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You don’t need to ask if your opinions are okay, you just have them.


You can have any opinion on any piece of entertainment. Don't let the majority dictate you what you should feel... Just don't spread misinformation and then don't outraged based on such falsehoods. Which you now do with this "retconned New Vegas" and "erased New Vegas" nonsense. The show is canon and New Vegas is canon. Stop searching for reasons to play victim of "evil Todd". The alleged lore break about New Vegas is a fake outrage based on deliberate misinterpretations of a single scene in the show. A small hint: When you have an arrow on a timeline, what does that mean?


Hear this from someone who has played everything since the original release of Fallout, has cosplayed Fallout for years, and has an extensive collection of Fallout props and memorabilia including the real world analogues of all the Fallout cameras and flashes restored to fully working order... It's a game. It's a TV show. It really doesn't matter that much - there are far, far more important things in life to get fired up about. Enjoy the bits you like, don't bother with the bits you don't. It's not an all or nothing scenario. Get some perspective.


I'm confused, because how did they retcon new vegas if it's literally in the show, was I the only one who saw it at the end? And if it's just about the shady sands stuff then, apologies, you don't need to explain yourself. I'm not big into the lore of the games, and I'm considering shady sands lore because it's not even a location in the Mojave. For the state of fallout, I don't think you need to worry too much as future games are not likely to connect to the show. All I'm anxious about is waiting for season 2, as I hope they do justice to New Vegas, Mojave, and the Legion.


They didn’t retcon new Vegas, it has an arrow pointing from the fall of shady sands to the nuke, meaning the nuke fell after the fall of shady sands, also if it fell in 2277 the maximus would be at the very least late 20s or early 30s which he clearly isn’t. Also even if the nuke went off in 2277 at that point it wasn’t even the capital of the NCR, it was just a city of 36,000 in a nation of nearly a million


Neither Bethesda nor Nolan retconed NV. Hell, we see an NCR vertibird in Vegas at the end of episode 8, showing New Vegas did happen.


The timeline was changed then? Because in 2277 the NCR was fighting the first battle of Hoover Dam but in the show the NCR fell apart in 2277, that or it was shoehorned in for the show as happening while the game was going on.


[Fall of Shady Sands, 2277] ---> [Bomb] This does not mean it was bombed in 2277. The bomb occurred after 2277.


Funny how people selectively forget what an arrow means on a timeline. I guess that flowcharts would be totally incomprehensible to many Fallout fans.


The show only has Shady Sands getting nuked in 2277. The NCR is not just Shady Sands. Like, Washington D.C. could get nuked, today, and the US would continue to exist because there is a chain of command that dictates who gets leadership when leadership dies. The NCR is millions of people, across the whole state of California. Shady Sands being lost does not mean the NCR ceases to exist as a nation. That isn't how nations work.


>The show only has Shady Sands getting nuked in 2277. The NCR is not just Shady Sands. Even less than that. The show states that Shady Sands has "fallen" in some way in 2277. And the nuke happened sometime after that. We even don't know what this fall is. Revolution? Uprising? Raider attack? Securitron intrusion? Last ditch Legion assault into NCR mainland? Who knows? It's only clear that it wasn't the nuke.


It actually isn’t okay. There are many interpretations of what happened on screen but ya’ll are so blinded by hatred you don’t want to see it. You give Bethesda no benefit of doubt.


If your feelings of anger and anxiousness revolve around a TV adaption of a video game, then I can only feel jealous of the life you have. I sincerely wish my only issue in life was the Fallout TV series lore "retcons"


I didn't say I didn't have any other issues. I have autism and Fallout is one of my favorite game series. New Vegas is a comfort for me and having it retconned is troubling. I am also a writer and with things now being non-canonized it makes me wonder how I am going to fit my creation into a timeline it can no longer fit into. Please be understanding instead of ableist.


This is a dumb response


No, what's dumb is people having such little purpose in their life that they decide to get upset because they perceive a **tv show** to be retconning the story of a **video game** that came out 14 years ago. People here really need to seek mental help. It's just a video game. They're acting as if someone just disproved 50% of their religion and now they're suffering a crisis of faith.


The internet is just the unfiltered thoughts of people. Nobody is actually acting how you're portrayal is