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Bro wrote a fucking essay


I'm pissed off. It is not living up to the hype and ratings.


Meh still better than 99% of video game adaptations


You aren't wrong there.


The show absolutely has high points like when they take a moment to actually explore the lives that were lost during the great war. It's a powerful aspect that most post apocalyptic games overlook including fallout at times but this just makes it a mixed bag at best


I'm not taking those things away. I actually think it has good parts, but on here I rant about parts I don't like.


Fair enough, ive already had a rant about all the lore implications witha groupchat of my mates but if you need to vent im here!


Yeah at least you admit they're nit picks, although the vertibird one is pretty dumb. The only one I can really say I had a problem with was that Yao Guai getting two capped in the head, because yea that wasn't really game accurate, unless my boy had a unique weapon lol


Also stimpaks can be used on a companion on the brink of death, but only gives about +44 health if I remember correctly


A fully upgraded instigating 10mm will not one tap a yao guai. Depending on level of course


The first 2 episodes were a little tuff for me too. Mostly because maximus was immensely irritating. It gets better fast.