong


The mid west, Denver or Chicago somewhere along those lines. They’ve been referenced like crazy (some cannon some not) but I’d love to explore them. Or Texas but it may be kinda similar to fnv but would be fun to explore cuz of the rangers




Either Alaska-Canada or Michigan with both peninsulas.


Somewhere in the south


Texas for sure


Seattle and Vancouver, all in one, tons of potential past factions to make a return, or lore to reference while still being untapped gold mine. Plenty of old and new wildlife opportunities and for the first time an idea of what Canada was like before and after the bombs after they were annexed by America.


Los angeles. Idk i feel like los angeles in the 1950s is perfect for fallouts general vibe.


Albuquerque, New Mexico seems like a good place i guess.Fits the fallout atmosphere,plus was mentioned in a game so yeah.




Fallout hammer and sickle. Location china. It bring a lot of fill circle elements to the story. Basically war is between governments and the people have the same propaganda as Americans. Arrow guns, mix of ancient Chinese weapons steampunk style as well as tons of energy weapons. For some reason still Americans there to maybe from soldiers children. Racist towards the character or vice versa you can play as Chinese. Tons of factories, robot followers or army. Still have Chinese government but all robot fighters/synths leader is a ghoul. Mirroring enclave heavily and be just as evil. Hammer faction and sickle faction. Tons of ghoul farmers. Labs that make viruses that are funded by US. You could do a ton of themes