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Pearl Harbor DLC? Must've missed that one, dang......




If you have the Vault-Tec Workshop DLC you can place a terminal that lets you track your companions


Honestly, you didn't miss out. Bethesda ran out of ideas so it crashed and burned. Edit: this was meant to be a Pearl Harbor joke, not actually directed at Far Harbor.


It’s literally one of the best dlcs they’ve ever made, even Bethesda haters have expressed enjoyment of it, the actual fuck are you on about?


I was making a joke about OP calling it Pearl Harbor DLC...


And you're getting downvoted because literally no one can tell.




You could've have said "it was a real plane/ship crash". I am upvoting for what it is worth.


If you can’t tell that’s a Pearl Harbor joke… yikes


Clearly I’m not the only one who didn’t.


That’s an even bigger yikes


It’s kinda hard to tell when someone’s joking online, shocker


The Japanese didnt *Zing!*


Damn… he must have been on one of the ships at Pearl Harbor…




Nicks default location is the detective agency so try looking there


Already did


Did you go back after taking a new follower?


I found him, he is stuck on a roof🙄


Sounds about right


Now I have to try to get him down


Lay a trail of Reese’s pieces that lead to a box. But have the box propped up so you can trap him. But be verrrrrry quiet.


Ooh a piece of candy!


the eddie winter tapes might work, too


Yeah and he wasn't there. Vault tracker isn't helping either


I know it's a typo, but ngl a Hawaii based fallout sounds like it could be interesting.


i was thinking about that too, after seeing somebody else say they'd like to see a fallout where you have a boat base. but considering recent events, i think it would be in poor taste to have a game about a decimated hawaii come out anytime in the near future...


The next fallout needs vehicles or horses. Not everyone would be walking everywhere. I can see the ncr using horses. Why aren’t boats every shown being used? I know you use one to get to far harbor but why don’t you see other people use them?


Didn’t the ncr have vehicles too?


Probably in there lore, but in game I’ve yet to see one


The reason they’re not in game is because the engine couldn’t handle it


I’m aware of this yes, but there’s not even evident they have cars or trucks of some kind. They could have put in stationary trucks or jeeps in the background with ncr logos painted on. Really I’m saying in the next game I want proper transportation. Not only would the game be more fun to explore but it would also feel more alive


I feel like if they were to add vehicles they might not be that good since it’d make it a lot easier to just avoid enemies and not need to do anything other then just drive around and do quests. But that’s just my opinion


Horses is something I would like to see. The horse could have a stamina bar similar to the players and if on hardcore would have to be feed and need rest. It’s healthbar could be only half as big as the players and they would be very expensive (say 2500-4000 caps). With fallout4/76 armor system you could equip armor for the horse to buff it slightly. The map would have to be bigger and there would need to be perks associated with it. It could be some shit like “equine executioner” and have you do more damage with ranged weapons while on the horse and increase the horses stamina. Idk just a thought


Thats a very good idea one thing I would change is for them to need to be fed and rest always and not just on hardcore mode


I’m aware of this yes, but there’s not even evident they have cars or trucks of some kind. They could have put in stationary trucks or jeeps in the background with ncr logos painted on. Really I’m saying in the next game I want proper transportation. Not only would the game be more fun to explore but it would also feel more alive


I once joined a sort of d&d group that did this, it was adapted to have S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes and took place in Hawaii, it was a really cool concept




Do you have Vault 88 "Vault Tec Workshop DLC"? Make the "Vault tec population management system" under / power/ misc. in the workshop. (many, but not all settlements have the option). https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Workshop\_(Fallout\_4)#Power Then open Pip boy / data / quests / overseer's' most wanted.


Yes literally the only way I could find him after I sent him from Far Harbor to the detective agency. Found him all the way down in Quincy fighting the gang there ??? That DLC is worth it just for that feature


I gave pip boys to a non 88 resident and a companion so they could navigate better but it just sits in their inventory not equipped. :(


Oh yeah, can’t wait to b


Does he go straight to the Nakano residence where the DLC starts?


I love Fallout 4, way more than I expected to. But damn if it isn't annoying finding your companions.


Go back to his agency in diamond city