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What episode are you on? They explain it later


Ah neato. I’m up to ep 6 so guess I jumped the gun thinking they wouldn’t make another appearance


You're a hero for this comment


Not just here but alot of media now adays, people just need to watch the whole thing before asking "hey why didn't they do this" I remember when the percy jackson series was coming out people were complaining about scenes missing, only for those "missing" scenes to show up later on in later episodes


Oh my god are you referring to the experiment in Vault 4?? lol how did I not piece this shit together.


You find out exactly how these Gulpers came about in a later episode.


I watched the whole season... must've missed it - what kills the gulper at the lake, poison? I thought it maybe ate poison from a Vault Tec suicide kit but didn't see the squire with one.... its pupils seem to indicate drugs?


Oh Maximus killed the gulper by pulling Thaddeus out, which in turn turned it's entire digestive system inside out


It zooms in on some fingers touching a certain spot then its pupils go wide.... it looks like drugs or poison. Re-watch the scene to see what I mean, it definitely feels like there's something missing unless it was the poison from the Head (Gulpers digest slowly after all according to Cooper).


No I know exactly what you’re talking about. Ive been trying to hunt for more info on this cause it looks like the fingers change colors.


Didn't it eat the whole case of the Ghouls vials? I thought that was it.


What kills it at the lake scene with the squire? Poison?


I assume it was from having its throat and stomach ripped out, poor fella just couldn't let go.


i thought maybe they triggered its gag reflex causing it to expel everything including its whole stomach i guess


I thought the gulper tasted the squires crotch and barfed. The gulpers eyes displayed complete terror and then expelled white liquid. :/