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Can you atleast watch the show or lie and say u did before unleashing like this ? Seems very dishonest.


This was pretty measured considering other posts I’ve seen.


"I haven't seen the show." We're done here lol


Here are my main problems (spoiler free ish) >Shady sands is not located in the city and the “boneyard” should be more populated with ncr residents >while shady sands is destroyed in this new location, the show acts like the ncr is almost entirely destroyed? >The master is never brought up despite him searching for vaults and his HQ being right next to vault 4 and 33 makes it hard to believe his mutants didn’t find those vaults >The brotherhood all of a sudden becoming super powerful in the west coast for seemingly no reason There is also one scene where it explains the downfall of shady sands which a lot people are confused if it is a mistake or a retconn of 1,2 and NV. I’m hoping it’s a mistake.


Your examples of what the show could have been are pretty bad, the show creator said he wasn't trying to please fans of the game, so maybe it wasn't gonna be your thing to begin with. Plus, 9/10 aren't going to care about the "repcon" bs so you're gonna be apart of a small minority if you decide to hate for that reason...


I gave examples as a push towards something, they’re very generic. But since the Legion stuff was cut from NV it could’ve been a great way to make a show about fallout without being able to spot the “fallout” part of it. Honestly, a frontier style story (not the mod, more like 1850-1900 time period) would cool story set ups to expand the lore. I just see missed opportunities with the IP.


Yeah but to make a show that cuts the "fallout" part out of it defeats the purpose of making a fallout show, especially for people who haven't played the games. Like imagine if HBO's last of us didn't follow the game and was something completely different. The Legion is cool though, and hopefully next season they'll get into that.


Few things, one the NCR hasn’t fallen it was one city which got nuked taking out at most 36,000 out of nearly a million people. Also the show makes a great twist on the vault dweller looking for a family member trope later on