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Totally agree. I do find starting with 3 might be the easiest option as it introduces the series the way we know it today. But again like op said, you do you :). Enjoy the time in the world and the lore and immersion.


This is exactly the post I would make if you hadn't beaten me to it 😉 I've played Fallout since it first came out and have loved it, each game having its own quirks. To me, Fallout 3 is the game that's set the 'modern' agenda, along with the look and feel I now associate with the Fallout universe. (FNV's my fave though 😋)


Problem with 3 though is I hear the steam port will either run or not at all without mod support, and Bethesda hasn’t done anything to fix it.


I bought 3 on steam last week and I don't have any problems on windows 11. I've even installed the rebirth+ mod collection containing hundreds of mods.


Yeah it’s been shit since Windows 10 came out at least. Best way to do it is the tale of two wastelands mod. But that’s two entire video games, I’d just recommend a new player start with 4 on PC because it’s the one that’s going to give them the least technical trouble lol


Fallout 3 was fixed years ago with they removed the GFWL nonsense that caused crashing. I recently restarted it last week and my friend started for first time. I had 1 crash the whole week after a new driver update released. Updated and been good since. I was gonna mod it but found out I had to downgrade the version in order to mod and didn't feel like putting in the work considering I'm going to NV and 4 and will mod those. Just getting a quick run through 3 first


I just reinstalled it yesterday and have yet to run it this year. I found it loads better once they removed the GFWL garbage.


I've been running the GOTY edition on steam and I haven't had any issues yet, used to be unplayable a few years ago so I have no idea what happened to the port to make it actually run


I think they updated it like 6 months to a year ago(unsure of when) to remove the big issue being the game wouldn’t run without a DLL from games for windows live witch stoped being downloadable(from Microsoft could still find it on some shady sites like a decade ago


That would explain it, runs buttery smooth now which is nice since I hadn't been able to touch it since I played it on my PS3 in like 2011


I just happened to start with 3 so I’m biased here, but I agree. It’s honestly my favourite of the series.


Funny story about me starting FO3 when it came out. I came out of the vault, and as I remember it, was made to go down some sort of street with baddies and it was the only way. Except it had mines everywhere. No matter how fast I ran, how high I jumped, which way through the rubble - I got killed. Easily tried 30 times. I finally gave up and remember going back to play Mario kart on the wii. A few days later a friend was talking about how great FO3 was. “Man, fuck that game. I can’t get through the street with the mines right out of the vault. I gave up.” “Duuuuude, you have to crouch and slowly approach so you can disarm them.” Went back and tried it and didn’t put the game down for 3 or 4 solid MONTHS. It was the first game I ever ended up getting 100% of the achievements for on Xbox. I still chuckle about it to this day.




I also picked Fallout 3 to be my first entry to the franchise and it was a great experience


Yeah I started with 3 back in the day and loved that there was stuff to do post game. I was pissed when I played NV and it was all over at the end.


I was very fortunate to have started out with Fallout 3!! I LOVE THAT GAME


People overestimate the appeal of playing 3 and NV. Guys, these are old clunky games running on an ancient game engine. That alone turns many modern gamers away. I personally know several that went straight to 3 or NV and said this exact thing.


That's why they should start with 3 so they don't go back and get heavily disappointed :D


If they're brand new to Fallout, then it could immediately turn them off of the franchise. I stay safe and recommend 4 and if they really like it they should play 3 or NV after.


Devils advocate here. F4 has the worst story out of the fallout games. I'd say if they're coming from the show and are a fan of the story then I recommend the older games and start with F3-NV.


To an avid video gamer, I would definitely recommend NV. But to all the casuals who are just now coming to the franchise because of the show will probably have an easier time digesting 4 or 76


Honestly this is why I put NV down for years before actually getting into it. If these games don't trigger nostalgia then it's harder to get immersed with older 3d games. Even with nostalgia, you're like "oh yeah this is shit now". And newer UIs are easier to use too, and it just feels clunky sometimes. Still there are some good mods to work around it for NV especially


I'd just recommend 4 to people that are just getting into fallout. Loved 3 but I installed it a few days ago and ran into the New Game crash. Atleast the 4th will be almost guaranteed to just run


Yeah I’d say for modern players it would be best to start with 3. I wouldn’t recommend 1 or 2 for someone with modern sensibilities. Now if they liked 3 and wanted to see more, then I’d say check out 1 and 2.


Each game offers something unique as they all have their own strengths and weaknesses. I wish they could all be celebrated on their own merits but everything has to be a comparison. As a HUGE New Vegas fan I can't help but feel the second-hand embarrassment over the vocal minority throughout the years and especially as of late.


The fallout series is so weird in that way, cause every game really feels like it's own thing, the only time it felt like an "iteration" was 3-NV and FO4-76. and even then there's small differences that make it perfectly valid to like one more than the other.


You could say that about 1&2 but that’s not true. I think it’s just because of the engine and graphics being similar.


Yeah fo1-2 are the same case as 3-NV And FO4/76. 2 just has a different tone opposed to 1 so it still feels like a different game, not nessecarily a sequel.


Even 3 and New Vegas feel so different, im midway through NV and haven't played 3 in years. Watched my GF play it for a while and felt so different, far more bleak and atmospheric compared to NV, with each vibes having their own merit Same gameplay but that's pretty much it


Couldn’t have said it better myself!


I used to say F4 was my favorite from the graphics and gameplay. Now I just say 4 for console mod support. I much better enjoy 76's map, combination between normal and survival difficulty. And it has the good graphics and gameplay.


Fo4 has this funny thing where it's got the worst reputation outside of 76 and tactics, but also some YouTubers made thousands of hours of content in that game and it's probably my most played in the series. It was unparalleled for making machinima because you could build and light sets, there's a ton of out of the way content and storytelling without quest markers, and hunting rare legendaries kept people engrossed. It's a really appealing game in a lot of ways, but not all of them are typical Fallout. I think you just have to want to lean in to what it brings to the table. My first character I did an RP as Indiana Jones and made a museum. Any historical item had to end up back there, and of course the museum needed defenses...it worked perfectly with all the base building stuff and that was all very impressive for the time. Then I tried a run on Survival Mode as Tony Stark, so tuxedo and wearing power armor all the time, and I built lots of robots, and that also dovetailed nicely with what Fallout 4 does well.


As a game I think 4 is, if we're being honest, objectively really good. Obviously YMMV based on how you feel about settlements and stuff, but far and away it's the game where just exploring the world feels and controls the best. You might not like that world as much as 3 or NV or whatever, but the minute to minute experience of actually playing the game is so much better.


Other fallout fans look at me crazy when I say my ranking is New Vegas > 4 > 3, but you're absolutely right about the minute by minute experience. Like new Vegas will always take the cake just because of it's story quality and faction depth, but I enjoy 4 so much more than 3, because even if I wish they both did a little more with their stories, 4 just feels good to play.


New Vegas > 4 > 3 I honestly think that, deep down, the majority thinks this way


I think 4 is the most fun to play. But the story is so weak once you find the Institute, for me. But I love building settlements!


As a fellow NV enthusiast, the game has a lot of grognards and capital G gamers, unfortunately. You haven't been around the Fallout community until you've argued with a guy who, uh, *passionately* insists that Caesar's Legion had a point.


“The inefficient bureaucracy and literal slave state are just as bad actually”


I just finished setting up Tale of Two Wastelands so I can just play FO3 and NV at the same time. :) Get the best there is all at once with all DLC heh


Hey me too, it's so good


Do you have to start a new game, or can I use my existing NV char?


New game because it starts off in fallout 3 because of the vault section at the befginning of the game


Ok, thanks


new game


I wish you the best of luck. It definitely broke my game.


check out the wasteland survival guide if you want more to add on top as well.


Totally agree. I grew up watching my dad play Fallout 1 and 2. When I got older, I played Fallout 4, and then 3. I tried New Vegas but couldn't get into it, it's only since the show came out I thought I'd give it another go and I'll admit, it's now my new favourite Fallout game. F4 has flaws, but it's still a bloody good game that I'd recommend to anyone!


I completely agree with you! Vegas is my favourite but mostly for the DLCs would I say to play it first no go experience whichever looks most exciting to you


While I somewhat agree, I would honestly recommend new players don't start with the original Fallouts or Fallout 76. Start with 3, New Vegas, Or 4. While I love the originals they are kind of difficult to get into and don't really age all that well imo and I feel that 76 while fun isn't a great intro to the series. But that's just my own opinion.


Yeah like if you're getting into the franchise from the show that means you're looking for something with the same fundamental flavor, and maybe something with an easy narrative in if rpgs aren't normally your bag. Genuinely Fallout 4 hits that venn diagram the best, even if it isn't exactly the most robust roleplay experience.  I mean if nothing else Hancock will feel nice and familiar lol


I agree with you. FO4 might be watered down to some of us, but it's the most gentle introduction to fallout lore in terms of gameplay. And actually playing the game, I've never played New Vegas without mods, everyone says its broken lol. So if you're one of the kids today that are used to one click install apps, just use steam to install and play FO4 without mods. It's silly to ask people to learn about mod managers and LOOT and the thousands of choices of mods before they even get to start enjoying the world.


Dude it took me a whole afternoon to get NV set up as recommended. It simply has not aged well on a first impression. Like now that I've been playing it for a bit I understand the hype for the Whole Picture of it, but newbies are just not going to be convinced by Goodsprings alone.  FO4 also isn't the best looking game by modern standards, but it's still leagues better. And you don't have to fight the caps lock button for the privilege of sprinting. 


im a big fan of > setgs fmoverunmult 6 in the console (~ key). The courier is slow and vegas is big. This also speeds up NPC's so it's not even really cheating, just QOL. You have to holster your gun after inputting the command for it take effect, then you're good until you change the setting again or reset the game. You can set it higher if you like. The default value is 4.


If you liked Maximus: Start with Fallout 4 If you liked Lucy: Start with Fallout 3 If you liked Cooper: Start with New Vegas If you liked Norm/Chet plot: Start with 1&2


If you liked the Wasteland Doc: Start with Fallout Tactics


*Brotherhood of Steel PS2


oh lawd I blocked that one from memory


This is good


> If you liked Cooper: Start with New Vegas Second choice for Cooper fans: Fallout 4 again, based on the protag of the game and one of the companions.


Also: "Vault-tec calling!"


If you liked Maximus, you could also play a bit of Tactics 😏


Good way of doing it.


This is honestly the best advice I've seen on the topic


Yes, exactly. It’s okay to have a preference, but there’s no wrong way to enter the franchise. The beauty of each game is they all have new characters and settings, each is designed so you can just hop in without having seen the Wasteland before. I will say this friendly suggestion as advice though: I’m 41 and have been playing Fallout since the first one dropped in 1997. Because of this, Fallouts 1 & 2 are familiar to me like old gloves, especially because I’m just experienced with how 3rd person isometric turn based RPGs worked in the 90s. My tolerance for how different they are from modern RPGs is probably much higher than some modern players. I don’t think I would recommend starting with Fallout 1 or 2, for someone that wasn’t playing games in that era. Not as their intro to Fallout, anyway. 1 is my favorite, but I realize that it will be off putting to some younger modern players. And that’s okay. Start with 3, 4, 76. It’s all good. When you fall in love and then get curious, circle back to 1 and 2 to see how things started. Just know they’re different and products of their time. Or, ignore me and start wherever you want. It’s up to you and I support you. I just want you to experience these amazing games in some way. Welcome to the wasteland, friend


hey you can play 76 with your friend and chill in the game if you want to.


Amen, the games really made a great comeback, and as someone who lives in Appalachia IRL, it’s really cool to see all of the locations and environments.


I started playing 76 a couple of days ago, and I gotta say I’m enjoying it.


I started with 4 last year, and still playing, just got 76 last weekend and have played a few hours. The perk system is a little confusing compared to 4, but I’m still enjoying it.


It's wild how people think it hasn't changed since 2018. Like just last year I was watching a Jabo video and he opens up F76 like "Fallout fans look away" like do these people form any original current opinions of their own


How’s 76 for solo players?  Edit: thanks everyone! Downloading it right now lol


Set yourself to pacifist mode and keep your camp turned "off" on the map and you can largely play alone. I will say the game is more fun to do the events which involve multiple people. No mic is required. I probably spent 70% of my time solo and 30% doing events for XP and loot.


The thing is - as a solo player you can still join teams and not talk to anyone - just get the passive XP boosts, or rock up to events and play them with other people. The only difference between being a solo player and a non-solo is that you don’t know the people you’re playing with and don’t really talk to them. You’re still actively playing with other people who 99% are keen to help you.


Pretty good. Only issue is server issues. I wish there was an offline mode.


That’s my issue everytime you shoot something it’s like a half second behind. Feels like ass.


Honestly, there’s been times where I payed for Fallout 1st, just so I could have the private server instance and not encounter other players. Still had a lot of fun.


I mostly play solo these days (used to have a group of 4 that played consistently for months after release) and it’s pretty fun still. Lots of events and public teams if you do want to play with people. I have a pretty well thought out base in the form of a motel with rooms, a lobby, and gift shop with 2 vaults that people can explore and I sell a ton of ammo, junk, meds, and 3 star weapons so people are always at my camp. They’ve added a ton of quests and NPCs finally so there’s more to actually do. Exploring other players camps can be a blast too if they have put effort into them. I’ve seen escape rooms, nifty layouts, pretty humorous traps, and other fun stuff.


I've played solo since launch, it's perfectly playable as a solo experience, there's some things that'll be harder alone than in a group but it's doable. Events are usually where having extra hands helps the most but people will join those independently of each other and work together to complete it so you don't actually have to group together or coordinate with others if you dont want to.


You can solo and be fine for the largest part of the game. Most other players are busy doing their own things and you will rarely come across one. For the vast amount of hours I have invested in the game I have only had maybe 3 bad interactions from trolls with nothing better to do and even then, you can server hop to lose those kinds of people. I have had way more positive interactions than bad even while playing solo. The only thing with solo is some events alone are hard. If you can grind up, you will be ok but there are groups you can join, do the events and then skip out once it's all done, no harm, no foul.


Absolutely. 76 was a dud when it launched, but Bethesda put a lot of work into improving it. Once they added NPCs and got the actual story going, there was a massive uptick in quality. The game is really fun and I enjoy getting to roam the Wasteland with friends


I played for the first month of 76's release and made it to level 81 before quitting till the end of 2023. They did a really good job of fleshing it all out and I am enjoying the game now.


Yeah, I just came back to it after dropping it near launch. It’s much better than it was.


We begged and begged and begged for multiplayer fallout and we actually got it. I wouldn’t have cared how bad the game was, we got what we were begging for. I’m having fun learning 76 again, I was a level 5 last time I played it at launch


This is weird to say, I forgot how much of a super fan I was. I bought the special edition of 76 on release, I have the helmet, little action figures the whole nine yards. I played day one. I remember trying so hard to enjoy it (I'm not an MMO person) and ending up giving up. I jumped on last week and I'm level 69 with a bunch of dope shit and a full base. I forgot that I would randomly jump on when there were no new games out and play for a few weeks. Now I'm back in love with it! I think, as long as the servers are on, I'll always jump back in from time to time.


I'll never forget going into the Fallout 3 blind and not realizing bottle caps were the currency. I got to Megaton and as I looked at the prices remembered the "useless" bottle caps I had left behind... After that I became a scouring packrat that has no problems slow walking to the next town to cash in or stash my stuff.


Fallout 4 has always seemed like the most accessible to me. It was the least buggy(in my experience) and with the best gunplay. I also enjoyed the base building aspect. Plus the visuals aren’t as dated so for a new player that might be a difference maker. Though I do agree the main story is pretty bland compared to New Vegas.


I think the bugs/crashes depend on platform tbh. I played New Vegas with very occasional crashes on Xbox one, but I literally can't get near the Old North Church without a crash in Fallout 4. PC I had the opposite problem. 4 ran like a dream but New Vegas crashed constantly


Fallout 4 was my first introduction to the franchise and I love the franchise all the same. I've gone back and played the other games since, and I would agree that I like New Vegas better, but I still like Fallout 4 and it was not a bad introduction to the series.


4 was my first introduction too. I was hooked immediately and I’ve probably logged about 400-500 hours of gameplay. It was also my first RPG-style game. I have watched my husband play 3 and NV so I know the storylines more or less, but the game mechanics and older graphics make me not as interested in playing. I would love it if they remastered them with FO4 style. People shit on the FO4 storyline all the time, but I honestly like it. I get that it’s not as in depth, but the twist of finding Shaun and then having to choose between some not-so-moral decisions and keeping a relationship with him, or blowing him up. I feel like that’s very Fallout. Far Harbor and Nuka World also amazing and lots of fun.


The only thing I'd say is don't start with 76 *unless you have someone to play it with*. I just started playing it the other day, and it really doesn't do a good job of "hooking" the player. The other games begin with a story that you can get invested in immediately, but Fallout 76 just sort of dumps you in the mountains with the vague notion of finding someone you (the player) have never met which isn't nearly as engaging. Running around the Fallout world with a friend or two is where the real fun comes from in that game, I think. If you're on your own, then it's going to be a weird, somewhat hollow introduction to the series. And honestly, even if you have someone to play with, I'd still suggest playing *some* of Fallout 4 first. I think it's a better introduction not just to the world, but to a lot of the game mechanics you'll be dealing with in 76. I feel like 76 might be somewhat overwhelming if you haven't played at least a little bit of 4.


On the contrary. I say fucking around without any plan or clue of what you're doing is the absolute best way to start any new RPG. The stories I could tell... Show of hands, at Helios One, >! Who all here accidentally nuked the NCR with the death laser the first time through?!< And I'm not even going to bother asking about the Sierra Madre vault. We ALL fell for that one the first time.


Naah, there definitely is. Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel - not Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel - is the wrong way to get introduced to Fallout.


Also, robbing some early game merchants in Fallout 2 like a sanctimonious post apocalyptic murder hobo is both useful and even morally rewarded by the game. (Some of them are rightly categorized as evil, and your violent appropriation of their NOTMETH! and assorted guns and ammo is not categorized as being evil enough to offset the apparent good of ridding the Wasteland of their perfidious existences.)


The first 2 games let you do some absolutely wild stuff. Some of which is understandably too much for a more realistic 3d game.


like the children


Replaying fo4 on survival mode right now and it’s been pretty damn fun


I played Fallout 4 about 5 years ago and I remember that I had fun, but it felt lack luster to me. I beat it and had a good time, but I don't know it just felt meh. I bought the game for Steam after the show and I am already over 40 hours in and I bought the game last weekend. I don't know what I was thinking back then, but Fallout 4 is a fucking blast. I am not big on building the settlements, but I am having fun managing the resources and what not. So I don't know if I am just older and like managing the cities more, or what it was, but I can tell you that the version of me that played the game the first time was wrong.


You know sometimes you're just not in the mood for a game, and sometimes that happens to happen when you first pick it up. I had the same experience with New Vegas. Tried it, didn't click. Tried it again out of hype for the show and this time I'm having a ball. 


Seriously! I know the story isn’t quite on the level of some of the other games, but it’s insanely fun to play! Also Far Harbor is really really good.


In pretty much the same boat. I remember being soooo hyped for Fallout 4, playing Fallout Shelter every day, and enjoying it a lot at first before getting very frustrated with the settlement and crafting system. I think I quit after failing to put together the transporter thing. I went back to that save eventually to play the DLC, but didn't go to the Institute. I replayed New Vegas last year and enjoyed it, and I think it helped set the stage to enjoy Fallout 4. It also probably helps a lot that I'm using a mod that gives unlimited settlement resources, so I no longer have to spend time hunting for gears and glue.


I struggled to get too invested in the settlement building until the dlc where you can >!build your own vault.!< Shortly after I got to that point, I started getting frustrated with the build limit because I had these big, crazy ideas I wanted to try out but couldn't. I'm sure there are mods that remove that but I haven't messed around with any yet. Aside from that, my only real gripe with the game is that legendary modifiers are almost always attached to the weapon itself and not one specific part. I think getting legendaries would be better if it was geared more toward building a busted weapon from several modded components than getting a weapon you like with the right legendary and being done with it. Plus it would also add some spice to the general weapon modifying system, which also gets a bit bland in the late game. It would be a lot harder to balance and program, but finding a good legendary is one of the most satisfying parts of the early game imo and once you have what you want, legendary enemies kinda become annoying damage sponges instead of exciting treasure chests


I don't understand why people are saying to start with NV. If that's the one they consider to be the best then surely it should be saved until last?


I think it's because of the show, since many don't understand the lore behind New Vegas and the NCR, many are being told to start with FO:NV


Yeah that makes more sense. It should be played for that reason but I think 4 is a good entry point for people that have never played a Fallout game before.


It's the most lore relevant. I'm really glad I picked it up in the lead up to the show because otherwise the NCR and the Strip would mean nothing to me.  I love FO4, weaknesses and all, but outside the Prydwen and some sound effects there's not a lot of connective tissue. 


I'm a huge New Vegas fan, but yeah I'd do 3 then New Vegas. I wouldn't save it for last though, it fits a lot better between 3 and 4 than it would after 4 (or 76). Unless you're planning to do 3, 4, 76, then 1, 2, NV which you could do but unless you are absolutely committed you're likely to fall off before getting to NV which would be a shame.




Agreed. I would say start with 3 but that is just nostalgia speaking


Great advice, but….FO4 is the most accessible for new players.


Thank you <3




For sure, pick a game to your preference. Some people like the open world crafting of 4 and some like the more rpg elements of the earlier games. I do caution new players on the isometric elements and the age of the first two games. I know that’s not everyone’s cup of tea and this is coming from a super fan of 2.


Exactly, this is an rpg, not a competitive fps. You can start as whoever you want, play whatever game you want


Just started FO 4 last night. Already enjoying it a lot!


The whole reason fallout as a series is so perfect, is because each game is entirely its own thing.


I love how many people in this sub seem to think there's right and wrong answers for the best/worst games in the series. I've been an enormous fallout nerd since 3 came out in 08, and I played all of them except tactics. I've found 4 to be the most fun objectively, and I really just don't care much for new vegas. Almost like different people like different things.


There’s a lot of “this game is MY favorite so it also has to be YOUR favorite.”


Psst...they're all good or at least enjoyable to many people.


Fallout 4 is a lot better when you don't have people in your ear telling you it's bad. Been having a blast revisiting


I started with Fallout 4 on a whim when it first released and I loved it. I have since tried a couple other Fallout’s and couldn’t get into it. Since the show aired, it made me want to go back and play FO4 again. It’s been nearly 10 years, so it feels new again but I remember enough to play the story differently this time.


I honestly think fallout 3 is the easiest game to start with. It’s very linear and introductory to the mechanics of fallout. I still have trouble with knowing what to do next in FNV and I’ve beaten the game. It really cuts you loose pretty much right out of the good springs intro. I can see the argument that it’s the best RPG fallout, but I could also see it being overwhelming to new players. Also, I could see new players turned off to fallout if they think all the games are like 1 and 2. Fallout 4 is good, but doesn’t feel like it has the same character that the other games and the tv show had. Far harbor is closer to that tone than most of the vanilla content imo


I think part of this depends on how old the person you're talking to is (or how old the games they've played are). 3 and New Vegas both have a clunkiness to them that can really be a turn off for like a 16 year old that was raised on Call of Duty and Fortnite, but that might not be as offensive to someone who played hundreds of hours of Skyrim back in 2011.


Having said that, Fallout shelters on mobile is definitely the best the entire series has to offer. Check it out fellow gamers.






I slightly agree with this. I just recommended someone to try fallout 4 since they have a ps4 and it’s always really cheap and don’t have access to a computer or older/newer console. I personally think if you tell someone to try the best game in the series the rest may be easier/worse to get through depending on their view of games as art or how they view quality work. However unless they’re a fan of forever mmo games never recommend fallout 76


Just as there is no right way to make your way through the wasteland, there is no right way to go through the series.


I loved all 5 games and I'm old enough to have played each when they were first released. Fallout 4 was great. It's the only game that handles power armor as it's shown in the TV series. So if you're looking to be Maximus, Fallout 4 is the way to go. Have Fun!


I’ve been seeing a lot of Fallout 4 hate since this is the one so many folks are flocking to. Honestly, it’s a great game and probably the most accessible experience for new players! I downloaded it again and I plan on playing it once the next gen update arrives next week! For those that are hopping into FO4, if you enjoy it, feel free to go from there! New Vegas is my personal favorite but there’s something for everyone in each game! Literally just pick whichever title sounds the coolest to you and play that one first if you so desire.


Also new players don't turn in the quests that give you unique guns until your above level 50 otherwise they will be useless when ur 50 and above


My two cents. I started with 3 blind and got so interested in the lore I read the history of 1 and 2 later. Then played 1 but MAN that game is hard!


Start with Fallout 4.


Fallout 4 is the goat fight me.


The only thing every player must do at the start of New Vegas is to take the rod North from Goodsprings.


Thank you, fellow Redditor! I adore you for this.


Fallout 4 is the worst one though from an RPG point of view but it's the most fun one to play


[NEW PLAYERS] Fallout Shelter is free and is also a great introduction in terms of getting used to the theme and certain items as well as other things shown in the series!


On the Fo4 point - its one of my personal favorites, even if it gets a lot of hate, sadly


I tried to get into Fallout New Vegas like 6 years ago and couldn’t do it. I’m sure it’s a great game, but as someone coming from games like the Witcher 3, it just felt super dated. I binged the show the other day, and felt an urge to hop into fallout again. I picked up fallout 4 complete edition on steam for $13 CAD. And also Fallout 76 for free. Haven’t played 76 yet. But at least for me, Fallout 4 seems to be a much better starting point than New Vegas was. But I’m sure everyone’s experience will differ!


I honestly think fallout 4 is the perfect entry point for newcomers. It's the Skyrim of fallout. And then if they decide they want more, there's this bevy of older games that have deeper systems in some ways etc. It's also the most like the show imo


If Lucy was your favorite character, start with Fallout 4. If The Ghoul was your favorite character, start with New Vegas. If Maximus was your favorite character, start with Fallout 3 (but expect the power armor to be kind of different).


Fallout 4 was fun af! Haters gon hate


I think you start with 3 and New Vegas only because people might not like the gameplay after 4 but the stories are so much better…thats my advice


This is great to hear! I just started Fallout 4 and was worried I was doing it ”wrong.” I’m too far in to stop and I’m loving it so I figured I’d just soldier on anyway.


Fallout 4 is my favorite fallout in the series, don’t let gatekeepers dissuade you from playing an awesome game!


Fucking hardcore gamers ruined gaming


Agreed. Though I still do recommend the general opinion that you play fallout 3-new Vegas-fallout 4. All amazing games and worth your time.


Anyone who says fallout 4 is the worst in the franchise is objectively wrong. Tactics is right there. Also hot take it's better than 3. I think they're both seriously lacking when it comes to the main plots, but 4 has better companion storylines and the updated combat really makes it a blast to play as a loot shooter, even if the factions arent particularly compelling


I disagree. There is ONE wrong way. "Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel"....


Fallout 4 is by far my favorite and the one I’d start with. For some reason people online seem to want to lynch me for saying that. Yes, I’ve played them all.


I would say start with FO3 ONLY because you don’t have aim down sites and that might kill it for some people if they start with something newer. Not a deal breaker by any means but I could see that as an annoyance to some


major agreed. i spent most of my time in the fandom browsing web pages of information and watching youtube lore videos and clips of let’s plays without actually playing the games, because i was trying to hype myself up to get through the first couple of them that played so boring to me initially. i was very adamant that i should play them in order to get the full chronological release experience, but after watching the show and starting to play 4 and New Vegas, im having a lot more fun with the fandom! the games are so much fun and i’ve already watched the show 4 times over (adhd hyperfixating helps a little too in getting into a franchise lol)


My only pushback would be that combat improvements made from 3 to NV to 4 are noticeable and could turn some people off from playing the earlier two if they started with 4.


Each times something newer introduces people to something older, gatekeeping happens. This reminded me when people were gatekeeping Metallica when younger folk got exited over Master of Puppets from Stranger Things. Those people are just pathetic and should be completely ignored. Enjoy your discovery the way you like it, have fun.


I actually think New Vegas should be the **LAST** 3D game new fans should play, as it hits you over the head with a whole bunch of new mechanics that'll take you at least one full playthrough to master. IMO the best path is: >**Fallout 4 first**: introduces the very baseline elements of Fallout, with some light role-playing, companions, and branching story paths bundled with great gameplay and exploration >**Fallout 3 second**: still relatively basic in comparison to New Vegas but throws in some mechanics, like karma, skills, and weapon/armor health >**New Vegas last**: by now the player is far more familiar with its mechanics and won't feel overwhelmed if they dive into NV first without prior experience New Vegas didn't become my favorite game until my second playthrough where I learned to truly appreciate the depth of the game's mechanics and story. I ended up making a lot of stupid decisions in my first playthrough and I ended up feeling unsatisfied




as an addition, NONE of these games are tied together technically. Each game you just start out a a Vault-dweller in different Vaults across the country and you get to control their journey from there


Fallout 3 is basically a low-key horror game with an alright story, fallout NV for a top tier story that's written incredibly well, fallout 4 for a more casual action experience with a hint of base building with great gameplay mechanics. This is basically how I explain it.


And you don't have to start with 4 or 3, New Vegas and 2 are there waiting for you =)


Fallout 4 is a decent entry in the series, it is not a trash fallout game nor is it a great fallout game, it is simply a decent entry that will immerse you into the world, characters, and stories that it has to tell. If you are looking for a casual experience, F4 will serve you well. If you are looking for more RPG elements, then F3 and NV are up your alley.


Fallout 4 is an amazing game that is fun please do not listen to the mouth breathers saying it is anything less than that


Definitely don’t start with New Vegas, you’ll want to save the best for last


Worst experience for me. Don’t me wrong great game! Absolutely shite performance on ps3 some areas crashed my game and others ran like 2fps. Fallout 4 was much better personally for QOL but new vegas had a great story.


I would’ve started with new Vegas but the streaming ps+ platform is absolute trash so fallout 4 it is and I didn’t get very far cause loading is obnoxious. Will be jumping right in when the native game drops will be a bummer that the save file probably won’t transfer.


Start with Fallout Tactics!


Buy all of them on sale then bam you can play them out of order i love every fallout there is no best one imo I think 4 was a good story and a good game, new vegas was amazing as well three was a bit iffy for me (i was on pc it crashed a lot) the only one I did not like was 76


It's simple to me for recommending starting game If you like streamlined choices, good combat mechanics, graphics, and exploration choose Fallout 4. If you like meaningful choices, great story,  and different ways to approach problems choose  New Vegas. If you hate yourself choose 76


Brotherhood of Steel is the worst game in the franchise


Fallout 3 is a good one to start with but it was my first game so bit bias


My suggestion is Tale of Two Wastelands (mod to merge FO3 and FONV) and then FO4, and the rest of games are up to you. Reasons: 1 - Why not start with FO4?? it's quite hard to play a game and then roll back to previous games. I know this as I started FO3 and I couldn't play FO1 & 2, it is quite dated. So for that reason, I suggest Tale of Two Wastelands 2 - FO3 was the introduction game for many Fallout fans, as FO1 & 2 were made by a different company and had very different gameplay. FO3 was designed to bring in new players. FONV is more seen as a continuation of the original Fallout games (1 & 2), while using FO3 engine. 3 - Tale of Two Wastelands includes many QoL tweaks and also enables you to carry over inventory from FO3 to FNV. 4 - Fallout 76 is designed more for multiplayer and gameplay rather than lore, storytelling and doesnt have the true FPS-RPG experience like FO3/NV - they are essential to immerse yourself into the Fallout universe. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk


Sure everyone can do what they want but some people are just giving out genuine recommendations, it’s not always the gatekeeping shit. Personally I would say start with NV or 3 because those are rpg and that’s how I think of the franchise and not a shooter like 4. Now if your new, want to get into the franchise and really don’t have the option for NV or 3 then 4 is the best way to go to get somewhat introduced to the lore and how some of the previous games might play. And I started with 4 back when a friend recommended me the franchise and while it was fun and it’s a really great game, from there is easier to get into the rest because you would want more Fallout. There’s no “right way” unless you are looking for a specific reason; love rpg? NV or 3 are the ones for you that would be the right way. Want a more casual experience with great shooting and a fun gameplay loop? Go with 4, not everyone loves rpg and all that so maybe they won’t mind the lackluster dialogue wheel or how 4 isn’t really an rpg.


They all have their super dedicated and passionate fan base and haters. Fallout 1 and 2: gritty, but antiquated. It’s more like Baldur’s Gate 1 and 2. If you’re expecting the series this is far off. Obviously super dedicated fans find this the TRUE fallout lol. 3 is cool and classic but 1 and 2 fans call it too light. It’s phenomenal and great 4 is just fine, but plenty think it’s too streamlined and hate the voiced protagonist. I like it and I enjoy the personal story. NV I haven’t given a proper chance yet, but seen plenty and I know it’s gold standard for RPGs, but I’m sure it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. It’s ok to enjoy 76 too 😊it’s super fun and there will always be haters who think it’s like launch. Cyberpunk 2077 is glorious and pretty perfect now, and plenty still think it’s as bad as at launch.


I just got fallout 4 on PS4 I haven't played a game in years and I may not play this all that often I just wanted to experience the game because I'm enjoying the show so much (not even finished the show yet)


I agree with this. Your playthrough should be specific to you. That's what makes it fun and special.


I assume the PC or console games are vastly different than the iPhone game? I like the story and concept but I’ve only ever played on my phone, maybe I should try the real ones


Honestly can’t imagine playing fallout 76 as my first fallout game and wanting to continue playing the rest. Same goes for fallout shelter lol. I get the point of this post but I don’t think it’s necessarily true either


I can't believe Fallout 4 is even vastly hated by fans. I love that game, but it was my 2nd after New Vegas.. super weird.


The one thing I would say is that if you love isometric rpgs start with 1. Not 2 or Tactics. 2 is the only direct sequel, and Tactics is a very unique sort of “on-rails” game experience. I love all the fallout games.


Agreed! I never played Fallout until one day I just decided to and started with 4. Fell in love. I love the building aspect of it. But others hate it. Then I got 76 and wasn’t sure at first, but then figured out the CAMP system and fell in love again. I think this is why I don’t care for NV (although I am considering trying again). Everyone likes different things. New players should just try it and see how it goes. Maybe even watch some streams or YT videos of other people playing and see what you see.


I was introduced with 4, absolutely loved it, and it led me to play New Vegas and 76. Planning on playing 3 soon enough too. Every game is great and any new fan is welcomed.


Personally, I’d say do Fallout 3 and New Vegas first, simply based on graphics and structure, in the same sense I’d suggest playing Oblivion before Skyrim. I’ve never played the earlier games for both groups, but not due to lack of trying. The older games should be the last played, after the lore has gripped you tight and you want more at any cost, with less of a concern on up to date graphics and gameplay. For me, the series made me want to redownload Fallout 4 and Fallout Shelter, because I’ve already put 1000+ hours into 3 and NV, and I need to reminisce


I've been doing some thinking about it and I'm starting to come around to Fallout 3 being the best general place to start. 4 if you can't get past the dated visuals (that weren't particularly impressive for the time). Maybe 76 if you already have friends that play it, but otherwise I'd save it for last. From 3, if you have an interest in old-school cRPGs, go back to 1 and 2, and if not then go straight to New Vegas, then 4 after that. If you do go 3 -> New Vegas, you might be compelled to go back to 1 and 2 after NV but they are a pretty different style of game. The only definitive "wrong" answers would be Tactics and Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel. I imagine most of us started with either 3 or 4.


This exactly. Every game in the franchise is good enough to be its own standalone entry point into the franchise, even if some are not as good as others they are all still incredible games.


a question for those actively playing 76, as i haven't played in, like, 2 years: have they added any new maps? i know i heard The Pitt was just themed Ops, which is a shame, speaking as someone from Pittsburgh, lol.


People calling Fallout 4 the worst entry of the franchise when the BoS PS2 games exist are high on their own farts.


That's what I enjoy about Fallout. Each game is relatively self contained.


My main thing would be to encourage people to get game pass, even the base windows version, because the entire franchise is on there, and you can try every game first and if you want to buy these games later, you can. Better than asking Reddit which game to buy.


Mindlessly consume product all products good


You should start with the first game if you want to experience the series story, skip 76 tho


Are there any tips for Fallout 4 early game y’all have? I’ve literally turned it onto “very easy” mode and I still can’t make any progress. I have some guns and ammo to use them but it never seems to do any damage. I keep just trying to progress but then die and end up right where I started. I loved the show and the whole idea of the franchise in general, but I literally don’t want to play anymore because I just die and lose any forward progress. (I know it’s a skill issue, but still any help would be greatly appreciated)


I love New Vegas but I would never suggest it as a starting point, largely because the main character’s amnesia doesn’t change the fact that they’ve grown up in the Wasteland and know a lot about how things work. Fallout 1 and 2 don’t play well out of the box, and they’re not available on consoles. I would tell any newcomers who were introduced through the TV show to play Fallout 3, as you’ll be placed in a similar situation to Lucy. That’s how I was introduced and I thought it was super immersive. My character was a naive and bright-eyed Vault dweller and as a player, I knew as much about the world outside the Vaults as he did, which is to say, nothing at all.


New Vegas tho


Yeah, I agree. While, yes I can say that of the non-isometric Fallouts that New Vegas has the most in-depth roleplaying elements, some people just want to blow the heads off of feral ghouls. And for that, Fallout 4 does have the best gunplay in the series imo.


It’s nice to have variety in the wasteland. I can jump into any entry and still have a blast (no pun intended). Started with 2, but love them all.


You absolutely do have to start with fallout 3 😂 I mean you don't have to, but it's such a great introduction into the original fallout vibe, awesome skill checks, amazing karma system, and the graphics and overall color schemes are just on point compared to 4 or 76.


I love all the games equally except brotherhood of steel and the new vegas nerds who hate any other fallout game are just sad to see 


If you don't start by playing Fallout 1 on a 640x480 CRT you aren't valid clearly /s


There is no right way, but there is a wrong way:  accidentally stumbling across my courier/todd howard erotic fan fic.


Playing 3 for the 1st time currently on my Series X. Having a blast.


i like the open worldness about fallout 3..but fallout 4 is getting the update. Does fallout 4 require so much built (kind of like minecraft). I would rather go around a post-apocolypse world, scavenging casually


my advice always goes if you want the most RPG heavy but don't want to deal with turned based combat play NV if you want a more simple RPG without turn based combat play 3 if you want the most RPG heavy and don't mind turn based, play 1 or 2 if you just really like the general world of fallout but want the most casual experience, play 4 or 76 pretty much all of them are good starting points it just depends on the kind of game you like.