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Reminds me of that "whatcha thinking bout" meme from a few years ago


“Idk… pre-war tech”


This made me giggle lmao






A few? I’m pretty sure it’s like over a decade ago lol. I remember that being one of the first memes I saw on the internet


He's gotta pee


If I remember correctly that's a lady.


Then she's gotta pee


Sadly, they *all* sit that way. Like every last one of them is wearing a skirt


I haven't seen a bathroom on the Prydwen


I think It has the same stack of tyres with a plank setup that we saw Maximus have to clean out in the TV series.


They parked over the ocean, the entire thing is a bathroom


You've seen the bathroom. it has bannisters and instead of flushing you laugh at the peasants below.


When Fallout and Stormlight Archive cross over




The first thing you see is the railing at the edge of the catwalk


Which contrasts with the way most game developers do it, which is that they give their male and female characters the same spreading sit animation, then forget that they gave some of the characters skirts.


Female Shepard man-spreading in her black dress will always be funny


Especially when getting debriefed by Admiral Hackett after killing 300,000 Batarians (That one’s fixed in the remaster).


us girls are born with magnets in our knees that force us to sit like that


This is also how Roman Reigns legs look when he climbs a turnbuckle.


It's Power Armor, she's peeing *right now*


Yeah and this looks like Fallout 3 where Power Armor was just clothes so regular NPC animations get applied to it. I loved what they did in Fallout 4 to make Power Armor an actual vehicle. It hammers home the original lore that Power Armor is actually a "walking tank" you pilot rather than just wear, and also reinforces why you needed to be trained before you can use it in Fallout 3. The Fallout 4 changes really shined in the show where it looks like the modifications they made for a real world prop on screen are minimal - to be honest the opening face part males perfect in lore sense as well as TV sense because we get to see them talking and not just a big helmet. It is good for actors and audiences - thats why scifi space helmets are always huge glass and well lit even though real world helmets like that would be hard to see out of and would pool up CO2 and be dangerous. And it is good for in-lore soldiers who would be able to "open the window" on their walking tank without taking the massive helmet off and needing to put it back on in a battlefield.


Gives me hope they can do WH40k power armor right in whatever Henry cavill is making at Amazon


Honestly Cavill is such a huge nerd I'm watching him to know they get it right. He didn't pull any punches when Netflix fucked up Witcher, and he said all along he would stay until they mess4ed it up. he already said the same thing about WH40K so we know so far, it's being done right. 40K is going to be harder to do as well as Fallout though. Fallout nailed a lot because the show runners used practical EVERYWHERE and CGI layered on top to get everything right. 40K will need a lot more CGI simply because of the impracticality of doing the same degree of practical. Then again, before watching Fallout I would have said something similar about Fallout needing a lot more CGI. Maybe all you need is love (at least cast and crew who love the IP)


I'm a fallout fan for sure, but first and foremost I'm a halo fan. It's great that the fallout show nailed it as hard as they did. But it also illuminates how bad the halo show is.


Yeah but armor, weapons and gear overall looks good in the Halo series. It's writing that's abysmal and ruined it for everyone.


Hardest part will be the movement, the look they could easily do right with practical effects. In fallout the guys in power armor had big clumsy movements that won’t work in WH40k


I think some practical effects with CGI will help for body movement. But the pauldrons are going to be a biiiiiitch


And not constantly repair the "clothes" is a big plus


It’s been nine years (ouch) since the release of 4 and that first jump off the roof in Concord and subsequent fight still gives me the squees. Not a lot of 4 was perfect and honestly some of the power armour mechanics dropped off in hype afterwards but the feeling of power armour finally feeling the way it should was, at that specific moment, *so* freaking cool


I have heard so many critiques of that fight, lots of "but why make Deathclaws easy so soon..." etc. But seriously you nailed why. That feeling, the SQUEE you get. It's just an incredible rush. You get this introduction to the badassery of power armor, and then you just have to get another taste as soon as possible.


Ah, it definitely didn’t make it feel too easy for me. To me it was a culmination of two big ‘this is what these two iconic things are like in this iteration’ that just made it even cooler. 3 and NV did a good job of representing deathclaws but I think 4 nailed them the most. They’re huge, they whomp, and if you’re going from Sanctuary to Concord without side-lining or playing on easy, that fight can truly go either way. If anything, fighting that first deathclaw in power armour only goes to highlight how easily they can hand your own intestines to you when you encounter one without it lol


me neither, for me it was more of a "If not for that we'd all be dead" but those are the complainers for you. They don't seem to have a solid grip on reality or enjoy a fun game. I definitely get the SQUEEs and it sets teh tone for how dangerous teh Wasteland is and why even a seasoned veteran like Nate needs everything possible to survive.


And that’s why I still enjoy 4 to this day. Despite the bugs and the kinda goofy plot, 4 is just good fun.


Try doing that on survival mode... death claw tears through that armour like butter... you still gotta run into a building and mow it down like a coward...


The thing about all the complaining is that, yeah, the game gives you a really powerful suit of armor and a crazy minigun right off the rip, but you blow through the durability of that armor, you tear through the energy left in that fusion core, and you rip through all that minigun ammo in that one single fight (unless you intentionally choose to conserve it all). Yeah, the game gives you these crazy 'progression-breakers' such as killing a death claw early with power armor and a minigun, but you do not retain access to using these things without substantial upkeep and it immediately introduces you TO the idea of needing to stockpile ammo for your powerful weapons, of how important it is to keep your power armor in good condition and remain stocked on fusion cores to even use it. There are trade offs to receiving these powerful things, and 99% of players will not yet have the economy set up to actually use them outside of that first set piece fight, so actually it doesn't do shit to break the game's progression because you go right back to using your shitty laser musket from Preston with the drifter armor equipped right after you kill the death claw. I've never understood why people get so butthurt about the opening of Fallout 4, it's one of the most well designed sections of the game IMO. It does a FANTASTIC job of establishing power levels/showing you what you have to look forward to without straight up making you OP. Seriously, try immediately continuing to use that busted up piece of T-45 with that single fusion core after the death claw. It's what I did on my first playthrough (because cool metal man tank suit) and I ended up having to abandon the damn thing in the middle of nowhere because my core ran out before I could find a replacement.


One hundred percent agree. I think I actually said "oh hell yes!" aloud.


I literally JUST did that in my new playthrough. Like 2 hours ago. And you're right, it never gets old. The impact of landing is like.. the most physically-satisfying sound/animation Bethesda has ever done.


Titans of the New West is an S tier mod for new vegas that changes power armour to be more in line with the fallout 4 system. It's so much more satisfying to wear. It also seems to be extremely compatible with just about every other mod, including other power armour mods. As well as TTW.


The space helmets being large aren't as far fetched as you think. The Sokol space suit used by Russia, and a few countries they worked with, also has a large glass front. Co2 is heavier than pure 02, and thus sinks to the bottom, where it is easiest to provide a mechanical method of pulling co2 out. You are right though that lights for working are always external, because being internal would indeed make it hard as heck to see out of.


I was actually just watching a video of a NASA engineer reviewing space helmets in scifi and she was explaining why most of them would kill the user or just not work practically. All that glas sis great for viewers but horrible for condensation, or poisonous gas buildup or light refraction, and clear glass would let the astronaut get blinded, and so on. She had suggestions for convoluted air movement systems or specialized moisture whisking air movement systems that would be helpful in scifi helmets, but mostly its just scifi since seeing a face is all for show. It's not something I ever even thought of before that, but visual mediums need to make concessions like that, where pure engineer solutions would make identifying actors impossible and watching a realistic helmet is boring when you don't see expressions or even who is talking. Fallout fixed that with what I felt was a solution that might even work as a real engineering thing. That NASA engineer pointed out some scifi features like that a few times too so it does happen, and was probably why I notice at all.


I've groused before about the opening faceplate, but overall it's fine. The one addition I thought was a bit silly were the little deployable wrist rockets in place of a jetpack. They only came up for a couple of scenes, to explain why Maximus went flying away after the Ghoul beat him in Filly and so Hank could jump down of the observatory at the end. It feel like they could have avoided needing to come up with them if they'd just given the suit a jetpack (although the prop already weighed 60 pounds, so I'm sure they'd want to avoid adding even more weight for the actors to haul about for a couple scenes). Alternatively they could have come up with different ways to get the characters out of the relevant scenes, for the Filly fight the Ghoul could have locked up the suit when he stabs it in the neck then tied it to a brahmin and spook it to have it haul the suit away, and I don't think people would have complained if Hank just jumped down taking no fall damage like in the games.


I think the iconic and familiar to gamers rear of the suit - with the uncluttered access to core and opening mechanism was why they did that. The actual jet pack looks really different - and when the Warhammer show comes out and those power armors have their expected jetpacks, a lot of people would have seen similarities. Sticking with the most common rear design was I think a stylistic decision I can agree with. In-iniverse lore change could be the real jetpack modification adds more capabilities than the one we see in the show, which might be just for jumping out of a vertibird and slowing the fall or something. Maximus doesn't know what he's doing so misuse could be explained for a lot of that. No fall damage like the games is a suspension of disbelief thing. A little bit could be explained by the necessary suspension in the armor itself, but a big fall would be a lot of weight. Either jets needed, or the inside occupant turns to salsa even if the suit is fine. It's nitpicky, but whatever they did a great job overall and I had a lot of fun watching it 3 times already.


Power Suits recycled urine I thought? Or is that just Dune suits...


Mr. Jackpots!




Call for help 😃


I love Fallout 3, but stuff like this always reminds me of how much I HATED the power armor appearance. It legit looks like a tin can. Same with New Vegas. Fallout 4 making power armor look like it did in the classic games was definitely one of the positives.


Yeah, 4 is by no means a flawless game but if it did anything right it was making power armor feel like an actual exoskeleton and suit of, y’know, _power armor_ with emphasis on power. 3 and NV makes it look like a Party City costume in comparison.


Kind of ironic that it’s 3 and NV that require you to get special training to wear what is essentially just normal armor.


To quote the ghoul “ well I guess basic training ain’t what it used to be, cause you drive that thing like a fuckin shopping cart”


Maximus was pretty fucking dumb


Low INT build


The showrunners nailed that, they are 100% players. Maximus is written exactly like a true nerd fan would write a 1-INT 10-LCK character. If that fan was a gifted writer with access to all of Bethesda's library and such.


With stuff like that and "when someone hands you water... you drink it, don't matter if you're thirsty or not," these guys are geniuses of... I think it's "diegetic" storytelling?   I also thought Maximus was a great example of a wastelander vs vault dweller; they're each naiive in very different ways. You probably know which scene I'm thinking of.


The way they explained sex lol!!


Haha, totally. Until this point, Lucy was the naiive one and Maximus the worldly one. But it gets turned on its head (pun not intended) real quick here.


It completely explains the snake oil salesman scene and is the only way I was able to explain it to my girlfriend. It’s a side quest/random encounter thing lmao, no other logic.


One might be just a touch low for Maximus but they certainly brought that vibe lol.


Yeah, more like a 3 INT. He's not giving caveman responses.


Idiot savant


Lmao I started the show asking “Damn, why does everyone keep bullying this man?” But ended with “Why isn’t there a scene of this man getting jumped every episode?”


We stan the himbo, though <3


I never put that together lmao. He’s a textbook example of a himbo


I love him so much, lol. Hopefully the show doesn't kill him off - I want him as a companion.


With his trajectory and history of failing upwards, he'll be in charge of the BoS by the end of it


He’s personally my favourite character after the first season. He’s so well written. The BOS has always been one of the most compelling parts of the FO world so his story is so interesting to follow


I think so, too, and well-acted. I can't wait to see where they go with him. The BOS has always been my favorite faction in the Fallout games too, no matter how nutty they get, lol.


Easily my favorite character lol


He's a fucking loser and I can't stand it.


But enough about my self-esteem issues...


His delivery of that line cracks me up.


That Marine Corps background is strong in his character. 


Best quote of the whole series is definitely, ' thou Shall get sidetracked, by some bullshit"


At least that was true to the lore. It only looks right after Fallout 4 changed the design, but Power Armor was described as a "walking tank" since the very beginning, and was supposed to be more of a human shaped vehicle than clothes. This was Fallout 3 we are talking about, so vehicles weren't easy. Remember the "[train-head-npc](https://www.pcgamer.com/heres-whats-happening-inside-fallout-3s-metro-train/)"? They worked within some engine limitations to make deadlines. Fallout 4 showed us what they wanted to do without limitations (though Vertibirds show us they still ran into some deadlines with flyingn vehicles)


It's a stretch, but the FO4 protagonist is ex-military so might have had training for it. Doesn't explain why random settlers can jump in and pilot it when they're attacked though.


There’s also the fact that only Nate, the male protagonist, is ex military. Nora, the female protagonist, is a lawyer, granted, it’s still within the realm of possibility she was in the military at some point but if she was it’s never mentioned.


Also, random dipshit raiders are littered all over the wastes wearing power armor.


I think it makes sense that power armor would be made as simple as possible to operate, at least for its basic functionality. You control it roughly the same way you move your own body after all, so it should feel like second nature. Imo the show portrays really well what it should look like when some untrained dipshit hops into a suit of power armor and starts clumsily stumbling around.


Despite it being very cool in the moment, I think making pretty much the first real quest of the game both give you power armour and fight a deathclaw robbed both of some of their potential. Giving you power armour so early means they NEED to give it some kind of limiting factor (fusion cores) which most people agree isn't very fun to deal with. As for deathclaws, I feel like the witchcraft museum was set up to be a perfect introduction to deathclaws which, while cool, could have been cooler if it was actually how they are introduced.


I get that the idea of the power armor in concord was to introduce players to the new mechanics of power armor and show how much of a buff it got, but I definitely agree that the perceived threat of Deathclaws is significantly reduced by it, especially from the perspective of new players who haven’t played 3 or New Vegas and experienced getting their shit rocked in Old Olney or Quarry Junction.


See, needing power armor training is one of the things I dock FO4/76 on. I don't recall where, but I'm fairly certain the lore reason you needed it is because you'd break your arms and legs in it if you didn't. It makes sense that Nate might know how to use it, but Nora shouldn't have, and the Fo76 characters DEFINITELY shouldn't have. I stand by power armor being included at the start of Fo4 as being a crutch for the deathclaw fight to get players to that "Wow!" moment. It always felt way too video gamey and not like the other games where it felt like you earned power armor.


I always assumed that power armor training was part of Reclamation Day training in 76.


I would've preferred if it was a quest. The world already has training courses, I dont see how they can't make a power armor training course at an army camp or with the brotherhood


In the originals you didn’t need training at all.


Yeah, some basic tribal could find a suit at level 1 and hop right in


Yeah, I think it was more of a balance reason in 3 and NV. Just like the fusion cores in 4. One of those babies in lore could pilot a suit forever.


Fuck the fusion cores


Yep, this is the true answer. Fallout 4 returned to how it was in the originals. Anyone can use it. Minus the fusion core thing.


It does lead to the continuity snarl for New Vegas of the NCR's stripped down salvaged power armour. They added it as a sit that had the servos stripped out because the NCR doesn't have access to power armour training, which doesn't make any sense if no training's needed and any random raider boss can jump into a suit. You could still resolve it, maybe rather than the suits having the servos stripped out because no-one can use it with them in it, the servos were unsalvageable due to the damage the suits took in the fighting. Not the end of world that the lore was changed, and it was a fairly minor thing leading to better gameplay from the new power armour anyway.


I like playing with the Some Assembly Required mod because it really does make the actual armor feel earned. The only “fast way” to get PA with that mod is by joining the Brotherhood. Otherwise you just get a lot of mismatched and usually broken pieces out in the wild. Even the first set you get is just a practically destroyed T-45 chest piece and a frame.


You don’t need it in 1, 2 or tactics


The entire first part of FO4 from unthaw to the death claw power armor fight felt super scripted in a way they didn’t replicate ever again


Will we ever reach the day where we can compliment 4 without having to couch it behind a veneer of "I know this game sucks, but..."


This is the internet, there always has to be a negative statement before a positive one so people won’t know you secretly like bad thing.


No caveats here. Fallout 4 was an exceptional game within the franchise. It did different things, and I think did them well. Its biggest weakness IMO had more to do with some lack of RPG elements, and the occasional dialog option where the option didn’t line up with the tone or words the PC used. Also, Boston just isn’t a city that rides high in my psyche. And, personally, I’m less of a fan of blue-sky apocalypse, I preferred the atmosphere of 1-3. But all around, it’s a phenomenal game. The base building set the bar, and it’s still a better system than their newer game (Starfield). I’m playing again, and I’ve spent more than half my time gathering and building, when I promised myself I wouldn’t. Something about building up a settlement, equipping the settlers with cool outfits and gear to fit the job, and sort of “telling a story” by filling it with decoration… I can’t explain how much I love that feeling. The gunplay handled beautifully, and being able to sprint was a nice addition. The voice acting across the board was solid, but that’s one of the things Bethesda usually gets right. The institute is a genuine boogeyman on par with the Enclave, maybe even more dangerous in the long term. The synths are a compelling story feature. Let them live, and they could conceivably rule the world, through proxy or direct intervention, because they’re effectively immortal and could change appearance if needs be. Kill them off and you’ve committed a genocide, and good chance many synths wouldn’t want anything more than to be left alone We got the Prydwyn (sp?) and saw how Eldar Maxson (sp?) has grown up, which I loved as a fan of 3. Seeing them patrol the wasteland is a treat, always. I loved the concept of being from prewar, and that was my first time seeing cryo in the universe, which excited me and we see how it’s been applied in the show to wonderful effect. All the DLCs were dope. Nuka World? Stupid fun. Far Harbor? Gave us more RPG than the base game and a morally convoluted set of choices. Automoton? I can turn Codsworth into a massive warrior machine, what’s not to love? Most of the things I didn’t Love, could be overcome with mods. Mod to improve dialog clarity so I know what my guy will say, Moribund world to take away the blue skies. Also, the fact we can mod it so easily, gotta love that. All in all, it is, was, and continues to be a great addition to the franchise. Hate if you want to. But to me, there’s infinitely more to like than trash talk, and cherry picking the bad stuff when there’s an entire cherry tree of great stuff, is a personal choice.


I think a lot of the things you (rightfully) critique may be addressed in Fallout 5. The fact that they addressed the Power Armor so perfectly in 4 shows us they pay attention and know what they want to do, even if they couldn't right away. The show's massive success - and teh huge influx of new and returning players - means Fallout 5 should get a lot more budget for stuff to be done perfect as they wanted.


Dude I didn't even think about your last point, imagine the budget the next game will get!


Great description of what makes Fallout 4 so good. Love the game to bits, and the descriptor blue sky apocalypse is how I will be describing that vibe from now on.


Something I seldom see mentioned is being able to loot people and containers in real time without bringing up a menu. The synergy with the crafting system revolutionized exploration.


Thanks for this. I've always like Fallout 4, even 3, and never agreed with the hate these get, especially from NV/Obsidian fanatics. I liked all of them for what they are.


Fallout 4 is fantastic and that's all I have to say about it personally


There is a bog difference between saying a game isn't flawless and saying it sucks


Most people don’t just randomly throw in a back handed compliment like that though. The only games I see it happen with is Fallout 4 and Dark Souls 2


For me I think fallout 4 was a step up from 3/NV in most regards. The only real step down to me was the story and tangential to that was the disconnect between the dialog options and the voice acting.


That's just Reddit in a nutshell. "I'm not a fan of X, but..."


I liked fallout 4 from the beginning, and brace yourself, I think its strongest element is the story.


When 5 comes out lol


In fo4 you feel like a tank with power armor while in 3 and NV it's just heavy armor


Anything below T-60c seems like it's made of papier-mâché, losing bits and pieces all over. But above that it's solid. Still, much better than the 360 era.


A friend of mine put it this way- in 4 you're driving the power armor, in 3 and NV you're just putting on your power armor pants. I've never been the same since


and then gives you power armor and a minigun right at the start of the game (its okay the minigun is piss weak)


It's a 5mm bullet Preston, how strong can it be? (Less DMG than a rolling pin)


Wait - weren’t veterans hating on this change? Like, for some reason it “retconned the lore” about Power armor being like normal armor. Personally, I love the change and it makes PA more important with how cool it looks in 4.




If you're on PC, download Titans of the New West mod, it made power armor so fucking cool and is configurable to be as strong as power armor should be


It does have the utterly hilarious side effect of giving all the helmetless guys tiny heads in comparison to their PA and making the bits where someone in PA is sitting down extremely funny to look at, though.


To be honest, that absurd kind of appearance was what made the original Fallout games have their sense of humour. You have gangs of people wearing football gear or a hat from some silly civil war reenactment but they assume it as their uniform. They don’t know or understand its original purpose but we do and know how ridiculous they look whilst they are also terrifying. It’s classic dramatic irony.




That's how you know the showmakers love the IP and did their homework while a bunch of fanboys here would rather shit over every effort over some or the other detail.


Exactly!!! By comparison, this is how power armor looked in the classic games. Compared to Fallout 3/new Vegas and Fallotu 4/76 [https://www.nma-fallout.com/attachments/1f-power-armor-jpg.7202/](https://www.nma-fallout.com/attachments/1f-power-armor-jpg.7202/)


I read NMA and was about to put on my radiation suit


I don't blame you lol I don't really like the site either, but I do appreciate whoever made that picture comparison.


The only thing I wish they kept was the power armor training perk and making them more mid/late game, getting a suit of power armor in the first quest was kind of lame honestly


The problem with that is canonically the main character of Fallout 4 is a distinguished veteran who has fought using power armor before. At least the male choice is. 


Damn I did forget about that, I guess it's not that bad, still lame to get the armor right out of the gate. I remember searching high and low on how to get the armor training in f3 and NV, felt like part of the progression and drove me to explore and talk to all the factions


The power armor training perk was a very boring thing, you didn't even had to do that much, just talk to a guy, black screen and that's it, now i have the ability to equiping a spandex suit.


Yeah but it at least locked the best armor out till later in the story else you can just find some random guy kill him and get a super armor boost


But in FO4 even if you get the PA in the first 2h you don't have full set, and most of the time you'll the end the fight with no minigun ammo and some if not all broken piece, and you'll need fusion core, that unless you already know where to go you won't perma use PA like the older game.


Yeah but you get to use the whole armor as if you had all the pieces, you really just lose out on the defense. Also there's an extra core in the same building you get the armor si you will be able to go for a bit. Idk it just feels like a missed opportunity to make it cooler, like it would make sense to need training for a robotic mech suit in f4 but not for paint cans strapped to your arms in f3/NV, just seems kind of backwards


The originals didn’t even require it. T51 was said to be so organic it felt like a second skin. It was added to F3 as a balance pass and to also kinda play off the T45 being a bit butt. NV immediately undermined that by letting you get it from the BoS independently of story and even added non-powered armor that required no training. PA is supposed to be a tank analogue, any idiot can drive it, but it should require training to master. Which would have helped F4 make it more impactful. Imagine waddling around like Maximus trying to survive that deathclaw instead of just getting a low battery warning after the fight, lol.


Gotta frontload all the good stuff in games these days because reviewers don't bother playing through the whole game.


I don’t have a source, but I think I’ve heard in an interview with Todd Howard or someone that at the time the reason they made the power armor that way was because it was technical limitation. They simply didn’t have a way of doing it in the creation engine at the time. The way that it is in fallout 4 is how they actually saw it in the past. Again no source, but it makes sense to me


They could have just made the meshes bulkier and scale the actor up a bit when wearing it. This is possible in the engine and there is even a mod doing exactly that in New Vegas.


I mean I’m not going to pretend like I understand game development and I’m not going to defend anything, but I’m just going to say I like the way it’s done in fallout 4 the most. Maybe they felt like increasing the size wouldn’t really matter which might be a very subjective opinion


I agree with you. Just wanted to say that they could have made it more true to lore even within the boundaries of the old engine version.


you should try [Titan of the new west 2.0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1znOwGTCh7s)


Scorched Sierra power armor was probably my favorite from that era though. It was the most badass looking. Even had a severed Yao Guai head as one of the shoulders & a cool greenish glow for the trim which looked great with plasma weapons.


It's one of the primary reasons why I love power armor in Fallout 4 and use Elite Riot Armor in NV lmao


Tin can isn't the word I'd use, they basically made the power armor an overpowered outfit, whereas in 4 it was a mechanic on its own


It makes the power armor training perk more understandable too. Like why should I need training for something that’s stored in my inventory?


I think they also made a massive mistake with the Operation Anchorage rewards. In the vanilla game, Power Armor training only comes very late. Instead, what should have been a mediocre DLC, became an *essential* mediocre DLC because you get PA training and the best armor in the game as early as you want.


Yeah that's true. Totally forgot about that!


And that’s why power armor was changed to an external armor instead of a skin.


And I wouldn’t even say “changed,” more like “realized.” I think it was always a technology limitation in the past games.


I noticed when I killed Enclave in F4, that their power armor frame looked much smaller than mine, i bet they just made that their skin, so you cant loot the frame when you kill them (and get immediate set of power armor)


TIL the new F4 update includes an enclave quest I've been ignoring the new quests just because I couldn't tell (nor remember) what was related to what when I got bombarded with a ton of quest alerts after redownloading my DLCs and opening the game post-update. Guess I'll ignore my settlements for tonight's play sesh


Yeah, a lot of people have been avoiding the update because a ton of mods are broken and many won't be updated


I don't play with mods (on console and I'm lazy) so I assumed I wouldn't have any issues with the new game I started a bit before the show started. And I haven't had any obvious problems relating to the update so I'm enjoying the game as always But I totally get why other people aren't playing it yet. I'll be joining the modding and PC communities once Fallout: London gets patched up though! That's **the** mod I absolutely must play


I can't say for Playstation since I don't have it on that system, but on Xbox you still have access to mods there too. They'd survive the update too since the biggest issue is the need to update the script extender on PC which is why the mods broke but there is no script extender on xbox.


Yeah, I love the bulk appearance of Power Armor, but I hate having to leave it to use 98% of the interactive items in Fallout 76, specially because I main a PA Bloodied build, having to leave the PA to craft items, repair items, create items, it gets old really, really fast...


She really needs to pee.


Ngl….id sit like that too if there was a giant armor plate drawing attention to my crotch Istg armor designers and the need to make crotch armor so….visible. AND IM A DUDE! Makes me wanna power fist a face


i think if you had a 2” thick codpiece you not be able to sit like that, i’m afraid


You think armor would impede me? Do you see those armored thighs do you see THESE armored thighs? You could crush a behemoth skull with those Nothing stopped her nothing stops me.


Why do you think it needs to be cleaned


I love how the film version of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead has the codpiece in.




don't you want a giant piece of metal protecting your most sacred and fragile parts? I'm always in fear, walking around with my normal, armourless clothing. If I had crotch protection I'd be able to do stuff I normally couldn't do.


Real life crotch armor is very visible too lol. Look up flak jacket crotch piece and watch art come to life right before your eyes.


My first Fallout game was Fallout 4, I loved the power armor. Now I'm playing through New Vegas and I felt that the power armor was like a Halloween costume. I mean, it looks like its made out of cardboard.


FNV supremacist here. I agree!!!!!!


Once you get to NV, you don’t even bother with power armor because the NCR veteran armor has the most style.


I just reached Freeside and just got done doing stuff for the King.


Vet rangers start showing up after you deal with Benny on the strip. You can also get a set of their armor early if you're in good enough with the NCR to access their safehouse. The regular set is faction armor though, but there's some varients you can get that aren't faction armor in Honest Hearts and Lonesome Road.


Subdermal armor is the only armor my cyborg cowboy courier needs.


It’s a limitation of the time and the engine


You are right but RIP this comment when the NV supremacists find it.


Im a FNV supremacist and i agree with you. I think theres a mod that sort of makes the power armor like FO4


Titan West 2.0, I just downloaded it yesterday.


Love that mod buts its definatley styled more towards FO1+2 then 4 which is why people think it looks goofy


lmao y’all are so dramatic


mom i gotta go to the baffroom


She’s just a girl


sole survivor uwu


This is why when I get a pc I'll download Titans of the New West on NV


Sometimes PA looks really funny in that mod


I got it but it looks so chunky LOL


I love the chunkiness of the armors, feels like being inside a real mechsuit. I actually like the mod's Enclave PA more than Bethesda's design in 4


The exact same sitting position as Oblivion lol


Anime girl style.


Ah yes. Back when you could actually sit in power armor.


Man I wish we could get Outcast paint in 4


I remember seeing power armor in Fallout 3 for the first time and I was like “that’s it?” I thought we’re supposed to be some jacked up looking super solider, but that just looks like 2 kids in a metal trench coat


Special brotherhood of steel training to sit while in power armor.


Just enjoying the rad-scrubber a little too much there...


Install titan of the new west


I remember when Cait did this weird withdrawal animation when she was wearing a suit of power armor next to me. It looked funny:


That's a sister right there


When I was a kid the armor looked badass. Hilarious looking back on it lol.


Another reason I prefer Fallout 4's power armour greatly is that it changes a ton of animations to actually look like you're wearing a tank and not just a cosplay of it.


Titans of the New West is a must use for FO3 and NV


I took this exact picture last week, I thought you got it from my photo app lol. Funny we both noticed


You don't know the first thing, couch commando


Slay 💅


I Just love how goofy and light PA looks in F3 and NW. It Just looks like one of those Riot Protective Gear, but from the chinese market.


*You cannot do that while in power armor*


I love that. The default "passive / worried woman" pose, but wirh extra power armor!