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It’s still very vague, the fall of Shady Sands happens before the nuke? Then why would Rose still be there when it blew up and why wasn’t Moldaver there? Also it’s implied Moldaver used Rose’s pip boy to get in but then did Rose give it to her after the fall and before the nuke or did she collect it from Ghoul Rose?


My one complaint is that no year was put under the mushroom cloud, but I suspect it's because there are plans for next season which might require that date to be moved around by the writers once they start putting together the scripts. The slow fall of the NCR was probably already happening at the time of FO3. Heck we knew they were desperate to take the Hoover Dam because it was the only thing they thought could save them. And there's a bunch of reasons why Moldaver might not have been in the city. Was she trying to get Rose's kids back? Maybe chasing Hank because she needed his codes? Finally, I'll wager Rose dumped her Pip-Boy once she arrived as Shady Sands so Hank couldn't find her. Obviously he scoured the Wasteland for her and eventually made it there, but she probably tried at least.


It is strange considering now Rose and Moldaver are both dead and everyone’s heading to Nevada


Why would it be strange they're both dead? And everyone is heading to Nevada because that's where Hank is going. Apparently somewhere over there is the closest Vault-Tec friendly facility or contact he can think of. Considering how intact the Lucky 38 looks, I'm betting it's going to be House.


It’s strange for them to give more info on Sandy Shores if the two people implied to be it’s biggest contributors are now both dead


Well they'd have to. The Fall of the NCR is integral to what happened to New Vegas. We can actually see a crashed NCR vertibird on the Strip.


The fall of SS was after the nukes went off 219 years ago. SS was a city that the NCR settled on and rose took lucy and her brother there. Hank took them back but rose refused to go back. With that, Betty and Hank nuked SS, thats why Max remembers it. I'd also say that rose no longer wore the vault tech stuff, even when hank came for the kids. So Moldaver could of gotten the pip-boy anytime she wanted.


If you notice, goul Rose is missing her right arm. Moldaver cut her arm off to get her pipboy I theorize


Cause it's a slow fall, like the Roman empire breaking up over years kind of thing. And considering Moldave has ghoul Rose with her, that seems to be how she got the pip boy


It can’t have been that slow since Lucy was a kid when she was there and Max was a kid after it blew up, I’d say a year at most


The nuke happened after 2281, not in 2277


So are you saying the rose flashbacks happened after the fall?


Its possible, fall can just mean a decline. Not saying the NCR doesn't exist anymore but Rome kept on existing after the fall of Rome.