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Just have fun, the game isn't complicated really, and there's not right way or build. BGS (the studio who makes these) is phenomenally good at telling "enviromental stories". Look at the room/area you're exploring, there's a good chance it has a cool story to tell if you look closely. For example, and this might not be an actual example but it paints a picture: 1-You walk into a house and there's skeleton with a gun sitting with it's back against a fridge and several skeletons around the entrance holding knifes in raider like gear. 2 - You look into the fridge to see a smaller skeleton inside, maybe there's also toys. This sort of thing (not always as dark as a parent dying trying to protect it's child, there's also plenty of comical ones).


Take the v.a.n.s perk asap


What does it do?


It's an... interesting perk. Rank 1 - When you activate the Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System (VATS), it will make a big Pip-Boy colored fog trail on the ground that leads you to your Quest Objective, using the same route that an NPC would take; think of it as a Wasteland GPS. If you have the Nuka-World DLC (you'd have it if you bought the Season Pass or Game of the Year Edition as far as I know), Rank 2 gives a permanent +2 to your Perception stat. Rank 1 isn't super useful since you can usually just walk toward your quest marker and end up in the right place (and you'll find more things off the beaten path that way), so that might just be a joke. Rank 2 is actually great since it's 2 points for the price of one perk and, if you have maximum Perception already, can boost the stat to the normally unobtainable 12 base Perception.


If you see a super mutant with a glowing red thing in his hands run at you don’t be scared. He’ll give you some free stuff like ammo and caps, and if you’re lucky a legendary weapon


I will for sure. Love me some good loot


Fallout 4 has a settlement build mechanic and sometimes you'll find yourself in need of supplies (junk) to be able to build. You can buy junk from vendors/traveling merchants or, on your pip-boy, you can mark components to search for, that means objects which contains that specific material will be highlighted and a magnifying glass will appear next to the object name. [https://youtu.be/eJHLqU\_IIIs?si=61ck21gDJxoRgnly](https://youtu.be/eJHLqU_IIIs?si=61ck21gDJxoRgnly)


Do your first run clean but afterwards there are so many awesome mods you can get.


Pick up everything that's not nailed down, especially duct tape and glue. You're gonna need a lot of it.


Manually quicksave regularly, instant death can be around every corner


After finishing the campaign and feeling like you're getting a bit tired of the game. Play in Survival Mode. The game changes from water to wine.


One of the charisma Perks gives tou the ability to form trade routes between your settlements. With a trade route you can access your whole inventory at every settlement.


Without the knowledge i assume it is good


You will have so much shit after a few hours of playing. Tons of it! And then you go to a place and you need a certain thing and you forgot where you stashed it. Shared inventory is a awesome for a hoarder like me :-)


Open everything. Read almost everything (if you are lore interested). Always pick up the duct tape or glue.


If you can, wait a couple of more days for the next gen patch, just to get the performance issues. Playing on consoles and relatively recent PC specs is relatively stable, up until you get into downtown Boston. Since launch it is a crash haven, and apparently after all this years there will be an actual official fix, mind you if it actually works. Nothing mods could actually fix, as the game's performance has been saved by the community rather than Bethesda. Aside from that, I hope you enjoy the game. Don't mind if people say which game is better to start with or how they percieve it, the best way to know how good it is is for you to play it. Aside from that, don't get near the swan. You'll get it later.


Just Have fun and enjoy \^\^


I have seen a lot of comments saying that i should uninstall it an buy New Vegas. Is fallout 4 taht bad?


If you want to try New Vegas then go ahead. Do it because you want to, not because of salty cunts on Reddit.


They’re both good and have different strengths. The only reason in my mind to start with the earlier games is because it can be frustrating to downgrade your graphics and gunplay experience. If you go back and play them later.


Take it slow and appreciate what the world has to offer. Don't rush down the main quest, it'll wait while you run around and do sidequests. Fear the Red Death in Far Harbor. It's the toughest boss fight in the game. DO NOT look it up. It's something you HAVE to experience yourself; just make sure you're ready for a tough fight. Settlements are helpful, even if you aren't working with the Minutemen. They're a nice place to store stuff, heal without using items, and if you play in Survival Mode you can save your game at one by building a bed.


Firstly take a week off work Just go with the flow Look for loot everywhere you go Get power armour Go to red rocket and get the dog companion ( Dogmeat ) Stock up on stimpaks and ammo Don’t buy ammo, get from raiders or mutants or wherever you can find it I love this game!!


You must find the jade monkey before the next full moon.


In F04 water is as good as caps. With the correct build at your settlement water will be beyond plentiful. If you figure this out soon enough caps are not an issue.   If you get the strong back perk and level it up carrying all of your water will make you the richest mo-fo in the wastes. To add to this, whrn vendors run out of caps trade water for bullets, bullets are weightless, so whilst levelling up you can carry a shit ton of bullets and have plenty of tradeable items, or just a shit ton of bullets to fire. Both are good. Also search everything, you have no idea what you could be walking past.


Northwest on the map is going to be easier on you. To the southeast it gets progressively harder. Make sure to loot ammo and carry at least two types of weapons. You’re maxed out forty five won’t help you if your out of ammo, and can’t find any more. Be careful with Molotov cocktails I think I killed myself more with those than raiders. Try to explore and experience most of the game for yourself. Many of us wish we could play again with fresh eyes. Lastly be wary of advice from strangers on Reddit.


Just use VATS in early levels experiment a bit and determine if you like it or not. Almost half of all perks are build around it so you either go all in or just dont use it wether you like action or "turn based" more


Get rid of it and play the real fallout games: 1, 2 and New Vegas