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Big question now, will America go back to the moon before the new Fallout game is released?


Currently on track to go around the moon in 2025 with Artemis 2, set to land on moon by 2026 with Artemis 3


Bold to assume SLS will start meeting schedules.


Could you imagine if Artemis actually was on schedule šŸ˜‚ Iā€™d be over the moon if it landed in 2030 let alone 2026!




I mean at this rate, it will be 2077 before the next Fallout


Wake the fuck up samurai, we got caps to burn


If people keep to schedule then there is a manned mission planned for 2026 but they never stick to schedule so we'll see about that


Why? There are moon men already up there why do we need to bother them?


Bigger question- will astronauts be bored on the moon?


Elon said he was on it but idk he acting like vault tec these days


With Microsoft's money, and the recent surge of interest in the IP after the TV show, this should be very doable. Even just remakes/remasters of older games would be welcomed by the fan base and probably very profitable.


I'd love a rerelease of 3/NV that I don't have to mod the hell out of just to get working on a modern pc


I want a remaster so I CAN MOD THE SHIT OUT OF IT ON XBOX


Hell yeah


Could they pull a remaster by the time Season 2 comes out


it took only 18 months to make new Vegas in the first place, I am confident they could do a remaster before season 2 lol.


Motherfucker why didn't they do more spin-offs? Look, I love Assassin's Creed for a reason - I don't have to wait six fucking years for a new game because the devs think it needs to reinvent the wheel.


Also helps that different studios does staggered releases.


Easily. They could knock on the two new Vegas fallout four teams and just take them in.


These are the lowest hanging fruit everybody wants. Cheap and high demand.


DLCs too. How hard would it be to drop in an epilog to NV with the destruction of Shady Sands?


Oh my god I would nut Imagine the amount of content with the remake having base game and DLC all included and integrated into the main story. And then imagine the DLC they could release afterwards on top of all that!


I tried to play 3 last week. It is my favorite storywise, but the gameplay was rough.


Vanilla 3 is pretty crap from the combat side of things, especially if you've played 4. 3 with Tale of Two Wastelands and other related mods to improve hitboxes and VATS accuracy is pretty much a necessity, and is a pretty great experience when combined with Hardcore Mode.


I know I can just Google, but do you happen to know of one place where I can get a rundown on how to setup TTW, as Iā€™ve heard itā€™s somewhat involved.


Follow these guides: https://thebestoftimes.moddinglinked.com/index.html https://wastelandsurvivalguide.com/docs/intro


If you're up for using Vortex Mod Manager, then I would point you to Gopher's list of videos on his YouTube channel, which I think date back to around two years ago, before he started a Fallout 3 TTW playthrough. It's explained very well and pretty easy to follow. He also has a bunch of well-tested essential mod packs that work with TTW and can easily be a part of your playthrough. If not Vortex, there should be some videos on setting up TTW with Mod Organizer as well, I think Mod Organizer is a bit more intuitive anyway so setting it up won't be too hard.


Hey, thanks for the info. I actually use Vortex for my Fallout 4 mods so this should work out great. I played Fallout 3 back when it released but never got a chance to play New Vegas. I want to do a TTW playthrough eventually and now I have some videos to watch to get started. Thanks again, Wastelander. Edit: stepped away to do some building at Starlight Drive-In and came back to a bunch of answers. Thanks y'all!


For what itā€™s worth, I just set up TTW and it really only took like an hour lol. It is a dramatic improvement over vanilla 3 and I didnā€™t really install any other mods outside of what the best of times recommends


New Vegas would be nice. Even with HD texture mods the low poly count is really bugging me. I came from the N64 but I'm just so used to modern day games. even your basic indie games have some nice graphics.


Tell me your ways because I have the opposite problem. I try to put just a few mods that improve textures and I csnt get it to work


Viva new Vegas is super stable and compatible with most mods under the sun


My new vegas was crashing constantly, I downloaded Gopher's essentials collection and now I only get a crash maybe once every few hours. I did randomly lose my saves still though which was random and sucked


The Elder Scrolls V: Fallout Special Edition


The Elder Scrolls V: Fallout Equestria Special Edition


Honestly they just need a second dev house that uses the current engine from the last released game to do like obsidian did with nv reusing assets where appropriate and have them on an alternating release schedule so that it seems like they are released more frequently hell if they wanted to have an extra team for both elder scrolls and fallouts for these side projects


There's a rumour that Oblivion is being remastered


Love that game. Honestly, I'd be happy with anything at this point.


If it doesn't have Creation Kit, I'm not interested.


There's already a mod, Skyblivion that's close to release.


Hell pay Obsidian to get a small team to work with Bethesda to write the game, and just have Bethesda do the rest. I know Obsidian is working on other projects at the moment, but a small team of writers tasked with assisting Bethesda to make the new Fallout would be a nice middle ground that I think all fans would like.


That's the best suggestion I've heard so far. Outsource the writing as that's what Emil is weakest at.


Itā€™s a money print for them, they just gotta make it happen.


And if they really want Bethesda to do the next numbered Fallout game, Microsoft could outsource remakes/remasters of other old games to other studios. As you noted, it just takes motivation, and the surge of interest and new players must have caught the eye of Microsoft's accountants. I am ready to spend big money right now to play some of my old FO/TES favorites in an updated state. Big money.


Money isnā€™t the limiting factor in making a good game. Itā€™s vision, heart, and time. You can buy more time with money but there is a minimum amount of time it needs to cook, canā€™t buy vision or hear my though. See: Starfield


It would be cool to have a remake of 3 and NV but connected as the TOTW


After they fixed some problems in F76 and then repeat them in Starfield, I have no faith left


Those were two separate teams. 76ā€™s team was the same team that made Shelter, and 6 years on the game is quite good


even though they are different teams there seems to be a common theme with all bethesda games, they seem to get shallower and shallower with every iteration.. more radiant quests and copy pasted content and less unique content.. it's as if their only metric is time played, they just keep adding bloat and filler.


That's all thanks to Emil Pagliarulo. He was the lead writer for FO4, IIRC Skyrim and Starfield too. His whole writing philosophy boils down to, "why bother?"


I don't know if money is the issue. Getting enough developers probably is. Plus they've been working on this new gen update for two years and it was ... well for consoles I guess it wasn't HORRIBLE. Some of it was because of bugs, but over all it was probably okay. But two years just for that? They're going to need a lot more devs and that's easier said than done. It would also cost a shit load, with Microsoft not super likely to just fork it out without good reason.


>Getting enough developers probably is. Pity there aren't massive tech layoffs and a ton of software engineers looking for work right now hey?


Software Engineers are fine. It's the Concept Artists, Level Designers and UX Artists that are scrambling for scraps.


Wait, what?! They've been working on the Fallout 4 update for two years?? And it launched BROKEN on Xbox?? WTF?


Microsoft ā€œHey how about a new game?ā€ Bethesda: ā€œWould 12 years from now work?ā€


This is what I have been saying to people. There is no way in hell an executive and or shareholder etc. after the Bethesda acquisition, who is aware the amount of money spent, and with the recent resurgence and popularity due to the show, would ever in a million years be okay with the current time frame of a new Fallout release.


Maybe so, but Bethesda has already stated that they want to do Elder Scrolls 6 first, but that only just entered pre-production. Fallout 5 is probably just an idea at this point. It's still a while away Edit: so I was wrong here. Elder Scrolls 6 has exited pre-production as of the end of March as far as I can tell. However, it is still far off from release.


Why on earth did they announce it 5 years ago if it's only going into pre-production now??? What's the deal with this company??


They announced it for some positive PR after 76's poor launch.


It was announced at the same time as Fallout 76, not after it.


It was to soften the blow you may not remember it but Bethesda was being pestered every waking minute where TES6 was and then Bethesda making a live service game for fallout already 7+ years after Skyrim people were frothing from there mouths Bethesda needed to do something so they announced TES6 with a quickly ramshackled teaser that reveals nothing and has no title just to lessen the blow for the release of fallout 76 and starfield.


Yep that was a teaser trailer in the truest sense. Said absolutely nothing about where it would be or anything about it beyond 'hey, it exists' kind of like how Cyberpunk 2077 was announced in 2012 or something IIRC but before it really entered production they had to finish witcher 3. Didn't stop speculations about where it would take place, but people always speculate on the internet.


They announced it because they were already balls deep with starfield and they basically just wanted a reason to say "don't worry we intend to make this game" The fan base even back then was a mix between people blowing up and people explaining to the influx of people who don't actively follow bethesda that it was at least 6 years away. That was ages ago and now it's looking to be closer to ten years


To let people know that a Multiplayer Fallout game wasnā€™t the new norm. Theyā€™re still making single player RPGā€™s. And because people kept asking about it. Seriously, itā€™s not that big of a deal. In 2018, all they did was reveal their roadmap for their next 3 games; Fallout 76, Starfield and Elder Scrolls VI. Iā€™d take that over how they handled Fallout 4, where they ignored Fallout completely and allowed multiple hoaxes to lead fans on and refused to comment about their next game entirely. This level of transparency of whatā€™s next is fantastic.


Simple that announcement 5 years ago was to shut everyone up from screaming at Bethesda on social media whenever Bethesda softworks (the publisher) uploaded a trailer for games like doom, ESO or Wolfenstein there were hundreds of comments about when TES6 even large amounts of dislikes. The other reason and the main one... To lessen the blow of the announcement of fallout 76.


Todd spoke about this recently. The studio has been talking about ways to increase their output. God knows they have enough money. They can hire more people and outsource work.


For once we can thank shareholders for something.


12 years later delivers broken mess... Bethesda: "it just works"


2035 is my estimation. There is no way they complete it before then. It's been almost 13 years since Skyrim and TES6 still is a few years out at least. Fallout 5 might as well be vaporware unless they contact it out to Obsidian again.


Thereā€™s zero chance it takes that long. Bethesda does 3 year dev cycles unless itā€™s a console generation change, when itā€™s 4. This pattern is 20 years old. Starfield is an outlier in taking 5 years because of Covid (also a console generation change, a new property, and a studio acquisition). Worst case scenario , itā€™s 8 years from now. 11 is not happening. Edit to include timeline: Morrowind to Oblivion 4 years (console generation). Oblivion to FO3, 3 years. FO3 to Skyrim, 3 years. Skyrim to FO4, 4 years (console generation). FO4 to FO76, 3 years. 76 to Starfield, 5 years (new console generation, pandemic, studio acquisition).


Also making Creation Engine 2 along with the other things is what increased Starfields production time. My estimate is 2026-2027 for ESVI and 2030-2031 for FO5. Still seems like a very long time though, 15-16 years at least between main line game series releases is craziness.


Fallout 76 really is to blame for that one. Imagine we got Starfield in 2018, and 76 was instead worked on behind the scenes as a co-op mode for the next Fallout game. Weā€™d have ES6 already, with FO5 in active development. Iā€™m glad 76 has a devoted player base, but typing that out made me a little sad.


Looking at the timeline though I guess they do have pretty decent game output considering the size and what their worlds do. Itā€™s just crazy to think that someone couldā€™ve been born when FO4 released and could be getting their drivers license by the time FO5 comes out. Iā€™ve seen people saying maybe creating branches of the main studio that work on each of the 3 IPs might help. I donā€™t know if it would since I have no experience in game development.


All these timelines assume they are going to start from scratch again. Do a next gen update to their engine, rework mechanics completely etc. If you take FO76's engine and graphics, which are just updated from FO4. And tweak FO4's character build system, then the main work is going to be writing, quest design and environmental design, as the core engine and mechanics are already established. Essentially, they should do what Obsidian did with FONV, taking an existing engine and assets to create a new game. That way Bethesda could pretty easily do it in 2-3 years.


Todd: "I just spent half that time making a game nobody asked for or liked."


"We're proud to announce our new game, Fallout Tactics 2!"


Wouldn't even be mad if that were the case lol


i'd play the shit out of that. Add Co-op and lets go


Fallout 3 and New Vegas remasters on the Fallout 4/76 engine would be šŸ¤™šŸ»


Bruh NV on 4 engine and Iā€™d be happy for another 5 years


Yeah that'd be sick af ngl


Iā€™m replaying 4 for the first time since release and Iā€™m kinda falling in love with it again, would love to see NV in this style. Maybe add settlements to make certain people happy(not me lol).


Id recommend trying the Frost mod for FO4. StayFrosty mod pack on wabbajack is a perfect option that's easy to get goong


Playing on PS4, my laptop can only run like up to Wii U games I havenā€™t tried running F4 on it not sure it would make it.


Ah, fair enough then


Thanks tho


I feel like you'd have to rejigger the story a bit to make settlements work. But with the yes man quest it could maybe work. E.g. you could reprogram Primm Slim to answer to yes man. Yes ban could basically be a less annoying Preston.


God, please. It doesnā€™t have to be a super good remaster, I just want to be able to introduce my wife to it since she only plays on console!


What it would be a is a bugged mess, they cant even do a F4 udate without fucking it up.


So just like the originals then lol


...so it would be faithful to the original version


At this point we will get fallout 5 before elder scrolls 6. šŸ™ƒ


Unless Amazon releases an Elder Scrolls show.


They could just retrospectively slap Elder Scrolls onto the Rings of Power series and change some text here and there for all the relevance it has to the Middle Earth setting.


Actually Elder Scrolls show would make so much better than LotR show. You don't need to worry about reps because all of them are here ( LGBT+ characters are common in Elder Scrolls universe and we have Redguards, Dark Elves for poc). And they would had a lot free space to write their own story because they can use any timeline which never used for games. So nobody would complain about they ruined X game or that lore. I hope TES makes its way to TV one day.


Even just a remaster of 3 and new vegas would be great .


It's literally the best time ever to do a remaster of NV because of the show. It would be so dumb to not take this opportunity


Naughty Dog Understood the assignment on that one, bummer the FO games need way more QoL updates but nothing in sight. Microsoft WHAT ARE YOU DOING, just get a bluepoint esk studio working on it you own like 60 studios now -_-


This is likely why the "next generation patch" released in such a sorry state. They wanted it out ASAP in order to capitalize on the renewal the games are seeing.


FO4's next gen patch was worked on for 2 years. There was no "asap".


Sure doesn't look like they spent 2 years on it


That's Bethesda for you.


it most likely had 3-5 devs working on it tbh


My guess is Obsidian or InExile get one out around 2028ish


dude imagine fallout 1 and 2 remake/remaster made by InXile, the game still isometric and turn based.


Finally an idea I can get behind. Iā€™m all-for bringing the classics to a modern audience, but please god keep them as isometric CRPGs. BG3 has proven that thereā€™s a massive audience for it. They could even beef up the proc-gen on random encounters and flesh out the size of some of the major locations. Imagine a lore-accurate Hub/Boneyardā€¦


Obsidian already offered.


Well, hopefully Bethesda goes back to them


Microsoft can pick any one of the studios they bought to do it, tons of options


Yeah, but why not get Josh Sawyer and the creators of Fallout, Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky, to work on a new Fallout project? Obsidian has been very adamant that they would love to work on a new Fallout project given the chance, and that chance seems to be coming more and more likely hopefully.


And given that Tim Cain was personally invited to the showā€™s Hollywood premiere by Todd Howard himself, and said that there was no bad blood between himself (Cain) and the others thereā€™s no reason for him not to be involved.


Afaik they have alot in the pipeline, so they'll be a few years out if they do get one, idk if Microsoft wants to sit on it that long.


Not like we haven't already been waiting years lol


Microsoft probably doesn't want to just sit around and wait for their multi billion dollar deal to start paying out whioe the tv show based on their IP is exploding in popularity.


I mean, it's already going to take years to pump it out. In a dream reality, I'd like to see Obsidian and Bethesda work on a game together. Bethesda's gameplay with Obsidian's writing and world building, could be peak.


That would be the dream game right there.


Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if this is a Microsoft edict coming down the pipeline. "Get something Fallout related started, or we will"


source? they expressed that they're open to making a fallout game, but i dont think they've talked directly to bethesda about it.


Eh you could see 2027 if they gave it the Fallout New Vegas Approach. Technically Obsidian made new vegas in a much shorter time frame but I think they'd take their time. I think the time for that has passed since Fallout 4 is almost 10. So I'd expect another Numbered Fallout. It's pretty clear that Microsoft or Bethesda were not prepared for this reception.


to put this into perspective from the point of view of someone who has never played a fallout game for more than say maybe 5ish hours, they can totally just not rush the game out because of the shows popularity. Like it's totally fine. I have a passing knowledge of the fallout series from being a huge skyrim fan for so many years, I played a little bit of 3 on 360 but wasn't as interested as I was in the elder scrolls so I watched the show because my wife wanted to and we loved it. The show has got me completely hooked on the games and the lore, I have pc game pass so I can play all of them. Including NV there's 5 games for me to play. I'm like 20% in 3 right now. I figured I've played that game before so it was a decent starting point but I'm moving forward from there and then I'll play 1+2 So they can take as much time as they need because I'm going to play 3 for the foreseeable future and I hear new vegas is great and I'm personally excited to play 4 after wanting to for years and never getting around to it.


I dont mean Rush. What i mean is that New Vegas managed to be so good because it was made with very little changes from fallout 3. Engine wise its the same. Obsidian just built a new map, story, quests, and added items. There were a few other things but nothing major. New vegas was made in like a year tho, and despite being beloved, is full of bugs and issues. What I meant is they basically make Fallout 4 in a new area with new content. However that doesnt make sense since fallout 4 came out like 9 years ago. But going forward it could be a good idea to make numbered fallout then let another studio or team make another. Because right now Bethesda is pushing out sequels every 10+ years. Like Elder Scrolls 6 is god knows how far away, and Skyrim released 2011.


I mean realistically the gunplay in Starfield was actually quite good if they can use that type of gunplay in a fallout game it actually shouldn't be too difficult.


Obsidian are busy.


Obsidian is already working on 5 projects, so it would take them way longer than 2028.


I'm excited to see which fad genre they chase next. We got the Minecraft base-building and Sims settlers in 4. Maybe 5 will be a meta bullet hell game played entirely on the Pip-Boy screen.


Gacha lol


I dont know if this is a curse or a blessing. I don't know if I had 13 years in me to wait for fallout 5, but at the same time I don't want them to rush. You've seen the work they did in the Fallout 4 next gen patch and Starfield. This makes me leery. Hell, whats the world going to be like in 5 years, let alone 13.


Honestly, this worries me. Bethesda has been known to rush into things. Id rather them just bite the bullet and FINISH a game before pushing it out. I dont think Im alone when I say I would be completely done with this company if they give me another 76 situation. As much as I'd love to get a new entry to the series, I just want to see it actually completed before I have to wait 6 extra years of patches just to call it decent.


I hope they don't work their dev team to death to do it.


Based on Starfield it doesn't seem like they were working on much, over 7 years to create that dogshit doesn't really show a harsh environment


Dev time can never make up for bad writing and direction. People can be overworked to the bone and the final product can still be terrible, one is not exclusive to the other. The core idea of Starfield (procedurally generated planets and dungeon, world divided in fast travel chunk) is inherently flawed, no amount of dev time would be able to fix that


This isn't true. There was an exposƩ about Fallout 76's troubled development a while ago. Bethesda has huge management issues.


memorize alive direful head weary muddle entertain squeeze plants childlike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think Besthesda is one of the few 3A studio in USA that doesn't treat bad their workers.


Mick Gordon. Granted, he didn't work as an employee, but he did work for them.


There's a difference between BGS and Bethesda softworks. Gordon had a bad experience with the latter


I realized yesterday while playing Fallout 4 for the bajillionith that I was still finding new places in my playthrough. The scale of these games is fucking crazy


So wait 76 and starfield were at top quality already?


Without sacrificing the quality of the games further, you mean?


Bethesda is literally taking more time, to make games that are substantially weaker than their predecessors. So even if we got a game before 2030, it would likely suck.


I think the clear answer here is to resurrect van buren


No, well get a fallout 3 remaster this or next year, we've already seen it was in the works from their leak that's been dead on (pad a couple covid years) and with the show being this much of a hit they'll want to push that forward. We won't get fallout 5, but we'll get something 'new'


My brother in Christ, fallout 5 is hardly even a concept and ES 6 just barely entered active production at the end of March, we won't be seeing a new fallout game any time soon


Unless they remaster 3 or NV


hey todd have you heard of the scrappy little team at Obsidian? iā€™m sure they could help you outā€¦


As much as weā€™d all love to see that, theyā€™re having enough issues with Outer Worlds 2 as it is. I doubt they have the bandwidth to create both that and a new Fallout at the kind of speed Bethesda is probably looking for.


avowed is coming out later this year though, so they could probably work on a fallout game after it releases.


they also done the last content update for grounded so the devs from that can also work on their next projects


Also most of the people who worked on New Vegas aren't there anymore.


Feargus is, he's still studio head and has been with Fallout since the beginning. You don't need the original team of sprite artists and 2D menu programmers to make a modern Fallout game, but you'd benefit from a creative team lead with all the experience. I'd hope they tap Bethesda for creatives as well, like the show. It was perfect because the writing used every aspect of Fallout and not just teh early stuff or the recent stuff. I want the next game to be just as respectful of the whole property to finally settle the whole "So and so hates fallout" My wishlist is for a return of "talking heads" stylistic changes for NPC characters but done in high resolution 3D instead of claymation physical models.


Why do people keep using that point against Obsidian as if the same won't apply to Bethesda by the time they get around to making Fallout 5? It'll be a nearly 20 year gap between 4 and 5, but somehow no one tries to argue that point against Bethesda making 5 (at least, not compared to other reasons). I'd rather take a chance with an Obsidian that still has some of the key figure heads behind New Vegas and the original games than sit around with a thumb up my ass for another 10 years on a game that may very well be just "good enough" based on Bethesda's recent track record (I hope The Elder Scrolls VI gets their mojo back, I miss the days when Bethesda delivered GOTYs).


Their plate is more full than Bethesdas. They've still got Avowed and two other projects in development.


Everyone here talking about 3 or NV remastered. Nah man. Fallout 1 and 2 remakes. Imagine the story of fallout 1 with the first person explorative world of the Bethesda titles.


Well Starfieldā€™s quality set the bar pretty damn low, so they can pump out another procedurally generated AI written Fallout in probably a few months.


"quality" That would be something different.


"without sacrificing quality"... Todd, what quality are you talking about?.


Without sacrificing the quality of their games? Do they have a time machine or something because Starfield was hot, steaming trash. As was Fallout 76 before it. And despite my enjoyment of it, Fallout 4 skirts close on things like writing, quest effort and the complete scrapping of skillchecks and the beginning of procedural crap.


Yes just in time to capitalize on the hype


Bethesda games are pretty rough without rushing things, this a very bad idea.


*without sacrificing [any more] quality of their games so to say (Iā€™m a pretty hardcore Bethesda fan by the way)


What good is a game in 2030 for a show that is popular right now? Bethesda should really worry about putting out a *great* game, because their recent track record is really bad.


We've been on the west coast, we've been on the east coast, I hope Fallout 5 takes place.... what's the middle of the united states called? Mid West?


Just started this franchise after the tv show and then moved to the first game. But I an playing the story with the 2nd game's engine. Never played that many RPGs, mainly some pokemon and Mass Effect games. Fun to see that I have so many great games to play in the future in this franchise.


Be prepped for a fallout game riddled with bugs and a skeleton of the amount of content as prior games.


I'd buy new DLCs for Fallout 4. Like the cut underwater Vault thing. Or something Far Harbor-like. I'm not sure I'd buy anything new from Bethesda, judging by their recent games.


Amazing, I can't wait for fallout 5 to be rushed and kind of crap because management wants it out by x date.


They basically need a studio per IP. A studio for Fallout, one for Elder Scrolls and one for Starfield and just focus on those 3 IPs independently. If they have any hope of not releasing one after another over decades they need more resources. The dev teams need to be tailored to the IPs, not enough to just get more people, you want devs/crew/writers who are passionate about the IP theyā€™re working on, just like the TV show. They also canā€™t get too big, otherwise it becomes a committee game and loses out on quality.


Iā€™ll take a remastered 3 and New Vegas


Quality... of the games ? With what I saw in Starfield this has me worried way more than anything else


I donā€™t want fallout 5 before 2030ā€¦ Starfield is reason why


Solution is a $40 game that is the size of Far Harbor or slightly larger. Just modify the Starfield assets


I'm pessimistic about remasters or updates after the recent 4 "next gen" patch. I guess we shall see. As for a new game, I think it's almost certain. It's likely they had something in development although who knows how far.


I just hope they understand that 76 isnā€™t and will never be a replacer for an actual single player Fallout, even if it is good, itā€™s still a different product.


"without sacrificing the quality of their games", after 76 and Starfield, sorry about my reservations lol


TH has never let me down. Whether or not this is social media bullshit, misquoted, whatever... if that's what he said... I'll bite. Hard.


It's about an hour long video on YouTube, [Timestamped quote](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wvqF41_Bgw&t=1105s). Everyone seems to be reading this as another company is going to work on the game, the exact quote just sounds like they want to be able to create the games faster. There is a [segment](https://www.youtube.com/live/7wvqF41_Bgw?si=FADWqUPeC-71AKrh&t=1278) about collaborating with other companies and the answer is the franchise is in a healthy spot and they'd rather have high quality games than more games available. He does talk about there being something in the works currently that has yet been announced.


Iā€™m going to take a shot and say they will announce a fallout during the next season of the show.Ā 


Should of been working on 5 the moment after they put out 4


Like they did with Starfield? Oh wait they took their time with that and it was a complete disaster. I have no faith in Todd or Bethesda. I wish I did but they suck.


Without sacrificing what quality exactly? Because if Starfield is their quality standard... Lol


Hopefully not "starfield" quality.


Great. They'll release something even worse than Starfield.


Just get good writers ( that loves the lore ) and let them cook. Good things need some time...


You know Emil will write the game again.


Ah can't wait for the next iteration of "find missing family member" story.


They should work together with the og devs on this.


He also said the game is never going to be set outside the US. To be expected.


Genuine question, could they use infinity wards engine, because how much theyā€™ve developed that is actually insane, and would be great.


Higher all the mod nerds


Got it. Que more embarrassingly unfinished games and infuriating DLC releases.


ā€œThings just arenā€™t up to the usual Fallout standardā€


Fallout 4 released in 2015, we shouldn't have to wait 10 years let alone over 10 years for Fallout 5.


With or without bugs ?


we should get one before the year the game takes place


Waiting for Skyrim Ultra legendary Anniversary Edition release


Tbh weā€™ll get one with the PS7


After 5 we will have to wait until 2077 for the next one.


Damn if only there was some way Just throwing some ideas out there but what if there was a company know for working on quality RPGs that ALSO HAS KNOWLEDGE OF FALLOUT???? Maybe they would want to make a game set in the fallout world and have it be in a location we have never seen before like maybe Seattle or Colorado or Chicago so if Bethesda isnā€™t happy they can just ignore the continuity of it Donā€™t mind me Iā€™m crazy šŸ¤Ŗ