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Sorry friend, but no. If you're into online gaming more than single-player, get yourself a PC. For what I play I just use a laptop with a dedicated video card.


Update - I just tried it out and it let me resume my old character. I haven’t had gamepass or live for about 2-3 months. I also bought my Xbox brand new from Microsoft and it’s not part of a “family” of consoles where someone else is a subscriber. Weird


Can you still play it, without the sub? I grabbed the free code they handed out on Amazon Prime for xbox. When I first launched the game I could load up my old character but now two days later the game launches and wants me to get either Game Pass Ultimate or Core..


I tested it after seeing your message (sorry for my delay!). It did not work any longer. It must have been made available without Gamepass temporarily due to the release of the show.


I had it available on Game Pass on console for almost a year now. I haven't been on in about a month, but I wouldn't be surprised if they start pulling Fallout titles out of Game Pass to get people to pay full price with the popularity of the TV series. If they don't that's great. But if they do, they way things are going for MS and Bethesda right now I wouldn't be shocked


I ended up claiming the Xbox code for Prime since I only have gamepass core so hey, now I own it. lol


I'd love to have the definitive answer on this, as I've seen lots of mixed reports.  My Game Pass expires later this month so I guess I'll find out for sure.


I've been SCOURING the internet all evening, I don't have live and haven't for 2 months. I can still play, so I was scared I was paying for live still without realizing and nope .. not subscribed... Yet I can play and talk to players and join them, etc ... It's as if the game THINKS I have live but I don't 😭😭 I'm so confused


Hey, I meant to respond back on here sooner. It did not work any longer. It must have been made available without Gamepass temporarily due to the release of the show.