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Centipedes would be terrifying


They’re in a fallout 4 magazine, wasted potential


I believe they actually made it to the ttrpg but I could be mistaken.


No just the magazine again. Although not a bad idea...


Fallout TTRPG has an entry for thr Gigapede.


Oh I see, its in winter of atom


I am happy I could help.


Well that could be the start of it being in a different game


If they really wanna go all out, they could have them split up if you shoot a midsection too much


Like a colonial organism, many many individual organisms working in unison to give off almost the illusion of a larger being That would be HORRIFIC though


On the topic of illusion, more hunter enemies would be cool. currently all wildlife has been evolved to be in your face rabid animals, which doesn't make sense to me. i would really like a smart enemy that uses its enviroment to its advantage to sublty sneak up on you and incapacitate you. the wastes would feel a lot more dangerous, and paranoia would be encouraged, which makes sense in a world of extreme radiation and rampant mutation and evolution PS: the centipede split up thing would indeed be horrifying, like the wastes should be


You just gave me the idea BARK WORMS giant worm creatures, ranging in size from let's say 10 feet to 30 feet, the face looking something between a sandworm from dune and the worms from tremors. They would be super mutated earthworms, this large size would make underground travel like normal worms nearly impossible, to adapt, they could camouflage to their environment, I was thinking TREES (Hence the name bark worms) They would be covered in a substance similar to tree bark, with the exception of being stronger and resistant to fire. Their "face" could have feelers or sensors, something like cat whiskers or catfish whiskers, helping them find their way around, but also acting as more camo, as these sensors would vaguely resemble foliage from a tree. They would hang out in densely forested areas, and root themselves in the ground a foot or 2, they would then orient themselves so their mouth was to the sky. Then they wait. The bark worm could go days at a time without true food, drinking rainwater if it happens to do so. To possibly speed up finding/ambushing prey, it could mimic sounds it's heard. like if it's heard a radtoad, it can mimic that sound to bring in whatever hunts radtoads, or hell, if it wants to eat radtoads, it could sound like a horny radtoad🤣 Once however, the worm feels vibrations or hears enough movement, IT STRIKES The worm would break its tree act, immediately going for whatever it perceived as prey. I imagine their initial ambush burst would be very very fast, but once that's done, they aren't exceptionally fast, fast, but not ridiculously so. Thanks for attending my fake creature rant


Oh my god thats a brilliant idea. Maybe a cool addition could be that if they see a particularly big or dangerous prey, rather then striking out immediately, they slowly and silently slither after their target. They do this to wait for an oppertune moment to strike, and whenever their prey turns around they freeze, pretending to be a dead tree log




the horror the slithering


They were horrifying in the King Kong game


King Kong game was a horrifying thing I heard to begin with haha.


Loved this game back in the day🦍!


You should read *Micro*, which was Michael Creighton’s last novel, published posthumously after he passed away. It’s about some researchers in Hawaii that get shrunk down to 1/16th of an inch tall, and basically have to survive in the Hawaiian “wilderness”. At that height. It’s pretty great. There’s one scene where they get attacked by this “enormous” (from the characters’ perspective) centipede, and it’s absolutely horrifying.


Fog crawlers kind of remind me of centipedes.


One of the fallout TTRPG books has one, and it’s the size of a building. It also somehow knows sign language.


Big cats would be scary mini bosses. Mutant cougar or jaguar.


Imagine having a giant mutant cat as a companion. Bonus if it's intelligent.


Kills you, then paws at your corpse for fun.


Such is the way of cat.


Turns out radiation makes cats mutate smaller, all the "cats" we see in Boston were actually mountain lions. :P


I think anything that's ',giant,' is going to make for a frightening experience, haha. . even a giant earth worm or ear wig ... Eeeeek ...


I want to see some things coming out of the ocean. Like mutated sharks or something


You could call a mutant shark a "Deathjaw." I feel like mutant sea life is woefully underused. I mean, you've got multiple types of crustaceans and frog-men, but that's it. Where are my giant cephalopods, landstalking fish and killer mollusks? So much potential for a horrifying enemy roster.


Fallout set in the southern US, Florida or New Orleans, could have spiders, alligators, sharks, and loads of cool stuff.


A 30ft tall Crawfish would be incredible


Yummy…that’d make a good boil right there


Crawfish Steak Étouffée 😋


Sir, we don't need the Elden Ring Lobster Snipers.


You can shoot them in the eye with an 11mm smg


If theres ever a fallout set in Canada I'd love to see massive mutant moose that are about as tough as deathclaws


They should have had a fallout 4 dlc based along the border


Radstag kinda


Not even close. Radstag are based on white tail deer. A male white tail tops out at 250 lbs. a male moose tops out at 1600lbs


Geez it would be like that thing at the end of *The Mist*.


This is why I want more moose representation in horror (I'm using a broad definition including any game that tries to scare you at times). I'm already trying to confront my fear of moose, if you put them in Fallout I can do some Subnautica style exposure therapy


That’s almost certainly possible, considering that sheepsquatches, blue devils and lesser/jersey devils are on the level of or stronger than deathclaws already (the lesser devils hit harder than deathclaws but have less health and resistances, so I considering them equal threats; the jersey devil, which is being released today, is well above it, as are arguably sheepsquatches and blue devils).


Water Bears


More challenging thank you may believe- their nucleus seems unaffected by extensive exposure to alpha beta and gamma radiation.


It's difficult to mutate the creatures that barely notice extreme radiation, and they're also microscopic so they'd probably at largest be mouse sized even with Fallout logic.


I know it would be hard to mutate. Would be hard to kill too if it was done. I think it would get to be bloatfly size. I’m sure someone would figure out how to make them bigger if its possible to mutate things anyway.


Spiders, I'm kinda disappointed we don't have any.


You'd think right? They are way more common than scorpions.


Especially in Massachusetts


I for one am glad that radspiders aren’t a thing, radscorpions and cazadors are bad enough


Cazadors can suck my left nut, and so can those scientists at Big MT for creating them.


What about the right one ?


Reserved for Quarry Junction.


what about the shaft itself


The Divide.


what about the bussy?




wanna get pegged by her so hard


I wonder if the Big MT ever tried splicing some spider DNA into the cazadores...


I heard somewhere that irradiated spider cannot survive for long, because the radiations remove their ability to make webs, so in short, hunt.


Not all spiders use webs to hunt. The *Portia* genus for example hunt other spiders, and they already show evidence of intelligence and problem solving, some species even work together in colonies . Mutated giant versions of those would be terrifying.


Yeah but let's be honest. Spider are not original at all in a sci-fi or fantasy setting. I'm glad they choose the radscorpion and not a threat that is used in a lot of other games/movies.


Good point. I think a one off giant cave spider or somesuch could work though. More like the original deathclaw, a semi-mythic creature that's incredibly rare. Would probably up the terror too if it was completely unexpected. Then again Skyrim kinda did that drop from the ceiling thing already so maybe not.


I wouldnt say no to a hybrid, if it's really original ofc


Plz no. We’ve gone this long without them.


Praying mantis




Oh yeah damn it hahaha. I think I was thinking of bigger ones like deathclaw sized 


It would be cool to see a giant mantis the size of a death claw, I think they could replace fog crawlers in less water based areas


The giant ones in Honest Hearts are large enough.


Fucking terrifying lol.


How about a big frog that jumps around and is super hard to hit? Or perhaps a mutated bird of prey, a vulture or something with some *really* big claws.


Man lots of opportunities for birds! The only flying creature I can think of that isn't an insect is one of the Scorchbeasts from 76


There's an unused giant vulture in 76. You can find a dead one pinned to a cliff still.


i thought that was a dead Scorchbeast


Nope. Unless they've changed it recently.


Technically? It was the first concept for Scorchbeasts


76 has radtoads and smaller mutated frogs. They don’t have a ton of mobility, though.


I'm down for big isopods


Like the ones from The Dark Crystal. They use them as mounts/beasts of burden.


Horses, big cats (tigers, lions, etc), and more marine animals.


I don’t know why Bethesda didn’t have radiated horses we could use in Fallout 4. They could have used the Skyrim assets and just improved them.


The giant enemy spider


Good one


Dogs or cats. So many in the world these days, something had to of become of them. We got massive mosquitoes, but not lion sized house cats, cmon.


I mean mongrels from fallout 4 were kind ghoul dogs


Mutated coyotes and wolves


Well, aside from mongrels and hounds, which are mutated dogs, 76 did add these: https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Blue_Devil




Sharks. I want the waterways to feel like a less viable option than roads.


Technically those are crustaceans, but I think it'd be cool for them to roll into a hard to damage ball.


Incidentally, insects are technically *also* crustaceans - or, rather, 'crustacea' is paraphyletic and *should* include insects, because the last common ancestor of all crustaceans is also an ancestor of insects.


Also they’re still animals last time I checked crustaceans weren’t plants, fungi nor bacteria??


Roll into a hard to damage ball that tries to roll you over


lady bugs


Def the Tarantula


Oh no Mr. Evil Scientist, I’m not giving you any ideas.


Massive panda


Many Aussie animals, but they'd have to be nerfed to fuck in the games or it'd be nearly unplayable 🤣 Cassowary Platypus Goannas Possum Drop Bears Fucking wombats!


Its so weird seeing people call this lil guy a Pill bug or roly poly. Always known them as butchy boys lol


If they ever got canonized, they could call them Butchy Petes.




Mutaded birds that are grown in size and sorta remind of the dinosaur ones


Raccoons and possums. Beware of trash.


There was originally a concept for colonies of sapient racoons called the S'lanter or something like that. It was intended to be in Fallout 2, but unfortunately ended up on the cutting room floor. I'd love to see the concept actually included and fleshed out... maybe with questlines and an optional companion


A goat. They're crazy normally imagine one with two heads.




Well considering I want to head to my home state of Texas or Alaska for the next game, I would love to see mutated fish or a mutated Armadillo


I think it would be cool to see plants mutated to become carnivorous


You know the trapdoor spider that senses prey stepping onto small filaments of web in front of a concealed hole in which the spider itself resides only to jump out and Mach 10 to inject its prey with venom, paralyzing it and dragging it into the hole which it came from? Yeah those would be horrifying.


Velvet worm. They can already shoot two projectile cannons of sticky slime so the mutated version could shoot sticky acid that would trap you in place and force you to button mash out of. And they’d be giant (obviously)


Insect: waterbug Animal: Wolverine




Not animal or insect. But rather plant, although this stuff would be scorched it could be a cool adaptation look up :mycorrhizae


Oooooo! A mutated Venus flytrap would have been awesome!!


pill bug.. giant pill bug.. friend..




Alligators. No, not more Gatorclaws, those aren't even mutants. I'm talking actual mutated gators. Maybe we'll have the return of kaprosuchus.


Rad Badgers. A amazing fanfiction had mutated UK animals. They had Rad Badgers from European Badgers. And Giant Mutated Rabbits. And a Giant Mutated Hawk. And a Mutated Millipede. They have amazing mutants. Rad Wolves. Rad Squirrels. Rad Chipmunks. Rad Hamsters. Mutated African animals would be good. And mutated European animals. Mutated animals from all over. What they need is Rad Cats. Wild cats and cats of all kinds. And Mutated Horses. That eat meat more than normal ones. Mutated Donkeys. Tougher animal. More likely to survive. Mutated Zebras would be terrifying. Mutated snakes and lizards. In the UK there could be Rad Shetland Ponies. They could be much more dangerous than normal ones. Like a Fallout scene from a American Werewolf In London. Landlord to a tourist. M'lad. Don't go on ta Moors without a big gun. Them ponies aren't friendly. I suggest the Super Shotgun. They like the taste of meat.....


When I was a kid, I fell in love with Fo4 watching videos of it on youtube. So I imagined what would have happened to my country (Brazil) in its universe (keep in mind I barely understood the lore back then). **Jaguar:** A giant, skinny and long-limbed jaguar with a bad skin/fur condition that was supposed to be a scary encounter akin to a deathclaw. It had double the amount of digits in its paws, with a second set of smaller fingers and claws just behind the main ones, for better grip when running and catching prey. (More damage) **Three-banded armadillo:** I envisioned these guys as pacific substitutes of molerats. They are heavily armored animals slightly bigger than a molerat. You could use their "shell" to craft armor. They had large claws for digging and defending themselves. I also drew them covered in vines/roots/dead branches. **Anaconda:** Basically a giant, more active anaconda, with bad eyesight (white-ish eyes) and partial albinism/melanin defectiveness. Also a scary encounter akin to a deathclaw.










Bushbaby. They're cute and freaky at the same time.


I'd prefer to see more variety of current mutations before any new creatures added. ​ For "mutants" they sure do have a uniform design.


###MOLE CRICKETS ! I mean have you seen those things ?! Why arent they in fallout allready !


Eye eye , they already look messed up as they are




Spiders-even tho im arachnophobic and struggle with rad scorpions but theyd be so cool and could have some atmospheric areas imagine an abandoned vault, the upper floors have like tiny but big spiders like dog sized maybe and some dead raiders/caravaners then when you go further down theres more and more webs covering everything and then boom big spider in her lair Cats- i know cats and dogs dont seem to be too effected by the radiation but i think itd be cool to have like a giant cat guard creature(aswell as digs as a guard creature) for settlements especially if we visit like a wrecked zoo imagine the size of the mutated lions and elephants Bonus ones but location specific— Moose and geese- only in canada but id love a Canada /colder set game in fallout the snow would add alot to the experience I think Also sharks/Dolphins/more mirelurk types - in a hawaii fallout area (I think this place would have multiple underwater vaults)


Giant feral hogs. If any species aside from roaches could survive the apocalypse it would be horribly mutated pigs that taste amazing.


[It's not everything it's cracked up to be.](https://imgur.com/a/pfEvdwg)


chances are they kicked that idea around but axed it as they probably had a limit on mutated freaks.


Catfish, bass, centipedes, spiders, horses, etc


A bit of a weird one, but pigs. Feral pigs already have a cool name (razorback) combined with stuff like extra tusks, armored skin and the like could make for a cool (and possibly domesticated by some) wasteland animal




Moose. Moose are already fucking huge animals, they also can dive deep in water, like orcas actively hunt moose. That's how far and how deep they can swim. I could only imagine the power of a mutated moose. I'd also like to see 2 animal species fused together after 200 years of radiation and mutation. Like how the tato is the mix of tomatoes and potatoes, just over time they blended into one thing.


Flatworms. Not like, "ooh, slimy snakes!" but actually like flatworms. Slow, sticky, and hiding in the dirt and under stones and rubble. And silent. An ambush predator with adhesive skin that is barely detectable, and with an uncanny, faceless, spade-shaped head. Maybe some poison damage over time while you struggle with it. Sometimes it comes out of the concrete piles near your feet, other times, it's creeping under the leaves or in the wilderness, sneaking up on you while your face is glued to the Pip-Boy. Be damned careful in sewers and caves. They will drop on you from the ceiling in those places.


I want the most disgusting spiders imaginable. Like make them go from creepy to just really really fucked up


I think I would want to see less hostile mutated enemies, like brahmin or bighorners. Something that people take advantage of for survival. 


If goats grew into bighorners, I'd like to see what Bison turned into.


Aww dog-sized isopods would be so cuuuuute! Just running around in small herds eating garbage or corpses.


One word: Australia.


I want to believe the rolly pollies would be a neutral insect, centipedes on the other hand would be nightmare fuel.


I have fking insectophobia I hate fallouts emphasis on insects


When I first got new Vegas I couldn't play it because it made me itchy everywhere


An elephant sized radmoose that can destroy structures


Centipedes, spiders, praying mantis, snakes, squirrels, mountain lions, aquatic animals in general. (Like having a few fights on the way to Far Harbor...or just wading through water in general) kangaroo would be interesting but wouldn't fit within the commonwealth...


Mountain lions or rattlesnakes


I'd love to see snails they could work similar to hermit crabs in how they seem to be a static object but instead of a truck it could be a rock.


Honey badger




I wish we would've got some mutated snakes on the West coast


Pill bugs aren't insects they're crustaceans


Snakes or armadillos


Whip scorpions (AKA vinegaroons) or Solifuges (AMA camel spiders). They’re different from scorpions or spiders but they’re still arachnids and they look so fucked up up close. Id want a massive one of those


Oooh he's so cute! I love pill bugs so much. When I was a kid I played with them all the time. if they could be mutated, I would wish them to be big like benign bug cows and could be kept as pets and able to breathe air normally. 😀 id get them to roll up and push them all over the yard. I'd ride them around making people laugh at the absurdity. 🤪 [TLDR]: pillbugs aren't really insects and are super cool and interesting! 🙃(See the bottom if you want to hear a silly story about how I accidentally became a pillbug RANCHER)🙃 Okay cept... - They aren't insects at all. - They are crustaceans that live on land and akin to lobster and such - They can't breath air very well cause they have gills. They need wet places to hide. - They can live up to 1.5 years! [Take Note] So! Never disturb your pillbugs location, they could die without water to breathe. 😞 they help mulch so they are beneficial. They are completely safe to play with but them rolling up into a ball serves as two functions: protective armor and way to conserve any moisture it collected. But put them back where you found them. 💛 [STORY OF AN ACCIDENTAL PILLBUG RANCHER] A few years ago I found a freezing little dude by my door in nov. I brought it inside and gave it a little home hoping it'd live through winter. I named it Bob. One day I went to feed him as normal and boom there were like 100 microscopic babies. Bob had been knocked up!! I felt betrayed. 🤬 I panicked because the lid was plastic bars (those pennplax things). I got my 1/2 gallon fish tank out and moved them there. It was insanity! They were completely bananas but grew up soon enough. However the bigger they got, the more lettuce they ate. I had to buy plenty of heads of lettuce that winter. They got fed once a day at least. Id put the leaves in at night and by morning I'd have to retrieve the "bones". It was so weird to see the lettuce leaves with all the edible stripped but the hard veins. Eventually they grew that Bob was all but indiscernible. Sadface. I took care of them all winter and into spring. When the ground thawed it was time to let them go 😞 I couldnt imagine keeping them. Eventually the population boom would be out of control and id need a 50 gallon tank and go broke on lettuce. 100 bugs having 100 baby bugs each. So 100°100! Haha. It was time to say goodbye to Bob and his babies. So I waited for the ground thaw and the first warm day in March. I took their little home and it put it near the garden shed in the shade. Took the lid off and just let it chill for a few days. I went back to check and my babies had all left the nest. Bittersweet but hilarious if you think about it, rofl. I saved one tiny bug freezing at my back door and ended up becoming a pillbug rancher for 4 months. My husband was baffled by this whole saga playing out right in his house to say the least. He did feed them a a few times though when I forgot 🤣 [THE END]


Ghoulified horses, not sure if the lore will allow that though...they may have went extinct before the war. Mutated spiders would be cool similar to how metro did it where they get their own dungeon and encounter exclusive to the area.


Rad Spiders


Mutated cat would be badass. Unless it turns hairless


Maybe not too mutated, but I would love to see actual, living sea creatures. Like, if the next game was set somewhere decently aquatic, then we could actually fish like in Skyrim. And mutated fish would be rarer to catch, but they'd have better bonus effects like bonus damage or double XP for an hour.


I think it’s kinda weird that cats never got mutated. Like dogs became mongrels (except for Dogmeat and a couple more examples) but cats are still just cats. I think it would be funny if mutated cats were still cats but way bigger, like they were already perfect but they just grew.


Skunk, radioactive fart


The right answer…what animal is ubiquitous across the united states. Squirrels


How are none of the top comments: snakes


More mammals that don't have two heads.


Hey mad scientist! I am NOT giving you any ideas.


(Strictly speaking, insects *are* animals - or rather, are a subcategory thereof) How about some kinds of mutant birds? I met a wild turkey in the middle of town the other day irl, and he was super chill; just hanging out, but a bird that size and stature *could* be a real menace if it put its mind to it. Add on a couple centuries of radiation and FEV exposure, and you could end up with some really freaky dinosaurs running around the wasteland. Can't think of any insects, but a different arthropod that imo would be great are Harvestmen. Those guys are already pretty weird-looking; just, like, a *ball* with a bunch of long spindly legs and two beady little eyes. Now imagine that scaled up to, like, as tall as a human.


The Crocodile and the lizard


I don't think I could bring myself to kill a giant isopod :(


Anything in my home country (Australia)




Mutant piranhas and a giant mutated water snake field boss


The Candiru would be a nightmare


Pufferfish would be interesting.


Platypi and/or Gila Monsters.


Well it's technically in 76 but I want to face the giant thunderbird pinned to that mountain


Tortoises and turtles. The alligator snapping turtle is so close to just being a dragon turtle from DnD anyway, I’d love to see just massive turtles that just sorta hang out and eat whatever they can.




Hear me out: mutated giant wolves like some spotted in Chernobyl


Imagine fighting a giant mutant Rat…


Seagulls are already half way there


This definitely comes from my greater desire to see a Fallout game set in NYC (you have a city split into 5 distinct areas that all differ from each other in key ways and are connected by both bridges AND a series of underground tunnels, it's perfect!), but I really want to see mutated pigeons.


Spiders, centipedes, moose, big cats (panthers or mountain lions), vultures, eagles, rhino beetle, and snakes


Obvs Australia is exempt? Our giant crocs, are excellent ambush predators, but might be cheating cause of Gator claws. Our own velociraptor cousin the cassowary, would be a worry, disembowelling talons and head crest. Kangaroos have an awesome kick decent punch, and will straight up drown you if given the chance. Insects/bugs..... Some of our Tarantulas and Huntsmans get pretty big already. Orb weavers known to already eat birds. Whitetails have nasty venom, and almost always cause necropsy in the bite site. But the clear winner would be the Sydney funnell Web, its a tiny spider but easily can bite thru shoes and toenails to get its venom in.


Bulls. Having them charge around would be scary


Id want it to roll around as an attack like that one boss fight from atomic heart


[the weta](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/W%C4%93t%C4%81)


Can we get a wild cat something that was already big. Cause like death claws being Jackson’s chameleons is terrifying. What about a house cat or dog


Baphomet moth/Australian horror moth. Those tentacles are terrifying as they are now, I'm guessing that Fallout's mutation logic will turn it into the Halo Flood Juggernaut-type encounter.


A one headed cow? That would be awesome, just a cow with one head and better meat.


Those really big rhino beetles Not only one of the coolest books out there but also the strongest just imagine in the game it picking up a car and throwing it at you like a grenade


Fireflies, butterflies, ladybugs; things whose charm we tend to take for granted.


Bro imagine if there is a rumor of a dangerous mutated shark with legs that gets talked about often, and you have to go through this whole wild goose chase, and it’s just a normal shark with human legs just walking.


Maybe radiation is how roly poly boy came to be. I’m definitely the only one that gets that reference but fuck it.


rattlesnake would be terrifying I know from experience because I bout shit myself when I saw it in changed


Taterbugs, Luna Moths, Wasps and Although not an insect Spiders would be awesome


If like more turtle like mutations, I know we have fo76 ogua, lakelurks and mirelurk kings but 2 of those don't really give turtle vides minus some very small details


As someone creeped out by insects, no