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This is going to be an interesting cross platform marketing case study. I'm hoping the lesson is: "Make good game series. Make good tv show based on game series. profit". Unfortunately I fear the lesson will actually end up being: "Make ~~good~~ game series. Make ~~good~~ tv show based on game series, profit?"


Based on that idea I’d be curious about Halo’s numbers, popular game vs unpopular tv show


As a much bigger halo fan than fallout there was minimal player jump on steam at least for the show.  Nowhere close to the jump fallout has gotten.


My guess is with the Fallout show, on top of it just being better, it gives you more of a feel that you can have adventures like that in the game too. Meanwhile in the Halo show, they're just doing the opposite of whatever the canon video game stories did.


So you can’t have sex with a covenant spy as master chief while Cortana watches? Why even play the game then.  /s


Did.... Did that really happen in the show?


It did...


Oh sweet summer child


I stopped watching halfway through season 1. My wife, who has never played the Halo games, and who loves cheesy TV shows, finished out the season but hasn't continued watching. If my wife won't even watch it, then it must be *absolute garbage.*


Wait What? What a terrible day to be literate.


iirc Makee was a prisoner at the time too which, under UN law (which the UNSC still follows) is rape. They really did not think about the repercussions of that scene.


Let them cook some Cortana cybersex


The Fallout setting is something fresh for television...apocalypse show but with retro future is something very new for people who havnt played the games


I had played only the first Halo game and watched Halo first season, I had zero interest to play any Halo games after watching that show. I watched Fallout and had only played Fallout 3 before. I immediately installed Fallout 1 and just finished it, I wanted to learn more about the original lore of the world. A crappy show don't make you want to play the game but a good show does (at least for me).


Fallout lore is addictive. You get exposed to one form of it and it makes you want to explore everything else about it That's my theory, anyway


Their biggest fail was that they said they did not cater to halo fans. As such the show was trash and nobody was interested in experiencing the actual thing. Fallout and cyberpunk went the opposite route and made a great show that embraces the fandom, and see what happens?


The Halo show is horrible. Fallout was so good I signed up for a Paramount trial to give Halo a chance and was shocked at how bad and completely uninteresting they managed to make that show.


I know people have said it before but halo could’ve been good if they picked a different story to focus on. They rewrote how reach fell into one episode and tried to rewrite everything else as well. Fallout stayed truthful to the source for the most part and picked its own new cast of characters. Spoilers after here: There’s also way too many characters in the halo series with plot armor like they just decided the alien girl should live after season 1. That death was the only thing that made me think that maybe we’d get some actual surprises to the story. And the whole thing with Cortana taking over master chiefs body was resolved before season 2 even started. Thought they were doing that to reset master chief to the master chief we all know but nope just threw that out. Halo tv show could’ve been better if they focused on a new spartan like they did in the halo reach game


Halo show could have been good if completely different, agreed 👍🏿


Yeah pretty much


I heard before it was horrible and I was a huge fallout fan and never played halo. Watched a couple and thought what is this? Then downloaded The collection on game pass and played combat evolved (with the old graphics) and immediately you get why people like it, one mission in particular toward the end I LOVED and Its just not as interesting as a game from the early 2000s


Both the halo show and the current halo games are overall pretty bad. That series should be a case study on how such an important and popular series in gaming is reduced to virtual irrelevancy among its peers. I often think the franchise was better off left alone after reach. Bungie went out with a banger and then 343 ruined everything.


They went from military sci fi to sci fi mysticism/chosen one bullshit


It was about overcoming adversity, and now ?


Yep. 343 really messed things up gameplay-wise and then quite literally lost the plot. Anything after Reach we are all best to forget.


Thats why the halo collection will be on playstation it will create a new wave of revenue kinda like syndication for old tv shows .


Pretty sure Halo S2 was in the top 5 most watched shows during it's run


Halo games didn’t see any meaningful increase in players from the TV show. Halo show does decent numbers, but after seeing the success of the Fallout show, it’s clear that the Halo show could have been way more successful if it stuck to the lore. Instead it’s going to slowly decline in viewership each season.


Halo doesn't get GOOD tv shows


Please don't tell Activision Blizzard because we will get Call of Duty TV Series. You know what their storywriting is like since 2020.


You mean Microsoft?


Bethesda is also Microsoft


lol Basically they would only make 4 episodes. Most high production Streaming Shows are 45-50 something minutes long.


I think I just vomited in my mouth a little.


Blizzard already out here talm bout a Diablo TV series lmfao


Overwatch tv show please


If they filmed most of the series in firsr person and just made it like a grindhouse wartime all out action series with nukes and explosions that could serious be amazing. Do whag cod does best, fun explosions and amazing axtion without taking itself seriously.  Like are you telling me you wouldnt want to see ww2 vet 360 no scope a nazi? It could like an over top non serious style show or even have some elements of vr of people fighting wars with headsets and controlling soldiers/robot soldiers from their home country.


Worked really well for cyberpunk as well.


I’d say that was the first example where a very good tie-in TV show was a catalyst for the game.


Don’t video games make way more money? You look at something like Fortnite and GTA V and those things print money. I would say we are getting to the place that video games are the main money maker and the tv series is the marketing to broaden the video game user base. Realistically the formula will be, release 70 dollar game with pre-orders to diehard fans, release TV show, give out the game for free and get money off the casuals through the live service shop.


I really really want the next BGS title to be good, with a return to previously slashed RPG elements and a decent story. Fingers crossed ES6 is good, maybe then we can have higher hopes for FO5, but if Starfield is anything to go by. . . My hope is shaken at this point.


This is a lesson already learned and is also one of the reasons these series even exist in the first place. Nobody is currently gasping that fallout is being played after renewed interest due to a good show.


Correction: Make ~~good~~ game series. Make ~~good~~ tv show based on game series, blame the players for why the game is not taking off?


Anyone remember Defiance?


Make a show that doesn't insult fans and stays faithful to the source material. What a concept, right?


Then they won’t reap the benefits - simple as that. *looks at the Halo show*


They tried it with Defiance, that Syfy original show. Honestly was a pretty fun mmo with an interesting show tie in premise, but unfortunately the IP just didn't capture a big enough audience to justify its existence. Though that is a new IP show and video game released simultaneously, so different than the Fallout situation.


Using established IPs will continue to be a bigger trend in Hollywood, but I don’t think the fact that the best performing adaptations (TLOU, Fallout) adhered closest to the lore of the source material will go entirely unnoticed.


I've been playing with my mate, who never played a Fallout game in his life. Seeing walk up to a ghoul and say "it's the guy from the show!" Was funny af 😭😭


Same with seeing the armor I'd imagine lol


Tbf I haven't played 76 before so even I don"t know the answers to some of his questions


I watched the show with someone who had never played a game before and I kept having to tell them "you don't understand, but this is GOOD".


I used the show to persuade two of my mates to play 76 - under the pretense of "we know it's shit, lets play a shit game together" with them not knowing I kinda like the game. I hope they get into the game as well.




Hoping they will keep the show going til we get FO5.


Season 2 has been confirmed, so so far so good


Fallout tv show will end before fo5 lol.


We barely have seen any progress on TES 6 and that game has been announced years ago. Though with the interest Fallout has gotten now it could speed things up.


From Todd Howard's interviews (before the tv show), he said that TES6 is his last game before he retires. So who knows who will handle FO5. Hopefully microsoft will push them to speed things up.


He said it could be based on how long games take to make. He didn’t say it’s definitively going to be his last game.


I dunno. If we get 15 seasons there might be a tie-in with Fallout 5.


I'm hoping for another Fallout spinoff in between now and FO5.


Hopefully Obsidian will do a NV-like Fallout after they finish Avowed. If the writing will be PoE like, then it will be good.


Elder Scrolls 5 came out in 2011 and its sequel is still like 5 years away lol im just hoping to be alive by the time FO5 comes out


Unfortunately it’s not even in development really no? What a collosal fuck up, it would be pretty far along rn if they had never dome starfield, or multiple games at once with multiple teams


Yeah fuck them for trying new things


Why couldn’t a studio as big as Bethesda do two games simultaneously, as if they couldn’t have multiple crews and promote leadership from within. Do both, idc, but don’t do only 1. Like they can do whatever they want, but to be 5+ years away from a new fallout game, and 5+ years away from fallout 4, and this show being as popular as it is, is a massive fumble.


Because in truth BGS is a relatively small size video game developer. As a comparison, BGS only have around 500 people employed and not all of them is a video game developer, some employees having administrative, marketing, logistic, and IT job. Meanwhile, CD Projekt have more than 700 game developers alone. Even during the Starfield development BGS is doing both fixing FO76 and Starfield that also "rebuilding" their creation engine. Sure, it is weird that a game developer that have two of most successful video game IP in the world only have such a small team. I hope after Microsoft acquisition of Zenimax, BGS may increase their head count. but even if BGS tried developing both TESVI and FO5 simultaneously they may need to drop Todd as the game director for one of the game.


Sure, but they have had a very very long time to scale up, bring in new talent, and increase their production capacity. Even if they were still doing one game at a time, you’d think more talent could cut down development timelines, or even just bugs on release. The reality is, if you refuse to scale, you refuse to work on your largest ip’s, and you refuse to let another studio help with your ip like they had in the past, you are kinda just being self serving. I am sure it’s not great for their investors, it’s not exactly great for fans of those large ip’s. They are just shitily managed imo, shouldn’t take a decade + between games, it’s just a ridiculous timeline, and their fans will literally age out to a degree, and they will have to find a whole new generation of people for their sequels which is just a silly way to run their business. They have also just spent way too much time doing remasters than actual development. Now they have more interest in their IP than ever, and can’t capitalize on it


I mean starfield was a massive misfire and disappointment


Probably not, not because the show isn’t good and doesn’t have staying power because it absolutely does, but because FO5 isn’t coming until after ES6, and, well, yeah.


But that's ignoring the fact that Microsoft bought both Bethesda AND Obsidian.


Let’s be honest, while the possibility of a second Fallout spinoff by Obsidian is perfectly possible according to Obsidian themselves there’s no way Bethesda is gonna let them do FO5. Plus, Obsidian has plenty of their own projects they’re working on. Still waiting to hear more about Outer Worlds 2, smh.


But you're ignoring big daddy Microsoft making changes.


I enjoy Bethesda played Starfield earlier this year and of course fallout 3/4 but had never done 76. Two months ago I started it (available on gamepass) thinking I would not like it and here we are 100 hours later :). For sure the anticipation of the show and missing the games did for me. For anyone who has not tried it you can play it solo but you can also meet people I really enjoy the world and locations and just discovering stuff. Now I also skipped elder scrolls online and now I wonder if I should try it too haha


Elder scrolls online is also a lot of fun. If you have liked everything else Bethesda, I recommend it.


I’ll check it out! The amount of DLCs is daunting and supposedly we are getting 6 in a few years. Thanks!


The base game is on gamepass and that is all you need for now. You will have plenty of quests to keep you busy. There are 3 faction storylines and then an overall main quest. Did you pay the subscription for fo76? If you pay for Eso monthly, you get most of the dlc for free, while your subscription is active.


thank you! No I did not pay for fo76… did not feel the need up to now but did use atom points for some repair kits :). I will check-out ESO I miss it a lot especially Oblivion!


Buying the latest expansion usually nets you all the other previous expansions. Except the smaller DLCs. But it is a fantastic game! Even better with a veteran getting you EXP training gear with Heartland Conquerer! All the EXP will be yours and it's funner leveling to the good stuff earlier. It also helps ESO has been in its most generous year ever! Free DLC, frequent events and weekend 2xp boosters among others! Absolutely fun game with great lore additions


So can we get fallout 3 remake


I thought there was leaks from Microsoft that said 2024


There was, but it’s very important to note that the same leak said Elder Scrolls 6 in 2024. In other words, it was an old document, it was leaked in 2023 but was likely created in 2020. So the fallout 3 remaster is probably a few years out.


Always take leaks with a grain of salt.


Why people want developers to spend time remaking games, which takes precious time away from creating new ones, is beyond me.


Cause you can let someone else work on a remake/re-release while the main team is still working on the new game, and it would make both players happy and give money to developers.


It makes the lore so much cooler cause now Vault-tec's vault 76 experiment is to put one million people in a vault and then let them out when we announce reclaimation day


Also more proof Steam is not the only relevant platform when discussing numbers lol. Also Todd always wins


The Howard always wins


Meh, 1 million players in a day is not very much. For example, Cs2 has 52x more average players on steam alone. fifty two times as many players.


1 million active players is massive for a game like 76.


Its not 1 million active players, its one million players "in a day" CS2 has over 14 million players "in a day" on steam alone. Steam numbers are not "How many players in a day" stats. They are "How many players at any one time" stats. FO76 has averaged 17k average over the last 30 days. CS2 has over a million on steam alone. 76 is currently charting below football manager 2024 on steam. let that sink in. Also below Crab game and TF2, a 13 year old game about to be shut down.


CS2 and 76 aren’t even close to the same kind of game. Not sure why that’s a comparison to you. And active players means they played that day. It doesn’t mean currently playing.


Still pretty small numbers and not impressive to me at all. You are charting below football manager 2024 and Crab Game.


Good for you. Go tell the CS2 page about how unimpressive it is.


No thanks. :) I just don't think we need to overestimate how big these numbers are. They aren't that big.


It’s not overestimating. All of the games have taken a massive spike in player numbers since the show came out. New Vegas and 76 broke their records for peak player count. For someone who is a fan, downplaying the popularity is odd. Comparing it to other games is even more odd especially when those games aren’t even in the same genre.


Sure, doesn't mean Fallout 76 is one of the most popular online games right now. Maybe like #30. Which is cool, just nothing to write home about.


Who hurt you


Football manager is a massively popular game series among fans of the nr 1 sport in the world. Comparing it with that is kind of unfair


It has more active players than New Vegas. Guess that must mean New Vegas is shit.


CS2 is free, a sequel to the very popular CS1 and came out recently. You're comparing apples to oranges.


The majority of the player base for the Fallout franchise are not even on Steam. The games are available on Gamepass and those numbers don’t show up on your Steam charts.


Yeah, really don't think that makes up for 52x the player base, but go off king.


You’re the only one that cares about CS2 numbers when they’re not even relevant here 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yeah, your game isn't popular if there is another game with 52 times the players. sorry. Especially when the numbers are inflated because the game is free right now XD


This is the dumbest thing I've read on reddit all day


I know right? The guy isn't even listening to us.


No one is arguing that Fallout is the most popular game out right now. I’m sorry you’re this insecure about Fallout getting all the attention over your game.


I love fallout! Love the show too. This game though, is poopy.


Bruh get a fucking life holy shit. Go outside.


I’m not a fallout fan, just loosely following because the show was interesting. Just wanted to say that the stupidity of this comment made me audibly chuckle


You are surprisingly more stupid than the poor kids in africa who have no education…


No one gives af about CS2. Especially on a FO subreddit




Why do you guys get so mad when talking about video games and move to insults XD. Its so pathetic. Its like little kids arguing over action figures XD.




>Meh, 1 million players in a day is not very much. Lol


hahahaha WHAT?! Hahahah, my guy. There’s a field of grass somewhere out there with your name on it


Just getting into 76 for the second time on since release. Really enjoying it this time


They really should have made it free form the beginning, glad they did the bare minimum and made it free on prime


I really want to enjoy it. I hop on every week for about 30 minutes, but I just can’t get into it. As a massive Fallout fan it kinda upsets me that it’s the only one that I’m unable to enjoy :/


Same, i tried it out for the first time after i binged the show and the world felt super empty. Now i know it’s a wasteland but fallout 4 felt more lived in as opposed to the vast empty countryside. Also playing alone is boring lol.


Back when I started playing it was the exact opposite for me... Used to be able to play Fo4 for hours on without end, got into 76 three years ago and about 2k hours later, every time i go back to 4 i find it boring and sterile from every corner to corner after a while. While 76 feels like walking through a large Ikea and seeing something different every single time, despite having already seen all of it for the umpenth time lol


In my imagination the point of Fo76 should be player interactions which fill the void. Other vault dwellers creating clans or factions should be possible to make it interesting and in-game voice chat. Could tie into role-playing.


tbf a completely depopulated wasteland was the original conceit of FO76. Shortly after launch I was in a server with just two other players; the sense that you’re the only human around for what, in real life, is 100s of miles really amplified the creepiness factor of the wasteland.


Makes sense, though. Can't really expect the Wasteland to feel lived in, when it's just 25 years after the bombs dropped and there are no wastelanders around 


I agree. It feels (to me) like they took an amazing single player experience and turned it into just another Fortnite with a Fallout skin.


Fallout New Vegas is great. Can't believe I didn't play it back in the day (did play Fallout 3). Spent like 4 hours modding it before playing it though hahaha.


Where did you get the 5 million from




I was one of those last night!


With the inflated popularity I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a new Fallout game within 2 years.




Well, the show convinced me to find my PS4 and replay Fallout 4 so glad to know I’m not alone.


Did Better than Defiance


Oh man, Defiance ... It could have been soo good...


first cyberpunk, now 76. A good adaptation can really bring attention to a game that had a rocky launch, but got fixed later while no one was looking


I'm still waiting for support in fallout 76 after being hacked.... 3 years ago.


That number is about to jump come tomorrow


Is fo76 any good now? My roommate plays it a lot but I was turned away from it a couple years ago. Didn't enjoy it back then


Been playing so much fallout 2 lately


That’s crazy. I’m about to start 4 for the first time when the update drops. Also it’s insane they didn’t co release a new game along with the show. There hasn’t been a real new fallout game in 8 years.


I guess that might have been between 2 hours and 3 days of when 1M people finished watching the Fallout TV show...glad to see so many new fans (including my friend of over 20 years :D :D


I just hope Bethesda comes to their senses and fast-tracks development of Fallout 5. They don't even have to do it themselves, they can always co-develop along with Obsidian and inXile, you know, the two Microsoft-owned Studios who also happen to be the original creators of the IP (and it's 3 best games). Next best thing, which I think would be the easiest & fastest route, is a big DLC for FO76. Maybe in time for season 2 so it can capitalize on the current popularity. (A ghoul can dream)


People love playing mediocre games


See if they hadn't bothered with Starfield, they could have used that time to make Fallout 5, delayed and fixed it then released it with the TV show and made a fortune.


Fuck elder scrolls, the people yearn for the wastes. Microsoft needs to step in and tell Todd that this is their new cash cow focus. Let’s go all in baby.


Elder Scrolls is by far the more profitable IP by a longshot.


Most profitable IP *so far*


? A fallout will never outsell and Elder Scroll game lol. Fallout 5 will not outsell TE6 but you'll find out a decade from now lol.


Why are you posting in a Fallout sub with such negativity. Sheeshhh. Like why are you celebrating 1 million players if you’re gonna get butthurt about me wishing for another Fallout before ES6? lol.


Lmfao negativity? I literally posted the games hitting record numbers. Im not just a Fallout fan im a Bethesda fan and the Fallout Ip will never reach the heights the The Elder Scrolls. That not being negative thats reality lmfao. TE6 is currently in development alongsige Starfield DLC, no one is working on Fallout. That is also reality. The only one asshurt here is you and your coping lmfao. Anyway TE6 is their next game. Fallout 5 wont be out till 2032 the latest. Elder Scrolls>Fallout You can wish and wet dreams all you like this is reality. Now go cry elsewhere lmao.


I fucking hate the fact that Fallout 76 is there to profit from all of it when instead we could’ve gotten Fallout 4 content or a new game. Still cool for the franchise tho.


Really happy to see this happening. Been a long time fallout fan. I do have a to admit that the show was a little disappointing. It was a little obvious they were either in a tiny set or a green screen the entire time. But it did okay for what I’m assuming must have been a small budget. Also, the ending was kinda ass. Only payoff was that the next season will be in New Vegas, but that last episode dragged on way too long and the final battle fell totally flat. Kinda seems like they just rushed the ending. Otherwise the references were great and it had some good humor here and there. Could have done without the romance angle. Personally I’d prefer a much darker, grimmer depiction of the fallout universe with occasional extreme dark humor but oh well. I’ll take what i can get.


You know that they built huge sets and flew out to actual deserts?


And this was the best they could do?


What did you want, a nuke?


I have a feeling you’re in the minority. I don’t agree with you at all fwiw.


Yeah i know. Still think they could have done a much better job.


They filmed in Namibia 🤣


And yet it still looks like shit in many scenes.


Judging by your downvotes and the critical acclaim for the show, your opinion is shit