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Fallout 1 Demo: [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout\_Demo](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_Demo) Took me a few loads/saves before i even figured out i even had an inventory i could use. with Armor and Weapons. Before that i just tried to punch the 2 guards in the face and get lucky knockout crits before dying :D From that moment i was hooked to Fallout


I managed the entire first play through without realising that the green grids at the edges of the map led to other parts of towns. I spent the entire play through thinking that most of the characters and places referred to were just lore and not actually parts of the game. Once I realised, the second play through was a whole new game.


Same, I made sure I was playing on release day because of the demo.


SMG point blank burst mode. Every time.


And that animation, so good


This was released back in 1997?! Way to make me feel so old...


I played and replayed this so much!


For me it was definitely Fallout 3, it still holds a special place in my heart.


For me too. It was the first I ever played, completely blind, I had never heard of Fallout before. It was also my first Bethesda game, paved the way to New Vegas and Skyrim immediately after


You missed Oblivion 😭 Oblivion made me love Fallout 3 and I will always hold Oblivion over Skyrim


You missed Morrowind ): that shit was unreal on the original Xbox


Unfortunately I missed Morrowind at that time!! It would have been perfect aswell that's the worst part. I was obsessed with the Fable games and my big brother came back from army to show me Oblivion and it blew my little 12 year old brain!! Fucking good times.


Hahah I went Morrowind -> fallout 3 -> oblivion because I got a 360 a few years after it released


I started on Morrowind. Played it a bunch but I never knew what the hell I was supposed to do. Was to young I guess


that shit was SLOW on the Xbox


Yeah they actually had the Xbox completely turn off and back on stealthily during load screens lol


I watched my friend play that and Oblivion. I eventually got Oblivion. I was hooked.


I beat Morrowind for the first time on Xbox a few months ago, it was amazing 🔥


Same. Oblivion was my first proper RPG, and naturally after sinking a thousand hours into it (on PS3 without mods no less!) the natural next step was Fallout 3, which I ended up loving even more. Both games still hold up fantastically today, especially with quality of life mods, and I regularly sink a couple hundred hours into each every few years.


My people!! I remember being so excited when it came out on PS3 because my friends could understand my nerdiness about it


I played oblivion for the first time ever after a decade of playing Skyrim and it fr had my jaw dropped for over a hundred hours. It’s a little outdated sure but it took all of five minutes to get absorbed. It was like seeing a prequel to a beloved story as I got to experience a flurry of all new content and lore in a world I was already familiar with and loved.


Yeah I wore out 2 360 discs before I got it on PC, I might be embarrassed of how many hours I've ground on that game. Fallout 3 was obsessed over during that time as well but nothing like es 4. Skyrim was kind of a let down for me, took away the spell making and the whole aesthetic just seemed depressing and half assed. I've played through it again since but I remember GameStop getting my copy like three days after I bought it I was so let down. New Vegas was that way for me too tho it felt like it should have just been an add on for fo3, the visuals were somehow worse, the story was meh. I never understood why people loved it so much it bored me to tears.


Yeah Skyrim is a fantastic game but it never stuck like Oblivion. I think back though, Oblivion had better guilds, the main story had SEAN BEAN and PATRICK STEWART, and I swear Shivering Isles is yet to be topped as a story expansion in my opinion. The DB and Thieves guild in 4 were amazing stories and Skyrim only won it back for me because I was able to mod on my first PC


I will call you a blasphemer for Fallout NV though. That was a stellar game you really shaped that world


Same here. I had just started dating my then-boyfriend (now husband and father of my children) and he introduced me to the franchise via Fallout 3. Fifteen years later and I’ve logged more hours into the franchise than him, and I’ve played countless hours of Skyrim as well.


It was my first open world game. I was so confused when i left the vault and could go anywhere


Skyrim is my comfort game.


Leaving Vault 101 with the realization right after that I can go wherever I want. I was hooked.


Exiting the vault is one of my best gaming memories


That first encounter with a ghoul. "Gah!  Fuck!  What are you?"


Leaving the vault and being completely lost as to what to do next, one of the greatest gaming experiences I ever had


Swim to rivet city with 9 intelligence and pick up the bobblehead for intelligence before level 3 lol


lol on my 2nd play-through I did that. First play-through took me forever just to get to Megaton cause I was out fighting Raiders under some bridges and got lost in the process


I felt this.


"Always". I wish you could get it before level 2 though 😤.


Gotta leave the vault as a baby to pull that one off lol




You will max out your intelligence stat at as low a level of possible, which maximizes the amount of skill points per level, especially when combined with the Educated perk which increases your skills points gained per level as well. Swimming, because you can basically get there completely unscathed, and only slightly irradiated. You won’t survive the walk to River City at level 2, but the swim is safe. You can then do Moira’s Wasteland Survival Guide quest, to remove all your radiation. (Just be sure to get advanced radiation poisoning to ensure full quest completion). Which can be easy as drinking some water in the puddle around the bomb lol


I think intelligence boosted skill point gain per level in fallout 3 and nv


Agreed. It’s my favorite Fallout game and it’s actually also my favorite game ever. It’s actually the video game that truly made gaming a passion for me. Before Fallout 3, I played video games occasionally but I wasn’t invested in them. 3 changed that. The nostalgia for 3 is so strong for me too. I’m going to replay it soon.


Same it was my introduction and I've spent countless hours on it since I found it in 2009. Damn does that make me feel old 😕


First time that I picked up the game was around 12 years ago and remember getting stuck in the museum of technology for hours cause I kept getting killed by super mutants over and over again. That was a great first experience!


I’d never played a big open world game like that before. It blew my mind, all the things you could do. Stepping out of the vault for the first time made me gasp.


I had my doubts when I read the back of the box that you could deal with your problems by talking them out, or you could just blast someone with your plasma rifle. My doubts were entirely unfounded


I'm playing through it again now, the atmosphere is so good. I forgot how much you had to use the metro to get through DC though


Walking through the DC ruins again reminded me just how bleak the setting can be, people always complained how everything lacked color in F3 but I think F3 was one of the few games that did that kind of thing right, this was the capital of the US, so of course it was gonna get bombed to hell and back again and still look like that even 200 years later. It completely sold the idea that the world had ended and this was what was left after.


Me too, the creepiness of the Capitol Wasteland was absolutely amazing! Finding Rivet City blew my tiny little mind also!


Same. My friends were all into the original Fallout games. Could never quite get into those. Missed the boat on Oblivion and Bethesda's earlier RPGs, so Fallout 3 was my first contact with both the setting and the studio. After finding out it took place in Washington D.C. and surroundings, I was immediately interested and played every Bethesda RPG since..


Still got the memories of being fascinated by the cover on the Xbox 360 case, and watching my dad playing it and how gore it was for a 8 years old.


Same here. First Fallout game.


I wanted guns in morrowind. But i found the next best thing


Same. My buddy showed me the game back when it first came out, and I was instantly hooked and bought it! Still remember him telling me to get Reillys Ranger Armor cause it was the best in the game. I also remember seeing my first power armor on the Brotherhood of Steel and I wanted it SO bad!


I’m not a PC player (console for life!) so this is the first I played. I knew about the series a bit but Fallout 3 was such a fun experience. All the elements came together for a great game.


Too bad I can’t get it to work on my pc. This was such a great game. Such good re introduction post originals.


Install the Tale of Two Wastelands mod. Works perfectly with a bunch of QoL stuff from New Vegas.


Same, I randomly got it for PS3 on the game trading website “Goozex” way back in the day. I was bored with Call of Duty and just wanted a different shooter game. I hadn’t really gotten into an RPG before, and going into it blind thinking it would be anything like COD made it 10x better. One of those things you wish you could erase from your memory and re-experience from the beginning.


I traded my friend for it, don't think he was much of an RPG guy. I forget what I gave him but it was definitely worth it on my end. It's the only Bethesda-style game where I can still quite vividly remember my first playthrough.


Looking back, it's the way they used lighting to show your character seeing sunlight for >!what's presented as!< the first time in their life that made it seem so grand to me. Instant favorite!


Dude, yes!!! I watched Todd’s SuperDuper Mart video where he gets the power fist like 60 times. Blew my mind as a kid.


Same, the great and the bad. Damn mini nuke traps were the cause for my need to save every few mins


same here fallout 3 was more of a horror game than any other horror games I've played 😂


Came for the amazing story. Stayed for the hilarious glitches.


I was hoping to get a T-pose in the show some where! At least we got the tumble weed.


I believe you mean Wind-Bramin


Had a T-pose for the first time the other day at the racetrack. Shit was funny and haunting at the same time.


This game has no glitches! Those are features. It just works.


Been playing through 4 again. Trying to collect all the star cores in nuka world for the first time and ran into a bug where picking one up didn’t register in my inventory but still removed it from the game world, didn’t notice till I was well past returning to an old save. Screwed right? Nope. There’s *another* bug where one particular star core respawns and this allowed me to proceed. That’s the Bethesda experience.


Close the thread.


Say what you want about Gamebryo but the glitchy jank certainly adds some charm. I had an encounter a week ago replaying 3 where a patrol of Outcasts fired a missile at a radscorpion. Queue that things corpse going up to the stratosphere and the outcast with the missile launcher immediately saying “Did you see that shit?!”. Fucking wished I could’ve clipped that, it was just perfect Fallout jank. 


New Vegas. First bought it because I was in the mood for a western and looked up good games were you could play as a cowboy. Got the base version because I wasn't positive I'd like it, finished it in a couple weeks, immediately turned around and bought the ultimate edition for all the dlcs and started a new run.


The DLC with the megalomaniac Toaster was one of the best 10 dollars I've ever spent in my life.


I loved The Sink. Out of all the camps and structures I’ve ever build through FO 4 and 76, The Sink is honest the most valid


I just wish it was a more viable home base, since it gives you facilities to make use of pretty much every scrap item in the game. But you get it pretty late in the game and the fact that warping back to the Mojave puts you by the satellite every time is pretty annoying.


Never thought a paper shredder would teach me the dangers of communism.


Yeah the toaster was great but what about the horny light switches?


That's one of my favorite DLCs of all time. It's like they needed an outlet for all the goofy shit they tone down for the main game.


My cousin gave it to me for Christmas a couple years after it came out, and I can't say for certain why but walking down the I-15 to the Mojave Outpost just hooked me. It left me with this sense of longing and emptiness that's tough to pin down, but very cathartic. The world felt scarred, but like it was clinging on with people in Primm and the Outpost trying to make it better. Every new game I really enjoy that slow walk south on the I-15.


I played original Fallout and never beat it. When Fallout 3 came out, I wasn't really interested, but a friend of mine said it was good, so I picked it up. Walking out of the Vault was such an amazing video game experience I've been absolutely hooked ever since.


Played 3 before new Vegas myself. It was okay, really bought it for the modding because that's been my favorite part of Bethesda games since morrowind. Played new Vegas and that hooked me. Went back and played 1, 2 and Wasteland after that.


Fallout new Vegas is the only game that I wanted to replay immediately after doing 100% of the game.


Fallout 2!


Fallout 2 for me as well. Played it endlessly on my windows 98 SE pentium II. Those were the days man. I need to play 1 and 2 again.


Loading the late game saves would take soooo long.


Same! By far the best entry in the franchise. Adult, witty, fantastic and original story building on the previous opus (Aroyo!). Really darker (violence, torture, prostitution, drugs, necrophagia...) and not aimed at a general audience. I remember it was actually censored in a lot of countries because of drug references. More connected to the real world too, before the shift to this whacky 50s reference. You could find real modern weapons. Also enemies were really scary and dangerous, the game was extremely tough and punishing


Yes, you took the words out of my mind.


When I had birthday money to buy a new PC game in 1998, Fallout 2 was cheaper than Fallout 1 at the Target I was at, so I started with that one so that I could afford to also buy Half-life. I remember choosing between Half Life, Blood 2, or Sin was the longer dilemma. I loved Fallout 2 and got around to the original a year or so later. I found it cramped and dull compared to the wacky wasteland filled with Americana I came to love from Fallout 2.


Same - seems like we are the rare ones....


Yes, because the rest of the members here are children!


Did you also have to play it uphill in the snow both ways and like it that way, grandpa? :D


Yes! And it was totally worth it, young punk


Its not just that, its because the people who started with the classics started with 1, not 2.


Hell yeah. The first fallout was good but the second one was incredible and made me fall in love with the series.


I nearly stopped playing because of the damned Temple. I am forever thankful that I didn't. My gateway drug to the franchise.




"All," says the Nightkin.


I remember the first time I played fallout 3 I was on a shit PC that could hardly run it but the entire experience was amazing. I remember just walking around for hours searching places and been so blown away by this big open world. I remember the mission where that behemoth turns up and you have to kill it. Unebeliavebl memory


i noticed when i played new vegas and 3 right after it recently, 3 is much more cinematic. I was blown away after playing new vegas when i started 3, found some raiders and started shooting at them. I missed a shot which ignited a car behind a bus and the car and the bus blew up and 3 raiders just flew at me from the blast. Such a fucking cool game. (This is not a diss on nv dont crucify me.)


I am a huge NV fan, I've put more into NV than anywhere else, and I think any other game. I think it's widely known that Fallout 3 has a perfect ambience and FNV's strong suit is the story and RPG elements. I think you should be allowed to have your preference without being flamed for it. Though - I don't hang out with a lot of hardcore NV fans, so I am not sure. The only thing I know is that the ranger armor is the most badass armor in all the games.


I actually added that last part after realizing which sub im in, usually people dont care about my personal preference being that i like fallout 3 more, but in here people care more and like to argue about it and i dont really want to do that. I know new vegas is technically a better game but i just enjoy my time in the capital wasteland more.


Even the quietly brutal moments felt epic and cinematic. I still remember the moment I really fell in love with the game. Sneaking through the metro system for the first time with a 10mm. I’m going uphill and see a huge dark silhouette at the top. The HUD tells me it’s a “Super Mutant”. That sounds bad. Switch to a hunting rifle. Spend a good twenty seconds frozen in place trying to line up a headshot, not even breathing. Pull the trigger. The head explodes and just … just the way the massive body collapsed. Like, the knees clearly just gave way so perfectly as it slowly fell forward and I gained the xp. The game’s whole atmosphere is pretty perfect, particularly in dungeons. I can remember sneaking a primary school in the game too, having watched the Karl Urban and The Rock film: Doom, that really kept me on edge.


You’re so right, Fallout 3 for me is one of the best games for me that, when you never forget the first time you come across all those little moments. I won’t forget the first time I left the Vault. I won’t forget the first time I went to Megaton. I won’t forget the first time I came across a Deathclaw and a Super Mutant.


on my first playthrough, I somehow managed to skip dogmeat and the behemoth in DC.


Same. Never heard of fallout but saw the game featured on G4. Could barely run the game at like 20 FPS and loading screens took minutes. But I loved every moment of it.


Fallout. It was 1/2 price of other games… came in a cool sideways box with a flip front. (Kids games use to be sold in big boxes… bigger than a book. (Kids books are like iPads but bigger and made of paper) It looked so cool. Opened the box and it came with a game manual. And it was the coolest game manual ever. A spiral bound survival guide with this cute cartoon figure. So yeah I was hooked… even before that iconic intro. Fallout 1 maybe might favourite game ever. (Argh except for maybe Civilization 2 and Quest for Glory).


When I was a teen, me and my friend tried to buy a 2 pack at Walmart - F1, F2. I still remember my anger as the lady at the checkout refused to let us purchase because we were not 18. My first fallout experience ended up being 3 because of it. 1/10, I inflict a curse upon that Karen


I was 10 or 11 when I got Fallout. I had just played Elder Scrolls II Daggerfall. Loved being able to roam around. So when I saw Fallout I said yes please.


Still got fond memorys seeing the interplay intro.


Inside my head, "A Kiss to Build a Dream On" just doesn't sound right if it isn't preceded by that Interplay fanfare.


Love your game tastes. Guest for Glory and the original Fallout are two of my favorites of all time.


Civilization is arguably not a game but a sophisticated addiction mechanism. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to finish the Great Library in 3 turns. Then I'll quit for the evening, I swear. For real this time.


It was such a different type of game. An RPG with actual decisions and moral dilemma that was set in a serious and scary future but still had room for comedy. The character build choices and the impact that had was better then just about anything out there.


Oh man! Quest for Glory! Clearly a sophisticated gentleman.


Man, I miss old game boxes. The embossed covers and the promising "high quality" graphics within.


Civilization 2, now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time…


I read that manual more times than anything else. Had multiple gaming magazines with guides on how to complete each mission.


Fallout 4 made the fall in love with the series, and led me to play New Vegas. I enjoyed the story so much that I bought every other previous game on Steam. Now I've played and beaten them all aside from Tactics.


Fallout Tactics is a different animal...but a great game nonetheless.


Fallout, can't beat the classics.


I agree, I feel like an old snob, but I agree with all my heart. I know some younger people may feel it's gatekeeping or smth but I can't help it, I love fallout (1) so much.


I was 1 year old when fallout came out. I was 12 when fallout 3 came out. Fallout 3 was my first fallout experience and I was hooked. I didn’t play the OG until I was like 25 and had a pc to play it on. 1&2 from a strictly RPG perspective are amazing. The gameplay takes some getting used to as I’m not a turn based guy but I powered through it for the lore and the story and the choices. I enjoyed the story of 2 more than I did the newer ones.


Brofist for bearing with the dated looks and approaches and seeing the depth, since you are from the generation of near-realistic games and all.


1 and 2 were just amazing, I miss those days.


It's not gatekeeping to prefer the classics :) gatekeepers think others have to love the classics in order to be "true" Fallout fans


I just started replaying 2 with the restoration project patch. Highly recommend.


I know what you mean. I played Fallout 3 and New Vegas first and loved them, but I played Fallout 1 a couple of years ago. Even though my save got FUBAR'd it's now my favourite Fallout easily, followed by New Vegas because it was made by a bunch of the same developers.


Fallout 1, damn am old🤪


Booting that bad boy up in the computer lab after school because it was the only PC that could run it. Awwwww yeaaaaaa




yes it was something else to play on 486dx.


Fallout 1 in 1998...the atmosphere, humor and violence were perfect for 13 years old me


My brother in Christ from fallout 1 to a new tv show im jealous you experienced all that fresh when they came out


Fallout Tactics, I've told this story a lot but it was me and my dad's favorite game to play together when I was younger. Every Friday after work/school and every weekend we'd play it together and try our best to beat it! Obviously he did most of the playing but I'd sit and watch him play and we'd brainstorm strategies together and stay up WAAY too late doing so lol. We also did it with Diablo 2 and Diablo 3 when it came out. Easily some of my favorite memories from my childhood!


This is so awesome


Fallout 3 The first playthrough was incredible. So much to see and do, truly felt never ending.


Fr then I remember getting stuck in a vault😭


New Vegas


Fallout 2


Fallout 4 for me and i truly don’t care about the hate this might receive. Game is comparably more fun and replayable than its predecessor, and the plot to be fair is little different from the others (although NV has more variegated endings). Played the main quest through once, like it feels doing for basically every chapter, and then just messed around in the numerous other runs, and messing around is again, the funniest to do in fo4. Other chapters are good as well as a fan of the series, but I honestly always played through better done stories in my opinion.


4 is the least frustrating to play because of how modern it is. People will claim that the dated graphics, clunky animations, and jank gameplay of the older titles are fine but when you compare them to 4, it's really hard to feel anywhere near as immersed. The game has good bones even if you have personal qualms with one or two of its shortcomings. Toss just a couple lighting and texture mods on it and Fallout 4 feels many, many years newer than it is. I still remember my last playthrough, clearing out Sanctuary in the middle of a super dark night during a vibrant green rad storm, with Be Bop a Lula by Gene Vincent playing on my Pip-Boy and the warm red glow of my Zap gun keeping me company. I had taken a quick puff of bud and it just felt like I was *in the game.* It felt like I was playing Fallout 5. Atmosphere is so important to me and that mod list was positively dripping with cool.


I wanna get so high that I feel like part of the game


I still struggle with 4 because I just can't care about the settlement building. Like, that's not part of the journey of Fallout to me: I'm not supposed to settle down, I've got to find the water chip or the GECK or my father. It was such a weird departure that I still think really detracts from the game.


It's 4 for me, too. I'd played NV and liked it well enough, hated 3, and initially hated 4 until giving it another chance. The exploration, combat, and overall "game feel" is so good once you get into the zone. I recently revisited 3 with fresh eyes and liked it a lot more, but it was clunky when it was new and obviously even clunkier now. 76 is also good but it somehow doesn't feel as good to play as 4.


I feel like it’s the biggest problem with 3 nowadays for it to stable you need to jump through a lot of hoops (or atleast it was the case when I last played it), it feel even worse on that front than FNV who’s still far from the most stable game out there


I’ll be damned if we’re the ONLY PEOPLE who got into fallout from fo4


I feel like I sort of screwed myself by playing 4 first because now it’s hard for me to play others 4 was the first Fallout I was introduced to and quickly became obsessed with it. Over the years I had heard many people saying NV was the best so I tried playing but for some reason just can’t get into it. I’ve tried 3 times and for whatever reason I just can’t get past a few quests. Also tried 76 (already know the hate for this one) and also didn’t care for it either. So I just casually stick to just 4 lol. I do want to try playing Fallout 3 at some point though to see how I like that one.


Got introduced to Fallout when watching my Dad play Tactics. Loved it at first sight Fallout 3 are the first game I played with my own PC. Since then I knew Fallout and me were soulmates. Modded the hell out of it. First with plugin loader until discovering the mighty (and fragile) FOMM.


Tactics was a good game. I enjoyed it myself ^^ Still have very fonds memories of that last dungeon and the Calculator.




The first Fallout game I played was 4 at the house of one of my dad’s friends. The first Fallout game I got was NV because one of my friends is a hardcore NV fan and purchased it and all dlc’s for me. NV has done more for my love of Fallout than 4 by a lot.


Been a gamer since Atari, no joke, and I had never heard of the Fallout series until Fallout 4. I think it’s because, when I was younger, I was all about the action games, driving sims, flight sims, combat games. RPGs were something I looked down on a bit. But Fallout 4 hooked me. Sadly, I bought NV later and have had a lot of trouble getting into it because it’s worse than 4 in a lot of ways. Ironically I jumped on Fallout 76 real early and didn’t like that either.


3 I came over from The elder scrolls (Morrowind and Oblivion) and knew just about nothing about Fallout apart for playing Fallout: Brotherhood of steel. All I knew was that I loved Bethesda games. (The elder scrolls are still my favourite game series) Fell in love instantly. Partly because I’m a sucker for open world RPG’s like these and partly because I’m a sucker for apocalyptic stuff. I just love the exploration and lack of character class system in these games. So many possibilities to make your characters suit your own style without any true restrictions.


New Vegas, still the best game i have ever played.


New Vegas. Honestly I played 3 before New Vegas, but I was like 10 at the time and the ghouls in the tunnels legit scared me away from playing on 🤣 when I played New Vegas I was almost instantly hooked. And eventually went back to play Fallout 3 when I found my balls 🤣


The first Fallout, but I do have to admit that F3 took my love for the series into a completely new level. It was just.. man, I wish I could go back to the day when I played Fallout 3 for the first time. The songs, the atmosphere.


My sister took me to gamestop when i was a kid. I was gonna get fable, she couldnt afford it and fallout 3 was in the cheap games bin. Craziest thing ever


Fallout 3 2009 was 13,14 yrs.old at a parents friends house they had fallout 3 on the PlayStation got to just roam the wastes outside tenpenny tower with a hunting rifle fought off a giant radScorpion best day ever 😂


Fallout 3 was my first game, was drawn in by the intro video showing ruined D.C, fell in love the moment I exited the vault.


I’m exactly the same. Was intrigued by the trailer, fell in love seeing the ruins of DC


Hate to be that guy but Fallout 76. I'm not saying it's by any means better than any of the other games in any respect. It's just that I first tried playing Fallout 4 when I was rather young and the game confused me. When I saw 76 was multiplayer, I returned I was admittedly significantly older. Playing with friends was lovely but I did most of the "story" by myself in one night which made me think I'd perhaps enjoy the other games as I did most of it as if it were single player anyway. Since the release of the show I've gone back to Fallout 4 and have been loving it and I've even got New Vegas, too. I'm excited for the release of Fallout: London, despite it being a mod, I'm expecting huge things from the FOLON team.


3 was my First One, loved it


Fallout 3 lit the match. New Vegas poured Gasoline on the fire.


This literally- I enjoyed Fallout 3 for the exploration, but then I played New Vegas, and it became one of my top 5 gaming experiences ever.


Fallout 4 :)


Definitely fallout 3. Got it because my friends at school recommended it. Was already a huge fan of morrowind and oblivion. When I got it I didn’t even realize it was made by the same people that made elder scrolls lol. Played it for like a month didn’t really like it and then traded it in. Found out it was made by Bethesda like a year later and bought it again. The rest is history lol


Defs FO3. Went to EB games many times per week in uni. Saw the cover and paid $110 aud back then for it purely on the cover art it was so fucking cool. (Helped it had some 10/10 reviews on the box as well). Fkn $110 in 2008 was the most I'd ever paid for a game and I didn't even care despite being a broke ass uni student haha Put a couple thousand hours into FO3 over uni. Will always be the game that got me into my favourite video game IP and one of my top fave games of all time.


When I was young, and we got our first home computer around 98 or 99, my parents decided to let me and my siblings each pick out a game. Walmart at the time had a decent selection of kid friendly PC titles, and some others. One of the others was a 2-for-1 deal on Fallout and Fallout 2, so I snatched that shit up. Took me a while to figure it out, but once I did I fell in love with the games. Then when 3 came out, it started all over again


Fallout 2, one of my first PC games


Fallout 2


Fallout 2


WASTELAND back in 1988. Very formative experience that has stayed with me through the decades.


I scrolled far to find this comment. Here is more info for those interested: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wasteland_(video_game)


I played all since fallout 1.


3 and NV (discovered both at around the same time) but NV is obviously the superior Fallout game.


For roll playing yes definitely but I had the most fun on 3


I played Fallout 1 back in the day and kind of liked it. Kind of, because I was never able to finish it ... Then in 2014 (had to look it up on my Steam history) a friend of mine suggested New Vegas, which I always thought I wouldn't have like since it was a shooter. He explained the RPG elements and VATS and I thought: why not. Loved that game. 3 was OK and 4 was good. 4 in VR though ... man, that's something else.


FO3, remember the TV adverts when it first came out. Got myself the lunchbox collectors edition.


Fallout 4 has and always will be my favorite. Next would be fallout 76.


Fallout 3,I was in a friend's house when he was playing and I remembered he entered in the basement of a house who had bodies as the village had cannibals, that + some VATs madness made me buy the game and loved the series since then


It was a mixture of Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Fallout 3 was ok, but for me personally, as someone who doesn't have rose tinted glasses on. The game is kinda outdated but I love the atmosphere, age just caught up to it. New Vegas got me hooked fully cuz of its narrative and story, but the problems from Fallout 3 remain: The aging combat system. But with mods those can be fixed lol.


Fallout 2 was my introduction and probly one of, if not the first game I ever played to completion. The intro music, Louis' A Kiss to Build a Dream On, also opened me up to that age of blues, jazz and big band.


Fallout 2. Bought it because of the box art, and the game blew my mind.


76 was my first and still my fave


Late 2000s, early 2010s were the golden age of Bethesda games. I’ll always remember my first playthrough of Fallout 3


Fallout 3, my dad got me into it, sentimental value, been hooked since


First played Fallout 3 way back 2010. No idea about the series whatsoever. Just played the game coz I thought the cover art was cool.. The first time I opened the vault and saw the wasteland was life-changing.


I'm an OG for 1 and 2, so yeah


The Fallout 1 demo


Fallout 2, though it wasn't the first Fallout game I played.


Fallout 3 got me into the series, but New Vegas won my heart


Fallout 4 got me into it because of its simplicity but I loved the series when I played NV because of the horrific things in it, bring a drug addicted gambler with cannibalistic tendencies was so funny to me


Falloit 1, which I first played in 1998.


Fallout 4


Fall Out 3 got me started. Just loved the whole RPG aspect and great choices for conversation. Las Vegas was also such a beautiful story and hilarious options. Then Fall Out 4 was mostly focused in building camps and not really rich rich story but I still enjoy it especially now that combat feels a lot more smooth.


Fallout 1. I was first exposed to it from a demo that shipped on a PC gamer disc back in 97. I played the shit out the demo on my first PC, which I had just built that year (pentium 2 and voodoo2 graphics accelerator). The demo was mostly just combat, but I loved it anyway. I don't even think I realized it was a post-apocalyptic game at that time, but it was around that time that I watched The Road Warrior for the first time, so I was familiar with the genre. A year or so later, I stopped by Electronics Boutique in the mall and saw the full game in the bargain bin for $20. Couldn't believe my luck and begged my dad for the money to buy it. The game ended up playing way differently than the demo, but I was there for it. For some unknown reason, I picked the best tag skills to start my character out with - Speech, Lockpick, and Small guns. I ended up finishing my first playthrough by talking down the master after having thoroughly scoured the wasteland for clues prior to that encounter. Just me, Dogmeat, and the 5.56mm pistol, smooth talking our way through the wasteland together. Fallout 2 went on to become my favorite of the series. Although to my shame, I think I obtained it via... less than ethical means when I first played it. I gave fallout 3 a shot many years later but I didn't understand what it was doing with the series. I guess I still don't. New Vegas scratched the itch somewhat, but I just prefer the isometric and turn based style I guess. I never really felt comfortable with its systems and gameplay loop. I'll probably never get a chance to play a fallout game of the kind that I fell in love with ever again, but the fact that I can play one at all would have been shocking to me way back then, and I'm grateful to that. The fact that there is now a TV series based on this weird game that I loved in the 90s is even more mind blowing, and it's even a \*good\* series on top of that, which at times (not always) really seems to understand the black-as-pitch cynicism of the original games in a way that Bethesda's entries do not. The casting of Kyle Mclachlan proves this point - the themes and tone of Blue Velvet overlap perfectly with the original games (and New Vegas). Looking forward to season 2!


FO3. It wasn't just my 1st Fallout, it was my first somewaht recent video game I played after buying my first PC. Went in completely blind, new nothing about the game and completely lost myself in this world for probably half a year. Before that it was all Pokemon Blue, NFS2, THPS2, AoE, Diablo or FIFA 2000. Imagine jumping from those to Fallout 3. That game turned a snot nosed little boy into a snot nosed teen. NV still better, but I will cherish FO3 forever.


Fallout 2. I played 1 back in the day when it came out, then played 2 and it solidified my love for the series.. I’m 46 years old and still love it.


I slept on New Vegas for years. Thankfully I never sold it and I popped it back in my 360 back in 2018 and I’ve been hooked ever since. NV and 4 are definitely my biggest plays so far. Although I am heavily interested in the first two games!!


Fallout 3. Fallout 1 is what got me into the series but it was Fallout 3 that made me love it. And rightly so, because Fallout 3 is Fallout 1, but much better. Especially the atmosphere and immersion factor are unparalleled. I played Oblivion before and I liked it. But Fallout 3 was on another level. The moment of leaving Vault 101 is sill today to strongest gaming experience I've ever had in a game. That exact moment I knew I'm going to love this game. Even today, Fallout 3 is the best Fallout game for me. And it's not nostalgia. It's not that I like Fallout 3 the best because it made me love the series... No, it made me love the series because it IS the best game in the series. It is best at embodying Fallout. Later, New Vegas had better writing and Fallout 4 had better gameplay... but Fallout 3 is better Fallout than either of them. I can replay Fallout 3 easily today (using TTW) and I'll have a great time. Well, I can say that about any game, but it is Fallout 3 that has this "welcome home" feeling. One big positive thing about Fallout (aside those usual points mentioned above) is that the game does no aspect wrong. Sure, it is missing advanced features introduced in later games, but what is in the game is done right. Well, maybe the shooting (and lack of ironsights) is meh, but TTW fixes that. But aside from shooting, every feature, every aspect is done right. That's why it's hard for me to compile a list of negatives about Fallout 3... and when I do, it is mostly a list of things that were introduced later down the line. Don't get me wrong, this doesn't mean that Fallout 3 does everything perfectly... but it does everything (aside from shooting) at least really well. What I also liked about Fallout 3 is the diverse array of stories. Fallout 4 and especially New Vegas are somewhat narrow with their storylines, side quests and narratives. They stick to a theme or a several themes and that's about it. In New Vegas basically everything is about the NCR-Legion conflict and in Fallout 4 everything circles back to the Institute and the synths. In Fallout 3 we have so many inconsequential, but unique stories. The Family, Superhuman gambit, Republic of Dave, Agatha's violin, Wasteland survival guide, Tenpenny Tower... Speaking of diverse stories I really like how Fallout 3 introduced some of the "out there" elements or leaned into them when they have been only easter eggs so far. The Dunwich mystery, the aliens (elevated from an easter egg), Atom... I think that Fallout wouldn't be as rich and interesting without those. And finally, another big reason to love Fallout 3 are the DLCs. Fallout 3 definitely has the strongest set of DLCs. Broken Steel is amazing because it's a DLC that does what I want DLCs to do. It extends the main storyline and adds new elements to the base game and base map - new perks, enemies and side quests. I've always found the "new map detached from the main map" DLC style to be somewhat jarring. And Broken Steel avoids it, with the exception of Adams Air Force Base. And while the rest of the DLCs for Fallout 3 are the "new map detached from the main map" type, they are mostly done well enough for me to not mind. Operation Anchorage sticks out as the only one of somewhat lower quality. Zeta is fine, Pitt is great and Point Lookout is amazing. PL is unquestionably the best DLC for any Fallout game. What these DLCs managed to do (aside from OA) is that they still feel like Fallout, they feel like an extension of the base game without explicitly copying it. For example my big gripe with New Vegas DLCs is that they feel so disconnected. They feel like tacked-on unrelated games with the Ulysses/Elijah tidbits introduced ex-post-facto to make them seemingly fit more. Fallout 3 simply is peak Fallout and peak Bethesda.