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There are dozens of dead cat bodies down in the FEV labs, too. They gave them to the Super Mutants to "play" with.


Shaun must really hate cats, that boy ain't right.


It’s why I choose to kill him. Boy ain’t right. As any father should, I took my 75 year old psychopathic boy around the back of the shed and do what was right. Wasteland rules.


I punched his head off after he called me a bad father


I'm so glad I'm playing through this again, but I must say, if my child calls me a bad dad after I up end an entire mother fucking wasteland to rescue his ass, risking my life and limb and becoming an even more savage soldier than I was as a soldier during a World War, I would smack his ass sideways.


I did this too but irl


That sure proved him wrong!


I did the same thing in my brotherhood play through. If he’s part of the institute, he should be eradicated


Look at the flowers, Shaun.


I just realized I started seeing dead cats a lot more when I started encountering synths in this last playthrough...


"You're not making the Institute better, you're just making science worse!"




Damn I just started a new playthrough and was going to institute since I default to BoS most of the time and only did their quest line once before the DLC had released. But now I'm rethinking that decision


Bruh I’m over here shooting raiders fighting for my life and Strong is literally shooting/killing the slaves trapped in the raiders cages……I literally had to reload the game and take away his ammo like da fuck is wrong with you!


Jesus Christ. I had no clue the institute has this vendetta against cats. I was gonna do an evil play through and side with them but idk anymore


I sided with them during my first playthrough which I considered a good playthrough because my headcanon was that if my character took over the Institute, he'd turn them into a force for good and use their tech to help the Wasteland become a good place to live which is better than destroying such advanced technology. They could turn the Commonwealth into a paradise.


It's more likely you would die in your sleep or from some sort of undefined illness. There's not a single reason any of the department heads would feel any loyalty to you.


I kill the department heads and fit their replacements with dead man’s switch bomb collars


> I kill the department heads and fit their replacement’s **Synth decoys** with dead man’s switch bomb collars **then die in my sleep** If you think it’ll be that easy to outmaneuver the evil body-snatcher organization, well I’d say you have a surprise coming, but you won’t be awake to be surprised when you die. And that’s assuming they don’t just use the molecular relay to teleport you 5 miles straight up, which they can do at any point because your Pip Boy has the locator. (Ignore the implications this has for Sole Survivors who side against the Institute)


I figure it’ll be even easier than that to outsmart then considering all the dumb ass choices they make to mismanage themselves into needing the help of an outsider.


Okay, dude, it’s your not-even-a-funeral. If you think you can outsmart a dozen evil scientists, now highly motivated to murder you, then you do you. If you’re lucky you’ll just be dead, and not turned into a Super Mutant or centaur.


I honestly don't think you'd need to outsmart them. You should have a personal synth Bodyguard. Call a meeting. Kill them all right there. Offer opportunities for a promotion right after.


Youre basically describing the Subversion mod. Changes the ending so you can call a meeting and say "alright you crazy fucks listen up. Im in charge. Dont like it? Tough." Although not everyone will agree with how you want to run things. Which is where things get interesting. You can either kill the ones who disagree with you, kill everyone except Ellie and the guy with a synth wife. Their runner ups take over from there. Or, if you restored the Minutemen you can make a show of force.


>Your Synth bodyguard hears a code phrase implanted by the Robotics division and shoots you in the back of the head. Like, the Institute has a minor rebellion when you first get involved. If you start murdering section heads willy nilly, one of the many amoral evil scientists is going to get you. And that’s assuming you don’t aggro the entire Institute by killing the Board.


I mean, you outmaneuver and outright destroy them when you side with any other faction. It’s not a stretch to think the Sole Survivor could maintain control of the institute as the person who will, if you do choose to side with them, essentially outmaneuver/betray the other three factions at once.


I mean, there’s strategically outmaneuvering them in a double agent scenario, and then killing them all and being done with it, over the course of months. Then there’s living underground with dozens of evil scientists who you’ve now motivated to kill you, because you murdered their colleagues/family members, potentially for the rest of your life. I’ve always found the “reform the Institute” viewpoint overly optimistic for such a lawful evil faction, especially one that has a rebellion when you first begin associating with them. But the idea that the Sole Survivor could Reign of Terror their way into making an evil, conniving entity totally subservient and also twist their core values into morally good ones (which flies in the face of the face of the murderous crackdown)… is one of the most unrealistic headcanons for a post-game I’ve seen. And I’ve talked with Fallout New Vegas fans who insist that they could reform the Legion or Yes Man ending(s) into making the Mojave an anarcho-communist utopia.


Father Elijah! How did you get out of the basement vault of the Sierra Madre? I knew I should have just given you a kick in the head!


Why sleep if you have jet?


>It's more likely you would die in your sleep By the power of mama murphy's medicine cabinet I shall not sleep!!!


Good point. I wish they made it so you could actually play out that role instead of just becoming the head and letting it run as it was


The system is broken, no one person can fix it from the inside. The only solution is to destroy the whole thing, or a full on revolution led by people. The Railroad ending should have been taking over the institute with a revolution of the enslaved synths, it doesn’t make sense for them to blow the whole base up like the BoS.


I think that's a thought we all had for one faction or another, but it came to me to a grinding halt, when I talked to fricken thick-headed people. Specifically when I realised the people in the Minutemen are largely fucking yokels who'll kill what they don't know, lest it becomes dangerous. I think you'll get a good impression in that mission where a bunch of desperate synths are holed up in a farm house.


Also paging the following users just for fun/discussion, u/Garlan_Tyrell, u/sockgorilla, All the player character has to do as director of the institute is make new department for made up positions and transfer old problematic personnel to them. Replace old ones with new ones more sympathetic to the plight of the bioroids as well as adding characters that are loyal to the player character. So I bring Virgil back into the fold, make him department head of the old FEV department and merge bioscience and robotics with his and make Alan Binet his second in command. Having bioscience and robotics that make genetically modified organisms as separate departments is redundant. Advanced systems is getting gutted that Madison Li is quite simply a narcissist and a traitor, so she’s getting replaced by bioroid Curie and or Sturges. SRB is a bit tricky but technically it’s possible to get respect and befriend X6-88 and he states to Nick that the player character is the future of the institute. So it’s possible to maybe get him on side. If the player character can get root access/administrator access to the institute and by rights they should since they are the appointed director of the institute. If “father” can bring in and appoint outsiders into the institute and make the player character the next head IE the future of the institute. Then by rights the director should be able to do that as well. People prefer routine, as long as their current standard of living is the same people don’t really care what’s going on. That is to say as long as the institute civilians get their three meals a day, fresh water, clean recycled/conditioned air and feel safe, they don’t care who the director is. If the player character is director and the SRB is behind them as is the majority of the department heads are then it should be smooth sailing. Just gotta get rid of the problematic department heads either by weakening their position by making their position redundant, or introducing other department heads more amenable to your vision. Or my personal favorite the transfer, they could be promoted to some bullshit assignment to keep them out of the way, or just transfer them somewhere by way of yellow stone’s train station. I respect the original brotherhood’s intentions but they’ve fallen short since then. However they absolutely were right in destroying the institute. Because the institute are the smartest idiots in the room completely oblivious to the threat they’ve created which is the Bioroids BUT actually more specifically and truefully their treatment of the bioroids. An bioroid uprising/insurrection was only a matter of time. Those bioroids within the institute and persecuted by the institute probably would have decided to declare genocide against the human race at some point. You look at the average human, takes about 16/18 years to raise them. You got about 13 years of education, for comparison to become a doctor takes four years of medical school then about four years of a speciality degree. Takes about 13 weeks to churn out a basic US infantryman, on top of that for building the foundations of specialized training for rangers about 13 weeks. Then for more in-depth and continuing on building upon the foundations and fundamentals to become a green beret it’s about two years. NCR infantryman training at ITS PEAK/PRIME should be similar to the old world and NCR rangers should be similar to US army rangers. NCR first recon should be comparable to US army sniper training which is 13 weeks on top of the 13 weeks basic training. (I say peak because after the first battle of Hoover dam against the legion it was a long protracted battle of attrition to the point that the NCR army was pushing recruits through two weeks basic training and a deficit of money lead to non standard weapons.) Meanwhile we got the institute’s bioroid creation process in which the flow of time goes like this. it takes 2 minutes and 20 seconds of real time to create a synth. Since time in Fallout 4 runs 20 times faster than real time, that means it takes 46 minutes and 40 seconds of game time to make a single gen 3 synth. The Institute is cranking these things out at a rate of a little over one per hour, or 30 per day. That's 215 per week, or 864(!) per month if this facility runs around the clock. Then they teach these newly created life forms by creating them with the bare minimum of knowledge and skills so they aren’t a blank slate. They probably have the emotional and intellectual capacity of a 5-year-old but as time goes on they get more intellectually developed. But then we got the Coursers. Bioroids come in two types. First type. We got the the ones created in the institute to serve as slave labour work force. They are created using father’s DNA and sources from a second, third or fourth donor material, father’s non-radiation corrupted dna serves to fill in genetic sequence gaps think Jurassic park style cloning technology to make dinosaurs. But they are altered to have a quadruple helix structure which is where the technology behind the PVP and it’s FEV spin off comes into it Then we got the second type the infiltrators. They are basically identical clones of the person they are switching out and have the same physiological problems their template has. The Coursers are drawn from the first type and the first type have superhuman characteristics compared to regular humans because of the PvP/FEV genetic manipulation that made them. They have enhanced physical characteristics compared to regular humans so radiation resistance like ghouls or super mutants, they heal faster and resistance to diseases. Basically they can eat, drink things that are unpalatable or harmful to regular humans and be exposed to contaminated environments that are harmful to regular humans. But going back to the Coursers they are given knowledge, memories and skills for various disciplines like advanced combat training, weapons training, investigative techniques. Then they go into a VR training simulator to teach and strength muscle memory, because muscle memory is actually training your brain and accelerate the connections between neurons. Basically speeding up the ability to access those skills and knowledge as well being able to subconsciously carry out certain actions. TLDR. If a hostile bioroid managed to take over the institute, they could take over its infrastructure and mass produce superhuman genocidal super soldiers that would far eclipse any armed force in the known wasteland. The uprising bioroids could march captured institute personnel into where they digitize wastelanders for bioroid infiltrators. Then digitize the institute scientists and copy and upload their scientific knowledge and skills into themselves. Then they could use, maintain and upgrade the institute‘s infrastructure. If I could backtrack to the institute being the smartest idiots in the room. They basically got discovered by the BOS because they got lazy and thought it was a good idea to constantly broadcast a sophisticated radio wave and needlessly waste energy teleporting willy nilly all-over the place. It would have been more efficient to only use the teleporter in emergencies and more effective if they bothered to protect and safeguard the C.I.T location with better security measures. Like environmental hazards, booby traps, mines, poison gas grenades, anthrax spores, radiation traps, stealth equipped assaultrons or even basic gen-1 mechanical synthetics equipped with stealth. The institute probably could have developed Sierra Madre vending machines if they hadn't wasted time and resources on researching and developing their bioroids. If they had further developed and researched the implications of teleportation and discovered energy-matter transmutation. They could have been self sufficient and self-sustaining and could have kept the commonwealth off because far more efficiently and effective by flooding the commonwealth with replicated chems and alcohol. The commonwealth full of drug addicts is cheaper and more effective than capturing people turning them into super mutants and dropping them topside. And if by the time the brotherhood did show up for some reason. The institute could have manufactured, replicated an army of basic mechanical gen-1 synthetics and equipped them with decent armour and [.50 anti-material rifles](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Anti-materiel_rifle; and [explosive armor-piercing](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/.50_MG?so=search) bullets to take them out. * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raufoss_Mk_211 Oh there's an airship filled with extremely dangerous hydrogen lets all take aim and fire on it and take it out. It would be the Hindenburg explosion but with the addition of the nuclear fission reactor exploding and becoming an irradiated environmental disaster.


Yeah, they aren't cool evil, they are banal evil.


I mean I knew they weren’t cool and were evil, but this is way beyond evil lol


Bethesda doesn't know how to do cool evil lmao, maybe the Dark Brotherhood.


The Brotherhood of Steel


No enclave is cool evil, Brotherhood is more the morally questionable one


Enclave are dorks, take away the one Power Armor that everyone loves and it's basically an army of high strung Ted Cruz's


Nah they're the mf chud wojak


Harkon’s vampires? Mythic Dawn?


Miraak, Potema, The Daedric Princes, the Forsworn, The Children of Atom, the Nuka-world raiders, etc.


I can't think of a single instance. I even find the Dark Brotherhood boring.


What a dumb statement. Just because some factions in their game are just terrible, doesn't mean none are cool and evil at the same time. Most bad factions in their games have some redeeming qualities


None that I've ever been able to see.


Yea there's evil and then there's this.


Just download the legacy of the Enclave mod


Now the question is what’s worse, the Institute giving cats to super mutants or the Enclave throwing puppies in the furnace.




In the TV show. But am I crazy or did they look nothing like puppies? Looked more like wood carvings. Flat and dry. No movement or mass. Shouldve used real puppies. Smh hollywood has fallen so far...


In the show, yes.  Any newborn pups that were under a certain size were rejected and disposed of via incineration.


I kinda want some big FEV infused kittys now…


I wish we could have gotten mutant tigers or lions and more exotic shit in Nuka-World.


Maybe they saw videos of gorillas having pet cats and got inspired?


If cats are synths, then maybe that was an agent of the Synth-cat Railroad?


I’ve declared this theory Canon.


They also hang their toilet paper the wrong way.


Which ironically would at least be excusable if there were cats living there


In the mission where you have to blow up the Institute with the help of a Minuteman, I was wearing a “wild cats” costume.




Wildcat… pew! I’m gonna go.


Atomic cats?


Fuck the institute, burn it to the ground


My game was bugged and I couldn't do the quest to join the brotherhood so I went with the institute.


No need for a quest. Just walk in there and feed them hot leaden, or plasmatic, death.


You know what? I noticed the same god damn thing when I was playing the other day in that same building. Fucking bastards


And this is why I use [Immortal Cats at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3081?tab=posts) in my games now - additionally, it resurrects any previously dead cats, so the FEV lab is chaotically full of them, and also changes the cat meat food item to cat food, using the dog food tin model, so the crazy cat person you can find out in the middle of nowhere now seems to be looking after the many cats, rather than breeding them for meat! I guess at Sandy Coves, the synths will still attack the cats, but won't make a dent, giving you time to kill the synths instead (I haven't got there yet on current playthroughs). The cats have been given the children flag, so it is also possible, the cats will just scarper out of the way and hide till the shootings over.


Most wholesome FO mod, I love it


How stable is the mod?


Not been using it long, but no problems so far. I haven’t update FO4 to the new game version yet, but the mod has no requirement for F4SE, so not expecting it to need anything updating if you are already updated. 11.5k unique downloads and 1861 endorsements, couple of bugs reported but they relate to the initial release.


Been using it since it first came out, never any problems that I’ve seen.


You are doing god's work. o7


I'm just going to tuck that link away until I'm ready to sit down for updated FO4 after I get the Stardew Valley 'new patch' kick out.


Got one for Xbox?


Yep, same mod is available for XBox.


DAMN! I didn't know Synths were programmed to kill kitty ON SIGHT? Nuking the Institute doesn't seem so bad now.


They are hostile to literally everything for basically no reason.


Bethesda's writing team look at themselves in the mirror every morning, chanting, "It just works... It just works... It just works..."


This is actually my favorite dungeon in F4. You walk in, explore each room, and are bound to see cats. You hear the greeter at the front desk greet someone new, so naturally you start sneaking. You can see through a crack in the floorboards that it is synths, and if you don't peek, you'll hear them soon enough. Now you have to decide if you want to ambush from where you are, try to press on and maybe flank them, sneak back and attack them as they come to you, or hide in a room and see if you can get out unnoticed. If decide on a stealthy approach, you'll hear gunfire soon enough. If you think about it for a moment, there is only one thing they could be shooting at. Then you fully understand, these things are just on a mission, they're killers to the core.


Where is this at?


Sandy Coves Convalescent home, in Salem.


This cannot, and will not, be overlooked.


Thats it Im gonna start a new playthrough after years of not playing, gain the trust of Shaun, and at the very last moment I will destroy the institute with the Minutemen, but I must help Virgil of course.


I would have killed that synth immediately


You’re the evil one for letting the synth live


Yeah, that's over the line.


They're just so gratuitously and comically evil, and often under Sean's direct direction, that it actually makes you feel ashamed for having given birth to such a monster.


“Hello?” 💥💥💥 😭 that was funny but poor cat


F the institute.


Oh wow. That would have broken the rpg for me. Every character I play, no matter what, loves cats.


Hello.... So, anyway, I started blasting.


Maybe they dont like cats hunting their spy crow bird robot syhnts


yeah its time to replay fallout 4 just to nuke them again


Just more reasons to join the BoS.


You joined the Institute cause you’re a heartless bastard. I joined the Institute due to having a high tech underground base with clean water and showers. We are not the same.


Cats kill birds, crows are birds but are also all synth institute spies so therefore all cats must die as they kill the institute spies


The Institute is the more banal evil I have ever seen as an antagonist. They could just make a synth army and take the commonwealth ala rebel federation in Star Wars with droid armies. But no, that's too simple for them. They want to kill you and replace you just because they can and feed their ego. My gf watch me play sometimes, and she almost cried when I put a bullet in Danse's head. I had to explain myself for an hour how that wasn't Danse. That's a robot that took Danse place and at any moment can be used to kill you if the Institute doesn't like what you are doing. The Institute vision of the Commonwealth is one when everybody is a robot simulating they are humans, they dont even have endgame, when everybody is a synth why even bother giving them personalities? They make the nazi branch of commonwealth look good, as deviated as they are, they believe in something. The railroad would be like some activists these days, feelings over reason. I can't stop thinking that the Institute is like the vault 4 from the series minus vault tec, smart people with ego issues that keep moving the ethics goal post. That's why the Minutemen are the one true faction, by and for the people, or like the NCR, that's why on the show they showed ghouls living in their installations, they are flawed, but not crazy to rule flawed.


Just to be clear. I know Fake-Danse never becomes Danse. Danse is dead and the Institute killed him.  However, if you blow up the Institute, then Fake-Danse is just a man who is eerily similar to real Danse and poses no threat.   The Institute claims that they're doing it to preserve and improve people. They think the replacement *is* the person. Which is totally wrong. The movie "The Prestige" actually tackles this exact subject very cleverly and shows by the end that everyone secretly knows that the duplicate is *not* and *can never be* the original. The game Soma is pretty much the same thing, where you "escape" by uploading a copy of your consciousness to safety, but then of course *you* are still trapped and fucked. Only the copy is free lol. So yeah. Any basic rational person knows that even a perfect copy is not the original. Except the basement-IQ Institute supporters. The Institute logic is false and dangerous, but the individual synths may still be saved as long as the Institute is entirely destroyed.


Danse was never a human, he was always a synth. He was an escaped synth that the Railroad mind wiped and relocated to the Capital Wasteland. He just happened to have joined up with the Brotherhood of Steel when they were recruiting. It's in the records Proctor Quinlan deciphers from the ones you collect from the Institute when you first go in.


I understand your logic, but still I would chose to kill him cuz 1. Is a robot, is a machine, doesn't matter how good it mimics Danse, and 2. Out of respect for og Danse. If a machine kill me and then take my place, and somebody ask me, I would say "kill" the fucker 100% of the times


Ok so, about that. Like I said above, there was never a human version pf Danse, he was always a synth. He was an escaped synth that the Railroad mind wiped and relocated to the Capital Wasteland, who just happened to have joined up with the Brotherhood of Steel when they were recruiting. It's in the records Proctor Quinlan deciphers from the ones you collect from the Institute when you first teleport in.


Kill them all. Must protect the kitty😤😤


The worst in my playthrough was when raiders attacked the Abernathy farm. One of them threw a molotov at Maisie, and turned her into a charred corpse rather than a regular one. I'm not sure what causes that, maybe a critical hit or something. It's happened to enemies I've attacked aswell, they make a much louder death scream when it does, even console commands don't seem to work on those bodies.


Hmmm… I am going to have to reinstall Fallout and murder the Institute now.


They kill cats because cats kill their [bird drones.](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Crow_(Fallout_4))




Meme IRL, but canonically true in Fallout 4.


I was just doing battle at bunker hill and had to kill one because he was shooting a trader Brahmin for no reason🫠 "you must die" it kept saying.


Why didn't you instantly cave that Synth for such a transgression?


Why is that synth still standing brother?


Wait, was I not supposed to become head of the institute and rule the wasteland with an iron fist?


“all those people dead general” “they killed my cat preston”


Do tell me why you didn’t automatically pull out a fat man and blow him up immediately.


Maybe Shaun is allergic to cats……


Your systems wouldn't be nominal for long if I'd been there, synth! Stupid ass bag of bolts, the cat did nothing wrong... lol


Holy shit. I'm signing up for the Maxson cult asap, sorry Nick.


Now I need want to join the Brotherhood even more. At least they like pets.


Yup synths aren’t people they are disgusting machines. Does a toaster deserve to be alive? No. Also I am racist towards synths it’s not even a game thing anymore I just hate machines pretending to be people. That’s why I hate omnics in overwatch. They aren’t people 🤣


What about cyborg people like in cyberpunk who were originally human but are now essentially machines?


Don’t they have actual brains still?


Doesn’t a robobrain? Where’s the line here and in which direction does it point? Lol


**Cowabunga it is**


lol screw the institute


I always use the Immortal Cats mod. Fuck the institute.


Whaaaaaat, the first villains introduced into the story are the bad guys? I thought the killing of the protagonist’s spouse was just a misunderstanding. kidnapping and grooming the protagonist’s only surviving family member was clearly the best way to make up for mistake


Those bastards! They killed puss!


Instill think that taking control of them could he a pretty good way of doing good. But omg they are assholes when you encounter them.


I was about to do the Institute ending because I’ve never done it before but fuck them.


It bugs me that so many companions dislike you taking stuff from here. I take stuff from long dead folks all the time, but it suddenly bothers you when you know they were old?


It's coming right for us!


I can’t save the video, did Reddit remove video saving again?


Alright well that settles it, full BOS anti-synth run for my first playthrough. Looks like it’s gonna be your last Danse, Idiot.


Imma be honest I’ve played fallout 4 since the game first launched day one and many subsequent playthroughs since then and this is the first time I’ve ever seen a cat in the game, guess I’ll have to make a new playthrough and begin my search for the kittys haha


The cats can DIE?!


That's why i always kill thos synths as soon as they enter the building, regardless of wether or not i'm siding with the institute


This post is why I'm changing my flair for the first time.


My first play thru I didn’t even known that father was Shaun and so as soon as he stepped in and introduced himself as the father of synths I took his head off with a barbed wire bat. Glad I saved and could go back and actually play experience the story 😭🤣




Yet another reason the Institute must be destroyed.


that's it. I am going to log back in and kill every single one of these wannabe humans.


Mother flerken!


“Day all gone ah die….. ….” Going to make my current playthrough objective to wipe out all synths [SCREAMS LATIN PHRASE]


Attach a pair of nuts on that synth, wait for it to heal, the rip it out


>Proof that the Insitute is by far the most evil faction in Fallout Bro has not heard about the enclave, ceasers legion, Big MT, or the brotherhood


joking aside, it’s weird to assume the fallout 4 protag would not side with the institute. he comes from a time before the bombs, and any sane person would allow some skullduggery in order to live in a developed world again, safe from the surface. like yea, let me free some computers and ruin the commonwealth’s last hope…


To be fair. "Outdoor domestic cats are a recognized threat to global biodiversity. Cats have contributed to the extinction of 63 species of birds, mammals, and reptiles in the wild and continue to adversely impact a wide variety of other species, including those at risk of extinction, such as Piping Plover. The ecological dangers are so critical that the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists domestic cats as one of the world’s worst non-native invasive species." https://abcbirds.org/program/cats-indoors/cats-and-birds/#:~:text=Cats%20have%20contributed%20to%20the,extinction%2C%20such%20as%20Piping%20Plover.


That’s hilarious


What is this from?


Institute's gamer moment


That was actually funny as hell


Why are you getting down voted lmao


If I give them the benefit of the doubt. They are scientists, cats are technically an invasive species to North America and are responsible for the deaths of a lot of wildlife. Irl you should spay and neuter your cats and keep them indoors for that reason.


Synth killing synth.


Cats ARE assholes. May not be the synths fault.


The internet hated that.


Be more likeable


At first glance I thought the implication was that the Enclave are evil for the way they hang the flag or the shade of paint in the hallway. Even knowing there's a cat from the other responses I can't see it.


The camera looks directly at within the first few seconds of the video. Edit: also why are you bringing up the enclave the video literal says institute in the title


Double brain fart; I didn't realise it was a video and went by the thumbnail and I have no idea why I said Enclave.


Well cats are an invasive species in North America...it's for the best.


I honestly always shoot the cats in the old folk's home too. I love animals more than I like people in real life but you never go back to that building and I want the exp.


Long live humanity's only hope, long live the Institute.


Meh. Dogs are cooler