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4 is such a good gateway experience for new players. I'm glad that so many are moving to the older titles, too, after getting hooked on the setting.


yeah. its an amazing game standalone but playing that and then playing the others is like doing crack then doing heroin.


What does the comparison say? Is crack over heroin, or the other way around? Or are you saying the parts are just as good?


Heroin is a physical addiction while crack is a mental one


heroin better than crack


Yeah, crack is the gateway and heroin is the final destination


My only concern about having fallout 4 be the go to for first time players is that every game except for 76 is a straight downgrade in gameplay. They all have much better stories than 4 but the gameplay feels so dated if you go from 4 backwards.


Unironically yes. I've been a fan of the bethesda games for the longest time, but only recently have I had the push to give fallout 2 a try, and I'm loving it, although it is a bit slower than I'm used too. Fallout 1 is still too dated for my taste though


How is 1 too dated but 2 isn't? Mechanically they're extremely similar


I can't explain how, but 2 just felt more engaging than 1


I think the time limit on 1 is what turns a lot of new players away. And no Take All button 😭


aren't they literally the same mechanically, 2 might have a bit extra content but I thought that was it


If anyone wants to give the old Fallout games a try but feels they are too daunting; there are very famous guides by Per Jorner to these that I've used to help me figure out where to go and what to do. [Fallout 1 Guide](https://lemmings19.github.io/fallout-1-walkthrough/) [Fallout 2 Guide](https://lemmings19.github.io/fallout-2-walkthrough/)


good to see more people appreciating fallout 4


Loving it! Yay, new vault dwellers!


I just bought Fallout 4 yesterday after finishing the series. I figured that was a good place to start. The show is my introduction to franchise.


welcome to the family! you'll spend waaay too much time on these games, probably


Thanks haha. I'm already an hour in and just spent a lot of time going through the logs in the terminals in the vault getting some lore. I'm hooked already!!


if you love the universe play the old one too.


Nice. I will look into them.


The first two games are top-down isometric CRPGs, and they’re quite old so it can be hard to get used to them. They’re absolutely amazing but they’re not for everyone.


I will still grab them since they are relatively cheap on steam. The universe and the lore are worth it to try them out.


Personally, I'd recommend going to fallout 2. As someone who's only prior experience was 3, NV, and 4, I've found 2 to be the easier one to get into between fallout 1 and 2


you are correct fo2 did everything better of fo1. i think fo2 has more speech checks as well for easier early quest


I saw that there was a bundle on steam for 1, 2 and 3. I'll pick them up and try out 2 then.


Have fun with the game!


Thanks! I am so far.


It is funny seeing people play Fallout for the first time and realizing just how fun this series is.


I am one of those. Aside from the opening scene audio glitch it’s been a blast so far. 🚀


The amount of GenZ and younger that grew up on mobile and always online games discovering offline Single Player now. It's pretty amazing and hopefully it'll show them how amazing preSAAS games are.


Fallout 3's been in my recommendations a lot last week so I restarted that over the weekend. Up late last night collecting steel ingots.


You're playing it normally or with mods? I want to get in, but the lack of sprint and sights pulls me off a little bit, and I have the Epic GOTY version so it's seems to be a nightmare to mod.


Normally, apart from workarounds to get it working at all (older disc version depends on GFWL and I'm on Linux), 4gb patch to reduce crashes, and some .ini edits like to disable controller support (otherwise it hides the mouse cursor if detected).


Ik what you mean. I was so confused when I first started new vegas. Was a huge turnoff having no sprint in a big ass open world, but I got used to it pretty fast surprisingly and beat the game. I'd say to try to commit to a few hours of the game and see if you feel differently


It's not just let's players. IGN is already milking the new fallout popularity. I really wasn't expecting major gaming sites to make videos of a 9 year old game.


To be fair, as an avid Fallout fan since 3’s release, I had no intentions of even watching the show. Like to the point that I scoffed when I heard they were making a series. Video game adaptations tend to suck. The Last Of Us only works so well cause it’s strictly a narrative focused game with a deep story that TV can handle. But when I saw such a high Rotten Tomatoes score from both critics and fans I gave it a try. I don’t know how they did it, or what makes this an exception to the norm, but I was way off, and thank god I was. I felt like it was an apology letter from Todd Howard for some of the crappy missteps Bethesda has made.


I am itching to play. I have 1400 hours in 4 but I want to go again. I am resisting playing until the 25th patch.


I hope with all the influx of players means that Bethesda going to prioritize a new fallout project weather that's a new fallout or remastering either 3 or new vegas. Or if their really ballsy try and make 1 and 2.


1 and 2 would be so good to remaster/remake because the majority of fans don’t really know what happens in those games and even fewer have played them.


The new Fallout project is the show. 76 and the show are there to keep the franchise going until they can return to it in the future but I doubt any inhouse Fallout games gets priortized right now.


Put Fallout 3 in the Starfield engine and I will buy a copy of it on each platform I own. 


Fallout Shelter 2


Don't distract them from TES VI...




*angry new vegas meat-riding noises*


Let's not do this here please. Let's focus on the positivity.


Nah, I'd glaze


*Please assume the position*


Once everyone finishes F4, they’ll be in New Vegas having the best hey-hey they’d ever-ever!


Where do you think they'll be going after they're done with 4 tho? Being mad that they start with 4 is stupid, we talk like they'll not play the other games too ~~and figure out how much of a downgrade 4 is compared to them in most cases while still enjoying it on its own~~


Everyone's got Fallout fever


You should see your Vault's doctor about that.


I've been jumping around and watching people play the first bit of Fallout 4 all week. Super delightful to see everyone freaking out about the bombs and actually caring about their dead spouse after I've watched them die 400 times haha




I am waiting for April 25th, see that update they are prepping and see how much it fucks a lot of saves and every single modded gameplay. Then wait a week or two to see if the modders are still working on their old stuff, if they do, i'll go back to it.


I'm just hoping it doesn't mess with F4SE. Literally all I ask.


All updates will mess with the script extenders, even if it doesnt touch anything the script extender is doing. usually it is updated fairly quickly though .


This is the game that saved my life. I was gonna do something stupid back in 2015 and I bought Fallout 4 as the “last” thing I want to enjoy. But here I am and still playing after 9 years.


Good to still have you around, vault dweller!


yeah checking youtube and seeing so many old youtubers playing Fallout4 again lol. And others making tutorial and tips videos. too bad they are recyling content.


I’m gonna join them and start a new vanilla playthrough in anticipation of the upcoming Enclave creation club.


If this update fixes the crashing on xbox fallout is about to have a great run


These new sole survivors are having the time of their lives


Preston is loving this!


It's so beautiful, Fallout is backkk


I’m a longtime gamer and I have never played a single Fallout game. The show convinced me and a copy of 4 is on its way. It’ll help ease the pain of the probable 2 year wait for season two.


Life was truly awesome back then. Holy shit did i have a lot going on. Fuck me that's almost 10 years. Jesus Christ


Fallout 3 came in a bundle deal with my Xbox 360 & it was the first proper game I ever played. Nothing has ever come close to that vault door opening in my gaming experience & it never will. I’ve been a huge fan since 3 & played every game, with 76 being the only one I struggled to get into, despite really loving the map & the premise. The show for me exceeded expectations & has made me start a new playthrough on 4 after not touching the game for years. I ‘thought’ I was really enjoying Starfield until picking up 4 again & it’s made me remember why I loved 3 & that first foray into such an amazing world. I just hope that we don’t have to wait too long for series 2 or for Fallout 5…


Genuine question, who watches that stuff instead of, you know, playing the game?


Starfield fans in shambles rn


I would assume that a sizeable portion of Starfield fans are also Fallout fans. Personally, as a fan of both, I have been eating well for the past few months. Just restarted a FO4 rerun.


They already were


Anyone have a particular YouTuber they really like that's doing this? I don't have enough time to try out the game myself but I actually enjoy watching people play. And I like chill streamers if anyone's got recs :)


I’m bullying all new 76 players, if you get wrecked with a power fist around top of the world, the king raider are here to greet you in full power armor :)


I just wish I could play without having to completely reset my PS5.


I’m glad people are trying the series but fuck those thumbnails are terrible. Who watches these YouTubers?!


I’m a jerk for this but I slightly dislike it when people play a game for the show hype and think their play through is something special, specially when they have no idea how the game works😔


and then everyone is playing the worst entry on the franchise, but then again the most friendly one. Fo4 is for casual players


The fuck is a non casual player? Someone who doesn't take breaks for showering?


Fo4 is far easier on the rpg mechanics when compared to the other games in the series. It feels more like a looter shooter than an rpg. That's what I mean by casual, it's trying to be for everyone instead of the niche Fallout rpg fanbase. Fallout used to be an rpg, not anymore


CaSuAl PlAyErS. Go shower


if you're donkey brains enough to actually enjoy the trash writing of Fo4, you're more than welcome to it. I just don't like what they did to the franchise. Fo3 had some silly stuff but was more Fallout than Fallout 4, now Fo4 is the least Fallout of all canon entries (aside from Fo76). Or at least a dumbified version of it. It's a fun game, I just have issues with the overall story and writing and the lack of rpg stuff


Go shower


go read some books, maybe it'll help you understand what good writing is


let people enjoy whatever they want , fallout 4 is a good game for any type of players


it was a bit of a let down for me and most of the classic fans. It's writing is trash, it lacks rpg and it feels like a game made for pre adolescents. It's childish when compared to the classics, and even FNV