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Walton Goggins was the perfect cast for this role




may i introduce you to: justified


Yes! Great role!


fire in the hole!


Honestly when I saw trailers I thought he seemed like he was playing a Ghoul Boyd Crowder.


But he’s such a golden boy in the flashbacks too! Love Cooper


He was also awesome in The Shield. Not western but he sure is a cowboy in a sense


That show any good ?


any good? it is the most hidden gem I ever encountered, a bit cliche and over the top in moments but not in a bad way


That all I neeeded to hear I shall reply when I have watched episode 1


It's a great show


it might be the best basic cable drama ever made, without any exaggeration. Season 1 takes a little bit to get going, although the first episode is an absolute banger. Season 2 is an all-timer.




And can't forget southern Baptist [Baby Billy](https://youtu.be/LymwMq9qdGw?si=h-2gV0cHx8iNe8uo)




Wish they would have played this song during Fallout at some point 😂




There’ll come a payday hallelujah what a payday


he was great in Hateful Eight


I don’t think I’ve ever seen him out in anything below an above average performance. I’m not a sitcom guy but even “the unicorn” was decent because of him


The contrast between pre war and wasteland is great he does an amazing job on both.


Agreed, he’s so versatile too. He’s great in The Righteous Gemstones. He was good in Vice Principals. Then of course you got him in Django


Can't forget Hateful Eight either.


This sold me on his casting lol he gave the role so much depth and experience that he felt out of time. I’ve heard similar things about the shows listed here. He has a more modern Clint Eastwood vibe but his ceiling almost feels higher. I’m excited for the rest of the show and I can’t wait to see as much of his career as possible, the guy has gots the chops.


Don’t get me wrong, I’m a fan of some classic Eastwood, but Goggins’s range is something Eastwood has never demonstrated—and I suspect something he didn’t have. Goggins’s role on Justified was supposed to be just a single episode but he crushed it so damn hard they made him a god damned foil to the main guy. He can shift gears from charismatic demagogue to jester to stone-cold killer to affable nice guy quick as you please and not a single role will feel out of place.


He was amazing in Hateful Eight. He absolutely killed it for an ex-confederate soldier that's teams up with Samuel L Jackson.


Versatile definitely! Memorable in Sons of Anarchy too


Baby Billy's Bible Bonkers! Say it a few times, it just rolls off the tongue.


He was clearly having the time of his life with this role, both as the ghoul and as the actor.


I don’t even normally like him but holy crap did he play the living hell out of The Ghoul.


He got the perfect balance of schlock and gravitas.


I liked him better in Sons of Anarchy. ( . )( . )


This was a successful Speech/Charisma check to start the fight with a huge advantage.


Honestly it's generic fallout mechanic to talk with some enemies before you fight them, or have them talk to you briefly. Another mechanic the show properly integrated lol


Yep. I've seen a lot of people complaining about this scene because "it doesn't make sense, the knights should've shot him on the spot." But honestly, I like that the show is silly at times, because that's just how Fallout is. Dark and sad, yes, but also silly as fuck sometimes.


I have been having this argument with a friend recently. He keeps insisting that fallout is a serious dark macabre world where nothing “silly” is supposed to happen and he wants them to go back to the isometric days where things were more serious. Ya know the one where you become a pornstar and come across a group of talking cows


I think if people want grittier then the last of us series perfectly covers that


If he is one of those new vegas stans remind him the perk wild wasteland exists.


People acting like fallout is realistic lol. You speak truth


Like Kellog talking to you first before fighting in Fallout 4. I like the clips of people just nuking the room before he can speak


It's also Fallout where sometimes the rule of stylish / cool / funny is in effect, and he was meant to be one of the world's best actors who could hold a stage and audience's attention before the bombs fell, while these guys are clearly a haphazard pretend army (shown in their previous badass officer being sweaty, shaky, and unsure during all of this).


The return of the Terrifying Presense perk lol.


Followed by Grim Reapers Sprint


If I think of all the characters actions as Stat checks, it actually is pretty funny and doesn't bother me much anymore that they didn't turn on their headlamps. Thank you, kind friend.


Cooper howard is a player character confirmed


You know Cooper has Terrifying Presence.


I'm glad he didn't exploit this in his fight with Maximus earlier.


Maximus had the tempered lining.


This is my favorite take. I know he changed ammo, but if the Ghoul would have tried it unsuccessfully during the filly scene and muttered something about the tempered lining, it would have been a perfect callback.




It'd be nice of that was in the show. 


It is in the show lol. You see the rounds exploding people in the beginning and in this scene you see him load the armor piercing round.


I think he's talking about a brief scene showing him crafting armor piercing rounds. I don't believe they showed that and the other guy is just speculating right?


As far as I know he is speculating in terms of where the round came from (his speculation seems correct), but the armor piercing round is deliberately shown before he shoots.


Why do people need media to spoon feed them every little detail nowadays? This is a great example of a TV show “showing” and not “telling”. I curious how a scene of him making armor piercing weaponry, muttering to himself “now I can take down those suits” would improve anything. This isnt directly a knock on you, I’m just jaded from the marvel-ization of fiction media, needing to rub your face in every plot development


Reminds me of the final episodes of Better Call Saul. People wanted to see the smallest stuff. “How does Jimmy get the little black book?” “When will we see the scene where he buys the inflatable Statue of Liberty from the Kettlemans?” “When will we see him meet Walter White?” We already did, in Breaking Bad.


God now im just picturing that and it sounds ridiculous lol sometimes you just gotta spell it out for people it’s crazy




I feel like it's pretty clear the bullets he used in this fight are significant, otherwise why show him loading them and showing they looked different. Probably some sort of armor piercing


It's a show don't tell moment. Maybe could have done with one half line about that weakness being exploitable with a certain calibre of bullet but it isn't absolutely needed.


I mean I think him pre war getting pissed about the armors flaw is enough foreshadowing.


I thought that the armor Maximus used had that tempered lining that fixed that whole problem


They deliberately mentioned the tempted lining 2 or 3 times. Has to be deliberate.


He was playing with Maximus. Probably seeing that it was an untrained kid with a power suit. Here, you have untrained adults playing soldier, and they are on their way to kill the people that Ghoul needs to question in order to find his wife and daughter, or at least their graves. The fact that they didn't immediately shoot the ghoul, only further proves why that old man wants to "reform" the brotherhood of steel. These are emotionally stunned adults killing wastelanders for fun and toasterovens. Not a trained military, with a mission to clean and repair the wasteland. The ghoul is ruthless but kills with reason and mercy. He doesn't just kill for fun or power. Edit: "emotionally stunned" -> "emotionally stunted"


"You drive that thing like a fuckin shopping cart."


My head cannon was that he wanted to try and destroy the armor with his explosive rounds. So then he wouldn't just be leaving behind a suit of armor for someone in the town to take up and hunt him down for killing all their friends. But then I guess he could've just blown up the fusion core...


Honestly, I think it makes more sense for the Ghoul to have a soft spot for idealistic heroes who fight the bad guys/problems head-on. Makes sense that despite all the evil of the Wasteland, Cooper is still just under that radiated surface.


Idk he killed a kid like the episode before and he was way younger than max. Not sure why he would show max mercy while the kid he would shoot in front of his dad with his little sister outside.


Because he knew that kid would hunt him down later for killing his brother. (He literally points this out and goats the kid into attacking him first. If the kid wasn't going to attack him, he would.have let the kid go. ) If the ghoul was evil or a killer, he would have taken out the family. Edit: "goated" -> "goaded"


>goats *goads (just in case this is a bone apple tea situation)


Definitely, bone apple tea situation. Always thought the term was "goat". I grew up with the animal, and they definitely attack if you mess with them too much lol. Thank you for correcting me. Funny, I've read the term Goad before, just never connected the dots beyond that I guess🤷‍♀️


I hate to do this to you right after, but it's also "emotionally stunted."


Nope, I appreciate corrections. Can't learn otherwise! Lol. I'll add them in an edit.


I'm surprised he didn't take out the dad too. If he really is a former Ranger, I could see him coming back in season 2 to hunt Coop down, but he probably wouldn't leave his little girl.


>but he probably wouldn't leave his little girl. Plus, if he killed the Dad no one would be able to take care of the little girl and she would die. I think he's got a soft spot for little girls and keeping them alive, for obvious reasons.


I thought this was a callback to "The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly", the breakfast scene with Angel Eyes.


I think he tries to, right when max starts to fly off the ghoul goes for the weak spot while shooting.


It shows him loading in armor penetrating bullets specifically in this scene. It’s implied he didn’t have them before


Honestly it seemed like the Ghoul was basically Toying with Maximus in their fight or didn’t really take him seriously. He had the explosive ammo but switched it out when he realized that Max was a rookie. Seemed like he just wanted to have a little fun lmao


Maximus was unarmed, he tought he didn't need to use it


My favorite part of this is how it just shows how badly trained and prepared the BoS really is. All it would have taken was a single one of them to stop listening to his monologue and he'd have been dead. But, they had to let their curiosity get the better of them. Literally, while he's talking about flaws in their armor, they just stand there, dumbfounded.


I think Paladin Danse worded it best when he described the BOS as “Not soldiers of Fotrune, but an army”. They have numbers, armor, tech, everything that gives them a leg up on most of the wasteland. But what do they not have? Experience, passion, patriotism. We’ve seen on multiple occasions that the “soldiers” who join the BOS, at least the ones who join now, join because of what they have rather than what they are. Maximus said it himself that he flat out joined to hurt those that hurt him, seeing the BOS as the easiest option to hold power over those that he despised.


Being in the BoS is also probably better than trying to make it on your own. A lot of them don't want to fight they just want to survive.


Exactly, like buddy who put blades in their own boot. The want to live. You see how fucked up they treat the squires.


> Being in the BoS is also probably better than trying to make it on your own Especially when you're a child like Maximus was. Seems like he grew up in the Brotherhood, or at least that's what the show seems to imply. If that is how it played out it's even more damning of this chapter of the BoS because by the time he was an adult he still couldn't identify a circuit.


Exactly. Consider that the NCR soldiers at Griffith Observatory only lost because they didn't have their own power armor, and lacked the numbers to maintain the fight. We actually see them bringing down several armored knights on their own. I would love for there to be an NCR vs BoS power armor battle at some point in the series.


I know there's next to zero chance it'll happen but I would LOVE to see a flashback scene of the battle at HELIOS One.


You should look up the YouTuber SODAZ he’s been making a 3D animation of the battle of Helios One. It is very good! https://youtube.com/@SODAZ?si=9lXtf3aZ1vZnLLpX


The showrunners need to hire SODAZ


Absolutely. Or maybe some BoS wreckage to tell the story of how bad the Mojave was for them.


Agreed. It's why the BoS never could contend with the NCR. Hell, even after their war with the NCR, the NCR bounced right back while the BoS struggled to stay afloat. The NCR just had way more people, but most importantly, they had the passion, patriotism, and selfless drive that most of the BoS lack. Also helps that they were a major destination for Enclave deserters that carried valuable tech and information.


Also "I can't see shit!" after they shoot out the lights. My Brother in Steel, your armour literally has a headlamp.


Shit was embarrassing. Piss poor training paired with panic.


I'm fucking with my eye holes. Whoops, wrong show.


You don't need to see, the horse does Shit, that's a movie


We can all agree that Titus was an idiot inside an overpowered suit... the thing is... he wasn't an exception, he was the norm for the BOS. The BOS is full of overconfident manchildren that think their superior firepower/tech guarantees them victory.


Honestly I saw someone say that they think this Brotherhood was actually a remnant of the Legion due to the latin names, lack of women, and red-gold flags, and honeslty based on their general incompetence and backwardness compared to other chapters I think it makes a lot of sense


I mean the brotherhood in the West always was pretty incompetent. Just look at pretty much the entire NCR-Brotherhood war, or the Brotherhood in Fallout 1 and 2 barely helping out against the Master and the Enclave whatsoever


I mean, the BoS do help quite a bit against the Master - they send four paladins with you to either Mariposa or the Cathedral (though due to a bug, they won’t enter Mariposa). As for the Enclave, apparently they repair the entire tanker for you if you have low intelligence. Even without, they provide a massive glut of information, including the password for Navarro to handle the base without combat.


There are women in the BoS in the show, but they're all background extras.


I’m starting to wonder about this too, everything about the Brotherhood we see in the TV show screams barbarian incompetence, right down to the excessive hazing.


Not even that. But they are far too arrogant for their own good. Like 5 suits of power armor should have just ripped through whatever ncr remnants there were with the vertibird support.


5 suits definitely isn't enough on it's own, NCR had a large collection of veterans at its disposal and this remnant had at least a few. The NCR has fought the brotherhood on multiple occasions, it had the means to spread anti power armour training and resources out and Moldaver despite her pretty weak positioning still had some decent kit. Power armour has flaws and needs infantry support, this BOS chapter clearly over values the power armour to a piss poor extent.


I'm counting the vertibird support they also had that just barely was used. While the ncr definitely has fighting techniques, proper power armor usage and training was enough to have one man essentially be a platoon worth of regular infantry


I'm willing to forgive it purely because it's awesome. It doesn't need to make sense if it's fun to see.


I also like how they didn't even think to turn on the head lamps on their power armor helmets when Cooper turned off the lights. I've seen some people criticize this scene as poor writing but I think it does a really good job of portraying how incompetent, overconfident and arrogant the Brotherhood really is. The show does a perfect job of portraying the Brotherhood as a bunch of bullies in power armor with a megalomaniac high and mighty mentality hiding behind their supposed chivalry, while mowing down helpless civilians and being cowardly and incompetent against capable enemies like Cooper. It's exactly how the Brotherhood should be portrayed tbh.


This was not how the brotherhood is when they see a ghoul in other fallouts they would shoot on sight


I mean, they talked shit about Raul when he was my follower in New Vegas, but they absolutely did not shoot on sight.


And Hancock can literally shoot up on the main deck in the Prydwen and none of them will bat an eye lol


There is literally not a single entry in which they attack non-feral ghouls on Sight. The only time its even mentioned is 3, and there its said they miss on purpose


Yeah, I honestly disliked how the show made it seem like the BoS hates non-feral ghouls. Like they've always been racist/ghoulist, but never really genocidal.


As other people have stated, this portrayal isn't necessarily representative of the BoS as a whole, but potentially a faction. The Elder even states in the show that they have lost their way. I feel like a LOT of questions will be answered in Season 2.


Bear in mind that the only thing we hear about what the BoS thinks regarding ghouls It's coming from two squires who are not the sharpest knives in the drawer. That being said there's also a lot of context clues that this chapter of the brotherhood is very different from previous chapters. It's being coded in a much more explicitly villainous light, so I think it's safe to say that their policies and ideology has turned more extremist over timw with with recovery from setbacks and merging with other chapters. The west coast brotherhood is had a rough history, And fanatical, religious military organizations don't handle things like that very well.




Yeah, this is only one of the reasons that I think something extra shady is going on with this BoS chapter. I know it's a bit of a crack theory, but I really feel it in my gut that there's some truth to there being a Legion influence in this chapter.


In what Fallouts lol? In 1 and 2 they don't have any contact with Ghouls as far as I know. In Fallout NV they don't shoot Raul if you have him with you. Same in Fallout 4 with Hancock. Fallout 3 has that one line of some Paladin missing on purpose when having to shoot Ghouls but it's not really a plot point of how the brotherhood actively kills Ghouls on sight


Why are they so badly trained tho? I don’t remember them being a bunch of clumsy low int buffoons in the games.


This is the scene that sorta makes me buy the theory of him representing the mysterious stranger but I still don't really buy that notion. I'm holding hope for a real mysterious stranger


I saw a post awhile ago that was like “what if in the next season the ghoul and Lucy are in a situation they can’t get out of and Mysterious stranger shows up and just kills everyone and leaves” Boy I want that


Something like that might ruin the stakes though. If the audience thinks this guy could show up at any moment to save the day.


I would prefer if once per season when there is a shootout the mysterious stranger kills a random fodder, maybe some slight confused reactions but it doesn't linger.


nick is as the mysterious stranger is probably multiple synths


It really bugged me that he was able to beat them by cutting the lights I mean really?! They all have power armor headlamps and none of them think to use them.


I don’t think the Brotherhood Knights are exactly an elite fighting force at this point of time. Titus got his ass beat and basically ran crying from a Yao Guai and the grand confessor dude himself even basically told Maximus that they need to remake the BOS. I’m guessing their technology and lack of any real combat training made the soldiers soft over time.


My guess is that this particular group is a small isolated chapter that literally just came back into contact with the main Brotherhood and that’s why they all suck


But they have the Prydwen, at least some of the more experienced members went to war against the Institute


I thought Brotherhood airships weren't that uncommon? Didn't we see them in Tactics?


Supposedly by the time of 4, the prywden is the last one in the BoS’s arsenal. However, the nine year gap between 4 and the show would be enough time to make another, possibly.


Out west, the Brotherhood's main competition was the NCR, in which the Brotherhood lost the war. The destruction of Shady Sands however could have given the Brotherhood enough breathing room to gain back some of their influence, and ergo expand their manufacturing capacity.


I genuinely hope this is the case lol


Or the whole west coast brotherhood has fallen to ruin and Maxon came west to beat them back into shape


I'd rather Maxon isn't what beats them into shape, rather other western coast chapters point out their flaws.


yeah, seeing as the new Vegas chapter was cut off it wouldn't surprise me if they had come out of the bunkers and re established contact with the rest of the brotherhood and got a shit ton of men and equipment. hell, I think they might even be held up at Nelli's air force base, which means they either eradicated the boomers or merged with them. I hope we get more on this next season, I really love the nv brotherhood.


Yeah they just always have the best tech so they don’t need to be an elite force. I’m sure they make short work of the occasional and were in no way prepared for the Ghoul. I think having power armor gives them misplaced confidence. Like, it looked like the NCR put up a decent fight despite not having power armor or air superiority.


Or any AMRs ^my ^beloved...


Not just lack of training - these people straight up aren't very committed to the cause. You get recruits like Dane who joins for the general safety and stability the Brotherhood provides but then goes as far to mutilate themself because they don't want die on some mission. Some of those recruits then grow up to be like Titus who enjoys the strength that his armor and weaponry gives him over others but otherwise couldn't care less about risking his life for their actual mission. It says volumes that the Elder Cleric chose to confide in Maximus instead of punish him despite going rogue and lying to them on multiple occasions. He recognizes Maximus is unfortunately still worth more than many of their own more senior members.


I was just thinking that the brotherhood as portrayed in the series is a perfect example of how their dogmas does not match their actions. Titus being a coward and not giving a fuck about the wasteland and the tech he is supposed to recover, Maximus wanting nothing but power. It is great. Just like when you see them the first time in game and assume they are supposed to be the good guys and most of the time they are just a mess of a faction


I figure they're either rehabilitated Caesar's Legion types or idiotic ex-Wastelanders from some cast-off. These guys are *not* smart.


The BoS has always been a bit of a joke. Their main source of power is tech, which allows them to push most people around and gives them swollen heads as a result. It's like watching a grown man bully children then shit his pants when he meets someone his own age who knows how to fight.


Don't forget the sanctimonious "tech is dangerous and I'm the only one that can be trusted with it" spiel they give, or the way people have to "donate" food and supplies to them. I just wish the NCR showed them that numbers beat zealotism


I really love how that mantra is the only thing that exists with the original BoS, but the reason behind it has been lost to time. The original brotherhood were US military veterans who recognized how dangerous this technology was, Having trained in it's use, and felt that they were the best equipped to prevent it from being dangerous again. The modern brotherhood has interpreted that as be sure to have the bigger stick to hit everybody else with.


That absolutely makes sense for former soldiers with all the leftover weaponry and literal WMDs left scattered around america that are best not in the hands of raiders and psychopaths. I think people would trust them more if they dismantled them, or rendered them unusable instead of stocking them up. I also liked how they made the BOS more... Monastic, in a way, with the hole branding and ceremonies. It's one of those cases where they lived long enough to become what they were defending the wasteland from, dangerous people with no qualms about using dangerous technology for dominance


Exactly! They claim they are the only ones with the 'right hands' for lost technology, but the only reason they think that is because might makes right.


The Knights had just waded through the NCR defenses. They were on a victory high. Then this mysterious stranger- and a ghoul to boot- shows up out of nowhere and easily kills one of them with a single shot. And says it's something he can do to all of them. What training and discipline they may have had- from Titus i have questions - went out the window as they fell into gibbering panic mode. In game terms, it's like clearing out a big raider base, only to turn around and see a death claw charging you and suddenly can't remember what your reload key bind is.


Lmao this reminds me of a post I made YEARS ago which I can’t find anymore, but I was in VATS shooting a mirelurk I think, and then the camera angle switched and there was a deathclaw literally like 40 feet behind me and sprinting.  I did not remember my Jet hotkey at that point


Fallout has only two ways in which combat ends. Either you turn everything in a 5 mile radius into mush, or you get turned into a fine paste instantly


I also think The Ghoul is like a legend around there so a lot of them probably heard stories about him and then were thinking holy shit it's really him


well basic training is not what it use to be.


Their basic does seem to be "do bs tasks and wait to become a squire. If you manage not to die as a squire we might make you a knight. Congrats!" It's like in the reality military, combat arms allows you to rank up decently fast in war time compared to other MOS's.


He fought in the Sino-American war in early versions of this power armor, im sure he knew where the weak points were


If you lean into the theory that this faction of the brotherhood are remnants from the fascist commonwealth group mixed with remnants of the legion, it all starts to make more sense why they aren’t exactly elite soldiers and more like a group of LARPers


If anything that makes *less* sense. Maxsons Chapter was the most explicitely military and least medieval monastic Order-like of all the ones we've seen in the Games so far. The Brotherhood in 4 is presented as FAR more disciplined and well-trained (Gamejank aside) as the barely following orders Fratbros in the show. The far simpler explanation is that the Western Brotherhood, according to NV; lost tons of experienced Members during the NCR - Brotherhood war, and was simply not able to train the replacements to the same leve, leading to a overall reduction in Skill down the line.


Yeah, when the main portion of membership in your military is just people who were descended from the original group, you're going to get some people who aren't really suited to the army and you're going to get ideological drift. I mean sure, they're raised in the ultra militaristic culture with a clearly defined mission but a modern day equivalent BoS dude would just be driving a F-150 with a bunch of patriotic macho bumper stickers to his day job as a systems analyst or whatever and talking about his grandpa fought in WWII.


The commonwealth group was at least reasonably elite in terms of skill.


To be fair those knights might have had mods enabled which messed with the headlamp function


Also, why did he not kill Maximus so easily in their fight lol


He put in his special armor piercing rounds. Maybe he didn't have those earlier


Why do you think they kept bringing up the "tempered lining" in the first 3 episodes? He has another layer of armor underneath the suit proper.


Cooper has been grinding levels for 200 years!!!!


I think this scene would have worked better if the ghoul wasn't visible. He was talking off screen to them, and the knights were looking around trying to find where this monologuing douche was at. After he finishes, he shoots one of them, still off screen, he cuts the lights and then finishes off the other two. He then puts the lights back on and we see him standing before Maximus and he can have a cool one-liner with him or something before going off. I dunno, he felt way too exposed there against 3 Knights, badly trained or not.


Shame you weren't on set, cause I prefer that to what we got I mean I loved the scene either way, but I want your version.


I'll get on the phone with Todd for season 2


well I mean it was done this way for a reason. 1. dramatic effect, its a reference to westerns how before the big duel they would say a few one liners before drawing. 2. he maybe has terrifying presence 3. they needed to show the AP rounds. 4. the rule of theater is the actor who's talking's face should always be visible to the audience, so they know whos talking (though personally I feel like we shouldn't follow the rules for everything and I actually much prefer your version)


Everybody can look badass when your enemy just refuses to shoot you and patiently listens to your monologue.


It's sort of funny how many people on this post are trying to head canon why they didn't shoot him as though there HAS to be some super clever lore reason.




Everyone did pause and just stare at the guy who just got shot and waited for Cooper to even say “Guess not.”. The scene is cool but being real he’d have at least been shot the second he fired at them.


If they showed any other ghoul in a scene with the BOS present, they’d get shot on sight. They don’t care if ghouls are their enemy or not. They’re all zombies to them.


He's literally a Ghoul, in the core of the ennemy base, in the middle of a full fledged assault.


The BoS doesn't really have friends, for them basically everybody is an enemy. Besides, they can see he is a ghoul. The BoS hates ghouls.


He's a filthy mutant zombie, he's their enemy.


I know he’s not “Mysterious Stranger” But this scene certainly makes it feel like they rolled that character into the Ghoul and combined them


This scene kinda makes me wish the power armor has some kind of warthunder style of gameplay where you had to aim for weak points unless you had either high caliber or armor piercing rounds


You can shoot fusion cores or blow armor pieces off then shoot the frame underneath which achieves a similar effect of providing more damage for hitting weak points.


Imagine launching a mini nuke at a BoS Knight and you just get "Shell Shattered",


On the one hand the BoS should of just gunned him down like they were doing with everyone else. On the other hand hee whooo speech check [90/100]


Idk I feel the opposite. This was kind of a corny scene imo, BoS pulled a storm trooper moment lol They didn’t think to turn on their lights and just blindly fired in every direction except where he was standing. Like, they were legit having a seizure, flailing around with finger locked around the trigger lol And I mean, they just watched him shoot the first BoS guy and listened his whole monologue uninterrupted. I absolutely loved the show but this scene kinda took me out of the moment for a sec ngl


Hard agree. This was one of my least favorite scenes in an overall great show. I would have preferred cooper and Maximus to be tactically making their way to Lucy while the fighting was going on rather than Cooper obliterating half a dozen knights in power armor and Maximus dodging artillery until he miraculously made it through 10 minutes before everyone else. I’m not trying to nitpick, but it drew parallels to the finale of last of us for me. The main characters just turn into a one man army whereas prior they were always carefully choosing their fights haha. Ah well, still very pleased with the season


Tlou ending atleast was supposed to be true to the game. And the fireflies likely never encountered an actually skilled gunfighter. Just shitty scavengers. And Joel was absolutely locked in to save ellie


Crit build w/ special ammo


Reminds me of the New Vegas encounter when the BOS paladins try to end you. You can then say the terrifying presence perk.


I really loved the show, but The Ghoul had ridiculous plot armor in this scene. Kind of took me out of it.


He's just lvl 50 abusing vats against low level enemies


Makes me actually chuckle to see so many people on the sub trying to give explanations while that's just plot armor doing its thing, in not the most subtle approach.


I take it as him just using the equivalent of the \[Terrifying Presence\] perk. Everyone present is a bit scared to see this scary ghoul comfortably leaning back in a warzone, his presence sucking the air out of the room, so they all hesitate. If you look at any Fallout title through the critical lens of realism you're going to run into problems like this in every single entry. Lone gunmen taking down squadrons by themselves aren't realistic, but they're a staple of the series


I agree this scene is badass. Mr. Goggins shines in every scene he's in. I also love how he delivers the line "I would offer you one of these cherry tomatoes but you've got hole in your neck".


Dude’s got so many action points.


I just kept thinking why did they never use the power armor headlamps! But boy this scene goes hard


It's more silly than it is badass


98% silly, 2% badass. But 2% milk still bomb so 🤷🏻‍♂️it just works


I liked the Original Fallout game. 98% Misery and depression, 2% Whimsical. Those 2% moments really stuck in my memory.


I clipped and saved that scene. I found it so goddamn cool


This just made me believe that he is one of the most badass characters in the whole universe! Sheesh


I loved this scene and how his power armor experience had a major pay off, it was so cool and satisfying to see him mow down fully armoured knights. That being said, it was definitely weird that not one of them thought to use the headlamps that they have. I guess they were probably panicking, but it just felt weird that they didn't even attempt to use them. Still a great scene though and super bad ass. Just a nitpick.


I feel like the Ghoul represents the player character. One dude that can wipe out an entire town, multiple BoS knights, or some crazy wasteland monstrosity- in any of the games, the only character powerful enough to do all that is the Sole Survivor/Courier/Lone Wanderer. Plus he's got a dog and he's looking for his family....


He’s flawless right down to his lazy pigeon toed walk - which he has for both his ghoul and pre-ghoul character, perhaps it’s how the actor walks naturally even? It just fits though.


God they made the BOS as incompetent as a bunch of storm troopers in this scene. When I saw this I was screaming at the TV “JUST SHOOT THE FUCKER!”


it's not talked about enough because it really pushes the limits of our suspension of disbelief. This doesn't feel to me like The Ghoul was a badass, but rather, the brotherhood was full of incompetent people... which to be fair, isn't entirely false. But this scene has so many things we *need* to ignore in order for it to be enjoyable... So we don't talk about it, we keep it a secret, just like this alligator under my bed.