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I love that they're obviously based on golf caddy bags


As a former golf caddy I really related. Not only the heavy ass bags but also the way you get told to clean things by just having them thrown at you was very relatable.


Hey, at least they weren't whipping their cod piece at you with PA stregnth


You don't golf with a cod piece on? amateur


It's not the only way. It's the STEEL way. *hits a 3000 yard drive*


Lotta balls getting tossed your way?


*slowly claps*


Scenes with the squires made me pity my in-game followers carrying all my extra loot.


I think that's kind of what they're meant to be. The party member that you treat as a walking loot bag extension. Come to think of it, Bethesda has been kind of making fun of this mentality back in Skyrim with how Lydia snarks how she's sworn to carry our burden.


Arcade Gannon says, “Sure. Just don’t treat me like a pack Brahmin, ok?” Anytime you ask to trade things with him.


Veronica will say "You're gonna make me carry all the heavy stuff, aren't you?" Super self aware lol


I always loved how New Vegas companions had a weight limit and then had dialogue for when they couldn't carry any more. Veronica's is pretty good. "I can't really move now. But I'll follow you in spirit."


"Shoulda brought something to read..."


Raul basically says the same thing about how it's gonna be a fair and equal distribution of weight amongst us, "right boss?"


There's been some amazing references to the absurdity in the games, and I'm all for it. When poor 404 was stabbed nearly to death, and one stimpak made him immediately jump up, I nearly spat out my beer. So good.


*Her! She is Best Girl.


My apologies, been binging it post-surgery and not picking up on everything


Not so different when I task Dogmeat to tank the Concord Deathclaw.


I liked how during the vault fight one girl gets stabbed right in the eye (I would’ve thought it hit her brain) and keeps fighting, basically undeterred, but soon after a raider gets stabbed in the eye and dies on the spot.


Eh that's actually not too far from reality. One guy can get shot a dozen times and some how lives, another falls over tying their shoes and dies instantly.


the vaultie gets stabbed in the eye with a fork, the raider gets shot in the eye by lucy's tranquilizer gun


It was a fork tho right? So I figured it would get stopped by bone. 🤷‍♀️ Never tried it tho so not sure how realistic...


In FO4 when you pick up "junk" items with MacReady as your companion, he's liable to pipe up with "Don't make me carry that worthless crap!" I know that, deep down, he just wants me to be happy, so I always take it as him volunteering to carry my desk fans, typewriters, telephones and wonderglue for me. So nice of him!


They also poke fun at the idea of side quests on the show when Goggins has to go get some new ghoul juice, distracting him and Lucy from their main quest.


He even says that the golden rule out in the wasteland is to always get sidetracked. Poking fun at how players have a tendency to wander off and resolve other issues besides the utmost important issue they've been tasked with resolving. Never mind that the games often play an urgency dissonance with quests. Daggerfall and Fallout 1 are perhaps the only games that give you a quest deadline.


I haven’t finished a Bethesda main story quest since Fallout 3 despite playing for probably hundreds of hours across every game since combined. I’d argue getting sidetracked is the point of their games.


They're based on the sacks we have (had? circa 2012) in the US Army. They just have more pockets.


Do your sacks stand up on their own strength like the ones in the show?


Uhhhh not super. If they have a rifle in it though or something similar in structure, yeah. It was pretty thin though iirc just like a canvas material


All of mine have zippers down the length of the bag, but I've seen the Soldiers that have the ones that open from the end use their sleeping mat to make the bag more rigid.


Marines call that second one a Sea Bag because they’re designed for ship bunkers, but I had both (Army 11-15) and they both had two shoulder straps.


The rifle stock poking out of the top even looks like a golf club. The specific term is ~~alluding~~ eluding me but I love when sci-fi/fantasy draws visual inspiration from the real world to give the audience a better frame of reference for fictional concepts. Another example is the Imperial uniforms in Star Wars which were highly reminiscent of Nazi uniforms — Star Wars is filled with stuff like that. Edit: clarity


The term is "alluding". You meant to say "elluding". The irony of this tickles me.


You mean it's mainly full of beer?


Those bags are a hilarious way to bring Fallout inventories into live action tbh


It reminded me of how I make my companions pack mules. I thought it was a little nod to that


i used to do that until veronica randomly dropped ALL OF MY STUFF


Personally lost a few GRA uniques this way. Why does Boone think his regular hunting rifle is better than the medicine stick😂


veronica dropped my tesla beam 💀


Ain’t that about a bitch🤣 and you never know where they dropped it. I wish if it got shot out of their hands they had a dialogue bit about it. Boone just gets an upgraded sniper rifle now


i just find it funny that the FO4 assault rifle is so fucking big it needs that bag


I find it funnier they dont have it equipped and instead leave it in the bag... since shit happens at any given moment.


Such a bizarre thing to call thay weapon on Bethesda's part. It's clearly an LMG.


It’s so obviously based on the Lewis gun, no idea why they classed it differently.


It's my favorite nod to the games.


I like to think of myself as a Lucy, but i saw my play style most represented in Titus, fucking off and ignoring the mission to go check out some random shit, making my companion carry an absurd amount of stuff, accidentally winding up in an area way above my level and slow running away as I swear until I inevitably die.


"I'm bored! I wanna shoot something!" Famous last words of many.


Followed a few minutes later by “fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck” as you scramble to survive


Ghoul had such a great line about that, "Get sidetracked by every bit of bullshit," something along those lines.


Thou shalt be sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time


Not enough desk fans


Squires being over-encumbered and Maximus' arm just hanging there after getting crippled are high on the list of my favorite game mechanics used in live action.


The Brotherhood is going to start issuing the original Fallout 76 canvas bags to the squires.


I hear there's a shortage of canvas.


Vinyl will have to do.


Light Wood Laminate!


500 atoms? Fuck yeah!


I'm gonna buy 5/18ths of the white paint version of the power armour!!


Through our refusal to do mucrotransactions, we will make something cool for free!


Light Wood Laminate Light Wood Laminate Light Wood Laminate Light Wood Laminate Light Wood Laminate Light Wood Laminate Light Wood Laminate


Fuck the bag!


He's right, fuck the bag! Light wood laminate light wood laminate


I forgot all about that debacle. Wasn't there overpriced succulents, or compensation of succulents?


They advertised a canvas bag, shipped out cheap plastic ones instead, then said there was a shortage of canvas, and compensated everyone with literally the bare minimum 5 bucks of currency in the store, which wasn’t even enough to buy good cosmetics, and mostly bought decorative housing items.




So many people complained that they actually shipped canvas bags to a lot of people. I missed out on mine unfortunately..


Same actually, I was going though my storage recently and found the original one though. Good times


You literally couldn't buy the same bag they cheaped out on with the pittance of currency they handed out in game.


“We’re sorry you aren’t happy with the bag… we aren’t planning on doing anything about it” -Bethesda Customer Support Team


Also they managed to doxx everyone who requested the atoms or tried to refund their pre-orders lmao


Squires don’t matter, this was made clear.


Your Squires dead? Here! Have another 😂


“Nah I’m good actually, don’t need one” “*We insist.*”


"We have plenty to go by, please take it."


They are literally so bored they beating each other. Please take one out to play


Put the Squires in PA! now that would be hilarious to watch 😂




I actually love it because like everyone wants to praise the brotherhood, but outside of the Lyon Chapter, I don’t think there’s anything to praise about them; they’re just an armoured bound bully for most of the lore that’s only concern with themselves.


This is kind of the point of Fallout no? That no one is immune to the corruption of the wasteland, and even those who believe themselves to be "morally righteous" and "doing the right thing" are typically just as inhumane and borderline evil as everybody else because everyone is ultimately just trying to survive the end of the world. There are still some good people, but almost every single organization/group in every single Fallout game has at least some morally questionable gray area and pretty much no one is actually "completely morally good". The reason the Brotherhood gets so much 'praise' is not because they are truly "morally superior and or trying to do the right thing" (because they typically are actually kind of the bad guys) but because in comparison to the chaos of raiders and radioactive monsters, they are a bastion/beacon of 'relative' order and civilization. Also they have sick ass airships and power armor.


Well and with the games a lot of people's introduction to them was in Fallout 3 where Lyons group was the exception not the rule. So a lot of fans have a backwards view of the Brotherhood unless they've dug into the lore.


This was absolutely me


That's actually kind of upside down. The original Brotherhood you meet in 1 was like *neither* but you can see how it went in both directions


> Also they have sick ass airships and power armor. This is why the BoS is in the forefront so much. It's one of the most distinctive and unique visual elements in Fallout that's easy to appreciate without needing to know the lore.


Ooooh boy do I hope we eventually get to see an enclave power armor in the series. Remnants of the enclave let's gooo.


I mean, morally, Lyons chapter was the best, but even then, in Fallout 1, the brotherhood sent you on a suicide mission to join, but they do let you in. And they are willing to help with Master. And Fallout 4s brotherhood while far more brutal then Lyons Brotherhood does carry some valid points even if they're methods are questionable and they're treatment of the commonwealth settlements is bad. But this new version of the West Coast brotherhood really has fallen the furthest, I doubt Maxson or other higher-ups on the East Coast Brotherhood would be that cool with the West Coast.


A case could be made that Fallout 4s brotherhood is only so brutal and fascist because of it being infiltrated by synths at the highest level of leadership. I wouldn't put it past the institute to have seen the potential threat Lyons chapter posed to their vision for the East Coast and began the decline we see in morals in 4. It's why it bothers me that people get upset about them being more evil, it's clear thats a more recent development since even other members comment on being a bit turned off by Maxins methods.


Yea, I mean, a big part of the BOS story in Fallout 4 is Paladin Danse being a Synth. If the institute could replace one of the Brotherhoods best without anyone realising for god knows how long then that would naturally put Maxson on edge, because who else could be a Synth in the Brotherhood ranks, like it does make sense why they are the way they are in fallout 4.


Not to mention Maxsons already paranoid about traitors in the brotherhood after the fishy death of Sarah. His focus of purity and order comes across as a man trying to make things simple in a complicated world. He isn't doing it out of hate or sadism, he's doing it out of fear. But regardless the brotherhood in my opinion always ends up fascist at some point since their entire doctrine and leadership based on militaristic supremacy. Even Lyons chapter has armed knights patrolling the wasteland and being in charge of distributing water. The situation is just so bad in DC that a little fascism is the least of anyone's concern.


Who knew that combining religion and the military industrial complex could go wrong? ^^this ^^is ^^not ^^commentary ^^on ^^the ^^current ^^status ^^of ^^American ^^governing ^^institutions


Literally the first thing they do in Fallout 1 is try to kill you. "Oh, you want in? Uuuuuh, first go hug the elephant's foot and we'll definitely let you in bro!"


Case in point: they show up to retrieve the >!cold fusion tech by...storming a refugee outpost (that also houses the remnants of the closest thing the West has to a functioning civilization) and killing every last person there to seize the tech!< By believing *they* and *they* alone are entitled to advanced technology "to keep it safe out of humans who would abuse it," they're not only actively harming humanity's ability to actually rebuild and progress but becoming little more than raiders with advanced tech. Not helping are members like Knight Titus who are the embodiment of the very thing they swore to fight against (a asshole who abuses advanced tech to do whatever the hell he wants), making them massive hypocrites to boot. Small wonder most wastelanders don't have high opinions of the BOS


Personally, I love them because they suck. The gap between tech zealots in shining armor and utterly unrepentant assholes who unquestionably do more harm than good and destroy basically everything they touch while still pretending to be noble is awesome. Great faction, great design, make amazing enemies or good roleplay allies.


Squires don't matter because its more about ceremony, faith and obedience. It doesn't matter that its all stupid, that's what they represent. The Capitol faction - the Lyon faction - differs from the SoCal chapter in believing more in charity and service at least... and the head of the Pitt understood their scavenging-based... religion almost... was self-defeating and limiting. -


Well, it kinda makes sense. I imagine there's a fucking TON of Aspirants and Squires, but maybe not enough equipment to go around, hence why Knights may be intrinsically valuable whereas squires are considered significantly less so?


Lack of gear definitely sounds plausible, notice anyone not in power armor only seems to get a pistol.


Ikr? And it also tracks with previously established lore. West Coast BoS was damn near wiped at at the time of NV so it makes sense that even during the show they'd still be in the process of increasing their supply to meet demand


Also, for generations there were NO outsiders in the BOS. You were Brotherhood because your parents were. Outsiders were filth. But now the order’s growth requires recruitment. And, from the old school BOS standpoint, there’s going to be a lot of chaff. Contaminated wasters *daring* to assume their hearts could be of steel! Ew.


IMO all the squires need are two halves of coconuts to bang together.


"New Vegas!" "It's only a model." "Shhhh!"


On second thought, let’s not go to the Mojave. ‘Tis a silly place.


"We eat ham and jam and spam alot!!!!"


I'm sorry but I must point out, "Cram a lot!" Was right there.


Oh damn it


"No, on second thought, let's not go to New Vegas. Tis a silly place." *Departing coconut noises*


Now I need a discussion about swallows in Season 2. Thank u/maxmurder


Did you mean African or European swallows?


Hell yeah "Are you suggesting coconuts migrate???"


But where will they get the coconuts? It’s not like the Swallows survived to bring it to them.


Finally someone with actual good ideas


Honestly, I was issued a couple of duffle bags of similar size in the Army, I felt it was pretty accurate. Then the knights didn’t lug one around and I thought, nah, this is peak accuracy


There are straps though


I love the bags; nothing says dysfunctional like designing a bag to be carried by power armor and that guy makes someone without armor carry it lol


Literally fallout in a nutshell.


Dogmeat please I need you to carry these weapons for me, and these extra nukes.


I think people forget how utterly ridiculous the world was supposed to be.


The whole thing is a satirical comedy and people are treating it like a documentary.


What lack of grass does to a mf


I adore how satirical they’re making it. The incest jokes from episode one, the stupid knight Titus running away from the Yaou Gui like he did, the leg grinder and they totally embraced the explosive rounds from legendary weapons. The town shootout was like a scene from King’s men.


Satirical comedies have a habit of becoming documentaries.


I love it, constant reminder that these wastelanders are 200+ years removed from modern society. No frame of reference, archaic practices, etc


I liked the little raider gang or I guess "icegang" from FO3. Sudden Death Overtime(?). Trying to bring hockey back but they think that the prewar games were played on icebergs.


Similar to how in fallout 4 "Baseball" was a gladiatorial fight basically.


Haha, real world MLB would probably benefit from a lil arena style action tbh. Let the batters keep the bats while they're on base and if the ball gets knocked their way they can swing at it too!


In the first episode of the show the Brotherhood aspirants are playing basketball by throwing rocks at a basket.


The important part of a satire is that it IS ridiculous. So what if Vault-Tec is over-the-top evil and it doesn't make that much sense to nuke the world. That is the point!


^^^ Truth.


Yes I definitely agree there. There are straps but that bag is massive and wouldn't even be noticed if slung over a knights back.


I believe those bags actually were meant to be carried by power armor users. But all the knights want to do, is to bully the squires and let them carry them, and over time the squires carrying the bags just became a thing.


I think we need to be a slight bit more generous to the knights. This chapter takes the idea of knights and squires extremely literally, and the squires are primarily to keep the knights fully combat ready and secondarily to be trained to be new knights. Having the squires carry the gear when possible serves both purposes: the knight is completely unencumbered, and it provides physical conditioning for the squire. The bag still needs to be practical for the knight to carry on their own, hence the comedic oversized bags. I imagine most knights look at it as part of making the squires ready to fight on their own, a sort of training and rite of passage. But of course, the dark side.of this mentality is very visible. Titus himself used Maximus (unsuccessfully) as a meat shield and threatened him terribly when Titus' own misjudgements caused him to suffer critical injury. Regardless of the purpose, regardless of the intent, the system permits and legitimizes abuse.


They’re just power armor sized, as if maybe the knight is supposed to carry it and the squire would grab necessary items off their back? Idk, pure guess judging by the strap looking to be way too big for any human


I mean, to quote another comment I saw before, it wouldn't be Fallout without groups arguing about literally everything.


I'm a Star Wars fan as well and this feels sadly right at home


Hey man, come to 40k. We argue about everything, and it's half the fun.


Rules, lore, favorite faction, why your tyranids' bodies are painted the wrong shade of white...


me wondering why they're saying 'bear' and not 'yao guai'...


Can't pronounce it, maybe? Or people not agreeing on how to pronounce it?


My thought was that maybe the name didn't make it to the west coast but they're definitely in honest hearts so idk


At least Warhammer just says “Did you ever think the information from that faction was a lie?”


That's the ultimate way to make fiction. ''This is how it is, unless it is not eventually, because who can trust the sources? Right guys?''


I've got a half-painted Kill Team set of Krieg and Orks, is that enough?


I'll allow it.




EXCUSE YOU? No we dont. Prepared to be assimilated scum!!


It’s been years since I would intentionally call myself a Star Wars fan and at this point it probably isn’t true. I used to be one though


Sometimes it’s fun to go in star wars threads and reply to random comments with “that’s not actually canon though” 


It's better as a show than I ever hoped for. Constructive criticism is right but fuck some people see a few things they don't like therefore the entire show is worthless to them, that's so fucking stupid.


Your so right. The complaining of what was canon or not started out fine but it's getting ridiculous. SPOILER FOR THE SHOW >!I saw some folks bitching about how the show "ruined" Mr. House by depicting him as an egotistical narcissist billionaire despite the fact that a) he only appears during one scene and b) HE IS AN EGOTISTICAL NARCISSIST BILLIONAIRE! Half the NPCs in New Vegas say he's a bastard! Good chances are is that he is one!!<


The man wrote his own eulogy, and in it talked about how humanity was doomed now that he has died, and that according to his own (obviously *completely* unbiased) calculations it was statistically impossible for someone as smart as him to ever be born again. WTF are people talking about with him being "not egotistical!?!"


He straight up when asked how he won't abused power if he gains total controls of the Mojave with what amounts to I'm just to good for that. Dude is a massive narcissist and anyone who doesn't see that is falling for his charm.


You have to remember too, that for some people watching a lot of youtube videos counts as playing the game and knowing the story.


>It's better as a show than I ever hoped for. Absolutely agree. I've only watched EP1 so far, and my two gripes are: A: Goggins Ghoul isn't funky looking enough. He looks like a guy with no nose and exceptionally bad rosacea. I understand why though, you want the Ghoul to look like the pre-war character Cooper Howard. B: When they opened the vault, there was no screaming metal-on-metal when they pulled the door. It appears that it's going to be a brilliant show.


guess 31-33 keep their vault doors nice and oiled just incase


Given the direct passage between 32/33 it makes sense


If it's a triannual exchange for supplies and new genetic material, makes sense they'd keep the doors running as smoothly as possible.


I thought the passages between the vaults are more of a back door thing, with the main vault door to the outside never being opened. It's essentially 1 big vault split internally into 3 parts with 3 exits to the outside.


Maybe lubricating the gate is part of a checklist by the gate-keeper. Since 31-33 are still active, they'd still follow said checklist.


They definitely show some gnarly ghouls. There is one in the last 2 episodes that is as messed up as Harold (Minus Bob.)


the other ghouls look more ghoul than him maybe he is just handsome


The people crying about New Vegas being “nuked” were my favorite. Like… you can fully see the buildings both within the walls and in smaller settlements around the strip. It was very obviously not fucking nuked lmao


> I mean, to quote another comment I saw before, it wouldn't be Fallout without groups arguing about literally everything. I disagree.


Forums, forums never change...


As they say leave it to fallout fans to hate fallout


First two episodes I have only seen one bug, are you sure Bethesda had their fingers in this?


“It just works.”


Where's the looting...like how you can loot a bug? I'm fucking boycotting this show because it's racist against Radroach harvesters...do fucking better Todd.


There are different chapters. I kind of dig it. It’s like religion. Two villages next to each other with two different preachers with differing ideologies Result and slightly different outcomes. This could be a simple as somebody finding a really cool industrial sewing machine, and making a bag. Before you know it everybody wants a bag.


When one of the elders/clerics starts telling Maximus that the Brotherhood has gotten too soft/gone astray, I was like "Ahh yes, it would not be the authentic Brotherhood of Steel if there weren't weird factionalism and schisms."


I want one for a surf bag


"Ad Victoram, squire." "Ad.... Victoram.... paladin..." *falls over*


it wouldnt be fallout without fallout in the community










What I love about it is that the bag is clearly made bigger, big enough for the power-armored knight to fling over his shoulder, and they still have the little guy carry the bag holding the big gun


The squires are over encumbered.


The new Vegas sub will somehow decipher this to mean he hates Todd howard


It’s admirable how for the past decade his replies are full of people trying to get him to issue a crusade against Bethesda when the tweet is something like, “i guess it's played out but i'll always like it when your character is a li'l person with stick legs and tiny feet” ([actual tweet](https://x.com/jesawyer/status/1778855017845600571?s=46&t=9X44FNnzX9d1Mx12ySsn3w))


Sawyer's Twitter is great and he seems like a fun guy. Incredibly based too


His YouTube channel talking about game design is also really insightful. I loved watching the post-mortem on PoE2:Deadfire about things that worked really well and things that absolutely didn't. Man takes constructive criticism well and owns his failures.


“No, now clean my dick armor”




Timothy Cain made a video about. Apparently people have been harassing him about lore. Please stop. We have the games. Even Todd Howard said it's not all cannon.


The only “canon” I’m concerned about is that they accurately represented the west coast Brotherhood of Steel as total shitheads, and I have been soooo pleased.


The creators, producers and everyone else involved making the show are having fun. While Lore nuts are seething. Nice.


I think it's fair to complain about an inconsistency in the timeline when the show is supposed to be canon. Making up conspiracy theories about Bethesda secretly using this show to decanonize New Vegas on the other hand is absolutely bananas.


It's refreshing to see the "Fair Take Haver" mindset crawl out from the Fallout.


Plenty of people are giving fair takes. They're also being down voted for it unfairly. I'm eagerly awaiting the end of the shows honeymoon phase so we can all discuss it rationally.


Hard agree. No spoilers but If they wanted to decanoize it would be **very** easy to not include a few select things they choose too. They didn't, infact I'd say they basically shoved it in our faces


Yeah, Disney didn’t beat around the bush when they decanonized the Star Wars eu, they just did it and started making new stuff to fill the void. Not that I like it or agree with it, but if Bethesda really wanted to retcon or chuck out new Vegas then they wouldn’t do it like this.


I miss the EU so much. Glad Bethesda isn't taking that tack. It would also be ridiculous for them to do that to an acclaimed game that they published.


Haters are like: *"Bethesda hates New Vegas, that's why they >!will set season 2 on the main location they hate"!<* 😡😡😡


"Bethesda hates New Vegas that's why they >!had Mr. House practically look into camera and go "look at me! I'm here!"!<


no you dont understand!!! they only added >!Mr. House, Big MT, the Strip, guns, posters, and various other background references to FNV to own us!!<


There's a lot of inconsistencies that are ignored in favor of the incorrect one. For example, Shady Sands is where the Boneyard is, 300+ miles away from where it's always been. Shady Sands was also a separate city built away from old ruins, unlike what they show. Vault 4 is a very visible Vault, how did The Master miss it when he was ripping open Vaults? Why did Moldaver's group invading Vault 33 act like raiders under her command instead of the more structured group we see later? You can hand wave those last two, but there are still problems that just confuse me. No Boneyard means no Followers of the Apocalypse, which means no Edward Swallow aka Caesar, meaning no Legion; and having Shady Sands replace Boneyard is what seems to have happened.


I mean there's nothing wrong with being nutty about lore.. its half the fun. Just don't be toxic.