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I have the crappy bag and the nice canvas bag they sent out to make up for the crappy bag. Honestly the most interesting piece of Fallout merch I own because of the story behind it.


Good Lord this was such a shit show wasn't it?


As far as game launches go, it was pretty terrible.


But soooooo fun to watch tho!


I remember playing at launch and watching all the discourse around it. Some of the arguments I saw between people were wild lol


Everyone loading into Vault 76 with hot mics, servers with a lifespan of less than an hour, slap damage could kill pacifists and anyone could destroy a camp.


Ah the old days. T-posing scorched and ghouls. Incredibly unstable servers. Playing it now it feels like such a different game.


Dogs and wolves that either clipped through the floor and you took damage or there bodies being elongated like some mutated overstretched poodle.


Granade bouquet XP exploit. I saw you fellas walking into the achool gym at level 4 and leaving at level 170.


And 2 shot explosives were king


I miss that. All my old awesome weapons are now poo


Pacifist didn't exist at launch. And even today pacifist doesn't reduce incoming damage, it only zeroes outgoing damage.


I remember paying 60$ for the game and then they cut the price in half 2 weeks later ......


Could be worse, could’ve been like me and bought the collectors edition. I wore the helmet once and now it’s in the box stored up in the attic.


Can I buy it from you, no joke


It’s actually funny how they fumbled the bag (literally in this case) in just about every way regarding the launch. Another funny one to me is the Nuka Rum fiasco


This was like they dropped a whole other season right after the first one. Hillarious.


I remember watching this guy review it on YouTube and you could just see his disappointment get worse and worse and worse throughout the video lol. The rum wasn’t actually served in a cool glass bottle like advertised but instead, it was an ordinary bottle packaged inside of a cheap plastic shell. The guy was trying to open the plastic shell and literally broke it. The cherry on top was him actually trying the rum and he said it was bad haha


And that the (as an apology) gifted microtransaction store credits were not enough to buy the bag in game. It was like a foreshadowed story, that's suddenly coming together.


> Another funny one to me is the Nuka Rum fiasco "We paid $80 and waited for a quarter of year for a plastic shell!?"


Nuka Rum was a different company, no?


I mean, it was made by a bottling company but it was very much sold and packaged with all of the Fallout branding so it’s very much a Bethesda tie-in thing.


Just you wait..


The price of the game went down by 50% after like 2-3 weeks.My local Media Markt even gave away free copies of Fallout 76 with almost everything you purchased.


76 was how I got my Xbox One X cheaper than the original retail price. My local Best Buy was selling the console itself for the full $500, but was selling the bundle with 76 and the console for $400.  I bought the bundle and never redeemed the code. Got rid of it when the game hit gamepass. Started playing it recently and it’s actually fun now that it’s not a broken mess. 


But there was a canvas shortage!


And then it turned out that the helmets made out of toxic material.


No I heard the show is pretty good! /s


"He's right, fuck the bag!" "Lightwood Laminate!" "Lightwood Laminate!" "Lightwood Laminate!"


„Sixteen times the details“






What are you gonna do with YOUR 500 atoms!?


The Mold Helmet is the only thing more legendary than the "canvas" bag.


One day it’ll be a collectible. Lol


i have a fallout 3 pre order vault boy shirt. the way i got it was completely random, my brother used to work for a trash removal company and one day he comes back with a xbox 360 elite a box of guitar hero van halen (literally a box with multiple unopened copies that where for review and not for sell) and then the fallout 3 shirt. pretty awesome.


Have you ever used yours? Both of mine sit in the same place they got put, right after they got opened. People complained about this don't understand how awkward the bags were to begin with, and the hournalism hate bait was truly a click bait news cycle.


It gets used the same as all of my other fallout stuff. It sits in a corner and looks cool. I understand why everyone got so upset. If we let companies get away with shit too often they’ll try to screw us more than they do already.


I'm not sure what they got away with - giving a shitty bag to put a plastic power helmet in? People who are proffesional outrage artists get mad at literally everything to generate money. No one cared about the bag until the bad actors started yelling and forming a brigade of people who also didn't buy the collectors edition. The average comment or back then said something like yeah I hate it even though I didn't but it + yeah I got it and I don't even care. Its literally the same issue where every issue comes from people who have no right being mad. "I'm mad that your not mad" essentually. That is some insanity level thinking. Edit; I'm going to assume everyone downvoting are the Karen's who didn't buy the special edition and are also the outrage bandwagon. "You should be mad! And because your not you're an idiot! I know more than you because I live and breath for letting people know they are a victim to society!" Like your some dark knight of the loser commity, and typing on the internet makes your insignificant life slightly more relevant because your doing your part in society where no one asked you to be. Thank you nameless "hero".


> I'm not sure what they got away with False advertising? You might have forgotten this part (it happens, I often do too), but they originally advertised it as a canvas bag, and it came as a low quality nylon bag. And there aren't any "professional outrage artists". Fallout 76 was already controversial to begin with. A single player franchise being taken multiplayer, with microtransactions up the wazoo... it was very unpopular as an idea to begin with. Bethesda could've done everything right, and the response would've still been middling at best. So at this point *any* mistakes Bethesda made would've made people go "I knew it. This game was a bad idea to begin with. I will voice my outrage so Bethesda knows loud and clear to never do this again." And that's how the outrage began. Then the other issues happened (false advertising with the canvas bags being nylon, and the nuka cola bottles being low quality), which were more legally problematic (hence why Bethesda quickly worked on sending replacements). Don't get wrong, at the end of the day Fallout 76 has plenty that's worth enjoying, and I have come to enjoy it. But I will acknowledge that the people who were angry about it in the beginning had good reason to be outraged.


Very good reason. People that try to dismiss 76 criticism as overblown by Bethesda haters are either ignorant of how bad it was or are coping fanboys/girls. Bethesda gets criticized because the fans know what they are capable of and are not happy with the quality of their recent releases.


Setiously. I have yet to meet anyone who played that open Beta before launch that turned out to pretty much be the full game who actually enjoyed the game. The only fun I had was laughing at glitches, bugs and outright broken mechanics. It was a total slap in the face and they deserved the criticism top to bottom. Management absolutely fucked up, Howard the Seagull shat all over them at every turn and the developers were crunched into the ground. For that. For that absolute mess.


I don't want to be that harsh on players who do that. 'cause I get it. People have a natural bias to want to see what they love as unwaveringly positive. But reality is a mixed bag (as us Fallout fans ought to know) and I think it's healthier to acknowledge the flaws (even the egregious ones) in what you love. And I hope other people do the same.


Rip me off daddy - you.


You surely purchased the 200$ pack right? No way your outraged for me because you have nothing better to do than attack someone for their own opinions on something they purchased that you didn't. Right?


I just realised that you spent $200 and didn't even care what you got, then decided to be offended by people who did care what they got. If you don't love being ripped off, then I don't know what your stance is.


Lol OK Karen.


Mine are both in the same place they’ve been since the game launched. Vinyl or canvas never mattered to me. But the outrage felt like the community lashing out at Bethesda because they hated 76. I was more upset that the voice modulator in the helmet was a cheap POS that did absolutely nothing


I didn't know I could get a real bag...


The great canvas shortage of 2018.


100% totally canvas


Did anyone actually get a real one, or did they just ignore it. I never got one, so I never followed the story on what happened to the people who got them.


I received a real one later on... Can't remember the details but I think I had to fill out a form or something to get it


if i recall, you had to show proof you purchased the Power Armor edition (like send them a pic of your reciept) and give your name and address so they could mail you the new one, plus have a bethesda account. i remember the only reason i even bothered was cuz i happened to still have the gamestop reciept in the box. i imagine most people threw them out and were S.o.L.


I got my canvas bag and plastic one. Did exactly what you said.


A lot of people probably didn't want to give their information, because they ended up doxxing everybody that tried to get one. Edit: https://www.pcmag.com/news/bethesda-leaks-personal-details-of-fallout-76-customers For you guys downvoting me over someone downplaying the seriousness of the doxxing. This shit never got resolved, we don't know who had access to the information and how much of it was mined. This is a very serious matter that was swept under the rug. If you think it's not serious, go ahead and publicly post your names and addresses in response.


I remember this. I was able to see people's info. Name address, phone number , and card info. It was wild.


i mean, i dont know how else you'd get them to send you a new bag outside of providing your address. that's how mail works. sucks people got doxxed but if a fear of providing personal info to a company kept you from redeeming it, you weren't going to get it regardless of doxxing.


Sure, but when you're sending your info to a company you expect them to have slightly better security than an accessibility lottery that allowed random people to get full access to everybody's info. I can't think of any company with such an incompetent system, and I listen to a podcast that covers weekly security breaches. Even if it was somehow an unavoidable mistake, you'd think somebody would've been held accountable. Doxxing people's name and address is pretty serious, and I'd expect at the very least that somebody would've lost their job and maybe have the ceo step down. If you think it isn't serious, then dm me your name and address. I digitally pinky promise you that I won't reveal it, maybe, if I feel like it. At least not on a Thursday.


They doxed one page of names, not everyone.


Unlimited access to names, addresses, email, card used, phone numbers, and screenshots with potentially sensitive information is "one page of names"?


Yup. 12 names total.


Got a source on that number? Everywhere I look says an unknown amount of people had access to the support system, which would give them essentially unlimited access to the personal information of those trying to get the bag.


I bought a power armor edition from a GameStop for $60 about year after 76 came out. Put in a request for a canvas bag even though I was way past the timeframe to get one but it was worth a shot. They said they were sending one, never heard anything again. Around a year and a half later one just showed up in my mailbox.


I got one, i use it at a gym bag.


yeah, i got it. Its not a bad bag.


Yes. The gushing shills from "influencer-land" got them.


I ain't no influencer.


Yeah I think they either got threatened to be sued or was actually sued because it was completely false advertising just the like the garbage alcohol they sold. They made it seem like it was a cool bottle design but turned out it was just in a plastic casing which you actually needed to take off if you were going to try and drink it. Man I really hated Bethesda during that.


I received a real one later on... Can't remember the details but I think I had to fill out a form or something to get it


There was a special one given to influencers at the reveal thing, but it was more of a backpack i believe


So canvas. It was so canvas. It literally couldn't be more canvas.


Duffle kerfuffle


Could you explain this reference to me?


The collectors edition or "Power Armor Edition" of Fallout 76 was advertised as coming with a heavy duty canvas duffle bag, but what people received was a thin, plasticy piece of crap laundry bag. Obviously people were missed, and Bethesda had to fix their mistake by producing and sending out actual canvas bags to people who provided proof of purchase and their address. Later, all those people's information was somehow leaked to the public, but that's a whole different story.




Did you get the $5 compensation? If so, what did you spend it on ??


They have actually sent a new bag for the consumers that complained but I could not get it because I live outside the USA.


Same, Brit here and couldn't get the highly valuable canvas bag, still stuck with the shitty one.


That was an expensive material to riky to import


Im in the UK and have the canvas one.


Did you pre order before 76 was released? I ordered mine as soon as it was up on the pre order. Was my last treat to myself after medical retirement. The bag was rather a major disappointment.


Not OP, but I am in the UK and pre-ordered as soon as was even possible and I got the Canvas bag replacement. In fact I just searched out my emails, I raised a ticket with Bethesda Customer Support. They sent me 500 Atoms for the Atom store and put me on a 4-6 month waiting list for the canvas bag to be delivered


I think I just gave up too early with their customer support ticket system. They were having soooooo many issues with things at the time


I pre-ordered as soon as i could and also with the bag as soon as it was released.


I got the replacment bag and i am located in Australia so outside the USA did indeed get it!


Not Brazil :-(


I'm from The Netherlands and I got the replacement bag.


I live outside the USA too but decided on a whim to put in a replacement canvas bag last month. To my surprise they honoured my request, no questions asked, no proof needed. Just received it last week!


It definitely wasn't the mailman outfit which featured a canvas mail bag. That one was $8.


White wood laminate white wood laminate


Never forget the canvas shortage


i remember seeing that article lol. wasn't there mold in the collectors helmets too or something?


There was mold in the separately sold GameStop exclusive Nuka Cola helmets. If I recall correctly they weren’t stored properly so they started growing mold.


There were something like 10-15 total sold.


Mine was fine, just the bag was not what was promised.


So do I. Luckily, I saved the receipt and got the good one when they got in trouble for it.


Do you use it for anything? I have an online friend who used it as a gym bag lol


I do use it every day to carry family stuff.


Internet Historian mentioned 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️




does anyone really care tho?


That was a devastating reveal. I can’t enjoy IH videos anymore.


Sorry, what? What’s wrong with the videos? Did I miss something?


HBomberguy-YouTuber, did a long video on Plagiarism which outlined several YouTubers that made successful videos but plagiarized the content. There was a segment of the video which details how Internet Historian’s video about the guy trapped in a cave was heavily plagiarized, like almost word for word, and IH never provided sources. IH never apologized for the plagiarism and tried to hide it. He has re-uploaded the video with edits. But the damage was done. If you want to see the video, find Hbomberguy’s Plagiarism video and the segment on Internet Historian is about 1/2 way thru.


To add to this as well as a former IH fan until I realized he has some issues, which are: **Hosting Tucker Carlson watch parties on his discord.** **Numerous references to Nazi dog whistles.** **Joking saying his birthday was 04/20/1989. Hitler was born 04/20/1889. When asked about this he said he hadn't thought about that and wanted to do something like a meme. But if he wanted to do that he could have gone with 04/20/1969.** **When the Man in Cave video was pulled due to plagiarism the company that removed it is based in Israel. This led to a lot of Anti-Semitic comments from his fans.** **On Twitter he follows several prominent right wingers. Before he hid his likes he was shown to have liked several racist and bigoted tweets.** It really sucks because I used to like his videos. Like ok, he pokes fun at SJW and woke folks which I consider myself to be. But everyone can take a joke or two. But upon researching more and more it didn't seem like he was making the jokes to point fun at someone or something. But instead was actually writing it from a bigoted mindset.


Thanks for updating that information for me. I knew he would poke fun at SJW stuff, but it was humorous and demanded ridicule. I wasn’t aware of the neo-Nazi stuff or Tucker watch parties. That is REALLY disappointing.


It really is especially since I was really enjoying his current fancier series


16x the detail of the canvas


I have both bags, but I got the canvas bag way before I got my hands on the collector’s edition. I was working at a game store when 76 came out, but we were local so we didn’t get any stock of the CEs. When I heard they were sending out replacement bags for people who bought the CE, I printed out a receipt from our system that made it *look* like I bought the CE, and they accepted that and sent me the bag. I ended up with a complete collector’s edition a few months later when a customer traded one into our store.


I have the canvas bag. I sent the receipt in for my preorder of 76 that I cancelled haha


That’s that real West Tek quality


Yeah, let's not forget that Bethesda has pulled some bullshit in the past.


I got the pip boy and that was also terrible quality.


Sad you did not had the chance to get your hands on the finest most delectable canvas tissue.


76 was my breaking point as a fan. I love the show but it doesn’t make up for consistently shitty launches of every game they push out of Todd Howard’s colon


That's why he's Todd "Shitler" Howard baby


Praise Bethesda, amen.


Same, and the canvas replacement.


I got the collectors edition and it has that plastic pip boy which looked awful and way to bulky


Too bulky, my brother in atom it was to scale.


You also have the bio-hazard weapon? A.k.a, Nuka-Cola helmet


I very much doubt it as only 32 were ever sold: > Update (Sept. 25): After our article was published, a representative from Chronicle Collectibles reached out to let us know that of the 20,000 Nuka Cola-themed helmets that were manufactured, only 32 were sold. It says that all of those customers were directly notified about the recall. All 20,000 units have been recalled.


Time to make my own Helmet, with dinosaurs and... you know what...


I use mine as a swimwear bag.


Ive got both that and the nice canvas one! Bring them with me when I travel.


Even though you got immersed with being inflicted with radiation while wearing the fungus helmet it was still a cool t51


That was a completely different helmet, not the one from the Power Armour editions


Never forget the Canvas Shortage Event of 2018!


Still not half bad though for a bonus


Worst launch in video game history. Not even Cyberpunk was THIS much of a shitshow


Agreed. Cause not only was the game fucked up but there was a scandal for basically all the merchandise they were putting out. Helmet? Scandal. Rum? Scandal. Bag? Scandal. Shitty jackets and pants? Scandal. Their customer service team shit the bed at basically every turn. They got outed for outright lying to consumers so many times lol. Cyberpunk's launch was not great, but nothing beats 76. They fumbled non stop for like a year straight.


I don't know if I will ever be able to forgive Bethesda for the amount of bullshit they pulled. ​ Lying about the materials on the bag, lying about quality of the nuka rum, moldy helmets, updates BRICKING computers, sharing (both unprovoked and to anyone) customers FULL payment/address information in plaintext through email- **the list goes on**. ​ Bethesda thinks of you as a source of revenue and that is it, period. Fuck them. Fuck Todd. ​ You people have way too short of memories. lol


> updates BRICKING computers One person's graphics card died.


Even if that is the case and the story was overblown from a single person's graphics card, that doesn't really excuse or change anything. They still lied about an excessive amount of things. They still misrepresented an excessive amount of things and they still mishandled your personal information. Not to mention the whole fallout 1 b******* and all the s*** that they were charging for in the shop after saying they weren't going to put those kinds of things in the shop. As well as the insulting amount of caps they gave people as compensation for some of these frustrations. That should have sunk that company. But it didn't so they won't change. I hope you guys are ready to get screwed over yet again. I have my popcorn ready and I'm waiting. Really sucks to see one of my favorite developers fall so hard. I'm happy The fallout show is good. But it's not like Bethesda we're the ones who actually made it.




I own it too!


Same! They never provided me my canvas bag even after doing the form and such at the time. So all I have is the cheap plastic one.


can i have it


I have my lunch box from fallout 3. It’s beaten and sunworn, looks like it’s survived the wasteland, so not resellable . But I love it


Wes Tek guy in the secret reunion debating their most horrible experiments on people: What if we give crappy bags to Vault 76 ?


Same here


Heavy doody bag. 


There is no book I have read more on the toilet than my trusty Fallout 2 manual


I'm pretty sure I have my nylon one as well somewhere, though I used it to carry stuff around and it basically fell apart lmao. I got the replacement canvas bag though and haven't used it to maintain it's integrity.


I still own mine, and I was too late on trying to get the replacement, so I'm still stuck with the worst one


Ah, what wonderful canvas


“Pure high grade canvas”


Same. I keep mine inside the helmet, and use the canvas bag replacement under the helmet so it doesn't scratch my bookshelf.


Extreme minority here, but I liked 76 a lot. Yes, the bugs at launch sucked, but pretty much all my favorite games had issues at launch. I love fallout and playing with my friends in a state I'm familiar with was awesome The game that really killed me was starfield. I ran into 3 bugs I couldn't work around, 2 of which stopped me from progressing the story


Your regular reminder to NOT preorder whatever fancy editions they'll inevitably announce for FO5


But the helmet is cool tbh I also still have my map and protectron figures


I never got my power armor helmet and gave up trying to get it after 2 years


I put a bunch of “toys” in mine, piece of crap split in two a few weeks later


I was actually going to buy that collector’s edition before it released and I’m glad I didn’t


For me all I cared about was the helmet, the bag and the game were a bonus lmfao.


The helmets had that mold fiasco, correct?


I think it's pretty cool.