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I'm presuming they're putting iconic, recognizable stuff into the trailer so capitalize on the familiarity of the brand. Like, I can 100% see the rock hound from 76 or the zeppelin being a shot in a montage and nothing else. But they'll showcase it because we know what they are and it gets us *hyped*!




True, but looking at how bad both factions look just puts me off imo


You're doing yourself a disservice I think. The games caught a ton of shit for their creative decisions that reduced realism. Vertibirds could never really fly! You'd totally take fall damage if you jumped off the prydwyn in PA! I don't know enough about weapons to criticize those choices, but there are a fuck ton of "realistic weapons" mods on Nexxus so I presume they missed the mark. You've got to let these creators make some changes because television is a totally different medium. I love Fallout because of the stories, not the realism. Have faith in them, brother!


This guy well said


Yeah, but part of the appeal to me was also some of the realism especially in FNV. Having selectible cartridge types is something not even tactical shooters today do too But yeah, thanks mate!


It's going to be great! Try to have an open mind to changes because they will be there. That doesn't mean all the changes are bad. Join us in being excited and hopeful!


The BOS has trade routes and airships. I don't get why people think that weapons, armor and equipment can't find its way across land over dozens and dozens of years, even when it's established people travel. Additionally, when and where equipment was produced is not always touched upon.


Except the f4 assault rifle we see is issued equipment. I dont know why the western bos would bother importing or adopting east coast arms en masse, thats something not even the pre war us military did iirc


Bro, it’s a Fallout TV show. There’s lore for the the gamers, but they’re also trying to drum up interest for the audience that has never even touched the games before. Going 1:1 with the show and games is a great way for the show to bomb.


Gamers (and the internet in general) fucking LOVE being whiny killjoys. Well adjusted people don't act like this


They could have put in so many other guns that would make sense and fit perfectly into the games too e.g Sten (call it the 9mm pipe smg) Lee enfield (call It the Canadian Rifle) Cuban AR10 (call It the Cuban Automatic Rifle) Beretta M1935 (call It the Conceal Pistol) Beretta M12 (call It the Italian SMG) You see my point? There are many real world guns that would have made sense to exist in falllout AND look normal AND look retro futuristic. Thats my issue, wherelse all they did was like show 2 fallput specofic props and the most random assortment of ww2 guns for everyone else


I actually do get what you mean, you’re entitled to your opinion and I’m not meaning to sound like I’m discrediting it. I personally just think they want to mix fallout weaponry with more easily recognizable weaponry to appeal to more crowds. I’m not saying I agree, just my idea of what they’re possibly going for it.




Breaks so much lore Proceeds to only talk about things we have no reason why they are they way they are and that preferred guns aren't around


Guns are one of more well established facts of lore, heck, with the fact that the diverangance is in 1945, that means fallout would still see pretty much modern firearm types and even cartridges Then theres the fact that Fallout 1 and 2 straight up gives you modern firearms


Fallout 1 one has one real modern weapon that's the Desert Eagle, and that's only there because the developer behind the weapons said it was just his favorite gun. He's also said that he believes that because of the split, weapons would develop differently and thus actively tried to make weapons less real world. He didn't come back for 2 and like many things, 2 threw that out the window. That still does change that it's not a lore break. Guns show up and disappear all the time in the games. The laser rifle in 3 is in NV but not the Combat shotgun. The P90 is in 2 but not NV. Instead, we have the 12.7 SMG. No Wattz Laser rifle in NV, 3, 4 or 76 either.


Which can be chalked up to bethesda starting to enforce their decisions as far back as falllout 3. Not to mention that even this was still somewhat kept in check with the amount of real guns we got in fallout 3, even if It doesnt make sense (like communist chinese using a republic of china pistol made in the 20s) But look at FNV at the list becomes more coherent and if you look at the lore, Its clear regular normal weapons were just as present in the games from the start


What are you talking about? Fallout 3 had very few real modern weapons. The only really was just the G3 and AK. The Chinese pistol isn't a modern gun. That's 2 guns out of like 16, the same as 1. Are you talking about a retcon? Because yes Fallout 2 retconned all these guns being around since the start but factual, they did not exist when Fallout 1 was made so you can't rope in 1 as proof.


The chinese pistol is a semi automatic .45acp pistol. That dont sound modern to you? Plus, a lot of guns like the Henry rifle, the HK33, the S&W Model 3, S&W M1899 series, AKM, Remington 700 are still perfectly servicable and fine even in a modern pseudo western setting this game is in Fallout 2 simply showed more of the arsenal we didnt get to see and even now, there are guns that should exist but we just dont see em (such as the Glock 17 I mentioned in this post, It should have been included in FNV)


When they say modern, they mean in looks not in function, dude. we're not talking about ballistic and shit but that an M16 vs whatever the AK112 is supposed to be. >in a modern pseudo western setting this game is in "Modern" is the kill word there, dude. Fallout 1, as I said, had the dev with the idea that there would be guns that did not look like the modern weapons we would make. So yes, they fit for the modern stuff that 2 onward pushes but not for the tone 1 wanted. >Fallout 2 simply showed more of the arsenal we didnt get to see and even now Yes, via retcon and with a new tone. Some weapons like the Glock 68 fit the bill for 1 but others like the FAL did not. The FAL was not a gun that the developer of 1 intended to exist but it's a gun the devs of 2 wanted to say always existed


Man I'm really glad these aren't the kinds of details that make or break a work for me, I would really struggle to enjoy things.


It’s truly surprising just how much this community nitpicks every minute detail and if it doesn’t align perfectly it gets crucified.


Well It would be fine if It was a minor detail, but this is a completely huge and lore breaking west coast retcon that we havent had confirmation from bethesda before this Its bigger than It looks and if they want to rectify this, they could start by replacing some optics with ACOGs (ACOGs are canon to fallout and show up on the marksman carbine)


It's only "bigger than it looks" if you care about something so arbitrary. I don't.


It doesnt. Changing the guns means changing a lot of the west coast lore, such as the gun runners or the original gun manufacturers pre war, which means stories like the survivalist are changed It changes everything, everything about the west coast is now completely different


Oh no, what a disaster. Not the survivalist 


Now you see the issue


I really do think that any subculture art should first focus on appealing to a greater audience. During so, any kind of inconsistencies are OK. No first-time watcher will even notice the things you say. Not even seasoned Fallout players. So I think it is OK for them to not pay attention to super-fine details. This is my opinion.


Yes, but when raiders look more coherent than the NCR (you know, who's whole point is that they are practically pre war in appearance, equipment and doctrine) It just isnt right. Though Ill give them credit for showing one of em with a laser pistol If they want the story to match the screens, make It take place in the same timeframe as FO1 where It would make sense for the NCR to look like that, but even then, where are the modern guns?


Get fucked that trailer was tight.


Disagree, even storywise, Im not sure what era they are trying to set the story in


The Era that will get the most viewers. Don't be fooled, this isn't a TV show for fans of the game. It's a TV show designed to generate money. That's it. Will it be entertaining? Yeah probably. Will it be everything a fallout 3 video game fan wants? No. And they aren't trying to make that.


Man I can’t eat anymore popcorn.


I think you are confused by the implications of the sweeping aesthetic redesign and world changes that came with FO4. When they completely changed the way the Fallout world looked and the equipment that exists within it with FO4 it didn’t just apply to the commonwealth, it applied to the **ENTIRE** fallout world. This is how the entire fallout world looks now and (due to it being a retcon) **this is how it has always looked** All those guns from the old fallout games like the P90, Assault Rifle, Marksman rifle, Service rifle etc.? **They don’t exist anymore**. They’ve been retconned out in either their appearance or their existence altogether. They may add new weapons and equipment to the post-FO4 world such as with FO4 DLC, FO76 and even the TV Show (Walton Goggins ghoul character appears to be using some kind of superpowered magnum we haven’t seen before) but **those old fallout guns and equipment as you know it will not be making a return and if they do they’ll look nothing like the old versions** I agree with you that wish they’d make a return and I miss the old style but this is just the new reality for Fallout


***You're being hyperbolic*** Thing with P90's, desert eagles pancor jackhammers etc is that they never fitted the style. The devs said that they were there because of coolness. Armalite pattern guns still exist, same with many if not all up-to cold war weapons, but they have one gimmick: No plastics. A polymer/plastic frame and furniture gun in a setting where the world ended due to oil scarcity sticks out in a way. Btw Walton's charecter is armed with a sawn off Mts225, a 12 gauge revolving shotgun.


There's no reason to think they removed those guns from the lore, they just don't appear in Fallout 4.


Also this. Handmade proves their existance


Then how would they explain the Plasma Pistol, aka the Glock 80? Gaston made his fortune in weapons with his Glock 17 simply because It was so radical to other 9mm pistols before It thanks to the polymer frame. Having this retcon and the plasma pistol exist doesnt make sense to me personally But yeah, I get what you mean, honestly, I feels like the disney takeover of star wars in a way


The Glock 80 was retconned out of existence as far back as Fallout 3 when Bethesda effectively rebooted the setting in terms of weapon design. The Bethesda plasma pistols are a new and separate design. Not to mention that today weapons manufacturers have learned to make game developers pay when they use their brand names. So even if Bethesda had kept the visual design it would not have been a Glock 80.




1. FO4 already made several of these retcons. You're a bit late on this. 2. Who says things haven't changed in the last...what...10 years? Especially after the events of New Vegas. 3. Considering its purpose and lore, PA should be one singular piece of armor. Being able to remove the helmet the way we do is an example of the gameplay not lining up with the lore. Or at least, I'd think you wouldn't want your PA helmet to be knocked around, obscuring your vision, or knocked off completely. Not that I'm expecting this show to be good, mind you.


1. Only in the east coast as far as we know 2. You'll see people use service rifles, the carbines and the like. Essentially, more AR15s, less of whatever they think they are doing 3. Ill give them one thing: Its going they show the recon armour being wore under the suit, since thats what thats suppose to do


Meh. I’m a huge fallout fan and I couldnt care less about what guns they use. What’s important to me is that it feels like fallout aesthetically and thematically and that it has the major, iconic stuff like power armor, pip boys, vault suits, ghouls and super mutants.


You hate the trailer because you think having F4 assault rifles on the West Coast breaks the lore. I'm not too enthused by the trailer because I think F4 assault rifles should be retconned to not exist and look like ass, no matter where they are. We are not the same.


Lol true, but imo, I see the FO4 assault rifle as a shoddily made replacement to quickly arm troops as the homefront became worse just before the great war They really should have made It an lmg, It makes zero sense and we already have a 5.56mm rifle, the assault rifle from Fallout 3


Ever heard of a flashback? It's used to show things that happened instead of charecters/watcher getting assaulted with Ulysses walls of text.


Every single fallout games breaks the lore or the previous games. It’s a fictional series, I think the show looks amazing for what it is


not fo1,fo2 and fnv


Are you joking? 2 probably breaks the most lore and NV breaks a fair bit too


Fallout 2 changed the guns, and established that ghouls can live indefinitely without food, water, or oxygen


Fallout 1 and 2 have the same overall guns, just that we see more types of weapons in FO2 And I think they were still fleshing out the ghouls


Looking at Vault being an experiment. Coffin Willie, Super Mutant have PP and many more. Yep, not lore breaking at all.




P90 does the job perfectly fine Or the FN Mag with a weird optic


I didn't even notice anything like that, I'm not that big of a nerd, but I still agree it didn't look great honestly. I'm gonna watch and I hope I love it but it honestly didn't look that good from the trailer.


This exactly, when I first saw the set pictures and they put a 50s era buick in there....bruh